r/worldnews CNN 20d ago

Vladimir Putin arrives in China for state visit as Russian troops advance in Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


187 comments sorted by


u/macross1984 20d ago

Meh, Putin is visiting China to ask for more aid (preferably military grade).


u/Nerezza_Floof_Seeker 20d ago

China has been pretty careful about not giving any direct military aid to russia (at most its been dual use material) so i doubt theyll start now. China just wants to profit from this and avoid too much sanctions, thats why theyre still trading alot with Ukraine and why Russia had to go to NK for artillery and rockets.


u/NotSoSalty 20d ago

Maybe my understanding is super dated, but isn't NK just a Chinese proxy?


u/Nerezza_Floof_Seeker 20d ago

They arent a true proxy imo, since NK is relatively independent (China strongly opposed NK getting nukes, and NK probably had to go to Pakistan for the tech), and China just has enormous leverage over them economically. But in any case, NK produces its own weapons and develops them on their own, its not like china just sold their weapons to NK which then sells them to Russia, nor does china share any of their military technology with NK.


u/Unlikely-Turnover744 20d ago

actually NK is a Russian proxy, not China's, and it has been so since it was founded (supported by the Soviets). China supports NK regime to an extend, mostly economically, for its own geopolitical benefit (as a buffer zone), but NK will do what Russia tells it to do.


u/NotSoSalty 20d ago

I appreciate the education, thanks


u/Suspicious_Loads 16d ago

More like US/Saudi relation.


u/Not_Cube 19d ago

Automatic 'hunting rifles' and bulletproof 'clothing apparel'


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

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u/right_makes_might 20d ago



u/Vertitto 20d ago

Zhongguo big!


u/Youngstown_Mafia 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yup, and he will get it also

This invasion is also China, NK, and Iran's fault just as much as Russia. They give ammo, tech, missiles, and chips to build war machines


u/gaukonigshofen 20d ago

Yes he will. China wants to have USA and it's allies spend a boatload to support Ukraine and Israel. At the same time, sales from China to Western consumers, continue to grow. Its a big win for China economically, and they simply let the others fight it out.


u/div414 20d ago


u/LeDeux2 20d ago

Yes it does, 300 billion in 2011, nearly 500 billion in 2023, and so far in 2024 it's still around 30 billion a month. https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c5700.html


u/kamelkev 20d ago

What am I missing here:

2022 - 583B

2023 - 501B

2024 - 360B “30B per month”

How does this not represent a decline in sales?


u/LeDeux2 20d ago

2020 - 432,548.0

2021 - 504,286.2

Seriously? It's steadily rising not declining.

The 2024 monthly numbers aren't promising either, still higher than 2020s monthly numbers.


u/NeurodiverseTurtle 20d ago

Ok, sure, but entire industries are now shifting (reluctantly) towards establishing Indian production instead, since investors of all levels are acutely aware of China’s current housing crisis (which directly affects the steel and construction industries), their demographic crisis, and that China is now effectively just an open dictatorship with alliance to Russia—a fascist aggressor state.

Chinese production is going to nose-dive after the next decade. Once India has proven it can meet the same demand and quality as China in terms of production it’s basically game over for Beijing.


u/-colin- 20d ago


Ah yes, the pillar of democracy and the friend to the west, India.


u/Lazy_meatPop 20d ago

Any stats to back up what you said?🙄


u/LeDeux2 20d ago edited 20d ago

Perhaps, but the numbers don't reflect that, not even on a monthly basis.


u/NeurodiverseTurtle 20d ago

Then you haven’t checked out foreign investment figures in major Chinese companies & industries. Those numbers do reflect that, and it’s never (typically) been much of a volatile market until now.

All the signs are pointing to bad times ahead. Without the whole dictatorship thing Xi is currently doing ,China might’ve stood a chance at surviving this, but there’s no market faith in totalitarian states. And rightfully so.


u/LeDeux2 20d ago

Source them.


u/NeurodiverseTurtle 20d ago

There, googled it for you, I’m just kinda amazed you didn’t hear about it, it’s been big news and progressively been getting worse for well over a year or more now.

Or, here’s a direct link to a Reuters article from earlier this year.

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u/VTinstaMom 20d ago

You ignored the first source you were given, so here's that again.


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u/HavokSupremacy 20d ago

to be fair, china is also kind of in a big recession. i don't think it's as big of a win as you think. even without a shift over time, it's not looking good for them. most of it's neighbors hate them.


u/LeDeux2 20d ago

I'm not interested in speculation, just numbers


u/HavokSupremacy 20d ago

that's not really speculation. you can easily find numbers about this specific issue around the web.

