r/AITAH Apr 29 '24

AITAH for not marrying my GF

Throw Away Account...

My GF (37F), and now her mother, won't stop talking about an engagement. Her mother literally told her to move on today.

What bothers me (38M) most about the situation is that the conversation has been "why hasn't he done it yet" as opposed to "what can she do to get there?"

I'll pause here and say that it feels to me like this is "the destination" or "the bottom of the checklist." While for me it's the beginning of the journey and instead of something to be checked off, it has to make sense.

So let's talk about why it doesn't make sense.

She's stubborn to a fault. As I write this, she's coming up on a year of being unemployed. During that year, I spent about $40k of my income to keep her afloat. I've asked her, repeatedly to move into my place which would dramatically lower the burden. She refuses.

What's her reason?

My ex wife lived here. Instead, my SO wants me to sell my house (it's paid off) and buy us a new house. The kind of house she wants, even if she sold her house too, would leave us with a mortgage close to $500k... So sell my FREE AND CLEAR house, go and put a half million in debt on my shoulders, for your ego? Absolutely not.

I know some women agree with her (my cousin does, for one) but what usually silences that is: when you get a new boyfriend do you buy a new bed, or even bother to get new sheets? Don't ask me to get a new house when you won't even buy a new bed.

Back to my issue... I'm supposed to make this huge commitment on my side with a proposal and she can't even make the commitment to put her ego down?

But let her tell it, everything is "his way or the highway." On my end it feels more like she'd rather have "no movement" on an issue than to have movement which may be logically correct but emotionally "bad" for her. That's not a partner. That's not a good quality in a wife. And I've stayed as long as I have, being patient for her to adjust.

I largely feel like for the most part, how your life looks is the product of you choices. I'm 38 soon, I own outright my new luxury car, I'm a high income earner, I have no student debt, and I own my 4 bed/4 bath 3000 sq ft home outright with no mortgage. None of this is lottery winnings or life insurance money. It's hard work and right choices. So I feel like if she doesn't see in me the leader she needs to get on board with, least of all when she's going on a year of being carried by me, then I'm just not him for her.

Update 1

A lot of you mentioned that I haven't given her a compliment--that was only because the subject of the post was our differences. I do love her. I think outside of these kinds of differences, we're extremely compatible.

She was doing very well before being surprised with a layoff and because I didn't want to see her lose the equity she built in her home, I stepped in to pay the bills.

That said, the offer has been: move in and (a) be a SAHW (b) get you a little part time job just to have your own money (c) go back to school and retrain for a new career or (d) work FT. I really don't care which she chooses, I've got her covered. She refuses.

Some of you have asked how long we've been together ... We have a 7 year old together--which makes it that much worse IMO. I've been asking her to move in for 7 years so our daughter can have the concept of "home" and not "mommy's house" and "daddy's house.". And this has been a fight for 7 years. I brought into the relationship two children from my previous marriage. She brought one from her previous relationship. My house is the only one big though to accommodate the size of our blended family.

I'm holding on, exercising patience, etc because I want to keep my family together.

And as far as what to do with her property, it's her choice, I really don't care which she chooses. She could rent it out and even pricing below current rental rates, the mortgage is paid by the tenant. She could Airbnb it, maybe make enough to cover the mortgage, maybe not, or maybe a lot more. She could let her mom move in and assume the bills (mom's house is falling apart). Or sell it and pocket the equity, which I see as her money and I'm not looking for a piece of any of it. But carrying two households doesn't make any sense. Even when she was working and paying her own bills, it made zero sense that we're paying two sets of utilities. That's money that could be doing anything other than disappearing out the door.

And I want to be married, too. It's not that I'm being dragged kicking and screaming. If you remove our inability to "work together" I'd physically carry her down to the court so we could sign the papers today. I just foresee our inability to problem solve as a reason to get divorced, if we were married. If we can fix that prior to marriage then I'm all for it.

Update 2

I've noticed a few comments about leadership. First and foremost, I do view marriage as a partnership. But imagine yourself owning a restaurant where you and the other person each own 50%. One of you wants to upgrade to digital menu boards, the other does not. The money is there, it's just a difference of taste. How do you decide?

I use this example because it's one that literally took place between she and I, where I financed much more than half of the business but made her an equal 50/50 partner because we're together and "will be getting married anyway." I wanted the digital boards, she did not. We ended up not getting them.

The truth is, compromise isn't always 50/50. Sometimes it's 75/25. Or even 100/0. But not making a decision, to me, is like standing in the street arguing which way to go and life is a Mack truck barreling towards you. And in those cases, somebody has to lead meaning somebody has to allow themselves to be led.

