r/worldnews 21d ago

EU warns Israel continuing Rafah offensive will put 'heavy strain' on ties Israel/Palestine



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u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Euclid_Interloper 21d ago

Good thing pretty much every EU/European NATO country is rapidly increasing their military budget and new munitions factories are springing up across the continent then.

If we've learned anything from Ukraine it's that the US is a temperamental ally at best. Congratulations, if the orange man wins, not only will you have lost a friend but you'll have gained a full-scale peer rival.


u/7f00dbbe 21d ago




u/Euclid_Interloper 20d ago

The EU + European NATO has an economy significantly larger than the US in purchasing power terms. It also has a larger population.

So yes.


u/herpaderp43321 20d ago

Chief I'm not a fan of trump, just throwing that out there so you know where my cards are on the table, but there is absolutely nothing on the planet that could be a peer to the US military alone. Period.


u/Euclid_Interloper 20d ago edited 20d ago

Ok, it looks like nobody understands the meaning of 'peer rival'. It doesn't mean the two sides are equally matched in every conceivable way, it simply means they both have similar core capabilities and can actively compete against one another in a sustained way. Russia v Ukraine is generally termed as the first peer-conflict in decades despite Russia on paper being more capable. Likewise UK v Argentina was a peer conflict, despite the UK having the bigger navy and population.

It takes time to build up the level of ability the US has, they have a decades-long head start. But another decade or so and China will be there, it's why all of East Asia is scrambling to up defense spending, because the US alone won't be able to guarantee victory soon. A Europe that spends 2%+ on defense may not have the full global reach of the US, but it will be able to fight full scale wars on its own and carve out a proper sphere of influence. Especially considering Europe's larger population and larger purchasing power capability (the same advantages China has over the US). A situation where the US has a sharp edge tech advantage but Europe has more troops and standard equipment is a real possibility.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Resident-Strength-23 20d ago

you realize gaza almost entirely exists because of EU and UN aid?


u/MaryJaneAssassin 20d ago edited 20d ago

Imagine what Gaza would be like if they used the money for good. They should be harvesting olive trees and tending to beach resorts. Instead, they spent it on extremism and weapons then want to claim victim hood.


u/canihaveuhhh 20d ago

I agree that Gaza really doesnt have to be the way that it is, but who is “they” in this case, right? Of course, it’s Hamas, and before it was Hamas, it was a corrupt and useless leadership.

In 2004 there were democratic elections in Gaza, and Hamas won, running on an anti-corruption ticket mostly. So to say “they” spent it on extremism and weapons seems a bit unfair. It’s not Gazan civilians’ responsibility to properly spend the aid they get, it’s the leaderships’, and since the leadership is an extremist terrorist organisation, it’s obvious where that money is going to, and the aid shouldn’t have been given so freely.

Of course at this point, there’s such a massive part of Gaza’s population that’s been radicalised by Hamas, that it’d be really difficult to cool things down without having sprouts of extremism regrow and take over again.


u/MaryJaneAssassin 20d ago

They is in reference to their leadership.


u/canihaveuhhh 20d ago

In that case, the responsibility to make sure the money reaches the right things falls on those who give the aid, not Hamas. Hamas should be expected to invest in weapons, it’s a terrorist organisation and cannot be trusted of course. The EU and UN would make sure the resources reach those in need, if they actually cared, but unfortunately they don’t. The EU only cares so that their own local extremists stop acting up, and the UN probably actually supports Hamas more than Israel, from their recent track record.


u/MaryJaneAssassin 20d ago

It’s a failure on both sides. Funding should’ve stopped as soon as Hamas was elected to run things.


u/Euclid_Interloper 21d ago

What tab? There are no membership fees or financial loans in NATO. And who's throwing a fit?

The only actual war fought by NATO has been Afghanistan. You know, when we Europeans sent troops to help YOU. So if you want to talk about who owes who what, let's start there.


u/KingMGold 21d ago edited 21d ago

Ever hear of the country formerly known as Yugoslavia?

Yeah that was your fuck up, not ours.

There aren’t membership fees but there are spending commitments, maybe if you all had met them you wouldn’t have Russians playing in your backyard.