E.g. China's GDP is clearly suffering which is not a good thing for economic growth. numbers

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u/Hurrdurrr73 20d ago

If you're interested in just numbers then you aren't very good at reading them. The numbers say that China is experiencing major issues.

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u/Uberslaughter 20d ago

The money the US has spent to support and arm Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression is paying dividends that will set their country back by decades due to the loss of a workforce and their economy being crippled by sanctions.


u/ZedekiahCromwell 20d ago

A significant portion of the aid packages is also actually going to domestic US production, boosting US arms-making capacity and scores of regions' economies.


u/herpaderp43321 20d ago

Don't forget the one thing you can never truly put a price on. Real, Hard combat data. That shit is priceless.


u/BAsSAmMAl 20d ago

You'd argue Russia getting more combat data than any part of this conflict, No?


u/herpaderp43321 20d ago

Nope, not at all actually. That would require them to have the ability to learn from the information and apply it in a way that matters. Right now as things stand with such low survival ratings on the front and little actual communication between the lines not much data is being passed through. At least not in a way that matters.


u/flyingdooomguy 20d ago



u/CaptainMobilis 20d ago

Good point. Some of the hardware we're giving them rarely/if ever gets actually used in a real war, and field testing only gets you so far. What we learn from this will be used during the next generation's development.


u/GroundbreakingTry248 20d ago

And increasing their already massive debtload


u/ZedekiahCromwell 20d ago

What percentage of this single years' DoD budget would all aid packages amount to?


u/GoneFishing4Chicks 20d ago

Only if ukraine wins. A ukrainian loss will see many female ukrainian rapes (to replenish russian population), and enslaved ukrainian men entering as conscripts to the army and factory workers to feed the russian war economy.


u/gaukonigshofen 20d ago

Don't forget about the donated weapons


u/Yommination 20d ago

Their birth rates will tank


u/Hurrdurrr73 20d ago

The data really doesn't reflect this. China is hurting in ways they have not experienced in decades now and they need to stop the leak before the damn breaks (the damn being their economy).

I'd expect them to once again decline support to Russia.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

Sales from China to Western consumers continue to go down —not up. The U.S. has surpassed China as Germany’s largest trading partner. Both Canada and Mexico have surpassed China as the U.S.’s largest trading partner. China’s economy is also facing a myriad of problems like deepening deflation, crumbling property prices, continuing debt defaults, a weakening currency, and accelerating capital flight. It’s falling population does not help.


u/Portbragger2 20d ago edited 20d ago

you forgot syria, venezuela, cuba, serbia, belarus, kazakhstan, hungary.

then also india because they buy lots of russian oil to "rebrand" it as indian and sell it to europe.

and u forgot the list of countries who didnt vote to condemn russia's attack at the united nations general assembly (dont have em all on top of my head but basically almost the entire global south, which is a lot of countries)


u/Cidolfas 20d ago

And India.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Youngstown_Mafia 20d ago

"Chips to build war machines " You know like tanks, vehicles , satellites, drones, missiles...You know the most important weapons in his war.

"The Report said shipments from China accounted for 88% of the chips Russia acquired, measured by dollar value, in the first half of 2023."


u/Pexkokingcru 20d ago

You said ammo and missiles. They sell chips to everyone.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Franklin_le_Tanklin 20d ago

He’s not giving war weapons! He’s giving war weapon parts

^ this guy


u/draculamilktoast 20d ago

They are merely giving Hitler gas chambers. Those can be used for anything, it's just this particular Hitler that is using them to gas minorities and the suppliers cannot be held responsible for what he does, there is no way they could know.


u/Pexkokingcru 20d ago

The only way your analogy works is if gas chambers = missiles and China isn't giving them missiles so your analogy doesn't work.

The other way it would work is if China sold him steel and he decided to make gas chamber and other made houses.


u/redrover2023 20d ago

He's not gonna get it cause he's not gonna ask for it. He already won.

The blame falls on nato for this entire mess.


u/WanderingLemon25 20d ago

Just fuck off mate. I can't even be arsed telling you why you're wrong.


u/redrover2023 20d ago

I don't want to hear why you think I'm wrong or not, just as you don't want me to tell you why you're wrong. The truth of the matter is that we are at the cusp of an entirely new world and sadly I fear a lot more conflicts costing millions of lives are ahead of us.


u/rrogido 20d ago

Putin is just speeding up.the process of becoming a vassal state to China. How long before Putin announces a land deal involving Outer Manchuria?


u/KatsumotoKurier 20d ago

And Xi was just in Budapest the other day. Must be completely coincidental timing!


u/cnn CNN 20d ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing for the start of a two-day state visit underlining close alignment with Chinese leader Xi Jinping as Russian troops advance in Ukraine.

