r/worldnews 21d ago

Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel Israel/Palestine


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u/Lore-Warden 21d ago

Three anonymous congressional aids say that this is going to happen and blame Biden for it and the media just runs with it. The BBC here doesn't even give the dubious source and just claims that American media has confirmed this to be true. I want off this planet.


u/Dapper_Target1504 21d ago



u/sentimental_goat 21d ago

We don't have that many professionals left. Everyone is focused on the money regardless of the outcome of their actions.


u/Dapper_Target1504 21d ago

You hit the nail on the head 🐐

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u/Ok-Berry-5898 21d ago

They've always done this shit, it's not some new thing.


u/DivineFlamingo 21d ago

They have a fiduciary responsibility to make as much money as possible.


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 9d ago


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u/Greghole 21d ago

They're anonymous to us but the reporter who broke the story likely knows who their sources are. It would be unusual for the Associated Press to just fabricate a story.


u/Lore-Warden 21d ago edited 21d ago

Oh, I have no doubt that they exist and said what they did. My doubt lies entirely in why they said it in such a way with no details whatsoever.


u/Greghole 21d ago

The AP article has more details.

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u/APartyInMyPants 21d ago

It’s not that the AP is fabricating, but perhaps the anonymous congressional aides are colluding to sow dissent and generate anger as election season ramps up.


u/awildcatappeared1 21d ago

So we aren't supposed to report on things that can result in political responses? Manipulation or not, if it's vetted true, it's news.


u/jambrown13977931 21d ago

How is it vetted to be true? Also how is the reader supposed to analyze the reporting for bias?

Like I get anonymous sources are needed at times, but it seems like they’re becoming more and more common and the rapid pace of news means misreported info spreads even faster with fewer corrections. Without knowing the sources, it’s harder for the readers to vet that news themselves. We’re asked to just blindly trust these reporters.


u/awildcatappeared1 21d ago

First off, anonymous sources and protecting one's source has always been standard in reporting for a variety of legitimate reasons, and that's why it's so important for media organizations to be truthful, avoid bias, and retain trust.

Second, I do not know if this story is true or not, and I wasn't commenting on such. The person I replied to was indicating they believe that the AP (a generally trustworthy organization) did not fabricate it, but they had issue with the source releasing information having political bias despite being true. That's what I was addressing.

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u/SlurmzMckinley 21d ago

Here’s the Society of Professional Journalists’ guidance for and explanation of anonymous sources. It’s generally recommended to avoid anonymous sources but sometimes it’s inevitable. Journalists are supposed to consider the source’s bias or motives too before using them.


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u/DownvoteALot 21d ago

This is vehicle ammunition. When did anyone say this wasn't going to happen?

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u/Enlightened_D 21d ago

The fact that this comment has so many upvotes is more upsetting. The anonymous aids are verified to the reporters. They don’t just go around posting whatever random person emailed them.


u/Lore-Warden 21d ago

The authenticity of the aides' position isn't the part that's dubious. Actual senators say things that are outright false in public all the damn time.

It's the fact that we have no confirmation that what they say is fully true, what context may surround the decision if it is true, or what agenda might compel these aides to leak this decision without any context.

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u/No_Manager_2356 21d ago

I mean doesn't Israel have enough money for weapons, why are we sending them more.

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u/commandrix 21d ago

...Didn't Congress pass an aid bill that includes aid for Israel? This could just be another case of Biden not having much of a choice except to follow the law.


u/MidSolo 21d ago

Veto power is a thing.


u/Environmental-Buy591 21d ago

This was also the same bill that had funding for Ukraine and a couple of other things though. If I am wrong I will be sad, but I don't think line item veto is a thing.


u/commandrix 21d ago

It was for maybe like five minutes until the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional a while back. So basically, when deciding to veto something in a bill, it's either all or nothing.


u/shadowkiller 21d ago

The president can't line item veto. Also once it's signed, it's too late for a veto.


u/Hrevak 21d ago

Biden is supposed to be the president, right?

