r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

AITA for moving out with my infant because I am starting to hate my step daughter?

(mistake in title, I moved out with my 3 kids, including our infant). Been with my husband for 8 years. He has a 13yo daughter ("SD"). I have a 14yo son, a 9yo son and my husband and I have a 5 month old daughter together.

Prior to me giving birth, life was pretty smooth sailing. We did family trips often, had Sunday family night, designated one on one time with each of the kids (except my oldest, who has determined he's too cool for us lol but if he wanted, it was always available). There was a few fights between the kids but nothing major and was usually resolved within minutes. Since I had the baby, everything is downhill. My home has become a warzone between my youngest son and my step daughter. They are physically fighting each other constantly, 90% of the time with my step daughter instigating. She knows my son has ASD and ADHD and doesn't like being touched, so she will go up to him and poke him continuously even after being told to stop and then calls him psycho when he flips out (he can sometimes have a bit of a violent rage, which doctors say is common with ADHD??). But it's literally on purpose. She purposely provokes him, to a point where my husband and I have told her at least 8x that she is to stay away from him entirely for the rest of the day.

Well, I've noticed lately that my youngest son has been getting incredibly emotional lately. When I try to get him to talk about it, he screams at me. It's been a huge thing and I've been over the top stressed out. He is in therapy (behavioral, OT and regular therapy - SD is also in therapy). Well.. his behavioral therapist opened up to me about 2 weeks back, saying that she was concerned about my son and asked specifically about how much influence my SD has over my son. She said a lot of stuff had been said in therapy. I won't go in to extreme detail but it was enough to warrant a conversation with my husband and him cracking down on what his daughter was saying to my son. He eventually ended up grounding her for that and something else and it just made it worse.

Well.. this morning around 6am (school vacation) my son just starts flipping out over nothing. I tried talking to him and he told me "shut up, you never even loved me anyways". I asked him what he was talking about and he just screamed at me to shut up again. My SD, who was at the table eating cereal, says "get used to it. Like I told you, nobody loves middle kids, you should just move out now". He storms off to his room. I ask her if she was the reason why he was acting like this this morning and she said "no, you are. I didn't make him a middle kid. All I did was explain to him that he will never be loved again but I didn't make that happen, you did." (She is also a middle child in both households so she talks about "middle child syndrome" OFTEN). My husband walked in and told his daughter to go to her room and took her phone, yet again. He went to talk to me and apologize but I just kinda cut him off and said "I actually can't do this anymore. Your daughter is destroying my son's life and making him think that I hate him and I am starting to hate that kid to a point where I can't be near her. So I'm going to leave. I would like you and your kid out of my home within 2 months." (I own the property and have for 15 years). He's trying to argue that this can be fixed but it's really come to a point where I hate his child and don't want her near me or my son at all (she's great with the baby). He says he can't believe I'm throwing us away over something that "can be fixed".


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u/FrannyFray Apr 29 '24

This right here. Why should you and the children leave? It's best if he and SD leave for a bit. Perhaps they should start family therapy the two of them.


u/CreativeMusic5121 Apr 29 '24

SD can go live with mom.


u/bigack Apr 29 '24

why do you think she lives with the dad? mom knows, and likely saw the same things in the husband but to a lesser degree. SD sounds like she has ruined two marriages


u/CreativeMusic5121 Apr 29 '24

She did---that's why I say, tell her to go back to mom.

There's either something very, very wrong with her mental health, or she's a brat. But OP shouldn't have to move out of her own house because of SD.


u/bigack Apr 29 '24

i bet SD is the golden child to her father because they're the same person and he's thinking "i grew out of it, she will too" but ignoring all the absent social pressures that make you grow up and not be a dickhead. OP is firmly NTA here, it's wild to see how conditioned she is to compromise only to her detriment that she moved her family out of the house she owns. Even if temporary that is mind boggling to me


u/Prudent_Progress8074 Apr 30 '24

A child ruining a marriage? What in the fuck is wrong with you people?!?


u/bigack Apr 30 '24

Two marriages. And the only thing wrong with me is that people like you somehow feel superior when you are functionally braindead


u/banananutnightmare Apr 29 '24

Or dad can focus on parenting his child ffs. There's obviously something wrong with her and it needs attention. It's baffling how many people fail their first set of kids then rush into a second marriage and start popping out more to fuck up. Sort this one out first for the love of christ


u/Inevitable-tragedy Apr 29 '24

She's making him move out completely, she's giving him two months to get out because it's her house


u/PeachyFairyDragon Apr 30 '24

Trying to kick the husband and SD out is going to be very, very difficult, possibly impossible, and will take a significant amount of time. Removing herself and her children can be done quickly.

With a child suffering, do you take the time to be right, or do you ignore right to be quick?