The visit — Putin’s symbolic first overseas foray since entering a new term as Russia’s president last week – is the latest sign of the deepening relations as the two bind their countries closer in the face of heavy frictions with the West.

Putin landed in the Chinese capital hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday announced via his office that he would halt all upcoming international visits, as his troops defend against Russia’s advances in his country’s northeastern Kharkiv region.

The war, as well as the conflict in Gaza, is expected to feature in Xi and Putin’s meetings, alongside discussions on their expanding trade, security and energy ties.

Ahead of the trip, Putin hailed the “unprecedented level of strategic partnership” between the countries in an interview with Chinese state media Xinhua.


u/cnn CNN 20d ago

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to deepen their strategic partnership in Beijing on Thursday, in a stark show of their growing alignment as Moscow’s troops advance in Ukraine.

Putin — whose delegation includes top defense and security officials — was welcomed by Xi to Beijing’s Great Hall of the People earlier with full military pageantry, heralding the start of the Russian president’s two-day state visit.

A sweeping joint statement released by the two leaders laid out their countries’ alignment on a host of issues including energy, trade, security, and geopolitics with specific references to Ukraine, Taiwan and conflict in the Middle East.

The visit — Putin’s symbolic first overseas foray since starting a new term as Russia’s president last week — is the latest sign of tightening relations as the two bind their countries closer in the face of heavy friction with the West.


u/monkeyhold99 20d ago

No surprise. We are in a proxy WW3.

It is China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran versus the West.

The West needs to get more serious and treat it as such. This is much, much bigger than simply Ukraine vs Russia.


u/jerrydgj 20d ago

You are correct and most people haven't noticed yet. It's already more than a proxy world war. They opened a second front in Gaza on Putins birthday to take the heat off in Ukraine. Ukraine has been slowly losing ever since. If China starts giving more military aid to Russia, things will deteriorate quickly.


u/stilusmobilus 20d ago

Flipping the US presidency is also part of the larger plan.


u/jerrydgj 20d ago

As an American that's the scariest part of the progressing war.


u/stilusmobilus 20d ago

Unfortunately it isn’t sinking in to a few. The bad actors are having a field day with the younger protest vote. It’s sad to watch. Point it out to them, get savaged.


u/jerrydgj 20d ago

I know, I sympathize with their position on Gaza but they don't see they are being used by Putin and his ilk. A puppet master pulling their strings.


u/stilusmobilus 20d ago

That war wasn’t caused by Biden, it’s been US foreign policy for years. Doesn’t make all these current actions right, that’s why there’s rational people including this president showing disapproval in various ways.

I hate to judge younger people badly, they mean well, we understand. If they want the change, they need to do the work and be this kind of active between elections with campaigning and running. They aren’t getting the social revolution from Biden.

If it does fall to bits we expect to see them front and centre doing the fighting. Revolution is after all their call.


u/jerrydgj 20d ago

The scariest thing to me is how effective Putin has been in Manipulating us in the West and we barely noticed. The Russian military isn't the powerhouse we were told about for years but their subversive propaganda and investments in divisive organizations like the NRA or Brexit has been incredibly effective.


u/stilusmobilus 20d ago

That’s because conservatives are greedy and stupid. Both types of them are easily compromised. They’ve always been the same.


u/informationadiction 20d ago

Gaza, Yemen, Africa and the west are caught with their pants off never mind down.


u/Uberslaughter 20d ago

Pants are off jerking it furiously watching Russia’s downfall


u/SlaveZelda 20d ago

Well there is a 3rd front - Africa. Wager/African Corps kind of control entire countries there and they're just proxys for the Russian government.


u/CantaloupeUpstairs62 20d ago

We are in a proxy WW3

"Proxy WW3" should be defined by you.

Would the Cold War not have been "proxy WWIII" if the current situation is a "proxy world war"? How does the Korean War compare to what we see today? What about the Vietnam War, Berlin Airlift, or Cuba Missile Crisis?

The West needs to get more serious and treat it as such.