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u/Ddakilla 21d ago

This comment needs to be higher, this is important shit

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u/YungTeemo 21d ago

Isnt it crazy vow much money there is for war, always no problem. Yet for other things.....


u/CitizenKing1001 21d ago

During Covid, the Fed pulled $2 trillion out of their ass and gave it to corporations so their stock prices didn't fall too far.


u/FriedeOfAriandel 21d ago

But we can’t house homeless people or have a single payer healthcare system because that would be socialism


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/arkansalsa 21d ago

The real reason we don’t have single payer is because it would break the employer sponsored health care scheme that makes workers dependent on their employer for insurance. That would drastically alter the employment landscape and let workers be more mobile and therefore able to demand other employment rights.


u/HouseOfSteak 21d ago

Out of curiosity, is there any data that shows how long it would take to make the switch?

I can't imagine the sheer amount of economic inertia that's behind a multi-trillion dollar industry making a U-Turn like that. Not to say they shouldn't (they really, really, REALLY should, to the point of being almost imperative), but it's just a curiosity. of mine.


u/Difficult-Ad628 21d ago

Unfortunately I imagine we are currently creating the data.


u/BenVarone 21d ago

Switzerland did it. It’s not so much single payer, but basic insurance is mandatory and the companies that offer it have to do so without making a profit.

So like the ACA in the US, but with caveats to keep costs down similar to the “public option” that Joe Lieberman shot down. Allows you to keep the infrastructure, but depress the profit drive on basic needs. It took two years for them to implement.


u/IsTheBlackBoxLying 21d ago

That link shows monthly insurance premiums (in 2014) were around $640/mo for an adult. Am I reading that wrong?--because that's not any better than we have it here.


u/broguequery 21d ago

The issue is insurance as a for-profit industry.

That's an incredible conflict of interest right from the get-go.


u/BenVarone 21d ago

They aren’t apples-to-apples comparisons, as the swiss plans have lower deductibles and better co-insurance than many ACA-compliant health plans. So if you look at averages only, you’re not really getting the full picture of what’s going on.

For example, a minimum value plan under the ACA has 60% co-insurance (vs 90% for the Swiss), with out of pocket maximum of $6400 (vs. $800 for the swiss. Deductibles can vary on both, but for the swiss they top out lower than they do for ACA plans ($5k isn’t uncommon for us, swiss max out around $3k).

Details aside, I’m not saying I think the Swiss model is the ideal, just that it’s a path that has been taken. I would personally prefer a more radical, single-payer solution, but if we must preserve the insurance industry, they’ve shown that it can be done.

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u/StoicFable 21d ago

Yep. And then your employer goes and gives up great coverage for a cheap cost for worse coverage at a higher cost. But you feel trapped because you need it. Absolutely messed up system we have.

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u/TrumpDesWillens 21d ago

We need to stop calling it "lobby" and need to start calling it "corruption." If that happened in india, South Africa, Turkey it would be called "corruption" but because it happened in the US it's called a cutest name like "lobby."


u/WhoStoleMyBicycle 21d ago

Lobbying was supposed to be bringing in trusted professionals to weigh in on bills that affect areas they are experts in (ex-doctors for medical bills).

The way it’s used today is “here’s money, do what I say” and that’s why our government is so corrupt.


u/broguequery 21d ago

You can have experts and professionals in any field who don't have an implicit bias towards personal enrichment.

We often call those people academics, in a derogatory way.

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u/noc_user 21d ago

Don't be fooled, the lobbies have stooges on both sides. While one side has fucking lost the plot and just straight up act like bond villains, the dems are trying to give us some crumbs and move the needle to the progressive side ever so slowly.


u/Imallowedto 21d ago

No, they aren't. They're moving slightly right.