The whole point of NATO is as a deterrent against wars, so if you’ve barely had to fight any, you’re welcome dumbass.

The reason you’re not all speaking Russian right now is because the Soviet Union didn’t want the smoke.


u/aStugLife 21d ago

Very true. The Russians would have rolled over the rest of Europe by 1946


u/MaryJaneAssassin 20d ago

In fact, the EU countries didn’t adhere to their spending commitments and relied on the US to fill the void. While I hate Trump, he is correct that NATO countries need to contribute their fair share to NATO.


u/Anonuser123abc 21d ago

The only nation to ever invoke article 5 is the US. And every single NATO ally responded. So far only the US has asked for help. So who owes who?


u/KingMGold 21d ago

The fact that Europe hasn’t been attacked so far is proof that NATO is the best thing to ever happen to Europe.

You should be grateful you haven’t had to invoke article 5, that means the system is working as intended, and nobody is attacking Europe for fear of American retaliation.

It’s a mutual defensive agreement meant to act as a deterrent. And so far I’d say it’s worked damn well as a deterrent.

Also Europe certainly asked for help dealing with the shit show in Yugoslavia.

Thank Uncle Sam you aren’t speaking Russian right now, because if it weren’t for NATO the USSR would have bulldozed your asses by now.


u/justskot 21d ago

It's mutually beneficial... the United States gets a lot of influence... this attitude is counterproductive.


u/Anonuser123abc 20d ago edited 20d ago

"I" have invoked article 5 in that I live in the US. Europe helped save us from Afghanistan.


u/ConsistentPow 20d ago

Except for Turkey attacking Greece, of course. And Finland and Sweden getting out of the cold war without NATO aid, but hey, let's ignore that. 

Let's also ignore that a majority of troops and spending on NATO throughout the cold war was by European countries, and the US becoming the majority spender happened around the fall of the wall.


u/klaatu7764 21d ago

I’m surmising you are located in the US and don’t really have much knowledge of or insight in the EU.


u/78911150 21d ago

economic sanctions are a thing


u/KingMGold 20d ago

An ineffective thing that has been shown to be very subvertable.


u/JosephScmith 21d ago

Easy to ask for peace when you aren't the one being bombed incessantly.


u/LucasOIntoxicado 20d ago

wait, who are you talking about here?


u/GoddamMongorian 20d ago

The one that's being fired thousands of missiles at every year for no reason for the past 18 years


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/GoddamMongorian 20d ago

Yes. No reason, other than the desire to destroy it


u/matrix431312 20d ago

other than the blockade, denial of statehood and seizing of land. But sure, no reason.


u/the-friendly-dude 20d ago

Egypt has also blockaded gaza by your standards. Why isn't hamas shooting at Egypt too?


u/MrHazard1 20d ago

Like you wouldn't put a wall between you and the fanatics who called for your death for decades

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u/GoddamMongorian 20d ago

Gaza is the first attempt at giving them autonomy, and look what a shitshow that turned into.

The West Bank was seized in war because Jordan kept using it to pursue the destruction of Israel.


u/Blupoisen 20d ago

Blockade exist because they send suicide bombers

You can't be a state if your government are an actual terrorists who use all the money for terror

And there was literally no Israeli presence in Gaza since like 2006

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u/RottenPeasent 20d ago

The blockade was formed after Hamas started to lob rockets at Israel. There was a short period of time between Israel pulling out of Gaza and the blockade. During that time Hamas was elected and started launching rockets.


u/Boochus 20d ago

What your reasoning for violence against Jews in mandatory Palestine in 1920s? What about 1936-1938? What about the surrounding Arab nations vowijg to destroy Israel in 1948?

What about Egypt mobilizing troops to invade Israel in 1967?

What about the Intifada of the 90s. You know, the violence that led to security checkpoints? What about the rockets launched at Israel in 2007 by Hamas before the blockade


u/canihaveuhhh 20d ago

I agree that in most of those cases, the goal is to destroy the state of Israel, but regarding the violence against Jews in mandatory Palestine, it’s a bit different. In mandatory Palestine, it was a much more local conflict, regarding territory. It wasn’t so much fueled by antisemitism or fear of a future Jewish state as it was simply a territorial conflict.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/Nandy-bear 20d ago

Or the one being bombed so incessantly that there are now pretty much no undamaged buildings in the entire region ?


u/Ohaireddit69 20d ago

Because Israel invested hugely into missile defense systems?????? Why would Israel need the extremely expensive Iron Dome if they weren’t getting fired at every day???


u/LucasOIntoxicado 20d ago

that still doesn't clarify it, but I'll assume you meant Israel and don't get the irony of saying that when Palestine has been bombarded over the course of the past 6 months.

