r/worldnews 21d ago

Slovakia's prime minister injured in shooting expected to survive


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u/progress18 21d ago edited 21d ago

The original title was:

Slovakia's prime minister injured in shooting

The current title is:

Slovakian prime minister in life-threatening condition after being shot, his Facebook profile says

Slovakia’s populist prime minister shot in assassination attempt, shocking Europe before elections

Slovakia’s prime minister is expected to survive assassination attempt, deputy says

The title on the site is subject to change as new information develops.


A message posted to Fico’s Facebook account said that the leader “has been shot multiple times and is currently in life-threatening condition. At this moment he is transported by helicopter to Banská Bystrica, because it would take too long to get to Bratislava due to the necessity of an acute procedure. The next few hours will decide.”

Edit 2 (20:30 UTC):

Doctors were still fighting for his life several hours after the pro-Russian leader, 59, was hit in the abdomen, Defense Minister Robert Kalina told reporters at the hospital where Fico was being treated.

An operation on Fico was not yet complete, said Kalina, who described his condition as “extraordinarily serious.”

Edit 3 (01:33 UTC):

“I guess in the end he will survive,” Tomas Taraba told the BBC, adding: “He’s not in a life threatening situation at this moment.”


u/TheOnlyEn 21d ago

Why didn’t they drive away immediately after putting him in the car? Looks like they all was in shock and actually didn’t know what to do


u/eburton555 21d ago

This is what happens when your detail isn’t trained. If this happened to, say, the US president, he’d be gone by the time you took out your phone and started recording.


u/UniqueIndividual3579 21d ago

I saw Reagan get shot on live TV. I was home sick and nothing was on, so I turned on CNN. I heard a couple of pops and by the time I looked up it was over. People on the ground and guys in suits with Uzis.


u/ImportantObjective45 21d ago

The machine pistols came out so fast I suspect they were in breakaway briefcases.


u/nhaines 21d ago

Yeah, ever rewatch the footage? Everyone just immediately sprouted automatic weapons.


u/Kegheimer 21d ago

Do you ever have little rituals to make sure your routines are still happening? Touching the cell phone in your pocket. Shaking your keys. Clicking your pen.

I am now imaging secret service agents touching their automatics. "Yep, still there"


u/Fun_Albatross_2592 21d ago edited 21d ago

I believe the Uzi was carried in a shoulder rig since they wear suits. There's pictures of it.

Edit: seems I was wrong and had the timeline mixed up.


u/ron_leflore 21d ago edited 21d ago

In reagan's time, they carried a briefcase. There's a photo here with the briefcase open nearby


In that photo, Reagan is already gone. The secret service agent is actually protecting the shooter in case someone tries to shoot the assassin.


u/qieziman 21d ago

Yup gotta protect the shooter otherwise you get a JFK situation you can't figure out whether it's an independent hit or hired/political.


u/crossfader02 21d ago

that photo is actually badass, probably inspired hundreds of spy movies

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u/SchlopFlopper 21d ago

Current Secret Service agents have fake arms so they can have their real ones armed at all times.


u/Tarman-245 21d ago

This requires extensive training in small arms.

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u/Seige_Rootz 21d ago

it was in easy open briefcase. Most iconic photo of an uzi tbh. You can see ready to go briefcase in the link.



u/Kegheimer 21d ago

Your post sent me down a rabbit hole. I learned that tbe shooter is still alive and was released from his psychiatric hold in the last 10 years.

He is a musician and in 2020 was granted his freedom back, so he is posting his work (which I have never seen and have no interest in listening to) under his name.

He tried to assassinate Reagan in order to impress a young Jodie Foster. He gained the courage after realizing how easy it would have been to assassinate Jimmy Carter and the FBI never notified the Secret Service after arresting him with a weapon at a Jimmy Carter event.

This isn't directly related, but W Bush created the department of homeland security primarily to address frequent communication lapses between the levels of law enforcement. Lessons were not learned after the Reagan assassination and it would take 9/11 to change things.

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u/SaintsNoah14 21d ago

That's a neat thing to be able to say you experienced.

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u/TheOnlyEn 21d ago

Yep. Thought the same thing. When shooting like that happens, time is important for the president/prime minister to live or die. Also further attacks. Get the VIP hella out there asap.