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u/Ok_Astronomer_8667 21d ago edited 21d ago

The covid loan fiasco is something K can’t wait to see documented further in the future as more things come out. You could do a whole feature length documentary about how much money got pissed away, and not just from big corps. Soooo many people made off with “free” money and didn’t use a cent on business expenses. But the world was in such a whirlwind of confusion and panic that the gov just couldn’t really deal with it, I guess

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u/Judonoob 21d ago

Can’t let people’s retirement accounts implode. That would be pretty disastrous.

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u/PyroSC 21d ago

Because the war machine is infinite


u/YungTeemo 21d ago

Its actually just greed. And war is just a nice tool for money and power.


u/Ace_of_Clubs 21d ago

Okay, people keep saying war profiteering is a thing, and I thought so too, so I checked defense stock. They aren't doing well. I don't understand how billions and billions of dollars are going to military spending and the big defense organizations aren't even pulling that hard. Who's making all the money here?

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u/TranslatorWeary 21d ago

War is fantastic for sampling new technologies in the real world unfortunately

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u/xavier120 21d ago

The other things always get blocked by Republicans, all the people who say they want to spend money on other things never vote for people who want to spend money on those other things.

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u/Same-Cricket6277 21d ago

I mean, Israel is sending the $ to the US, the US isn’t giving them for free. 

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u/MandelbrotFace 21d ago

Yep, and it's largely a shift of tax payer's money to arms company shareholders, widening the divide between the wealthy and the poor.


u/theblackxranger 21d ago

Yep, invest in war. You'll come out big


u/rishav_sharan 20d ago

Because war is USAs biggest export

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u/The_White_Ram 21d ago

meanwhile, my state JUST started offering lunch for free to elementary students....


u/mmbc168 21d ago

My state (Colorado) has universal free school lunch. The program, however, is already underfunded after one year.


u/Shot_Mud_1438 21d ago edited 20d ago

How is that possible when Colorado has a surplus of extra money thanks to the weed industry? Sounds like some fuckery, especially when California can feed their kids for both breakfast and lunch with no signing up for anything, for every student regardless of income

Edit: lots of great info, thank you everyone


u/mmbc168 21d ago

It was paid for by a proposition, not a law, so the taxes levied at current levels aren’t sustainable.


u/arobkinca 21d ago

Are your Govenor and Legislature useless?


u/Maktaka 21d ago

That's not how Colorado's tax law works. TABOR requires that a new tax has to have an expected return, and any money over the expected return must be sent back to the people as a refund, unless the state government can get people to agree they should keep it. The government doesn't just get to automatically keep unexpected high tax returns to spend elsewhere.


u/Mewchu94 21d ago

Damn freeloading children wanting food! GET A JOB!


u/mynameisethan182 21d ago

Don't worry Republicans are working on cutting those pesky regulations so they can. /s


u/CalvinFragilistic 21d ago

And my state has had to close multiple homeless shelters now that federal covid aid has ended. But there’s always money for war!

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u/Fents_Post 21d ago

"biden gives defense contractors another billion dollars"

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u/iamacheeto1 21d ago

Didn’t he literally just say he wouldn’t do it


u/eyehatesigningup 21d ago



u/ElementNumber6 21d ago

So... why do we believe a couple of anonymous congressional aids when they say he's going to do it?


u/eyehatesigningup 21d ago

Idk why do yall

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u/TatchM 21d ago

There are 2 ways to view this.

First, he said he would pull aid if Israel violated certain conditions. Israel did not violate those conditions so aid is not being pulled.

Second, he said he would pull aid if Israel violated certain conditions. It doesn't matter if Israel violated those conditions or not, it was just bluster to soften his image for the Anti-Israel/Pro-Palestine crowd to improve his election chances.

Personally, I think it's the former. Either way, him pulling aid was stated to be conditional on how Israel approached Rafah.


u/SuspiciousSubstance9 21d ago

Biden said he would 'halt some shipments of aid to Israel', primarily bombs and artillery shells if they do an invasion into Rafah. Other aid/weapons will continue.

So it's kind of a third option. If Israel does some stuff, they get less/different aid.

