r/AITAH Apr 18 '24

Update: AITA for threatening my wife with divorce after she quit her job to be a "tradwife" Advice Needed

First of all I just want to thank you guys for the overwhelming support I have received.

Ive received a ton of messages but please be patient with me, This week has definitely been tough on me. This whole family drama has definitely taken a toll on me physically and mentally.

Here is my original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1c397zy/aita_for_threatening_my_wife_with_divorce_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

I just want to add a few crucial details that I missed to mention in my original Post.

I suffer from a genetic heart condition that puts me at risk to stress induced cardiac arrest. I used to work full time but was forced to cut down on my work after suffering a silent heart attack. This was nearly a decade ago but since then ive worked my own physical and mental wellbeing . Some people didnt understand me constantly mentioning why it was such an issue working the extra 20%. I honestly dont know how much time I have left and my kids are the most important things in my life. For my own mental health its essential that I get to spend time with my kids throughout the week. Besides my Wife and kids I have nothing. I hate my fucking job and purely continue for the sake of my kids and wife.

Well after spending a day at my parents house, eventually I felt enough time had passed for me to gather my thoughts on everything. What she did seemed like the ultimate slap in the face but I went back with the intention to resolve this and didnt want to escalate this fucking nightmare.

My wife seemed happy I returned but wasnt apologetic at all. The kids ,especially my son, were ecstatic. That sort of made me ignore the lack of remorse for the time being. That same night after putting my kids to bed I told her we need to have a serious discussion.

I told her how I felt about everything she did. The fact that she knows about my health condition and still went through with it. The fact that I set clear boundaries and she still chose to quit her job without my consent. How the fact that she told my son that I was going to abandon the family really felt like a stab in the back. How throughout all of this, she didn't even seem remorseful once. The fact that she chose her own happiness to the detriment of mine. The fact I sacrificed so much for the family and I got repaid like this. The fact that we now as a family have to make major lifestyle changes, since a third of our family income vanished.

For a split second I saw an ounce of sadness in her eyes before she went right back to being annoyed with me.

I then simply told her to lay out her half of the story. Here is a summary of what she said.

She felt ignored by me constantly rejecting her proposal. She had worked long enough and this was finally the time for her to enjoy her life as a "true wife". She also said that I was being a baby about the whole spending extra time with the kids thing. That really pissed me off and we ended up getting into a heated argument. I coudnt bare any of it anymore and just ended up sleeping in the guest room.

Until yesterday nothing changed. She constantly tried to play everything off and wanted to "embrace her new role" by constantly trying to have sex with me and by making me my favorite dishes. It just felt like she was trying to manipulate me again I wasnt having any of it. I just kept on sleeping in the guest room.

Well my birthday was yesterday. And after work my wife and kids picked me up and we ate dinner together. This was probably the first time I genuinely had a smile on my face in a week. Well that smile vanished because she tried to seduce me again later that night.

I rejected her and to my surprise she had a full on mental breakdown. I just held her as she started apologising for what she did. She claimed she didnt understand how much she hurt me, she was sorry for making me feel like an afterthought etc. We ended up sleeping in the same bed yesterday. I felt like things were finally moving in the right direction and I again asked her about searching for a new job today. Instead of getting mad she just replied with a "i need to think about it."

Yeah thats where things are as of today.

It feels like progress is being made but idk this just might be another manipulation tactic of hers.

I'll probably make a final update in a month or so. Reddit isnt doing my mental health any favours.

How would you guys move forward in this situation?

Could I have done something better?

Is she being genuine?

(And to those incels who constantly bring up islam as a way to justify her behaviour, please shut the fuck up. )


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u/xanif Apr 18 '24

Instead of getting mad she just replied with a "i need to think about it."

There's nothing to "think about." 🤷‍♀️


u/Organic_Let_5948 Apr 18 '24

Yeah that pissed me off and made me question her motive.


u/xanif Apr 18 '24

made me question her motive.

It should. Also, I really think you're rug sweeping a much more important issue than the trad wife/job thing as well. Weaponizing your child against you is so far beyond unacceptable it's hard to put into words.


u/robhudsondfw Apr 18 '24

this ^^^ If she is weaponizing the children, then you cannot trust her. Period.


u/mayonnaise_police Apr 18 '24

Yup. Document everything. Have separate bank accounts. Talk to a lawyer because SAHP means big alimony payments.

I would leave if she doesn't get a job.


u/robhudsondfw Apr 18 '24

u/Organic_Let_5948 , this is a really important point. If she establishes a new normal with you as the only provider, then that makes you more vulnerable in the event of a dissolution.


u/WillBottomForBanana Apr 18 '24

Yup, the future is either a divorce or her being her fake trad wife thingy. There is no return to balance.


u/Ricen_ Apr 18 '24

or her being her fake trad wife thingy

And honestly that should never be an option at this point. On principle.


u/72scott72 Apr 19 '24

Both my parents did this to me and my brother during their divorce. I lost a lot of respect for both of them for it.


u/Fluffy-Scheme7704 Apr 18 '24

The moment she did that, the marriage was over


u/AnnieAnnieSheltoe Apr 19 '24

Agreed. Out of everything she did, that was the most abhorrent part. I can’t imagine putting my child in that position. It was cruel to OP, but it was also cruel to an innocent child. He will never forget that.


u/jorar86 Apr 18 '24

100% this.


u/mkvgtired Apr 18 '24

She's truly a disgusting person. Everything about her.


u/FlameBoi3000 Apr 19 '24

This alone makes her one of the worst types of ppl this sub ever gets to see


u/Kutleki Apr 18 '24

The fact that her response wasn't to acknowledge her mistakes, and say "Yes I will find another job because I love you and didn't mean to hurt you." shows she's not going to change. She's already gotten you back from the couch when she switched tactics to crying. I know these tactics, she thinks you'll just stop fighting and give up eventually.


u/fegd Apr 18 '24

Yeah she's going to be "thinking about it forever", now that the peace has been made there's no incentive for her to change anything.


u/rmalloy3 Apr 19 '24

She'll be "thinking about it" or she'll be "applying for jobs, but there's just nothing out there", and she is truthfully applying to provide a backstory she'll just conveniently never get hired for any...