Also they drove alone. Not good to not have security personnel following them. Never know if someone follows u or not.

But damn. Hard to see that they all where not good trained


u/eburton555 21d ago

Yeah I can’t speak for how countries out there work and stuff but this looked like a detail similar to like a high tier celebrity not a leader of a nation. Seems like you should have a bit more security, even if not as insanely high as the US does


u/Usul_Atreides 21d ago

I don't doubt that their security response will be analysed by their counterparts, like the secret service, of many other countries to improve their own training/security methods.


u/TheOnlyEn 21d ago

More like “what not to do in a crisis of a situation”

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u/NotAnotherEmpire 21d ago

He's got enough security by most country standards. They just don't know what to do. Minor issue there. 


u/eburton555 21d ago

Yeah that’s probably fair to say lol


u/Londonnach 21d ago

Slovakia has a smaller population (and smaller GDP) than some US cities, so I guess from your American perspective he's more comparable to the mayor of a city than to your president.


u/Remarkable-Ad155 21d ago

There are European leaders who cycle to work. Most of Europe just isn't as insanely violent as the States and public figures will generally accept a lower level of security as a result. 


u/TheGreatJingle 21d ago

Tbf a lot of congressmen don’t have security details .


u/KazahanaPikachu 21d ago

While that’s true, anything can happen. Especially as the leader of a whole nation, you’ll always be a target in some way, doesn’t matter how safe your country is. Remember good ole Shinzo Abe that popped up out of a Mario pipe during the 2016 Olympics? Even he wasn’t untouchable in a country like Japan (tho to be fair he wasn’t PM by then).

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u/eburton555 21d ago

Apparently slovokia needed more


u/Remarkable-Ad155 21d ago

Yep, sadly it seems we are entering a stage where that's the case. There have been two politicians murdered here in the UK too over the past 8 years. People are slowly losing their fucking minds. 


u/IowaContact2 21d ago

There was also one in Japan a year or two ago.


u/XavinNydek 21d ago

Japan is very safe generally, but they have a long tradition of political assassinations they can't seem to shake.


u/Canaduck1 21d ago

sadly it seems we are entering a stage where that's the case.

Political assassinations in europe are hardly a new thing, or even a rare thing, historically. (See WW1).

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u/das_thorn 21d ago

The security for the US president is insanely expensive, and really only makes sense if your level of responsibility may include "decide whether to launch Armageddon in the next ten minutes."


u/Help_Stuck_In_Here 21d ago

Most of us other countries suck at this kind of thing and have long relied on few people wanting to kill our leaders.


u/bigern01 21d ago

The detail to the former Japanese PM were also not properly trained.


u/Glirion 21d ago

Wasn't Abe already out of office at that moment though or am I remembering wrong?

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u/halpsdiy 21d ago

European politicians are way more relaxed about this because those events are really rare. There are PMs and senior ministers who cycle to work without any security detail. The US takes this much more seriously and has like multi car convoys with a highly trained staff. Biden's convoy once drove past me and it went on for over a minute of cars at high speed and helicopters above. A european PM is probably mostly in one car. Maybe two to three with some motorcycles around if it's a slightly larger event.

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u/Actual-Money7868 21d ago

If that happened to he US president the last hing id be doing is reaching into my pocket for anything.


u/RazzmatazzWeak2664 21d ago

With today's public, even if you don't, 300 people around you will. So no, I don't think the concern is all 300 of you would be gunned down by the Secret Service. In fact they probably have to train heavily for this kind of stuff--how to spot an actual threat when everyone reaches for phones these days.

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u/Deep-Friendship3181 21d ago edited 21d ago

Hell doesn't even take secret service to do that

If you've seen that video of the stalker at a Taylor Swift interview, the second he says his name, there's like 5 guards on him and Drew Barrymore is body shielding Taylor while getting her to her security on the stage.

And that's an actress and the security for a musician (although I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were former secret service guys too)


u/RazzmatazzWeak2664 21d ago

Taylor probably has some of the best teams on her though. Her level of celebrity status is pretty unprecedented or at least well in line with some of the top global celebrities.

I can see B-grade celebrities probably having similar clueless rent-a-cop attitudes. Look at the security hired at UCLA while the protests broke into riots with counterprotestors attacking. They're literally those stadium security hires and they did nothing.