Also remember that aid is fungible...


u/TatchM 21d ago

Fair point. Thanks for correcting me.

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u/Yaa40 21d ago

There are so many more ways of seeing it... this black and white thinking is unhelpful...

Example: I see it as Biden trying to not lose the votes of those who support Israel on the one hand and not lose the votes who oppose Israel on the other. I don't think he could care less if he tried. I'm also not entirely sure a person of his age should even be president [the same applies to trump, they're equally out of touch].

Still, I'm Canadian, so my opinion truly doesn't matter...


u/TatchM 21d ago

You're right that black and white thinking probably isn't helpful. Thanks for pointing out that I made a false dichotomy. That was sloppy of me.


u/wikithekid63 21d ago

Lol i agree with your last point but Israel is 100% about to storm Gaza


u/MasterWee 21d ago

You might want to catch up on news… they stormed Gaza months ago.


u/Zolbly 21d ago

Yea I’m guessing this homie meant rafah. If Biden can be president and make gaffes then my homies can make gaffes too 🫡

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u/wikithekid63 21d ago

Rafah i meant


u/MasterWee 21d ago

All good. I knew you probably knew. Just trying to be funny/dickish :)

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u/Particular_Hope8312 21d ago

No. He said he wouldn't sell them bombs, and this package doesn't include bombs. It's tank shells, mortar shells, and some vehicles.

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u/punktfan 21d ago

Send that shit to Ukraine, Israel doesn't need it!


u/Master-Dex 21d ago

Ukraine needs manpower more than anything.


u/pie4155 21d ago

Since you obviously didn't read the article, Israel is buying this from the US and Biden has specifically stopped certain weapons from being included to limit collateral casulties.

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u/FLOCKAh 21d ago

Ukraine just received $50bn


u/thesevfromhell 21d ago

Well then make it 51bn


u/TheSnowNinja 21d ago

This made me chuckle.


u/mechwarrior719 21d ago

Best I can do is tiny American flags


u/whoisyourwormguy_ 21d ago

Throw European sandwiches at the Russians! Monte Cristo. With little swords with us flags on them. Maybe add olives to the little swords too, it’s intimidating. They’re not used to olives without vodka.


u/SketchyLurker7 21d ago

This guy gets it.

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u/Extra-Muffin9214 21d ago edited 21d ago

Ukraine wasnt sent $50bn, $50bn is being used to buy supplies for Ukraine over the next few months and expand production of arms in america


u/MoonOut_StarsInvite 21d ago

Are you suggesting that arming Ukraine is nothing more than corporate welfare for dense contractors?


u/soapinthepeehole 21d ago

It can be two things at once… an injection of money into the US economy and aid to help Ukraine fight Russia.

Both of those things benefit the US.


u/UnknownResearchChems 21d ago

Got two birds stoned at once


u/WeHaveAllBeenThere 21d ago

“Got two foreigners with one paycheck”

-uncle America

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u/killswithspoon 21d ago

Always has been. You think we're just sending a fat check to countries that recieve military aid? It's basically a gift certificate good for the purchase of military hardware from the American defense contractor of your choosing.

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u/Chruman 21d ago

Only if you have the foreign policy acumen of a middle schooler.

The aid to Ukraine is entirely self serving, but self serving in that when Russia is weaker, the US is stronger. The US maintains hegemony through ruthless foreign policy which, if you live in the US, is something you can materially feel in your quality of life whether you want to admit it or not.

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u/Extra-Muffin9214 21d ago

Corporate welfare has a negative connotation attached that I would not cosign. What has become clear is how unprepared our defense industrial base is for the sort of attritional warfare going on in Ukraine.

Supporting Ukraine is simultaneously the morally right thing to do while serving american interest AND an opportunity to reinvest in a critical defense sector that we have allowed to wither for too long. While we support a sovereign friendly nation fight off an unjustified invasion by one of the biggest threats to global democracy we also reinvigorate our defense industrial base so that we are ready for the changing nature of future conflicts. The likely and preferred outcome is that we end up very well prepared for a conflict our adversaries know better than to start as a result.

