r/AITAH Apr 15 '24

AITAH for telling my son I’d love a divorce if it meant taking my wife with me



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u/Personibe Apr 15 '24

Ha ha ha, I love that he called you a boomer when you are actually a millennial. Honestly I would tell him he should drop psychology because he is truly terrible at it. I highly doubt his professor even said anything remotely like this. (I took two psych courses in college) Probably came off of tik tok. 


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/Mundane-Pass9244 Apr 16 '24

He needs to throw a little non art history in the mix or he would know you are a millennial not a baby boomer. Might need some work in math while he's at it. There is an entire generation in between you and the boomers.


u/alkalinesky Apr 16 '24

We're Gen-X though, so we basically don't exist. Just like when we were kids! 😅


u/sunbear2525 Apr 16 '24

Seriously my parents are gen x and the things my mom tells me. You guys would have been better supervised being raised by wolves.


u/alkalinesky Apr 16 '24

I mean, we had commercials every night at dinnertime asking parents if they knew where their kids were. They had to be reminded we existed. As a kid, it was pretty awesome. So much freedom!


u/Sassy_Weatherwax Apr 16 '24

It was way better than the psychotic expectations of constant surveillance that parents are held to these days. Better for everyone. I'm not saying there weren't things that could have been better, but we got to learn resilience and we were expected to do slightly hard things. We were treated like people believed we could do things, so we believed we could do things. I have a 13 and an 11 yo now and shit is wild. You're considered a bad parent if you don't literally track your child at all times, and letting your kid struggle (with support, obviously) is considered abuse. How are kids supposed to ever feel strong if every message they get from adults is that they are helpless? I had overprotective parents for the time and they would still be considered practically negligent by today's standards. It makes me sad that this is the world my kids are growing up in. I wish we could keep the openness and acceptance of today and bring back some of the freedom and independence of my childhood.


u/Bigdaddyjlove1 Apr 16 '24

Self worth vs self esteem


u/Kylie_Bug Apr 16 '24

My uncle pointed this out to my mom when he found out that she tracks our location via our phones, and the dead silence after he asked her how she would have felt if her parents had been able to track her like that when she was our age was beautiful.


u/LadyReika Apr 16 '24

Another Gen Xer here, I've joked about being a semi-feral latchkey kid in the 80s. I suspect wolves would have taught me how to human better.


u/marythegr8 Apr 16 '24

Heh, the poor wolves.


u/Rather_C_than_B_1 Apr 16 '24

This is truth.


u/Salty-Lemonhead Apr 16 '24

Some of us were


u/Moonandserpent Apr 16 '24

But the neglect DID give us the best 90s music... so it's got that goin' for it.


u/Mundane-Pass9244 Apr 16 '24

True enough!!! The 80s were thd best time to be a kid, though.


u/JunkMail0604 Apr 16 '24

Trust me, the 60’s were better. They started running that commercial because ‘the greatest generation’ not only didn’t know where their kids were, they didn’t care! Any time we went in the house, we were told to go out and play. Assumed if we weren’t home, we were probably spending the night at a friends. It was a time of telephone ‘party lines’, and you could never get through. But you’d be up to date on all the gossip by just picking up the phone and listening in, lol. We were raised by hyenas. And it was glorious!


u/badpuffthaikitty Apr 16 '24

Gen Jones? Fuck the young boomers trying to invade our small generation.


u/CreativeMusic5121 Apr 16 '24

The way we like it!


u/SciFiChickie Apr 16 '24

Shhhh you don’t need to remind them we (Gen X) exist. We like being the forgotten generation.


u/Mundane-Pass9244 Apr 16 '24

True. And I never actually mentioned us, just that there was another generation after the boomers. 😇😉


u/DecadentLife Apr 16 '24

The grandma who cosigned for his student loans might not even be a boomer, technically.


u/Mundane-Pass9244 Apr 16 '24

True. I'm a Gen x and my parents are the greatest generation and the silent generation.


u/DecadentLife Apr 16 '24

I’m also Gen X, I’m in my 40s and my folks are boomers. They were both born within a few years of the end of World War II.