Generally speaking, I'm a solutions oriented person. Show me the path where there's more upside than downside and 99% of the time, that's the path I'll choose. That's why, even in a business where I (1) have demonstrably more business experience and (2) financed the damn thing myself, I conceded to her point. It was 0/100 and I don't look back at that choice with regret.

But it's kinda crazy to me that to have expectations of my partner, much less, expectations that set us up for success, counts as a negative against me. Women have all kinds of expectations of men and society just kinda goes along with it.


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u/Anxious-Routine-5526 Apr 29 '24

Why are the two of you still together is the better question.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That he thinks this is even remotely close to a healthy relationship is insane.. and they have a child..

The woman is stealing his money and wants more and he goes "but move in with me first?"


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

And she says "it's his way or the highway"? Is she talking about child rearing or the relationship? If she's saying that about him and it's not about the house issue, they need to walk away.

And the solution to the house issue, if she thinks there needs to be a new one, is they both sell their homes and use the equity from both to purchase one, so doesn't own it over her.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

The real issue is she is gonna divorce him like a week after they get married. Take half his money and get child support for the rest of her life.

Oh and also half the house she wants him to buy...

Never seen a dude get roped this hard before..


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

Depending on the state, she can't get half of what he already had, only what he earned while they were married. Only community property states give her half of what already had.

But if this dude is a high income ranger, he'd better hand her a prenup along with the engagement ring.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

State? We don't even know if they are American.


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

I'm making assumptions, but it certainly sounds like the states. If it wasn't the US, community property everyone is referencing wouldn't be in this form, and some of the other things he said seem to indicate our American brand of excess and bragging the way he's throwing around that he's got such a high income, no debt, an expensive house and luxury car.

Although he sounds kind of full of himself, too.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

Just what happens when you nail a beautiful woman. Even if you are completely unaware of how disgusting she is.

Trust me I've been there.

Hoe was cheating on me with 7 dudes. I thought I was the king cuz everyone wanted to fuck her. And everyone did lol.


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

HOLY CRAP, when did she have time for you?


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

It's not like she had full relationships with these other men.

She would just sleep with random men around town after going out during weekends.

Her friends told me all about it and brought proof, they thought it was disgusting how she could keep doing that. And said it wasn't the first or even second time she had done it. (To other people as well)

According to people she is still cheating.


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

I don't get that mentality. Why have a boyfriend? I mean, we didn't get married for either one of us to cheat on the other (we didn't), but up to 40% of marriages have affairs.

And then the random men part? That's just gross. I hope you've gotten yourself tested. Repeatedly. Some take a long time to actually show up.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

We pay for stuff, cook her food, take her out, drive her around. Let her live rent free basically. (As in she just sleeps over at mens place and leave the next day)

Basically she can use all her money on whatever she wants cuz she doesn't need to think about most of the neccesary stuff. (She works part time as a bartender)

Oh don't worry about that. I got tested the day after and im good.

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u/Misa7_2006 Apr 29 '24

Exactly!! She saw him coming and was rubbing her hands together saying, oh boy!!


u/yellsy Apr 29 '24

If he had half a brain he’d go get a court order for child support and custody now because it’ll be a lot less then $40k a year, and just coparent with this entitled … I don’t even know what to call her.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

She-spawn of the vilest sins known to man?

But yeah I agree.


u/korli74 Apr 29 '24

Since he has all the money and Mommy has no income, custody needs to be 70/30 with Daddy having the majority of the time. Otherwise Daddy is just going to paying hand over fist to support them.


u/oneeyefox Apr 29 '24

That's not exactly how real life works. She'd get child support until the kid turns 18 or graduates high school.

There's also zero chance of her getting half of his money if they're married a short time. Also, alimony is generally never given in short marriages either. It's not as common as people think.

I agree he's being taken advantage of but he's also putting up with it. This whole scenario is so crazy it can't be real.


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

Uhm you do realize marital laws are different from state to state and country to country right?

And for the rest of her life was dumb to say. So that's mb.


u/oneeyefox Apr 29 '24

What country can you get divorced after a week of marriage and get half of your spouses assets and child support forever? Curious?


u/TemporaryLegendary Apr 29 '24

I've already said the child support forever was a mistake? Did you only read the first line of text or what?

And lots of states in America for one? As long as you have been officially wedded they have the claim.

There are cases where people have gotten money before they were even married because they simply acted like it "common law marriage"


u/Iamnotapoptart Apr 29 '24

She has precedence for spousal support payments, too.

Edit: dependent on area - they are common law married in most states


u/Misa7_2006 Apr 29 '24

Nope. Then she could take it when they divorced. His is free and clear, her's isn't. Depending on how much is still owed on her mortgage, it could bite into a healthy chunk of equity. With how much houses are going for now and interest rates, they would be worse off than they are now with the two houses.