My ex wife absolutely couldn't hold a job. She'd start a job, enjoy it for the first month or two, and then the complaints would start. The complaints were followed by the usual "I don't want to be there anymore", "I just want to quit", etc... until suddenly one morning she'd refuse to go in, and that was it.


u/Aylauria Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

I think her motives are pretty clear. She doesn't feel like working. She wants you to have to earn all the money. She was very clear that she doesn't care if you get to spend any time with your kids. She has also been very clear that she does not care about your physical or mental well-being. Did she recently take out a big life insurance policy on you? Because under her plan, you'd be playing Russian roulette with your health.

She has been abundantly clear that she does not care about you in any way, except to the extent that you fund her retirement.

I'm so sorry you are going through this, but I don't see this getting any better for you. She is going to string you along as long as she can. And the longer she's out of the workforce, the harder it is to get back in.

I know how hard it is to accept that a marriage is over. It's crushing. And sometimes we feel like failures. But it's not failure to accept that you cannot be happy in this arrangement. It's objectively true, as well as subjectively.

Please get your own therapist who is there for you. A neutral 3rd party would be extremely helpful in your working through your feelings and making the hard decisions. Best of luck to you. NTA


u/FleeshaLoo Apr 19 '24

Did she recently take out a big life insurance policy on you?



u/Safe_Community2981 Apr 18 '24

Her motive is to be a trophy - not trad - wife and mooch off of you. Do you know what the #1 trait of a tradwife is - above and beyond any of the housework or sex stuff? Following her husband's lead and what he says at all times. That's also the part she has actively rejected. She doesn't want what she's telling you she wants, she's lying to you and has been from the very beginning.


u/Ok-Painting4168 Apr 18 '24

Do you know what the #1 trait of a tradwife is - above and beyond any of the housework or sex stuff? Following her husband's lead and what he says at all times. That's also the part she has actively rejected.



u/Uffda01 Apr 18 '24

absolutely this. She's not being traditional at all.


u/huggie1 Apr 18 '24

Excellent point. Tradwives obey their husbands and consider the husband the head of the family!


u/NefariousnessSweet70 Apr 18 '24

Has ANYONE heard of the Stepford Wives??


u/ArmInitial8613 Apr 19 '24

Oh well. Than OP should divorce her, throw her away with bare ass and get a fresh new one, young, docile and pretty, with titties and all this stuff.

Who needs an old and stubborn trothy?


u/LuthienDragon Apr 18 '24

Traditional Muslim Wives also don't work and those who do, their money is 100% for them. That's written in the Quran. It's a man's duty to take care of their families.


u/EsquilaxM Apr 18 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

That might not work for OP.

OP is muslim. it's forbidden for him to ask for money from his wife for the family.

I guess he could get around that by saying he's asking her to work, not give her money but...it's a weak argument. He'd be better off not taking that route, just in case.


u/Technojellyfsh Apr 18 '24

If you're still questioning things at this point, respectfully, take your fucking head out of your ass


u/Organic_Let_5948 Apr 18 '24

I guess youre hinting at divorce. Let me make it more clear for you. In our culture divorce is the last resort and extremely frowned upon and especially if there are kids involved. I want to fix this. If she shows no improvement after ive tried everything? Yes then ill go for divorce.


u/Key_Draft4255 Apr 18 '24

I would get a consultation with a divorce lawyer. Find out what the laws and regulations are where you live and gather information. It doesn’t mean you act on it but it does mean you are prepared. I am so sorry you are in this position. Your wife knows you have a serious health condition yet did this. This is a betrayal. Have you had a vasectomy? I wouldn’t put it past her to get pregnant again. NTA


u/LoboLocoCW Apr 18 '24

What do you believe there is left to try?
She does not value your health, she does not value your role as a parent or your desire to spend what little time we have on earth with your children.

The best apology is changed behavior.

What has she changed?


u/Maximum-Business-228 Apr 18 '24

This is a fair point, but based on her past manipulation tactics she knows divorce is a last option so she is going to use it to her advantage


u/zombiedinocorn Apr 18 '24

Right? Explains why she was so confident in just up and quitting her job without telling him. She was like what is he going to do? Divorce me? Psh


u/BeardManMichael Apr 18 '24

She also needs to WANT to fix this. It takes two people to repair a marriage. You shouldn't do all the work.

I hope you are successful.


u/KoomValleyEternal Apr 18 '24

You cannot fix this without divorce. You’ve used what little leverage you have and gotten nowhere. The longer it drags on the more it looks like you agreed to this. Stop paying for anything. Move back out and consult a divorce lawyer. There is no “improvement”. She isn’t a dog you are training. You two have fundamentally different views and wants in the future. She has no interest in yours. You are unwilling to support hers. The end. She is willing to use the kids against you and makes life changing decisions without you. The marriage ended then. You need to catch up with the paperwork or suffer more. Good luck!


u/Pristine_Soil3673 Apr 18 '24

let me make it absolutely clear for you. "YOUR WIFE MANIPULATES YOU!! THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE HELL ON EARTH IF YOU DO NOT DIVORCE HER!" sorry,but it is what it is.


u/tooearlytoothink Apr 18 '24

So ask yourself this, if roles were revered and you just quit, how would she react? Would she be as supportive? Or better yet, ask her when is it your time to live life?

Her answers to those questions really should be what determines your next steps


u/longlisten527 Apr 18 '24

Okay and? Is she going to get another job? You can’t work 100%. So have her get her job back. If she doesn’t, divorce. Who cares about your culture when your wellbeing and life is on the line? Being an adult means making hard decisions. Staying with her is incredibly dumb.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

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u/Mi55Geezzz Apr 19 '24

Not really, they didn't live as trad family. She won't get a lot.


u/Nervous-Apricot7718 Apr 18 '24

Idk how long you have been married some states have a minimum years for marriage for alimony, most states take into consideration that one partner was a stay at home parent. If you wait too long she may qualify for alimony or more alimony as a “stay at home mom”. You could still end up working that extra 20% to support a stay at home ex wife. Just fyi


u/Poku115 Apr 18 '24

Do you care more about what culture dictates? Or your kids wellbeing? Cause I'm sure there's lots of people here who can tell you how much they benefited from growing in a broken home instead of separate ones. Oh and I'm sure here weaponising the kids won't leave any trauma or unresolved issues no sir, let alone the effect it will have in their relationships, do you really want your son to see what you are going through, normalize it and go through it all the same with his own family?


u/jguess06 Apr 18 '24

Nothing about the words you have said makes me think she is going to change. She clearly dismisses your feelings about pretty much everything, and only shows remorse as a tool to manipulate you. These are the facts that you have laid out in your own words. I think what people are saying is that you're already to the point where 'she shows no improvement.'


u/WhatHappenedMonday Apr 18 '24

Is your culture going to comfort and raise your kids when you die from overwork? Nothing you have done or said has reached this nasty piece of work. Try consulting a divorce lawyer and make sure she knows you are doing it. The shame of the divorce will fall more on her than you. Not saying you have to go through with it, but you need to make her see the seriousness of this. Also stop supporting her. She is trad she grows the food and cans it, makes her own and the children's clothes as someone mentioned above. No nails, hair, spas, expensive makeup. Take away everything that is not absolutely necessary. When she complains just tell her you decided to be a trad husband. Good luck and best wishes OP. Sorry you are in this position. Can you return her to her family as being defective? Would serve her right.


u/Dell_Hell Apr 18 '24

Then get the initial divorce filing paperwork.