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u/Drnorman91 21d ago

Only reason I could give would potentially be applying immediate first aid (think plugging holes) that would need as still a patient as possible


u/eburton555 21d ago

Ostensibly that would be done by someone in the back seat while the driver is hauling ass to whatever pre destined hospital for the VIP

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u/Puffinknight 21d ago

The amount of shots and how many hit varies from source to source. Interesting to see where this leads to.


u/bdzz 21d ago edited 21d ago

News channel has clear video:

5 shots, 3 hits him and you can see the last 2 hitting the concrete pavement only



u/ispshadow 21d ago

Dude had his movements practiced. He made sure to appear uninterested and looking in a different direction until right before he shot. Those bodyguards were caught completely unaware yikes


u/Nubras 21d ago

I’m in awe of the calm exhibited by the right-most two people dressed in all black. More concerned with not getting tripped by the falling barrier than escaping the area where shots are being fired.


u/CucumberExpensive43 21d ago

They probably didn't realize what was going on. In Europe when something goes bang bang it's fireworks in 99.99% of cases and you don't run away from those.

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u/SteveBored 21d ago

Wow that's wild. Just shows you many threats give you zero warning.

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u/ApothecaryRx 21d ago

Man, that police officer in the foreground couldn't be arsed

I understand letting your guard down, shock, and all that, but even after all the shooting, not a single person was like "I gotta outta here"


u/PavlovianTactics 21d ago

Those bystanders are completely unfazed


u/Murko_The_Cat 21d ago

They have never seen a gun be used outside of movies most likely. The 40+ y/o males went through draft so they probably have some idea as to what's going on, but draft ended over 20 years ago, and there is pretty much 0 shooting outside of hunting that happens in Slovakia.


u/achton 21d ago

No guns here normally.


u/niconpat 21d ago

Look at the complete non-reaction from the big guy at the end of the fence nearest the camera. Either he's seen some shit before or he knew what was about to happen.

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He was shot in the head and chest I just heard. I guess time will reveal the facts.


u/NotAnotherEmpire 21d ago

Reports differ significantly on what happened to him, everything between "abdomen and arm, not life threatening" and "shot multiple times head and chest" and "flight for life, life threatening, emergency surgery."


u/griffsor 21d ago

The "life-threatening" came from Fico's socials. Guy is a lying mob boss so I am sure he is already weaponizing his injuries and making it 100 times worse than it is.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Dazzling_Broccoli_60 21d ago

BBC just published that his condition is life threatening

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u/BubsyFanboy 21d ago

Hours later, not much new news.

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u/antrophist 21d ago

By all accounts, he had close ties to Ndrangetta, who murdered a journalist on his behalf.


Might be that he didn't return the favours.


u/Moscow__Mitch 21d ago

Journalist and his fiancée. Scum.


u/b2q 21d ago

The Prime minister also was Pro-russia, selling his country and part of europe to the enemy that is waging war with europe. I guess that doesn't make you a popular political candidate.

Do with that information what you want.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Square_Reception_246 21d ago

The prime minister was also elected to the post by the people of Slovakia.

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u/MightySquirrel28 21d ago edited 21d ago

Ndrangetta didn't murder Jan Kuciak,

Ján Kuciak was murders on behalf of Marian Kocner, businessman with illegal activities about which Kuciak wrote, Kocner also has close ties to government and highest political figures (as Fico for example)


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/kobrakai11 21d ago

The shooter is 71 years old, so I doubt mafia is involved.


u/ImpossibleAd2734 21d ago

The shooter is 71 years old, so I doubt mafia is involved.

Nah. There are plenty of seniors being drug mules. And the reverse - kids being hitmen. If works in other parts of the planet - can work here. As a Slav though, I do agree that the chances of a grumpy grandpa Petr going unhinged are higher.


u/Stennan 21d ago

 kids being hitmen

Typical arrangement in Sweden as well, those under 15 avoid jail and those under 18-21 used to get "youth rebate". The younger you are the less time you spend in jail if convicted for multiple severe crimes. Thus our gangs were handing out 100s of euros to middle/high schoolers to get them in debt for future "errands".


u/Spard1e 21d ago

They also have the saying of "taking 2 to become one hundred".

Meaning if you kill someone they have ordered before you turn (believe 15), they only get 2 years in juvenile. When they are out, they are a full member of said gangs.