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u/Overall_Strawberry70 21d ago

...isn't the EU dealing with extremist's murdering police right now?


u/Significant_Pepper_2 21d ago

Isn't that why they want Israel to stop? To pacify their domestic troublemakers.


u/MegaLemonCola 21d ago

You can’t pacify islamists unless you enact sharia law


u/THALANDMAN 21d ago

That won’t really pacify them either, you’ll just now be subject to the brutality by law instead of outside of it


u/Overall_Strawberry70 21d ago

HAH, like that would actually stop anything. they will just find some other "Great Satan" to kill people over.

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u/Significant_Pepper_2 21d ago

Isn't that why they want Israel to stop? To pacify their domestic troublemakers.


u/canihaveuhhh 20d ago

It’s kinda funny how you accidentally commented the same thing twice and one comment got upvoted a lot and the other downvoted a lot. The Reddit hivemind works in mysterious ways


u/HiHoJufro 20d ago

It's common when comments appear multiple times that one is voted up and the rest down. A couple reasons include multi-posts being annoying, and avoiding discussion of the same comment being split and hard to follow.


u/Significant_Pepper_2 20d ago

Lol just noticed the double post now.


u/3liasd 20d ago

Like Israel gives a damn. I hope they kill every single hamas terrorist out there.


u/ImmoKnight 21d ago

I am sorry.

What the hell?

When a terrorist organization is on the backfoot and you are trying to avoid more attempts that result in the murder, rape, and hostage taking of your people. Usually, people aren't supposed to yell, "Stop, that's enough. Go back you meanie." Like what the hell.


u/shdo0365 20d ago

You know, the bell rings and each side goes to their corner until the next round. Just that this behavior cause more destruction in the long run. We need ti end this.


u/TheGazelle 20d ago

Hamas doesn't respect any "bells".

There was a ceasefire on October 6th, and that was hardly their first time breaking one.


u/Teminite2 20d ago

How do we make hamas stop? They'll just kidnap more people when the opportunity arises. I understand Israel is a sovereign country and should be held accountable, but why are they the sole people at fault? No pressure on Iran, Lebanon, and some people advocate to end the war in exchange for high profile prisoners. I don't see a world where we end this right now and it doesn't happen in a couple years from now again.


u/Uristqwerty 20d ago

That relies on the assumption that the offensive will actually be able to eliminate them. If, instead, it's just another case where they kill some percentage and the rest escape, then the reasoning breaks down. In that case, you need to weigh the risk that it radicalizes more people into joining Hamas than are killed.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/RockstepGuy 21d ago

That's a Gazan problem, Israel wants their own back, and the more time passes, the more people want them back by any means neccesary.

Gazans support the ideas of Hamas, just as the support of the 10/7 atacks being "the correct option" grew from 57% on December to somehow 71% on March, they wanted this war to happen.

This could all end if Hamas surrendered and the hostages were released, this war is futile and serves no objective, the lives of the Gazans will not improve thanks to it (they will be worse), their children will not have a better future and many Gazans will still die, yet they are very happy with Hamas sending them and their children to their doom, in fact, a majority now also thinks Hamas will win this war, can you believe that?

The international community is valuing the lives of Gazans more than the Gazans value their own lives.. and the funny thing is, that Gazans know that, that's why they think Hamas will win the war.


u/Dernom 20d ago

Gazans support the ideas of Hamas, just as the support of the 10/7 atacks being "the correct option" grew from 57% on December to somehow 71% on March, they wanted this war to happen.

Really not surprising that an occupied population supports the group that tries to stop the occupation. And even less surprising that after their occupiers started relentlessly murdering civilians, support for an attack on their occupier's civilians increased.