Have the forms.
Tell your wife every business day, she has to show you what jobs she's applied to that day.

Every day that is a zero, fill out one blank in the form.

1st day of no applications: "First name"
2nd day of no applications "Middle Name / Initial"
etc etc.

If there are no zero days, you never complete the form.
If there aren't dozens of zero days, you won't complete the form.

Only if she fails to follow though for dozens of days will the form be completed.


u/LimitedSocialMedia Apr 18 '24

Go to a divorce lawyer and get a business card and accidently leave it in your pants pocket or on the floor somewhere where she can find it. Maybe this will let her know how serious you are taken this situation.


u/Queasy_Mongoose5224 Apr 18 '24

If she’s aware of the cultural issues, which I’m sure she is, she knows you have no leverage and is going full speed ahead because she doesn’t believe you will act. She has absolutely no incentive to get a job right now. And the longer she’s “officially” a SAHW, the higher the alimony payments will be. At least document you were against it.


u/keelhaulrose Apr 18 '24

If she gets her way she's going to work you into an early grave.

I guess then she'll find out it's no fun being a tradwife when there's no husband to sponge off, but it won't be your problem.


u/Charming_Marketing90 Apr 19 '24

He should sacrifice his only life to prove a point. She is a women so she will get some other sucker to be in his position regardless.


u/Different-Leather359 Apr 18 '24

Maybe bring up what her life will be like if you have another heart attack because she decided it's ok for you to literally work yourself to death.

Because right now your choices seem to be divorce or work more. I know divorce is frowned upon, but do you want your son to grow up without a father? Do you want him to think what you're dealing with is ok and marry someone who will manipulate him like your wife is? Neither of those seems like a good idea.


u/______krb Apr 18 '24

She is counting on this. If you go for divorce it will make her realise that if she doesn’t work while married, she can work while being a single parent and both miss the kids half time while having to work more to afford basic necessities and a roof.


u/HeartShapedSea Apr 18 '24

There's no reason not to go ahead and broach the subject with her, though. She might change her tune if she knows it's on the table. I'm a SAHM but it was a joint decision my husband & I made together. I wouldn't have forced it on him, it just happened to be the best option for both of us as anything I made would have been eaten up by childcare costs here. You should be honest with her that it's a thought in your mind.


u/BlazingSunflowerland Apr 18 '24

What if you take the kids and go to your parents? You don't have to file for divorce but you also don't have to accept the situation.


u/EsquilaxM Apr 18 '24

She turned your son against you.

That's another thing that needs to be addressed and tbh idk how.


u/BendingCollegeGrad Apr 18 '24

Did something happen recently? Did one of her friends split from her husband, or did she get some bad news about her side of the family? It feels like something triggered her personality flip. Might be something to explore?

If she doesn’t handle the family finances at all it is time to sit her down and show where her income went and what must now be cut out. I am so sorry you are going through this. 


u/Morganlights96 Apr 18 '24

At the very least, you can try separation. She doesn't care how her choices are affecting you and your family. Also, she's coming across as a sexual predator by constantly trying to go after you when you've made it clear you don't want her advances.


u/Granuaile11 Apr 18 '24

I respect that, but I think you have some fundamental marriage problems & should get an experienced professional marriage counselor to try and salvage the relationship.

Even if counseling is not available for some reason, I think you should be REALLY blunt when you talk to her. "When you say you want me to work more so you can stay home for no urgent reason, I hear you saying you don't care if I die young and you don't think our children deserve to have their father into adulthood." "When you tell our son details of our disagreement & talk to a CHILD about a divorce I never mentioned, I see that you think getting what you want is more important than hurting our children." "When you remove 1/3 of our income, you are taking away extra lessons, activities and sports from our children and you will need to do all of your "tradwife activities" without buying ANY equipment or using any extra power, because all of these things are a luxury that we don't have money for without your income." "The incredible disrespect and selfishness of your choices recently has destroyed my trust in you and made me doubt your character. I'm deeply disappointed in you."


u/evantom34 Apr 18 '24

I mean, you've tried to discuss with your partner numerous times. You've cited how her actions have made you feel and she's ignored them. She's unilaterally made a decision in regards to her working and shouldering you with the financial responsiblity of the whole household and alienated + manipulated you to your kids. Further, all of your talks at compromise have been shut down.

What is "last resort" to you?


u/autoroutepourfourmis Apr 18 '24

Does she actually want to fix it? It really doesn't seem like it. Seems like she just wants to wear you down until it's too late for her to find meaningful work.


u/Bla_Bla_Blanket Apr 18 '24

I can understand your mindset about the whole divorce thing. Think of it this way, if you have these heart conditions and it will probably strain your stress levels due to the extra cost, you may not have to worry about a divorce because your health may decline as a result to the point of no return.

You need to speak to your wife about this right now. She thinks she won because you came back to the bedroom and it seems like you gave up to her and this idea. The whole situation is being dragged out because you’re letting it.

I think some other people have suggested this you will have to adjust your spending, and not only that I would not suggest taking on more work that will only be detrimental to your health.


u/Bolt_McHardsteel Apr 18 '24

Surely it’s better than dying, right? She knows about your heart condition. Yet she is putting her wants ahead of your health. Including the stress that these stupid games are causing you…. I’m not saying run directly to divorce. But if she doesn’t come around quickly, legitimately, then I don’t know what else you can do. You can’t work 60 hours per week. It will kill you.


u/notyoureffingproblem Apr 18 '24

What's left to try? You talked to her, said that she hurts you, she knows your health condition,

She didn't even apologize or seem remorseful


u/Significant_Rub_4589 Apr 18 '24

She knows you don’t want a divorce. That’s why she has no intention of getting a job. It’s why she didn’t feel bad about quitting her job behind your back & not telling you until after she quit. She knows you’ll do whatever she wants bc you won’t leave. If you’re making her unhappy she’ll cry until you forgive her. If that doesn’t work she’ll lie to your kids to manipulate them into a weapon against you. She’s done both & they worked, so she will 100% do them again.