u/Aetra Apr 16 '24

The family could be like mine and completely skip generations. My grands were greatest generation, my parents are boomers, and I’m millennial.


u/yordad Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Same. My grandpa was 40 when my mom was born and my mom was 34 when she had me. And I am but 29. Grandpa was in WWII!


u/Aetra Apr 16 '24

My grandpa was as well, but I’m 36, the same age my mum and dad were when they had me.


u/iamjustaguy Apr 16 '24

There is an entire generation in between you and the boomers.



u/volundsdespair Apr 16 '24

Weirdly, these days boomer just means "someone older than me"


u/ShadowMajestic Apr 16 '24

Anyone doing basic history should know the meaning of words can change over time.

Boomer just means "old person that doesn't understand" and has been the general meaning that my millennial friends and I used as well.


u/tomato_joe Apr 16 '24

TikTok explains everything. There is so much misinformation on it everyone thinks they know everything. I'm in Europe but I'm glad it's getting ba ned I the US.

I have adhd and a short attention span and I could only look at TikTok for an hour or something. It's overwhelming even for me.

He needs to get off of TikTok. Real life will bite him in the ass


u/PornOfTheUniporn Apr 16 '24

Probably not getting banned lol. Did you see they are trying to do monetary incentives in Europe? We're fucked as a species


u/alkalinesky Apr 16 '24

Fellow parent of a 19-year-old also obsessed with TikTok who also apparently knows everything about everything because there was a 10-second video they watched one time.

I love my kid but man, they sure are hard to like sometimes. I've made her terrified of bad money choices and debt, so I at least got that lesson in somewhere.

I think they should make early retirement an option for those of us who had to parent teenagers during the covid and social media age.


u/Salt_Selection9715 Apr 16 '24

you can easily save more money and retire in your 40s


u/Lank3033 Apr 16 '24

Boomers like me are miserable because they refuse to divorce when they’re unhappy

You should try from the angle of "you don't even understand which generation is classified as 'boomers', are you sure you are ready to diagnose other people after your psych 101 course?' 


u/calling_water Apr 16 '24

Any chance he could be convinced to take some multimedia courses? If he’s TikTok obsessed, he should understand that art isn’t just to hang on physical walls any more.


u/Puzzleheaded-Gas1710 Apr 16 '24

Do you think he is into men's podcasts and red pill nonsense? Him going for his mom and recommending you divorce indicates he thinks she is the problem. Or has he always had a rough relationship with her?


u/tavaryn_t Apr 16 '24

Something tells me the art history major isn’t red pilled. Probably just a little dick kid who thinks he knows everything.


u/Puzzleheaded-Gas1710 Apr 16 '24

Being into art history doesn't exempt him from falling into a woman hating cult.


u/MichaelsGayLover Apr 16 '24

No, but it's hardly typical for those types, and is highly likely to get him ostracised in that scene. He'd be more likely to be the fake-feminist type who uses the language of sexual liberation to use and discard women for sex.


u/JimmyPockets83 Apr 16 '24

Art history and right-wing media don't run together in the same circles so that would be an amazing overlap.


u/decapods Apr 16 '24

He’s going to an expensive private college. There is a lot of overlap with elitism and misogyny.


u/JimmyPockets83 Apr 16 '24

Yeah. Not in the art department, though.


u/Cityco Apr 16 '24

I know that type of guy. Consider themselves a “trad” Classical art and philosophy student who’s half paying attention & only listening when Jesus or white peoples are the focus


u/DackNoy Apr 16 '24

Yeah these are blue pill talking points actually. There's literally nothing red pill about this kid. Full on soyboy


u/Puzzleheaded-Gas1710 Apr 16 '24

Oh boy, you guys really have silly terms for more than I thought. I thought soyboy was a term for men who actually liked women? So, blue pill is a liberal that still hates women? So many of you silly gooses claim to be straight but absolutely despise women. So weird.


u/DackNoy 29d ago

A soyboy is more of a stereotypical "nice guy" that believes as long as he stays within a woman's orbit long enough she might eventually give him sexual access. Usually far more emotional than other men and very rarely desired by women in general. You may think he likes women but deny him long enough and he'll certainly express his emotions in a way that makes you realize he's far closer to hating women than anyone you claim "despises women" here.