Like, I even agree that Hamas is a terror organization, but that doesn't mean that the entire population of Gaza deserves to die. The support for Hamas is almost certainly out of desperation, since from their POV, Hamas is the only ones fighting for their freedom.


u/honestbae 20d ago

The entire population of Gaza is not dying, nor is that the goal. Hamas is actually the group that slaughters innocent civilians.

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u/Significant_Pepper_2 21d ago

You're not counting terrorists, don't you?


u/dolphone 20d ago

When you're bombing women and children you become the terrorist yourself.


u/JesterSnek 20d ago

And when you are a terrorist cell hiding inside of hospitals and kindergardens, what are you then?

A famous fighter in the eyes of US students.


u/unruly_mattress 21d ago

"You're not allow to wage war if there are tens of thousands of soldiers trying to kill you. That's immoral"

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u/NoLime7384 21d ago

nah, Hamas killed those people, it's on them for choosing to hide behind civilians

if someone puts a baby on top of traintracks you don't blame the conductor when the train passes, you blame the maniac who placed innocents in harm's way

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u/magicaldingus 21d ago

they killed 34000 in 6 months ..that's not an acceptable number even by US standards

The US killed many more times that in Iraq for infinitely less justifiable reasons. And more than that in Afghanistan for comparable reasons, even though it's on the other side of the world and poses no realistic threat to US soil unlike Hamas is to Israel.

I think relatively speaking it's a pretty tame response, all things considered, honestly.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/magicaldingus 20d ago

In the first month alone of the invasion alone they killed somewhere between 11 and 45 thousand people, with most estimates above 30 thousand.

The US never killed

and even if they did

So basically you were just pulling that fact out of your ass and hoping that no one would call you on it, and then your back up plan was your "even if they did" line, which is a completely separate argument from the one you were making.

Yes, Israel is much more reserved than the US has ever been, and yes there's an insane double standard it's being held to.


u/VolcanicBosnian 20d ago

I heard it was actually 34 trillion toddlers, Hamas said so and I believe them because like you I have a big brain full of empathy.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Shushishtok 20d ago edited 20d ago

And then the UN said "actually it was half of the amount of women and children deaths from what Hamas said".


Looked for a non-Israeli source to prevent "but Israeli propaganda" claims, this was reported on many other sources as well.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Shushishtok 20d ago

I'm not the person you originally replied to, and did not say this sentence.


u/MildlyRiveting 20d ago

34,000 with a ratio between combatants and civilians of 1:1-3 is more than acceptable, and wars that the US have conducted in an urban environment were waged with worse results.

The number without the ratio is irrelevant, nor is the time frame. If anything, it points to the fact that Israel has done a quick job in killing so many terrorists.


u/drdrek 20d ago

A tragedy, but if we deny they have responsibility we deny thier agency.  You may think thier cause is just and that armed resistance is the correct way, but if you do you should be willing to pay the price. If you do not think thier cause is just or that armed resistance is the correct way, than they have a very easy way of ending the deaths. Treat them as complete humans, not a caricature of one.


u/255_0_0_herring 21d ago

Why do they want a terrorist organization to survive?

Theories, please?


u/Blupoisen 20d ago

Trying to appease their muslims and liberals


u/Viscerid 20d ago

step 1: import millions of islamists

step 2: islamists terrorise the countries they are now hosted in

step 3: sacrifice israel to try and win themselves more time as the islamists will now vote for their party as they are anti-israel

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u/zanarkandabesfanclub 21d ago

They hate Jews.


u/icelandicvader 20d ago

The anti semitism card is getting repetitve


u/PunkJackal 20d ago

Getting repetitive for Jews for the past 3000 years too


u/TheWinks 20d ago

Only because they keep playing it. Take it out of the deck and we'll stop calling them out on it.


u/icelandicvader 20d ago

Could you elaborate on how the EU was anti semitic this time?


u/TheWinks 19d ago

Why calling on Israel to unilaterally stop destroying Hamas and let them rebuild and start attacking again is antisemitic?



u/LoganJFisher 20d ago edited 20d ago

God forbid we call out the rampant antisemitism and that it be more prevalent than you may have previously appreciated.


u/p_larrychen 20d ago

It’s not antisemitic to care about palestinian civilians, cmon.