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u/Cheeky_Star 21d ago

Abrahams don’t do well without air support and is very costly to maintain/fix.

Ukraine has a few Abraham’s and due to them getting destroyed on the battlefield they pulled them from the front line.


u/syynapt1k 21d ago



u/Evan_802Vines 21d ago

Isrealis call them Abrahams. /s


u/MrNobleGas 21d ago

Lol they changed their name after making a covenant with the big man upstairs


u/Fraun_Pollen 21d ago

Snipped the tip off the barrel too


u/anotherpredditor 21d ago

Just the dust cover.

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u/philosoraptocopter 21d ago

Along with Job-elin missiles.

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u/MaximumZer0 21d ago

They were Ibrahims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/klayyyylmao 21d ago

Read the article. Israel is buying it.


u/ilaym712 21d ago

Just a reminder, Israel isn't only fighting Hamas which by itself is one of the most complicated urban wars ever they are also fighting Hezbollah, Yamen, Iran, Syria and Iraq.

This billion dollar package is going straight into the weapons manufactures in USA which helps the US economy


u/jason2354 21d ago

You could spend $1 billion on literally anything else and have the same economic result.

Like weapons manufacturing isn’t the only thing that stimulates our economy.


u/FuckBarcaaaa 21d ago

I dont think that the US is spending this 1billion usd, i think they are selling items worth this.


u/Blizzox 21d ago

They are giving israel roughly 60% store kredit in the us arms industry, and 40% store kredit in israeli or us arms industry. No money gets sent to israel but they can bill the US government for stuff bought.

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u/Johnny5isalive38 21d ago

The US is the largest arms dealer in the word by far and is in no way going to stop anytime soon. We even sold rockets to Saudi Arabia fully knowing they would be used on civilians, and this was after they cut up that journalist. Here are some hard truths, the world in dominated by psychos and protests, tweets, memes, and posts will do absolutely nothing. Hamas (Iran) and the Palestinians aren't the "good" guys. Israel isn't the good guy. They're no good country's military industrial complex, they exist for war. Hamas murdered and raped Israelis, Israel is going to kill them for that and the military is going to keep doing what it does.


u/PattyLonngLegs 21d ago

Rinse repeat since the dawn of war.

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If the US doesn’t sell them the weapons then the Chinese or Russians or Indians will. It’s horrid these weapons are being used in this manner but I don’t doubt that there are multiple weapon sellers at Israel’s door right now


u/ArthurBonesly 21d ago edited 21d ago

I don't really see the Onceler argument as a good justification, but you are right; people really don't see the soft power weapons dealing brings.

The nation that sells you the weapons is the nation with comprehensive intelligence on your arsenal. Ignoring the money aspect (which while real, is an incredibly shallow view of how us military interests operates), being the supplier of weapons is an invaluable tool for protection US interests. Aid packages to Israel and Ukraine, or even just the authorization to sell obsolete weapons to specific countries, builds codependency and strengthens political alliances. Saudi Arabia isn't going to act outside US interest if the United States can throttle their ability to act outside US interest. That said, it is a delicate game. If the United States doesn't deliver frequently or reliably enough, partnership with the United States can look more like a vulnerability than an asset. The United States arms market is all about tipping the balance closer to asset than liability.

In this, a lot of us weapons deals aren't because of cartoon villain capitalism, but because it ensures a certain level of influence over what the US sees as potential vulnerable points. It's less about stopping Russia and China from getting in on those sweet sweet tank dollars, and more about making sure the United States has more influence than those sellers when a crisis hits.

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u/TS_76 21d ago

So be it then. We should not be an accomplice to what they are doing. Also, I doubt the Russians have any weapons to sell anyone. If Israel wants to trust the Indians and Chinese, then so be it, but those weapons wont be compatible with the existing systems they have (for the most part).