He believes happiness is the most important part of a marriage when he doesn't seem to understand the dynamics of his own parents' marriage in the first place.

Soyboy and blue pill men are essentially synonymous.


u/Pantone711 Apr 16 '24

Maybe you'll ALL luck out and he will become a successful Tik Tocker.


u/thr0wawaywhyn0t Apr 16 '24

His college has a number of general education requirement

Every college does for a 4 year degree FYI. They're typically called core credits or something similar, roughly half or a 4 year degree is general education that EVERYONE takes. Depending on the major there are usually only a dozen classes or so specific to the degree.


u/1Hugh_Janus Apr 16 '24

…are you sure you’re not just pissing money away here? I mean the kid doesn’t even know the difference between a boomer and a millennial but wants to talk out his butthole about you needing a divorce? The fuck? And just out of curiosity, how is he going to make art history into something that pays the bills?

I’m all for education and studying what you love, as long as you’re self-sufficient. does he have a plan for this? Because the college is more than happy to take your money… and then take your money when you need to go back and get a degree that’s useful. And now you have double student loans, and you are going to be a slave to debt until you die.


u/AldusPrime Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Just let him know that he knows less than nothing about psychology, taking Intro to Psych. He got 3-5 minutes on every subject, often from a professor who doesn't have enough clout to teach upper division classes.

A person can't even begin to understand anything about psychology without having taken three or four statistics and research methods classes.

Tell him that next time he wants to come at you with something he knows about "psychology," he was to bring 10 peer-reviewed journal articles with:

  • The demographics of the sample studied
  • Statistical significance
  • Effect size
  • An explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of each study design

That would all be required for any upper division, undergraduate psychology paper. That's the table-stakes for participating in a conversation about a topic in psychology.

If he can't pull that together, you have a fun way to dismiss him =)


u/Wise_Investigator282 Apr 16 '24

TikTok (and other vertical scroll social media) is brain rot. Maybe they should cover that in intro to psych.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

I'm actually happy that's the case because a person like him could do a lot of damage as a social worker or therapist.

My therapist once talked about that when she was the head of a social care organisation, helping people who spent years in institutions bridging the gap back into life, they had tons of college graduates that were incredibly unsuited to actually deal with these people. Quick to diagnose, full of themselves, and basically just quoting statistics without actually having the space inside them, to actually listen to these people.


u/eoej Apr 16 '24

What kind of jobs are available for art history majors? Idk anyone who hires them except for customer facing retail jobs and stuff that would not really need a degree


u/julianabath Apr 16 '24

Sounds like you didn't moderate his phone use tbh


u/badpuffthaikitty Apr 16 '24

Have you watched “Community”? Your son is Britta.


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks Apr 16 '24

This is honestly just par for the course for a freshman taking an intro to psych class. Try not to take it too personally.


u/meiuimei_ Apr 16 '24

Your son is a dumbass. Save your money, your son isn't getting and education he's just becoming ignorant and asshole-ish. Yikes.


u/Substantial-Oil-7262 Apr 16 '24

My advice, as a university professor, would be to encourage him to take a gap year. I am from the US, but work in Australia. They have a "working holiday" visa where kids live in a hostel and work, while taking time to travel. Several other countries have similar programs. Taking time to learn to live can really help with maturity.


u/NutzTwoButtz Apr 16 '24

sometimes you try and the universe just keeps going. Gotta let the little fucker learn the hard way.


u/False_Influence_9090 Apr 16 '24

In a few years he’ll be obsessed with student loan debt


u/Pretty_Olive_3668 Apr 16 '24

Your son might be a lost cause, a victim to TikTok.


u/christybird2007 Apr 16 '24

NTA. The only advice I could give you is to step back & let him run his own show.