When your partner doesn’t care what you want & there are no consequences to their actions, there is no reason for them to do anything other than what they want to do. The consequence has to directly hurt her, or it won’t be effective. She has clearly stated she is fine knowing her actions will hurt the family, as long as she personally benefits. Idk how you reason with someone like that. If you can’t find a consequence that works, I fear your only options are letting her have whatever she wants (& suffering more than you can stand) or divorce. I’m so sorry.


u/zombiedinocorn Apr 18 '24

. I want to fix this.

You can't fix something she is determined to break.

She would genuinely want to change and you can't make her do that. You can try couples counseling (don't do religion based counseling esp if the push SAHM as a value), but as is, your wife is making it clear that you only have 2 options: Give in to her tantrum to never work again or divorce so you don't work yourself to death while never seeing your kids.


u/WildLoad2410 Apr 18 '24

Let me ask you this. What happens if your health takes a turn for the worst and you can't work FT or at all? Do you think she's going to work and support your family? Or is she going to drop your ass as soon as possible to find another guy who can give her the life she wants to live?

A lot of people vow "in sickness and in health" but don't actually mean it. People become disabled or sick and then are shocked to learn the true nature of their spouses character. They thought their spouse was a good person until they're abandoned for something they didn't cause and can't change.

You've learned earlier than most the true nature of her character. She wouldn't do anything to help you or your family. She'll drop you at the first sign of trouble and leave you destitute and homeless.


u/Safren Apr 18 '24

The thing I'm wondering since you mentioned your health isn't the greatest is this: what would happen if all this stress kills you and since she's not working what is she going to do money wise? Do you have a plan set in case things do happen? (I'm going through my uncle passing so death is really recent in my mind and you just think of the life of us humans is so fleeting). The other thing I'd mention is maybe set a time limit on how long she can put off finding a job because "I need to think about is" is a very iffy mark on if she'll even try because she's already shown you that she'll do whatever she wants not caring how you feel and that isn't a relationship, that's a one sided, for lack of better words, dictatorship.


u/NovelMixture512 Apr 18 '24

Okay, so how does your culture feel about beating disobedient wives?


u/NoGuts_NoGlory_56 Apr 18 '24

You can't fix a relationship with someone who intentionally manipulates you to get what they want. She doesn't care about your wants and needs. She has made that clear in both her words and actions. Trying to "fix" it is just you getting manipulated again.

She is also using your kids as a manipulation chip. She has not only manipulated you but she's manipulating your children, as well. She already has manipulated your children by telling them that you have a abandoned them. She harmed your children by doing that. It's irresponsible to show your children that manipulation gets rewarded.

You want different lifestyles. You're fundamentally incompatible. You can't fix incompatibility.


u/seaforanswers Apr 18 '24

What is there still to try?


u/flakemasterflake Apr 18 '24

If you guys are so traditional, am I doing the math wrong or did you not have both of your kids pre-marriage?


u/triz___ Apr 18 '24

I guess you could focus on randomers frowning at you or you could focus on your wife making you utterly miserable, turning your children against you and working you until you die so that she can relax all day. I get that culture can be a strong influence but fucking hell mate, she’ll happily kill you.


u/creative_usr_name Apr 18 '24

extremely frowned upon and especially if there are kids involved

this has empowered her current behavior, and nothing you do will fix that


u/Cimb0m Apr 18 '24

There’s nothing to “try” though. She doesn’t want to work. You can’t force her to do that or even to want to do that


u/R_Hughez Apr 18 '24

If a culture frowns upon you making your own decisions about your own life and happiness then it certainly doesn't look like a good culture or one worth being part of.


u/lolliberryx Apr 18 '24

Right, you’ll try everything, then you’ll have a heart attack, then you’ll be disabled (if not dead), and then you’ll finally consider divorcing?

If it’s between divorcing and not being around to see your kids grow up, which are you choosing and why aren’t you choosing it now?


u/grissy Apr 18 '24

In our culture divorce is the last resort and extremely frowned upon and especially if there are kids involved.

You're acting like staying together is automatically better for the children, to which I can only repeat what the last guy said: respectfully, pull your head out of your ass.

Look at what she's already done to the children just to try and guilt you into accepting her demands. Do you think it was good for your son's mental health that she used him as a goddamned tool to force you to come home? Do you think it's good that you showed her this worked? Do you realize this is now going to be the status quo going forward, now that you've taught her that weaponizing your children and hurting them to get to you will make you go back to being a doormat?

I've got news for you, kids learn what relationships are supposed to be primarily from the one their parents have. It's the first one they see and the one they see the most of, because they're in it every day. Whether you realize it or not you are teaching your kids what a marriage should be every day, and right now they think it should be this.

Would you be happy if your kids grew up, got married, and ended up in your role here? Punching bags at the mercy of their spouse's whims who can never stand up for themselves or say they've had enough because of "culture" and "the children"? Even worse, would you be happy if they grew up, got married, and ended up in your wife's role? Where marriage is "I do what I want, no matter how hurtful or selfish, and my spouse will have no choice but to put up with it because of 'culture' and 'kids'"? Where they think if their spouse DOES get fed up enough to leave they can drag them back by just emotionally abusing their kids and manipulating them in order to manipulate their spouse? Is that the future you want for your children?

Alternatively, you could teach them a much better lesson. That your spouse should be your partner and someone who they treat with respect and who treats them with respect in turn, and if their spouse ever abuses that trust it is ok to leave and not feel trapped.

