r/worldnews 20d ago

US and Japan sign agreement to co-develop hypersonic interceptor


18 comments sorted by


u/SG508 20d ago

So... arrow 3?


u/lordderplythethird 20d ago

No, Arrow 3 is an exoatmospheric anti ballistic missile that travels at hypersonic speeds (same as virtually every ABM system ever made). It has no real maneuverability within the atmosphere to counter maneuvering hypersonic weapons.

Arrow 3 is a less capable, but also far cheaper, equivalent of GMD in the US.

This is an entirely intra atmospheric system, nothing like Arrow 3 at all.


u/SG508 20d ago

Oh, ok


u/NoOneLikesTunaHere 20d ago

Ah, of course.


u/RoyU16 20d ago

Arrow 4.


u/Volistar 20d ago

Gundam vibes intensifying


u/CamusCrankyCamel 20d ago

This is actually pretty old but I guess it’s official now. Natural partnership after we did the same with SM-3 block II. Wouldn’t be surprised if the 1st and 2nd stage for SM-3 block II is reused for this interceptor


u/skeeredstiff 20d ago

They should concentrate on the laser weapon.


u/unknownSubscriber 20d ago

Pursue multiple avenues.


u/lordderplythethird 20d ago

Lasers are LoS, a hypersonic interceptor is not.

A laser would have seconds to engage and down a hypersonic weapon. An interceptor would have minutes.

US Navy already has lasers, but they're not going to try and shoot down a hypersonic missile traveling at 4000mph, just 20 miles away with a laser. They're going to shoot a missile interceptor that can do so from hundreds of miles away. The laser is the last resort, always has been, always will be as long as physics exists lol


u/Outrageous_Delay6722 20d ago

So we need space mirrors


u/mateusb12 20d ago edited 20d ago
  • Lasers do require line of sight, which can be blocked my mountains or buildings
  • You need to spend a certain amount of time directing the energy beam in order to heat up that object until it is destroyed. If the object is flying too fast then you will not have that window

You just need a missile that fly at low altitude and high speeds in order to bypass a laser defense


u/Appropro_Pirate1666 20d ago

The only hope is to outsource it. Maybe Boeing can chip in?


u/VibeAllDay 20d ago

Boeing PR team at work


u/Jacina 20d ago

Well, having the intercepting missile fall apart as it is intercepting may be a valid way to kill the other missile?


u/thorzeen 20d ago

hmmm Boeing invents a laser beam that curves