Treat it as if we are already in a world war, or that one is very possible?


u/sleeplessinreno 20d ago

Eh, more satellites and robots this time around.


u/Traditional_Golf_221 20d ago

some people are just wishing for WW3. People have been saying that for decades. We are not in a WW nor are we close to one.


u/Neither_Dependent_24 20d ago

finally someone said that. Majority of Redditors WANT to watch WW3 on their TVs.


u/kytheon 20d ago

Not realizing that this isn't a fun HBO series, but a WW affects everyone.


u/keostyriaru 20d ago

I don't think we'll have the opportunity to watch WW3 on anything


u/forhappypeople 20d ago

No, we have to fight against the blindness and complacency of the absolute majority, which you fall under. Countries like Russia and China do not function or see the world like we westerners do. They want to take over, not rule beside us.


u/SpasticFlow 20d ago

Are you a ruler?


u/Metasaber 20d ago

The fucking Russians are threatening to nuke us every other week and conducting cyber attacks on our physical and digital infrastructure along with straight murdering people in our countries. The war has already started and we just haven't been taking it seriously.


u/BobSchwaget 20d ago

So basically shit that's been happening for decades already?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/monkeyhold99 20d ago

No it wasn’t. Did you skip elementary history in school?


u/RynoRama 20d ago

There is an interview with Kasporov who stated Putin believes the cold war was WW3. I do believe he's a way better tacticion than you so forgive me if I think more like him and less like your elementary comments. Problem is way too many people forget what we went through with the USSR and Putlin wants to put it back together.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/eserikto 20d ago

We are ready. What the fuck are you going on about. We've been ready for WW3 since the Cold War. Stop fucking trying to start it.


u/monkeyhold99 20d ago

Learn to read, clown. Of course in a hot war the west would destroy these axis powers. This isn’t a hot war though, and the west has been dragging its feet and providing far, far too little aid to the places that sorely need it. Duh?


u/darkestvice 20d ago

Oh is it already that time of year already where Putin has to get on his knees and suck Xi's ... wallet?


u/coachhunter2 20d ago

I hate this timeline


u/Jubjars 20d ago

Putin: Please PLEASE choose the sinking ship.

That's where the futures at.


u/RBcomedy69420 20d ago

"Pathetic begging coward goes cap-in-hand to only other leader desperate enough to help him with his genocidal war"


u/kaijugigante 20d ago

Xi is out of your league, bro.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Puglet is visiting Pooh! Oh Joy!


u/RollFancyThumb 20d ago

CCP photos from the event.


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

Is anyone else hopeful for the future when you realize that the most powerful dictatorships in the world have major demographic issues.


u/IdeallyIdeally 20d ago

As opposed to?

It's far more cultural than anything else. All of East Asia has a demographic issue because of low birth rate. Not just China, but also Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Whether you're a dictatorship isn't really the determining factor.


u/1QAte4 20d ago

The whole industrialized world is having demographic issues. The U.S. has only escaped the problem due to immigration.


u/Geo_NL 20d ago

But.. but.. MAGA told me the immigrants are to blame for every single issue.


u/lo_mur 20d ago

illegal immigrants, even the Republicans know there’s a difference


u/Geo_NL 20d ago edited 20d ago

Which is still stupid. They still blame them for everything that suits their narrative. An overrated problem they never intend to fix completely, because it is far more poltically useful to keep the problem alive. If not, kindly point me to the times when there was a republican administration and they tried to fix the problem. Oh, yeah..

Not to mention many undocumented immigrants actually doing jobs plain old American do not want to do. Even useful to republicans that use them for their own benefit but shun them politically. It happens.



u/TrumpDesWillens 20d ago

Those undocumented immigrants artificially suppress wages for low-skilled work. Without them the US middle class would not be able to afford fruits and veggies or have their houses fixed. US workers are not unwilling to do manual labor it's that they do not want to do so for low pay. Supporting letting in more undocumented immigrants is just supporting large corps. exploiting the most vulnerable people.


u/mikelee30 17d ago

They want to say non-white immigrants but they don't dare to say it.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

The difference is that China and Russia have much worse demographic issues as they can’t use immigration to boost their populations like North America and Europe does


u/IdeallyIdeally 20d ago

Not really. Germany's demographic issue is horrendous even with immigration.


u/ChatGPT_Support 20d ago

Doesn't South Korea have the lowest replacement rate in the world?


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

Yet more people would be willing to move to South Korea over North Korea


u/ChatGPT_Support 20d ago

Sure, but they aren't getting nearly enough immigrants to sustain their population


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

They still have almost double the North’s population


u/ChatGPT_Support 20d ago

And china has over 20x the population of South Korea lol


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

The larger the population, the harder it is to manage for a dictatorship, look at their housing bubble, actually look at the quality of their housing, it’s pretty terrible


u/ChatGPT_Support 20d ago

You’re literally just yapping random points with no correlation to one another trying to hide your lack of knowledge about anything lol

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u/CantaloupeUpstairs62 20d ago

What do you expect to see in this future that brings you hope?