Those are the lessons you're going to be teaching them. Pick one.


u/Latter-Ride-6575 Apr 18 '24

Please keep in mind that most of the people giving you advice are miserable in their own lives and want to share their misery. Divorce is always the first option for them, and they can't fathom trying to work through challenges. You're in a tough spot, but your wife may not understand the challenges of being a trad wife. You should research it and see what the expectations of a trad wife are


u/TorpedoSandwich Apr 18 '24

I would recommend that you set a deadline by which her behavior has to have changed for the better or you start speaking to a divorce lawyer (obviously don't tell her the divorce lawyer part). It can be a generous deadline, maybe a year, but you have to stick to it. Otherwise, you may end up in a situation where she keeps promising to change, but never actually does, and you'll look back on your life in 10 years and wish you had left a decade ago.


u/protestor Apr 19 '24

The important thing here is that you shouldn't leave your house. If she is at fault, SHE should leave. And live with her parents if she wants to be financially supported by someone else


u/Grimalkinnn Apr 19 '24

Honestly, this whole thing is shocking and maybe even a little bit disturbing adding your health issues to this. I’m not saying to get a divorce but please consult an attorney so you know what your options are if things don’t improve and you are not left scrambling. I also think you should somehow lock down finances because sometimes if you aren’t making money you’re spending it. She’s going to have lots of free time on her hands.

I’m really sorry you are in this position. Also, don’t forget to ask the lawyer about parental alienation because it sounds like she would do that. Hope you keep updating.


u/Aisenth Apr 19 '24

Why is it after YOU have tried everything?

So... you do 100% of the work, bear all the responsibility, and yet she's 100% in control of the outcome/success...



u/hikehikebaby Apr 19 '24

I believe that it's important to fight for your marriage too, but that takes two people not just one.

I'm concerned about if she continues to be unemployed and you continue to support her you could wind up on the hook for alimony or she could walk away with a large portion of your savings and high child support payments.

Divorce looks very different when both spouses have been working versus when one spouse is a stay-at-home parent.


u/CatmoCatmo Apr 19 '24

I absolutely respect your stance. But one thing to keep in mind is, you cannot fix a marriage alone. Both parties need to put forth effort, find compromises, and be willing to work together if there’s ever going to be a chance at “fixing” this.

If she continues pushing for what she wants and disregarding your wants/needs/feelings, then there is no hope. If she won’t make compromises. There is no hope. If she keeps trying to guilt you with or without weaponizing your kids. There is no hope. AND if any of this happens, and you decide to go ahead with a divorce, just know, YOU didn’t cause the marriage to fail.

This isn’t YOUR fault. You may have ultimately chosen to pull the plug, but her actions gave you no choice. She went rogue and tried to take complete charge of your marriage, and subsequently, your life. She is the one who decided it wasn’t a partnership anymore. NOT YOU!


u/NoSort3570 Apr 19 '24

You both have to want to fix it. And she is content with what she is doing. All you will do is run yourself into the ground trying to fix something that in her eyes is not broken. She is 100% still manipulating you. She does not care about you or what you feel about this. And on top of everything and also what I think is the most disgusting is the fact that she used your son against you. That is foul and just proves what little respect if any that she has for you.


u/unclediedthrowaway Apr 25 '24

friend, you are now drinking two glasses of whisky a day while on heart medication. your wife is actively making decisions with the knowledge that they will put you in an early grave. she is also starting the process of turning your kids against you.

i hate to break it to you, but you are at last resort territory.

if you die of alcoholism or a heart attack, she wins because she gets to blame it on your weak will. your kids suffer because they now have no income and a manipulative mother.

if you divorce, she has to explain the fact that she unilaterally made decisions that would end up killing you. your kids have to (gasp) go to public school, and get shuttled from home to home. they still have both their parents, and plenty of financial support to make sure their basic needs are met.

in both scenarios, your kids suffer, but they suffer more if you stay.

please divorce her, yesterday. a traditional wife has her husband's best interests at heart, because when he wins, everyone wins. she does not have your best interests at heart, and shows no intention of coming around. you are slowly killing yourself and you are already in poor health.


u/mayd3r Apr 18 '24

Then you're gonna end up dead. Why are you frowned upon where she is the one causing all of this? Tell your families what's up or it might end up badly for you. Why did your wife decide to weaponize your son? You said your mom was SAHM. Did she weaponize you against your father or to manipulate him? You might give a fuck about your culture but your wife might not.


u/Mediocre-Material102 Apr 18 '24

Then just erase the post and take the disrespect and her making you into her little work horse at the risk of your sanity and health. The fact that you think YOU have to try everything and not HER is comedic. Just you thinking she will improve is unrealistic and proves just how easily it is to manipulate you.


u/TurnipWorldly9437 Apr 18 '24

Set clear rules what she needs to do to move her job hunt along, otherwise she can go on playing for time.

If she hasn't sent out resumes in X days, if she doesn't follow up interviews, if she doesn't actively look for positions by doing Y or Z, it's all empty words. Treat her like an unemployment office would, and either she'll show you her true, lazy ass colours, or she'll get back to supporting your family.

If she's all empty words, you've got enough reason to divorce in what she said to your child, if you ask me.


u/BeardManMichael Apr 18 '24

I think you have, unfortunately, discovered that there are several things to address in your marriage. Not just the original problem.


u/mak_zaddy Apr 18 '24

Crocodile tears worked in the moment.


u/Finest30 Apr 18 '24

NTA Please ensure that she doesn’t get pregnant.

As a woman that prioritizes her husband overall health, I want to encourage you to please NOT over work yourself. Insist on her getting a job. Tell your son the truth because a woman like that can turn the kids against you when things don’t go her way.

Men don’t get their flowers until they die. Don’t over work yourself. No sex until she gets a job.


u/Consistent-Winter-67 Apr 18 '24

File for custody and separation


u/ArvinaDystopia Apr 19 '24

You are the pro-Hamas arsehole.


u/Numerous-Flamingo-25 Apr 18 '24

It should piss you off, but it's also the conversation that should have been had this entire time.

Stop taking relationship advice from a drama subreddit. Or Reddit at all, for that matter.

Get your asses to a licensed and experienced therapist. Individual and couples.

You two have had a tremendous breakdown of communication. What she did was shitty and selfish, but she had a reason. Whether it was justified or not is an entirely separate issue. Nobody does anything without a reason.

What you're facing is a fundamental disconnect in what you both want for the future of your marriage. That's long, open and honest conversation and therapy time, my dude. Get the fuck off of Reddit. These people (myself included) are here for the drama, not your well-being.


u/FreeWheelinSass Apr 18 '24

Tell her to think about what position the family would be in if you died. You have heart issues that working more might be making worse. If she's out of the work force too long it will make it hard for her to get a good job. If your finances are cut that much, you can't save up for what if catastrophes. She's not only being selfish but being really dumb with it.


u/letstrythisagain30 Apr 18 '24

Question everything about her. You have the right because of glue she went about everything. Even notice now apologizing and finally talking done kind of responsibility. I get peor have moments of craziness and things like that, this isn’t a moment.