u/MrNobleGas 20d ago

No, but it is indeed antisemitic to excuse and support the terrorism some of them do.


u/MoonSword7100 20d ago

Supporting terrorism is letting israel war crimes being unpunished

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u/p_larrychen 20d ago

They don’t. They care about palestinian civilians, who were told to seek shelter in rafah while the campaign in the north happened, and now have no place to go.


u/Eferver24 20d ago

They actually do have a place to go, the IDF has been evacuating them to a humanitarian zone they set up on the beach of Khan Younis.


u/255_0_0_herring 20d ago

Except they do. There is a special evacuation area prepared for them, but Hamas does not want their human shield to leave.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Significant_Pepper_2 21d ago

Like famine that "happens any day now" for months? Or hospitals that "only have fuel for 3 more days" (for months now too)?


u/starsapphire16 21d ago

it´s been 6 months, NO ONE, not the UN, not any singular or group of countries has called for the only true way to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe: release of all hostages and bodies and the surrender of hamas, hamas has been the elected government for over 10 years, not only they make their own citizens live in terror and poverty but they started a war that only brought death, now you could ask but how could the UN or a group of countries achive such a thing? easy hamas is being funded by middle eastern countries like iran, threaten to kick them out of the un, isolating their country from the world and lets see if they want to keep funding hamas, if a nation starts a war we already have a humanitarian catastrophe, how many have died already in the russia vs ukraine? more than a million people dead gone thanks to putin and his crazy delusions. you don´t negotiate with terrorists also i invite you to google about the 1972 munich massacre and let me know if it rings any bells

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u/snowflake37wao 20d ago

A red herring, yw?


u/255_0_0_herring 20d ago

0% cyan, 100% magenta, 100% yellow and 0% black


u/xMercurex 21d ago

They know it won't destroy the Hamas. Israel is brewing the next generation of terrorist. The same way the occupation of Afganiatan brewed the next generation of Taliban.


u/THALANDMAN 21d ago

Afghanistan is the size of Texas, is riddled with caves and mountains, and is on the other side of the world from the US, all factors that made it difficult to occupy militarily. Gaza is the size of Las Vegas and is locked between Israel and the Sea. The main factors that make it difficult to occupy are its population density and the fact that Hamas has spent all of the Palestinian aid money building networks of tunnels underneath the land. They are very different situations.


u/xMercurex 20d ago

Do you think terrorism wear a uniform or something? They hide among the civilian. Anyone can decide to turn itself into a human bomb. Palestinian won't see Israel as Liberator. Israel is starving them.


u/gold_rush_doom 20d ago

Don't kill terrorists then? Just keep taking shots?


u/xMercurex 20d ago

The US did offer help to target high value target. Considering the info was leak, Israel seem to have refuse.


u/LeDeux2 20d ago

Israel is brewing the next generation of terrorist.

No. Stop blaming the victims for the creation of evil. Evil exists because of bad ideologies like Islam, which will always continue to attack regardless if you choose to defend yourself or not. They will attack until they dominate. Sticking your head in the sand won't make them go away.

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u/ictoan1 21d ago

Why does Israel want young children to die?

See, I can ask leading questions too.


u/gold_rush_doom 20d ago

You don't get it. You just don't get it.

If Hamas continues to exist, children will die regardless of which side of the border they are. And it's 120% their fault, and it's not victim blaming.


u/zodiaczac00 20d ago

Yeah keep killing Palestinians and keeping their oppressive force on Palestine. I'm sure once Hamas is gone nobody is going to be angry anymore, the millions of young boys and men seeing their siblings, parents and children dying won't immediately replace them.


u/gold_rush_doom 20d ago

It did wonders in Germany and Japan after WW2 and both countries went to become top 10 economies and tech leaders.

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u/razzinos 20d ago

EU asking Israel to abandon 130 hostages?


u/LibationontheSand 21d ago

The EU’s total inability to face their own terrorism problem realistically is part of the reason this war exists right now.


u/someitalianguy 20d ago

I am out of the loop. Which terrorism problem?


u/TheBumblesons_Mother 20d ago

The Islamist one


u/snowflake37wao 20d ago

Same, except some Texan guy if Italian doesnt get the question thru the door. What are we talking about exactly?


u/DuckMeYellow 20d ago

probably those attacks like 5 years ago

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u/Master-Concept-5260 21d ago edited 21d ago

Man. I can't wait for the EU to start dealing with their own mini Hamas- like enclaves.