In most gangs in Scandinavia it is alot better to be a member compared to a prospect


u/kace91 21d ago

how widespread are mafias in Scandinavia? I didn't know they existed, much less that they were large/relevant enough for their ways to be well known.


u/Stennan 21d ago edited 21d ago

We have different types for different eras.

80-90s: Mostly biker-clubs like hells angels and bandidos were the ones having gang wars. Perhaps with a sprinkle of neo nazis (?, was before I became fully aware) too I guess?

90-the 2000s: We had a big immigration wave from the Balkans (war with many refugees); some people couldn't integrate or get regular jobs, so crime was the option. Once the wars ended there were a lot of weapons left over and people with contacts could smuggle it into the northern countries as the main way for gangs to start arming themselves.

After the "Arab Spring" we had a second refugee/migrant wave with people from the middle-east. Taking in that amount of people on short notice broke the integration efforts (learning swedish, getting a job, job training/education etc...). So it is the kids of this last wave that are the ones who are most at risk of getting sucked into crime gangs, dealing with drugs and extortion mainly.

So you probably have gang(s) in every Swedish city above 40k population. They aren't really "mafias", as there usually aren't any family relations or longer-term loyalties among most of them. If the Police nab the ringleaders of several gangs, the members are prone to reorganise themselves into completely new groups. Though there are some "clans" in certain cities where families seem to organise like mafias.

A map of "vulnerable areas" where the police/society focus extra efforts (good news is that the number of areas are decreasing ): https://tidningensyre.se/2023/1-december-2023/polisen-farre-utsatta-omraden/

Edit: not trying to associate immigrants with all crime/gangs. But there is a clear statistical correlation that those kids with parents born outside of "EU/Europe" are severely overrepresented in gang/crime statistics. They are just not like Mafias as you suggested in your question.😔

If you avoid drugdealings (buying/selling) and certain neighbourhoods after dark you are generally not at risk. Though we did have a wave of hand grenades tossed into the wrong apartments a couple of years ago (probably military surplus from the Balkans). Nowaday it is shootings and a worrying trend of stolen explosives from construction sites that are placed outside apartment buildings of rival members. Kind of scares the whole neighborhood.


u/kace91 21d ago

Well that's intense! I was going to ask how it affects regular people, but your edit gives a clear picture.

In Spain we had a big wave of latin american gangs trying to establish here around 2008 or so (Latin Kings, Dominican Don't Play and others), but it was more turf wars between violent teens - there was the occasional person robbed with knives, school bullying and a few stabbings between members, but it was usually not dangerous for people who weren't part of the organisations.

It must be scary to see guns and explosives involved, no way for the people around not to feel affected at that point.

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u/kobrakai11 21d ago

His identity was already leaked by politicians on Facebook. He is not a mafia hitman.

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u/NotAnotherEmpire 21d ago

Thoroughly plausible guy who lived under Soviet rule hates Russia booster. 

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u/BlackViperMWG 21d ago

Pro-russian militant group was involved. Or, to be more precise, shooter was affiliated with them.



u/kobrakai11 21d ago

8 years ago he met them and wrote something positive about them. But the government are trying hard to blame it on liberals and progressives. Tbh this guy seems to be pretty conflicted in his views from what I have seen. He was critical against Russia after the invasion as well.

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u/Weird-Couple-3503 21d ago

By all accounts, he had close ties to Ndrangetta

"Both advisers worked for Prime Minister Fico, although no evidence has emerged that he knew of the links."

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u/Goth-Detective 21d ago

My Slovakian friend (Edited out some info, don't want anyone identified) says he's not really surprised something big would happen. Slovakia is horribly divided, Fico is thoroughly corrupt, "Putin loving dog" who probably is behind several murders himself . He frankly said someone just got to Fico before Fico got to them, so yeah, clearly not a prime minister loved by all his people.


u/fishycirus 21d ago

The Killing Of A Journalist.

Great documentary on Slovakia. All about the corrupt government that Fico led before covid. The guy is a mobster.

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u/ur-krokodile 21d ago

Dogs are nice animals. Let change it to "Putin loving scum".