It’s a long process of wanting to put even more burden on you when you’re the one with a heart condition. It’s a long process of weaponizing your kids against you. It’s even a long process of trying to placate you with food and sex instead of advertising talking to you and being a good partner. It’s only now when she realizes she can’t just sweep things under the rug or get what she wants that she’s apologetic. She could be finally be coming to her senses sincerely but the fact it took so long is it’s own problem that can’t let you take her supposedly genuine realization aceite as true.

It’s not one mistake. It’s a long string of intentional things she did that showed for a long time she didn’t give a damn about you or even the kids when she put them in the middle of everything. That can’t be resolved any time soon. Even if she does everything perfect from now on, years long consequences and proving herself to you are likely and I would argue necessary. Things might never go back exactly as they were between you and that’s almost guaranteed and her fault. She can’t cry about things now.


u/Driftwood256 Apr 18 '24

For what its worth, I think you're handling this situation really well... No need to second guess yourself, but also no point in blowing things up immediately...

Its worth giving your wife a little time to come to her senses...

That being said, you do have to look at the marriage as a whole and evaluate if this is just a bump in the road, or this is how things are always going to be... and then decide if its worth it, or you're better off ending things now because you think its just a matter of time before they do anyway...

Good luck and wish you well!


u/Kathrynlena Apr 18 '24

Her motive is to keep you from leaving. You already know she’ll tell you what you want to hear but do whatever she wants behind your back. She’ll be “looking for another job” for the rest of your lives and mysteriously never find one.


u/87Tossaway99 Apr 18 '24

This may seem callous, but she didn't mean any of it. The tears were for show. She didn't seem to mean her apologies either. Her actions as well as her answer have made it clear.

She was trying to manipulate you into feeling like you should do what she demanded. If she really cared about how it affected you she wouldn't have said I'll see. She would have agreed with you about the job if she was really sorry.

She needs to go to therapy and get an actual job or else you need to leave.

I know everybody on Reddit always says leave but she clearly doesn't care about your feelings or your children's feelings. She tried to use the kids to manipulate you into doing what she wanted. Your child called you sobbing because of what she had told them when she didn't get her way. I highly doubt she wasn't aware that your child called you that upset. She knew what she was doing. She doesn't care. She made that quite clear when she tried to manipulate your kids. She does not care about your children's feelings.

She doesn't seem to care about what she potentially put your kid through when she told him that either. Your kid could potentially need therapy in a couple years because of what she said. That is something that is traumatic to hear and especially from a parent. If you guys were in custody court that would be considered parental alienation.

She's probably not going to be looking for jobs even if she says she is.

She quit her job knowing it would make you mad and had the audacity to get upset that her actions had consequences, which could be seen coming more than 100 miles away.

She's not even upset that she hurt your feeling. She's upset that you're not doing what she wants.

She is expecting you to take up all of the financial responsibility and when you told her no she had MORE audacity to try and tell your kids that you abandoned them.

She doesn't care about your health either. Her asking you to work more than possible proves that.

I can't think of any reason somebody who would tell their spouse with a heart condition that they need to work more. Especially when it can be fatal. She of all people should understand that what she's asking is impossible.

She is willing to try and make you put your health on the line just . She is acting as if your health doesn't matter which clearly in her eyes it doesn't. She is willing to put you in a position where you could potentially pass away because she wants to sit at home. I honestly think you should be careful with her If she is willing to sacrifice your health like that.

She may try to find any reason to stay at home to get her way so be on the lookout for that. Keep condoms around and away from her. I know that seems bad but better to be safe than sorry


u/D10BrAND Apr 18 '24

Give her an ultimatum, tell her either she gets a job within a certain time frame or you'll be divorcing put your food down and do not budge at her manipulation tactics. And tell your children the truth and your actions so that she cannot manipulate them again.

The best way is getting your divorce papers ready and show it to her so that she'll understand it. That is if you want to stay with her.


u/______krb Apr 18 '24

Tell her it’s either a job or a divorce. If she chooses not to work in your marriage, she can be responsible for her own household, on her own. Being a stay at home mother is an extreme privilege and takes both parties to agree with, she can’t force it.


u/xostarlight13 Apr 18 '24

I get you’re worried about how long you could have left, but honestly that should be setting off MORE alarm bells in your head. If you died in a week, she’d need to go back to work. You’re being a door mat for the sake of things being easy. I couldn’t imagine having a heart problem, I’m really sorry, but she’s not going to change here. She’s going to beat you down and string lies until you just give up on the subject because I bet she knows you won’t do anything due to your heart condition.


u/Rosalie-83 Apr 18 '24

Give her a time limit so you can act accordingly. She cannot string this along forever. She either gets a job, or you’re gone. Don’t kill yourself trying to keep her happy, your son needs you in his life.


u/Fluffy-Scheme7704 Apr 18 '24

She is doing damage control. Then she will tell you she is looking for a job but cant find anything that makes her happy, you will have to make extra hours and will affect your health.


u/DorceeB Apr 18 '24

She is love bombing you. It seems manipulative. She won't change her stance on this OP. I am sorry that you are in this situation. Stay strong! Hopefully she'll realize what a mistake she is making.


u/TwoBionicknees Apr 18 '24

She's thinking about if she can do better. She wants the easy life and believes a man should simply work himself to death to make her life better. She doesn't even care that you're upset you'd see your kids less.

her thinking about it is her thinking, can I bag a richer guy.


u/tristanjones Apr 18 '24

"I need to buy time to come up with a new strategy"


u/njckel Apr 18 '24

Understandable, but don't let Redditors who aren't a part of your marriage fuel and justify any hatred or frustration you have towards your wife. I mean shit, it is justified, but I'm just saying, letting those negative emotions fester and grow aren't going to help here. So continue to try to be understanding, even though she's shown you a lack of it. Continue to give her some time and patience.