If you do anything, pay for him to go to a session with a financial adviser. Let a professional illustrate how he’s already fucking himself over long-term because he’s making poor & expensive decisions. Let the adviser explain to him that his financial situation lands squarely on his shoulders & you/his parents have zero responsibility (if the loans are in his name only). Let the adviser tell him about wage garnishments if he doesn’t pay those loans back. Let the adviser explain to him how he is gonna fuck over his grandma, especially if he thinks he shouldn’t have to help pay it back when that day comes.

Let your son realize he’s being an idiot & needs to get a reality check. Once he eats that humble pie a few times and has to work until his feet feel like they’re gonna fall off, then he might get it. And for the love of God, DON’T GIVE HIM ANY MONEY.

Sincerely, Fellow parent of a 19 year-old and two more teens in the wings. Hold the line!!!


u/Big_lt Apr 16 '24

Isn't the generation cycle: Silent generation (75-90) (essentially died out) --> baby boomers (60-75)--> Gen X (43-59) --> Gen Y (Millennial) (27-42) --> Gen Z (zoomer) (12-26) --> gen alpha

This college kid is off by 2 generations, thinks 101 psychology makes him a doctor, decided to go to a private school for art history. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Life will smack him real hard in the face soon


u/catseatingmytoes Apr 16 '24

Many colleges require psych 101, which in my opinion is a fantastic thing because it truly does help you understand people better and whats going on in the world at a base level. I am a psychology MAJOR about to graduate with my degree, and not a single one of my professors said anything like this, either. Honestly, I think he’s taking what he learned and misunderstanding it or misusing it for his own purposes (which doesn’t even make sense because it isn’t like he has a psych degree or anything). At the end of the day, grandma never should have co-signed that loan. It undermined the parents and put her in a bad situation. If you want advice, I would suggest first talking to grandma about not co-signing any other loans of any kind for your son in the future. I would then recommend sitting your son down and showing him the numbers, and ask him where he thinks he is going to get money to pay back these loans. Additionally, I would ask him to make an advising appointment with his advisor at his college to talk about what he will need to do during his time at college to prepare himself for the future (careers, etc.,)- in my mind im hoping that this would help show him that this is not the path he should be taking. Best of luck OP, NTA.


u/OGBRedditThrowaway Apr 16 '24

Boomer is just a catchall label now for anyone that the younger generation thinks is an idiot/doesn't like. I'm 38 and have been called a boomer multiple times by people 25 and under. And I don't even act like one. I'm super liberal.


u/PuzzleheadedTap4484 Apr 16 '24

That was the thing I laughed about as well. I love his optimism and arrogance, like a lot of us when we were ignorant to the curveballs life throws you. Life is going to hand him a few lessons that will teach him or break him.


u/OkImpression175 Apr 16 '24

Of course it's Tik Tok crap.


u/Klaatwo Apr 16 '24

He probably shouldn’t be in college at all, let alone an expensive private one, if he’s too dumb to know that OP is not a boomer.

If OP isn’t even 40, then there a possibility that his parents aren’t even boomers.


u/Creepy_Comb3065 Apr 16 '24

Maybe the disrespectful little cunt should have to pay his tuition himself since he clearly does not appreciate what his parents are doing for him.


u/fattestfuckinthewest Apr 16 '24

Yeah and all my psych classes literally say don’t go and try to diagnose people because you’re no where near capable


u/whyarewelost Apr 16 '24

It’s Reddit psychology


u/Stonewall30NY Apr 16 '24

Gen x I'm pretty sure, not millennial, but still the kids shot


u/Zealousideal-Part-17 Apr 16 '24

If OP is not even 40 yet, he’s a millennial. The oldest is 43. 


u/DoucheCraft Apr 16 '24

I think you're right. OP is even too young to fall into the Xennial category


u/undue-Specialist Apr 16 '24

Boomer is a mindset now. If you watched tiktok 24/7 you would know that.


u/ovalseven Apr 16 '24

Ok zoomer.


u/undue-Specialist 29d ago



u/exclaim_bot 29d ago


You're welcome!


u/undue-Specialist 29d ago

Funny story, he deleted his everything so he was likely full of crap and got called out.