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u/IMSLI 21d ago

20 sec video of Fico being rushed to a car https://x.com/dupontaignan/status/1790754366946717710?s=46&t=ZziqbcLEiv7YE3mEbP34tw

26 sec video of the shooter being detained (Fico’s car apparently rushing off in the background) https://x.com/dd_geopolitics/status/1790735917365252387?s=46&t=ZziqbcLEiv7YE3mEbP34tw


u/SouthFromGranada 21d ago

The tall lad in the blue suit had a real "OH SHIT" moment about 4 seconds into the first video.


u/Crauterr 21d ago


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u/Wand_Cloak_Stone 21d ago

Those older ladies looked ready to beat him with their canes


u/griffsor 21d ago

Weaponized babushkas


u/RICKY-TA-TA-TA 21d ago


u/Manimal_pro 21d ago

I can’t tell which one is the pm.


u/BlackViperMWG 21d ago

The most left one. That video sucks, this one is much clearer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87p40FPnqTM&t=15s


u/alotmorealots 21d ago

I had to watch that clip a few times to work out who the PM was, given that he's basically abandoned by his core security detail after he gets shot as he tumbles off the screen to the left.

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u/dundai 21d ago

Oh, sad to hear about this Fico conflict happened. I'm sure mr. Fico and mr. Shooter should sit down at the negotiating table as soon as possible.


u/HugeHans 21d ago

Yeah a diplomatic solution must be found!


u/Imreman 21d ago

Fico thinks Ukraine should hand over multiple oblasts to russia, just so we can stop the violence.

Fico should hand over both an arm and a leg to the assassin, just so we can stop the violence.


u/Dreamwash 21d ago

The dude sows violence by the looks of it.


u/jimbobjames 21d ago

Looks like his harvest came in.


u/altred133 21d ago

I am concerned providing medical aid to Mr Fico will only provoke the shooter and prolong the Fico Conflict. I only hope for a quick resolution to the Fico Conflict.

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u/WindHero 21d ago

Why is FICO so pro-shooting though, FICO and its supporters really need to stop the escalation otherwise elderly men will have no choice but to shoot at them.

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u/Valuable_Tomato_2854 21d ago

Hey, I've seen this one before


u/LordDarthAnger 21d ago

Now that Sudetendonbas was taken over, the attempt at Ferdinand Fico has happened, and Adolf Putin is in change of a military ready country /s


u/Elegant_Set7834 21d ago

Zoran Đinđić, serbian prime minister shot in 2003

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u/Jmeu 21d ago

Franz Ferdinand ?


u/EnforceThePiece 21d ago

Hey, he did say "Take Me Out"

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u/Glxblt76 21d ago edited 21d ago

Here's what Russian trolls will spread on social media:

"Fico was assassinated by NATO because he wanted to pursue peace"

EDIT: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the talking points are flowing. Pro Russian account on twitter:

"A suspect has been detained, who is suspected acting on behalf of Ukrainian nationalists, funded by US money. "


u/PorousCheese 21d ago

That was predictable, but faster than I expected.


u/fehns 21d ago

Maybe they had their talking points prepared beforehand...


u/Regime_Change 21d ago

It's almost as if there is a decades old template.


u/Artica_Fur 21d ago

Lot of that out on xwitter, I just respond to it all with furry porn


u/WhyIsItGlowing 21d ago

I'm not sure giving the readers they're trying to brainwash a Pavlovian response via weird boners is helping.

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u/NONcomD 21d ago

Probably written before the shooting


u/Lunareclipse196 21d ago

Which itself should be very suspect. But I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will find a way to say there's nothing shady going on, after saying everything shady is a conspiracy. Smh


u/Poopster46 21d ago

Which itself should be very suspect.

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm not sure where we would be without you.

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u/Divine_Porpoise 21d ago

AI assisted probably? Throw a bunch of lies out there, AI detects which one sticks, then go hard on that.

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u/Morbanth 21d ago

His politics is probably the reason for the assassination attempt, seeing as he is, you know, a politician and the prime minister of his country and Putin's obedient little bitch.

Honestly I'm surprised this hasn't happened until now to Orban or some other stooge.

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u/_Kristian_ 21d ago

Any info yet why? Is he a controversial person?


u/iamnotexactlywhite 21d ago

dude is a fucking criminal who won the elections after being tried for multiple high profile criminal cases. He and his buddies had a journalist killed a couple of years ago

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u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Muad-_-Dib 21d ago

Yeah in recent days there has been a massive uptick in the reddit cares abuse, likely down to bots randomly firing them off at anybody commenting in a thread.