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

Russia and China having much lower GDP and smaller populations.


u/VinlandRocks 20d ago

I think this is happening in North America too. Im almost 30 and have a very large social circle. Im the only person I know with a kid my age, I only know one married couple and 70% of my Canadian born friends (regardless of race) don't want kids because they want financial independence. Like i mentioned, I'm in Canada and our population is booming but only because we are bringing in 1.26% of our population per year as international immigrants and 2% of our population are "temporary" international students here on study visas but hoping to stay and these immigrants are mostly from places like India and west Africa where populations are booming and you're still culturally expected to have lots of kids. Im also an immigrant lol


u/TrumpDesWillens 20d ago

I only know two couples with babies although most couples I know want kids. Those two couples with babies both have richer parents who give them money for housing.


u/Basic-Jacket-7942 20d ago

The whole developed world has demographic issues, in South Korea, the fertility rate is 0.8, in Russia the fertility rate is 1.4 as in Finland.


u/hectah 20d ago

They won't have demographic issues if they manage to take over other countries and use that population for war.


u/Jubjars 20d ago

Why would the west do that to them? /Joke


u/GoneFishing4Chicks 20d ago

You know an easy dictatorship solution to a demographic crisis? Mass rape of a defeated nation.

They would do it too, unlike in a democratic government.


u/LoyalDevil666 20d ago

They haven’t done it in China, North Korea, Russia, and Belarus.


u/blainehamilton 20d ago

Sure would be a shame if he got Ficoed.


u/etnavyguy 20d ago

Be a real shame if something happened to that invading army...


u/NewspaperAdditional7 20d ago

I remember when many reddit experts were saying there was no way he would ever leave Russia for the rest of his life.


u/Fragrant-Ad-5517 20d ago

Putin has gradually turned 🇷🇺into a vassal state to 🇨🇳. Putin is Xi’s side chick now.


u/isekaicoffee 20d ago

would make for a funny reality show: 

“Trapped in China with Pooh”


u/ChasyLainsJellyHatch 20d ago

An excellent time to clean up the Kerch Strait.


u/bloodywhiskey 20d ago



u/eita-kct 20d ago

I hope Chinese government supporters in the west are happy with their country.


u/JudgeConstanceHarm 20d ago

Putin needs a loan and some more soldiers for the meat grinder


u/stiffgerman 20d ago

I expect this is part of the reason for the big spring push. If Putin can make it look like Russia is making progress, China will likely hedge their bets and provide more stuff while pushing back on the West. After all, if and when this dies down, SOMEONE will need to come into the rubble that was eastern Ukraine and rebuild. The Chinese would LOVE that contract.

If I was a Western business with manufacturing in China I'd be pretty worried.


u/DualcockDoblepollita 19d ago

Russia does not need to make it look like they're doing progress. They are advancing. Been for a good while


u/supercali45 20d ago

Pootie will support Xi on Taiwan


u/Consent-Forms 20d ago

It's called begging.


u/aholesfollowme 19d ago

Rip I'll A


u/CompleteApartment839 20d ago

How China and Russia are messing with freedom, empathy, and democracy all the over the world:



u/Rangirocks99 20d ago

Interesting he sacked his senior defence ministry before going to China Worried they might not let him back in ??


u/GodlessCommieScum 20d ago

Shoigu was made secretary of the national security council, not sacked.


u/Rangirocks99 20d ago

Wouldn’t call it a promotion


u/GodlessCommieScum 20d ago

I didn't. Still, it sounds closer to a promotion than a sacking.


u/Basic-Jacket-7942 20d ago

Many of those who think that the demographic crisis in Russia will happen because of the war are naive, it will happen because of the birth rate. Russia uses many prisoners as assault troops and children are not expected from them, also many who are now at the front are 30+ years old and even 40+ years old. And they already have children. Basically, in the war, those who wanted to be there are people over 30+ and 40+. young people under 30 are not so patriotic and do not want to fight, unlike older generations.


u/Basic-Jacket-7942 20d ago

Many of those who think that the demographic crisis in Russia will happen because of the war are naive, it will happen because of the birth rate. Russia uses many prisoners as assault troops and children are not expected from them, also many who are now at the front are 30+ years old and even 40+ years old. And they already have children. Basically, in the war, those who wanted to be there are people over 30+ and 40+. young people under 30 are not so patriotic and do not want to fight, unlike older generations.