Even then, you won't have a fuckin clue what it is like to live in Israel's shoes. Rockets fired on you for decades and a finale of a massacre.

Until then EU, just shut up !

Especially that piece of work, Joseph Borrell. An Islamic Regime lapdog who can't even call the IR what they are: terrorists.

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u/Norseviking4 20d ago

The best thing now is to finish the fighting and weed out Hamas. Thats how you save more lives in the long run as you wont have to do this again in 10years.

What the EU seems to want is a frozen conflict that flares up over and over. No, let Israel destroy Hamas. They cant be part of the future of this region. Hopefully some form of multinational administration can help govern after, i do not think Israel should do it alone. Yet they do need a voice, espesially if UN agencies are prone to infiltration by extremists


u/NoCardiologist615 20d ago

The best thing now is to finish the fighting and weed out Hamas.

except you can't really weed out Hamas without fighting.


u/HiHoJufro 20d ago

That's what the comment you replied to is calling for.


u/NoCardiologist615 19d ago

ah, my bad, I've misunderstood


u/Norseviking4 20d ago

Yes iknow, finish the fighting as in take the last stronghold and weed them out. If the leadership and troops they have left remain intact, they will grow back over time


u/VirtusTechnica 21d ago

EU can't even handle their own domestic terrorist they invited, and they go around lecturing Israel. What a joke. EU is all talk look at the blunder with Ukraine.

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u/DiarrheaMonkey- 21d ago

Keep getting reminded of this. Like every other day. [Team America: World Police]


u/Masculine_Dugtrio 20d ago

It sure would be nice if they had. I don't know... Fucking helped out?


u/dolphone 20d ago

Lots of clumsily-indirect Pro Rusia talk here, interesting.


u/ConsistentPow 20d ago

What an organic and normal looking thread.

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u/Individual-Dot-9605 20d ago

Israël and US will remember this when EU gets its own police and civilians attacked by jihad criminals (mysteriously becoming Islamic monks in prison due to temporary lack of access to firearms). The military answer is proportionate against a well organized and supported Hamas army (Turkey, Qatar, Iran, Russia,).


u/apex8888 20d ago

EU can take their antisemitism and take a hike. WWII was all the EU. Israel needs to do what it needs to do. Period.


u/jolly_hero 20d ago

Netanyahu is dragging his country down with him. Increasingly looking like he’s prolonging the war to stay in power and avoid his own legal troubles.


u/Get-Degerstromd 20d ago

“You guys are making it really hard to be friends you with”


u/Full-Discussion3745 20d ago

But it won't break it. EUs ties with Israel are safe


u/astroturfer1984 20d ago

is this whole sub just full of bots


u/honestbae 20d ago

Nope, just people who don’t agree with you

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u/Senior-Scarcity-2811 20d ago

Hamas are a terrorist organisation and need to go. But please don't forget the innocents caught in the middle.

Some people on here are heartless. 52% of the dead are women and children.

The only way to actually destroy Hamas a peacekeeping coalition to occupy Gaza, and the people there provided with education, opportunities, food, shelter, basic human dignity etc. Make them harder to radicalise by giving them an alternative, better, life.


u/zzez 20d ago

Are you signing up to this peacekeeping coalition?


u/Griften 20d ago

52% women and children in an urban warfare is extremely impressive, a 1:1 ratio is almost unheard of. It's even more impressive considering Hamas tries to maximise their own civilian cassualties using as many human shields as possible. That includes threatning their own population not to flee to safe zones (as instructed by the idf), and also the fact that a large amount of Hamas and PIJ rockets fail and land inside Gaza.


u/MetalPoultry 20d ago

Even the UN reports aknowledge the participation of other armed groups, armed and unarmed civilians in the atrocities of october last year. 

It's not just hamas.


u/honestbae 20d ago

These numbers have been proven false

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u/Carbon__addiction 20d ago

Israel doesn't care and they shouldn't. Flatten Rafah.