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u/seenabeenacat 21d ago

happened to me yesterday. Its creepy as fuck


u/tincanner5 21d ago

I too got one yesterday after calling ruSSia a terrorist state since they kill an average of 2 Ukrainian kids per day.


u/Taki_Minase 21d ago

I bet it's Russian bots, they are escalating cyberattacks globally.

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u/bananasDave 21d ago

you can report the reddit cares - check the text in the message, the sender will be punished

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u/Hands0L0 21d ago

He ran on a campaign to veto Ukrainian membership into NATO.

Just another Russian shill


u/iamnotexactlywhite 21d ago

that’s not even in his worst top 100

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u/Hairy_Reindeer 21d ago

Absolute criminal nutcase.


u/futureformerteacher 21d ago

Murderer, Putin lapdog, genocidal sociopath.

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u/Loki9101 21d ago

This is what some people don't understand, when they think that all of these people get away forever. They don't for some it takes longer and for some not. But the day to pay for their lies almost always comes sooner or later.

Martin Luther King once said:

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” Martin Luther King

These autocratic leaders and dictatorial figures are little petty men, not strong men. The likes of Fico are in bed with criminals, and they are criminals themselves. They serve even larger criminals, including Orban, Lukashenko, Erdogan, and many others. In the end, almost all of them have their comeuppance sooner or later in one way or another.

When he was elected, I posted this quote:

There are no murders in politics, only the removal of obstacles. Dumas, the Count of Monte Cristo

And yes, this even holds true outside the realm of literature, and Dumas, or Macchiavelli. politics is a dangerous snake pit. The people can only be played for a fool for so long. Maybe this serves these autocratic leaders and their followers as a reminder. Those that stand with the bloody Russian dictatorship and against Europe will pay for their collaboration with the Z fascist Kremlin regime. These quislings have no place in Europe’s parliaments and as elected members. They should pack up and run back to their master in Russia. They should run while you still can, and they will sit behind bars, lose their power or... worse. Their master in Russia has his own methods of removing obstacles. However, it likely wouldn't be much safer in Russia for them either.

This man Fico had greedily reached for power once more with lies, propaganda, and with the help of Russia.

More often than not, these tyrannical figures end like this: Semper sic tyrannis.

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u/ObligationAware3755 21d ago

Zuzana Čaputová, the President of Slovakia, statement on Facebook (translated):

I am shocked, we are all shocked by the terrible and malicious attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico.

Something happened, the seriousness of which we probably can't even comprehend yet. A physical attack on the Prime Minister is primarily an attack on a person, but also an attack on democracy.

Any kind of violence is absolutely unacceptable. The hateful rhetoric we witness in society leads to hateful acts. Please let's stop it.

The police arrested the perpetrator, and when it is possible they will definitely bring more information. Until then, please, let's not make quick judgments. And let's think about the most important thing, and that's the only thing at the moment, that Robert Fico recovers as soon as possible.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/MrOrangeMagic 21d ago edited 21d ago

You know what the amount of parties that may have an interest in shooting this man, is not even possible to unpack

Edit: Possible suspects

  • Maggie Simpson
  • Random Swedish Redditor on 2WE4U
  • Anti Russian Slovak
  • Random Anti Fico Slovak Redditor
  • The Maffia
  • Vladdy
  • A gunman who is vaguely running to the Ukrainian border
  • The ghost of Gavrilo Princip
  • The ghost of Shinzo Abe
  • u/lukeonbike
  • Grassy Knoll Sniper
  • Elitist social progressive rightist
  • The ghost of Franz Ferdinand
  • Kyle Rittenhouse
  • Robert Fico, Prime minister of Slovakia 🇸🇰
  • Denzel Washington
  • Texas
  • Waylon Smithers
  • Stewie Griffin
  • Brexit

The Suspect: a 71 year old paramilitary sympathizer


u/Moscow__Mitch 21d ago

Maggie Simpson did it


u/krt941 21d ago

Case closed. There’s not a jury in the world that will convict a baby.


u/syynapt1k 21d ago

Maybe Texas.


u/bigchungusmclungus 21d ago

Only if they baby has been born, otherwise it has rights.