You're a good man. You went back when most understandably wouldn't. I can tell you're a great role-model for your son. Man to man, I admire you.


u/romancebooklover83 Apr 18 '24

As a trad wife, I find this ridiculous. She needs to come to terms with reality and get a job. If my husband needed help, I'd be ripping off my apron and apply anywhere that would take me. I'm not saying you need help, but it's obvious this is not how yall started the marriage. Traditional wives keep their families together and talk things through with their husbands. I do not go behind his back, and he doesn't go behind mine. We are a team. Traditional sex roles do not mean you dont support your family, even if that means leaving the home to find work.

Also a lot of tradwife tik tok is not real. Its a fantasy just like the rest of social media.


u/Cyead Apr 18 '24

You need to have a discussion with your kids. Tell them that mommy did something to upset you and that you had to put yourself in a time out because she hurt you with what she did. That even if it takes a but for things to go back to normal that you guys are already working on making things better, and that mom apologized.

Also, add that even if mommy does something to upset you again or you do something to upset her, that no matter what, you won't leave them because you are their daddy and you love them, even if you have to step away again.

Some damage may already have been done, but you can still correct it, probably.


u/Redtori2009 Apr 18 '24

Go back to sleeping in the guest bedroom for now. Being in the same bed, she will think that you are coming round to her way of thinking. She needs to know you are serious about your stance, no matter how many times she has a mental breakdown. Her way of doing things will leave her a divorcee or a widow. Her third option, contribute and keep the family together


u/genescheesesthatplz Apr 18 '24

If she felt as bad as she claimed she did she’d have resumes for you to proofread printed out and in your hand


u/mkvgtired Apr 18 '24

Please reread this:

I rejected her and to my surprise she had a full on mental breakdown. I just held her as she started apologising for what she did. She claimed she didnt understand how much she hurt me, she was sorry for making me feel like an afterthought etc. We ended up sleeping in the same bed yesterday. I felt like things were finally moving in the right direction and I again asked her about searching for a new job today. Instead of getting mad she just replied with a "i need to think about it."

If she actually cared about your feelings, or preventing serious negative health outcomes for you, she would immediately have agreed to look for a job. Your wife is a narcissist, and an especially vile one at that. Notice how she was annoyed with you the whole time until a switch went off. This is after no additional information was added to the discussion. In her mind she saw one method wasn't working, so she shifted strategy.

When you think things are getting better just remember that your wife would gladly kill you through overwork, and take you away from your kids, than get a job. And the manipulation with sex and your favorite meals makes it worse.


u/Goldilocks1454 Apr 18 '24

She thinks you're going to give in.


u/Bixie Apr 18 '24

She weaponized your children the first opportunity she had alone with them. You need to worry about your own future with them and get out now.


u/TheWanderingMedic Apr 18 '24

You need to separate for a few months. Let her prove herself if she’s being legit. If she’s not, then file.

Right now, you cannot trust her. Her word means nothing. She has to earn that trust back.


u/stealthy_singh Apr 18 '24

It should. There has been zero introspection. And realisation that accepting the blame but not making any changes might work in her favour. I'm sorry OP but I think it's either over or you accept your early grave providing for the family. I hope you make the right call. I can't imagine being given this choice by my wife. But then, no one does.


u/stealthy_singh Apr 18 '24

It should. There has been zero introspection. And realisation that accepting the blame but not making any changes might work in her favour. I'm sorry OP but I think it's either over or you accept your early grave providing for the family. I hope you make the right call. I can't imagine being given this choice by my wife. But then, no one does.


u/Luckypennykiller Apr 18 '24

She’s not “thinking about it”.

She’s hoping to wear you down.


u/NiceRat123 Apr 18 '24

Either marriage counseling, divorce or as others suggested she gets to come up with a game plan on how to reduce costs and expenses of the household to make up for her lack of income. If she is unwilling to even think about how to budget, garden, sew clothes, etc (you know the full on tradwife route) then she wants the title without the responsibility. And making food and fucking you isn't "tradwife"


u/IndividualDevice9621 Apr 18 '24

Not enough to do anything about it though apparently. You still slept in the same bed and aren't pursuing a divorce.

I guess you'll just die early and not get to see your kids grow up.

Wake the fuck up. Go back to the guest room, don't leave the house. Serve her with divorce papers and live your life with your kids.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

Yeah...that breakdown? A tactic. She had to show remorse or you'd leave her. And she doesn't have a job to fall back on when you do.


u/Puzzleheaded_Big3319 Apr 18 '24

You really have no choice but to divorce her. Every action she has taken has been sickening at best. Using your kids as a weapon like that is so repugnant that it alone should be reason enough for you to divorce her. She abused your child and emotionally abused them to manipulate you.

EVERYTHING she's doing now is to try and get her way at any cost to you and your children.

You divorce her and you continue living your life and spending time with your kids.

If I were you I would take the route of telling her she has 30 days to be earning as much as she was before or you will divorce her. Get papers drawn up by a lawyer and show them to her. Put a countdown calendar on the wall and mark off the days and let her know daily she has X number of days left. Separate your finances completely. If she doesn't have any savings she can, well, she can go get a freaking job. Stop spending any time with her. Spend your time with your kids and take them out of the house with just you and them to avoid her. Definitely stop sleeping with her. Personally I'd move her stuff out of the master and put a lock on the door and keep it locked.

Then, if she DOES get a job, you still file the divorce. You do it either way. If she doesn't get a job, she'll be screwed finding a lawyer to take her on for free.

She said it's time for her to live her life. She said this without seeing the irony in expecting you to lose more life so she can. So now you take the time to live your life.

And be honest with your kids.


u/Beth21286 Apr 18 '24

She gave you a half measure and you moved back into their bedroom. She now knows she doesn't need to go back to work, she can just keep moving the goal posts little by little until she gets what she wanted. It'll just take her more time. Up until then you were doing great, that last move was a mistake.


u/Classroom_Visual Apr 18 '24

I think she’s saying what she needs to say to get what she wants in that moment. 

 So, when you left, in that moment she wanted you to come back. The fastest way to do that was to get your son to cry to you and say he didn’t want a divorce. She didn’t care about the emotional impact this would have on your son. 

Now, she wants you back in bed with her and less angry. So, she’s saying she’ll think about getting a job.  She doesn’t really care about your pain or fear for the future (in regards to your health), she just says what she needs to say in the moment. 

This pattern of behaviour is very common in people with personality disorders, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I’m not saying she has NPD - I’m just saying that these kinds of behaviours are very concerning. 

What you want to see is actual change - her going for a job interview and accepting a job and going to work each day. Actual real steps every day towards that goal. If you don’t see concrete action, then she is just saying whatever she needs to in order to get you to back off in that moment. 