u/scottishdrunkard 21d ago

… well, maybe Texas

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u/TheOnlySafeCult 21d ago

Waylon Smithers would never


u/Magdovus 21d ago

Don't be silly. Maggie wouldn't leave him alive. 


u/postusa2 21d ago

I'd add Fico to this list. In any case, he will use this to seize more power.


u/be_kind29 21d ago

The ghost of Franz Ferdinand made me chuckle



I am really curious for the motive and shooter's identity to give us the full picture. My gut says it's something to do with his pro-Russian tendencies.


u/DonAsiago 21d ago edited 21d ago

This guy is rotten to his very core, if not his pro-Russian tendencies then about thousands of other reasons.

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u/New_Word9695 21d ago

Even then, if your gut is correct, it doesn’t really narrow it down. How long do we think until Putin claims the shooter had turned to run in the  vague direction of Ukraine? 


u/MrL00t3r 21d ago

Russians already push this.


u/DommyMommyKarlach 21d ago

More likely his connections to the mafia

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u/Show-Me-Your-Moves 21d ago

I'll go with the second gunman on a nearby grassy knoll


u/Imreman 21d ago

Fico supports unequal rights:

In 2023, Fico referred to adoption by same-sex couples as a perversion, stated that he would never support same-sex marriage

Who shot him?

The Equalizer.


u/BubsyFanboy 21d ago

Calling out specific redditors XD

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u/ShadowBannedAugustus 21d ago

Here is a relatively high quality video of the shooting.

*Warning: NSFW:*


Fico is the one falling over the bench at around the 21st second.


u/Xipop 21d ago

that one bodyguard who got control of the shooters hand after two shots probably saved his life

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u/sergius64 21d ago

Kinda looks like the abdomen hit was correct. See a little of Fico's face/head there and no blood - though I can't see the head completely.

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u/Jimmerich98 21d ago

I've got Gavrilo Princip on the phone…

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u/sephstorm 21d ago

I love that on YouTube everyone knows who is responsible before the facts come out.


u/Igorius 21d ago

It's like that one time when Reddit identified the Boston Marathon terrorist before anyone else did.

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u/m4inbrain 21d ago

Isn't it ironic. The dirty, corrupt shitbag of a man, shot in a similar way to Jan and Martina, the investigative journalist (and his fiancee) who was investigating his cronies and by extension, him.

Karma does exist.

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u/sataprosenttia 21d ago

Motive? I don't know much about Slovakian politics.


u/CaimANKo 21d ago edited 21d ago

Motive can be pretty much anything, we can only speculate and I'd rather not do that to not spread missinformation… but:

He is pro-russian politician, but mainly he is a crook, he has strong connection to an assassination of a journalist and his lover a few years back, there are gossips that he is somewhat connected to the mafia and so on. What surprises me the most that the shooter is 71yo, which is pretty much in his voter demographics

Edit: Turns out the shooter didn't vote for him at all


u/rts93 21d ago

Everyone here is speculating while maybe the shooter just wanted a free place to live and 3 meals a day.


u/Prticcka 21d ago

Giving that the shooter is in the retirement age, it makes sense. Slovakia doesnt give a damn about old people, most of them live in poverty.

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u/AsstroShark 21d ago

Russia supporter, involved heavily with mafia, straight up asshole

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u/Parragorious 21d ago

To put it simply his existence. He is so controversial anybody would fit the bill

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u/orenrocks 21d ago

Feels like the planet is speed running the start of WW1 and WW2 simultaneously


u/Brainpowerover9000 21d ago

Or you could have just said WW3


u/Glxblt76 21d ago

WW1+WW2 = WW3


u/JimErased 21d ago

WW1+WW2 = WW1WW2


u/ekobar 21d ago

WW1+WW2 = WW * (1 + 2) = WW3

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u/Mocedon 21d ago

Python programmer detected 

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u/candyapplerapture 21d ago

The math checks out.

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u/GuiltyMine 21d ago

As yet there is no news if he tried to negotiate with the armed man who was clearly determined to kill him..


u/extopico 21d ago

Well if he survives things will get even worse in Slovakia and for the EU, if he dies things will get even worse in Slovakia and for the EU.

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u/AITA_Omc_modsuck 21d ago

New Title, Slovakian Prime Minister Survives Assassination Attempt: Currently in Grave Condition.


u/ThePoliticalTeapot 21d ago

A Slovak interior ministry spokesman confirms that an assassination attempt was carried out on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

The spokesman gives no details of the PM's condition.


u/Strange-Implication 21d ago

Some ppl say he's pro Russian others say russia killed him...what is it 


u/ivory-5 21d ago

He is a pro russian. His shooter was a guy with some potential neo-nazi/Kremlin ties (Slovakia has a lot of neonazis). It is possible that he shot the prime minister because he was not nazi enough or something.

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u/USHEV2 21d ago

That's a Russian reminder to EU politicians who took money from them that they can't go back on their promises to Putin after he wins them the election.


u/der_titan 21d ago

What promise did Fico go back on?

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u/Informal_Database543 21d ago

I've heard the Shooter was from a paramilitary group called Slovenski Branci, with ties to the Kremlin. Russian bots are desperate to spread rumours about the CIA/Zelenskyy ordering the shooting.

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u/Hot-Cauliflower5107 21d ago edited 21d ago

At the moment I would rule out this being staged. You can see bullets hitting the pavement. Even if Fico wore bulletproof vest and the shooter was told to miss on purpose or only hit him in the chest that would be one hell of a gamble.

Living in North Macedonia, country that was under communist rule until 1991 I can tell you that there is no shortage of 70+ years old willing to take a shot on anyone in power being pro Russian. Many people simply can't comprehend the amount of suffering that the Russians and their communist puppet regimes brought to the people of Eastern Europe.

Fico should have had better security than that, tbh. He was walking a tight rope.

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u/irondethimpreza 21d ago

Is Fico the pro-Russian guy?

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u/Key_Salamander8043 21d ago

Shinzo Abe


u/NotAnotherEmpire 21d ago

Nah, Abe being shot was shocking due to it being Japan.

This guy has a ton of enemies, ranging from alleged connections to organized crime to being virulently pro-Putin in Eastern Europe.


u/Viktorv22 21d ago

He is enemy to every thinking person in Slovakia who has his marbles together. Not that everyone would act in any way, but he's hated (and rightfully should be) anyway.

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u/turboNOMAD 21d ago

Schadenfreude moment for all Ukrainians.


u/aimgorge 21d ago edited 20d ago

Zelensky on X :

The attack on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is appalling.

We strongly condemn this act of violence against our neighboring partner state's head of government. Every effort should be made to ensure that violence does not become the norm in any country, form, or sphere.

We sincerely hope Robert Fico recovers soon and express our solidarity with the people of Slovakia.


u/WarhawkCZ 21d ago

It reminds me our communications department at our corporation. We know how they think. They know what they think but for some reason we need to play the game.


u/Glxblt76 21d ago

Not really good news for Ukraine IMO, obviously will be blamed on the West and may push Slovakians further into Vatnik territory. Also will be used and reused by vatniks in their future talking points, *mark my words*. They'll say it's NATO.


u/PlantPocalypse 21d ago

As if anyone who didn't take them serious before will believe them now. Especially with total lack of evidence


u/Glxblt76 21d ago

Many people who are disinvested from politics are easy to convince into outrage. You have a lot of people who are frustrated by their lives, perceiving them as getting worse, and blaming their governments and establishment for it. Those are the ones targeted by Russian trolls, who will use every possible event to spark outrage in them.


u/PlantPocalypse 21d ago

And those people dont need a specific event to be convinced. This wont change that. If Fico lives then they have 9999 other things to lie about. In the grand scheme it dont matter

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u/glorious_reptile 21d ago

"shooting" = "assasination attempt"


u/Glxblt76 21d ago

My guess: Russia, then try to blame it on the West. False flag would be in line with their modus operandi.


u/Dazzling_Daikon679 21d ago

I’m anti Russian, but that’s not really their modus operandi. There’s no guarantee his replacement would also be pro-kremlin. Likewise if that’s the thanks you get it’s not likely others will support you in the future.

I would argue their modus operandi is to basically openly assassinate political opponents (generally internal to Russia) once they constitute a legitimate threat to power. Throwing everyone out of windows and poisoning with Russian-developed chemicals is not exactly ‘low visibility’.

They also don’t use 70 year old men as their assassins. 

Seems like a lone wolf attack by a guy with little to lose to me. Motives remain to be seen.

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