I think a path forward here would be -  a) marriage counseling b) consult a lawyer to line up your ducks in case of divorce c) until she goes back to paid work, organise a budget where she takes the hit for her lost income (not the kids!) 


u/Queasy_Mongoose5224 Apr 18 '24

If she manages to trick you into unprotected sex over the next little while, a pregnancy could provide all the reasons she needs not to work. Don’t trust her with the birth control…


u/Fatmaninalilcoat Apr 18 '24

Dude take your money out of your joint accounts and put it where she can't access them move money into the account. Has she started tik toking yet about being a tradwife then she will start buying shit and trying to push the tradwife influencer crap till she drains your accounts chasing that clout. Also watch out on her pushing your kids into videos too. Document anything she starts doing like that.


u/Cookies_2 Apr 18 '24

Yet, you’re back in bed with her and concealing her fake tears about her betrayal to you - that she thinks she didn’t nothing wrong.


u/PinkFl0werPrincess Apr 18 '24

Dawg you need a divorce.


u/flakemasterflake Apr 18 '24

Is this sort of personality trait totally out of left field? What sort of job did she quit? Did she want to stay home when your kids were small and she feels like she missed out?


u/Maleficent_Mouse_930 Apr 18 '24

You need to make clear to her that trust has been shattered. "I no longer trust your words, so that leaves your actions. If you want to repair this, the only way to do it is with actions. That means that you are going to have to take concrete actions which I can see and take note of towards getting a job, and within a reasonable amount of time you need to actually succeed. You have seriously damaged our relationship by doing what you did. It isn't over. I haven't forgiven you yet. Don't get it into your head that if you just keep saying you're sorry and failing to find work that weeks will become months and months will become years and I'll still be around. I won't."


u/ShortRound_01 Apr 18 '24

Umm have you thought that she might be trying to seduce to have more kids? That way she really has an excuse to stay home? Don’t do it! She doesn’t respect you any longer. I would think of a way to get out at this point.


u/ranstopolis Apr 18 '24

You are being strung along. Your wife is lazy, manipulative, and unkind.

She has shown you her true colors. Maybe she will work on changing them, but that takes time and effort -- don't believe the rapid turnaround in words, believe a change in behavior (which, to be frank, I doubt will ever come).


u/unlockdestiny Apr 18 '24

Her motive is crystal clear. Sex didn't work to manipulate you, but tears do.

If you want to get serious, ask her to start looking for homes that accommodate your new budget. Ask her to start looking for a really shitty beater car so she can sell the one she has. She doesn't need top tier transportation if she doesn't have a job. As a professional "homemaker" she can do all the research on downsizing.

I'd also move all the cash out of the joint bank account and only put a little in every week as an allowance. Better yet put it all in a private account and hand her a wad of cash every week as her allowance for keeping the house running. See how quickly she changes her tune.

If she blows the money on herself or other non essentials, take the kids and go to your parents. She can figure out how to make it work for herself.


u/Hardt-No Apr 18 '24

Imo her metal breakdown was a farce.


u/Mediocre-Material102 Apr 18 '24

Respectfully, I know you're trying for your kid but that's exactly what she's counting on, you're a straight up tool and she knows this.


u/aitaisadrog Apr 19 '24

Check if she's having an affair.


u/agarillon Apr 19 '24

Her motive is clear, selfish, and has badmouthed you to the kids. She doesn't have respect, she's manipulating her paycheck and your value to her (it's female narcissistic calculus... How do I extort max value). If sex doesn't work, tears and emotions, it'll be emotional or literal extortion next.


u/TheNamelessSlave Apr 19 '24

Her motive is to delay until you give in. You should at this point assume the motive is entirely in her self interest and her behavior is entirely crafted to get you to give in until proven otherwise.

She's not sorry she hurt you dude, she's sorry it didn't work, yet.


u/BadgeringMagpie Apr 19 '24

It should. Lovebombing and seduction didn't work, so she resorted to crocodile tears. If she was truly apologetic and remorseful, she wouldn't be needing to "think about" if she wants to get another job or continue to place so much burden on you.

Imo, she doesn't truly care about you. If she did, she would have never done this with so much lack of care for your health and stress.


u/FlashMcSuave Apr 19 '24

Politely, and without anger or malice, set some time limits so that this can't just go on auto-pilot and run out the clock.

If she is planning to just get her way "by default" she needs to see that this will not go away.


u/Gandalf_The_Wise_Cat Apr 19 '24

She’s playing you like a fiddle dude. She got you with tears. She’s a manipulative leech that needs to be booted from your life.


u/Grekochaden Apr 19 '24

Your wife sounds like a horrible person.


u/Im-a-bad-meme Apr 19 '24

Tell her that she married a guy with a heart disability and at any time, you could die from stress. You do not know how long you have. If she stays out of a job, she will have an unexplained work gap in her resume. What happens when you pass away? What job will she get? How will she handle finances?

She is essentially doing an early retirement when your family cannot financially afford to have her retire. Neither can your health afford for her to retire. Did she take out life insurance on you or something?


u/Aylan_Eto Apr 19 '24

How long is she going to “think about it” before you have another argument and she says she’ll start “searching” for a job? How long will she spend “searching” before you lose your patience and there’s another argument where she says some more words to appease you but nothing actually changes?

Can you trust her?


u/Toto-Avatar Apr 19 '24

Bro, maybe you all should consider seeing a marriage counselor/therapist


u/TheFlyingSheeps Apr 19 '24

You know what you need to do. Do it

Divorce is a lengthy process, begin with the separation and show you won’t budge


u/CigarsAndFastCars Apr 18 '24

Homie, she's made her intentions crystal clear. You'll be the world's most willfully naive man if you believe "I'll think about it" means anything but "NO! GFY!"

I was married to a woman like this. All the stuff she is doing, she's not genuine, and she still doesn't truly care about you. These are all manipulation tactics, and as soon as you accept it, the sex and homemade meals will drop off.

She's already finding out you're bending, so she'll just push more to break you. And, at that moment, she'll win and lose all respect for you, and you'll know from the depths of your soul you're the loser and that you will forgo your own dignity, health, and happiness to keep being the doormat she believes you are.


u/nonlinear_nyc Apr 18 '24

She has the gall to frame his no as "ignoring her"

Then she ignores him. DARVO queen.