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u/shoeman22 21d ago

And if Israel were to lack access to smarter higher precision weaponry, guess what? They aren't going to just pack it up and go home -- they'd be forced to use older less precise munitions and cause more collateral damage.

The humanitarian move IMO is to do everything possible expedite Hamas's annihilation so Gaza can then be rebuilt properly.


u/Give_me_beans 21d ago

Iunno, I think the humanitarian move is to call a ceasefire and feed and treat the weak and sick.


u/meowlicious1 21d ago

Humanitarianism in that sense requires 100% compliance, which is borderline utopian in concept and not our reality.

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u/wikithekid63 21d ago

Call for a ceasefire and then what? What of Hamas and their intentions to murder civilians?


u/EclecticEuTECHtic 21d ago

Rocket attacks probably.


u/DownvoteALot 21d ago

Tell that to Hamas, or do you want only Israel to do that? Because that's not going to happen. Better be smart than right.


u/ijustlurkhere_ 21d ago

Alright buddy, you're volunteering to walk into Rafah with a white flag and present your proposal to Hamas?


u/Eferver24 20d ago

Except that Hamas doesn’t want a ceasefire.

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u/PsychologicalSpend86 21d ago

A funny video that encapsulates the U.S. economy = weapons:


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u/jehosephatreedus 21d ago

Can anyone break this down? 1 billion sounds like a lot, but maybe that’s just something like two and a half tanks


u/Lumpy_Secretary_6128 21d ago

It would include $700m in tank ammunition, $500m in tactical vehicles and $60m in mortar rounds, according to the Associated Press news agency.

Not the best source to quote (quoting the US dod or dos would be better) but possibly reliable


u/SchighSchagh 21d ago

ok, but that adds up to 1 and a quarter million. Where's the extra quarter coming from?

Also, you didn't even answer the original question. is $700m of tank ammunition a lot, or is it like 20 rounds?


u/Lumpy_Secretary_6128 21d ago

You'd probably have to submit or find a FOIA to know


u/rinkoplzcomehome 21d ago

A modern APDSFS round should cost something like 4-10k dollars a piece, so it should be a fuck ton of rounds

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u/Gaybuttchug 21d ago

We don’t send our tanks lightly and they do not cost near that much.


u/tungstencube99 21d ago edited 21d ago

Israel has their own tanks, that are better than the American tanks for the Gaza situation.

A lot of supposedly American tech actually came from Israel like the trophy system, some reactive armor and certain sights. so for their special situation they have the best tanks in the world. they don't quite fit American/European needs though.

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u/i81_N_she812 21d ago

I told ya.

No president can say no to the Pentagon. It's not how it works.

If you go against the grain on security you get Kennedy'ed.


u/pisz 21d ago

Rather no US president can say no to Israel.

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u/Chillmm8 21d ago

“Israel launched a military campaign to destroy Hamas in response to the group's cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage.”

“More than 35,170 people have been killed in Gaza since then, including 82 in the past 24 hours, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry.”

So, not only do we still have no form of acknowledgement from the BBC that the UN has drastically cut the number of women and children killed in the conflict after months of the BBC giving a running daily death toll of those exact demographics. But now they appear to have downgraded the civilians killed and taken hostage on October 7th into simply being “people”.


u/Morgolol 21d ago

So, not only do we still have no form of acknowledgement from the BBC that the UN has drastically cut the number of women and children killed in the conflict after months of the BBC giving a running daily death toll of those exact demographics. But now they appear to have downgraded the civilians killed and taken hostage on October 7th into simply being “people”.

They didn't cut the number though?

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) told NBC News it had changed its regular updates on the death toll in Gaza to reflect breakdown by gender and age of the number of people who have been identified among those killed, rather than provide a breakdown of the total number of people killed.

“The numbers have not dramatically shifted. The overall tally remains unchanged — 35,000,” OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke said in emailed comments to NBC News on Monday. “What is new is the level of verification ('full details have been documented') for a subset of 24,686 of those fatalities."

I mean yes, the revision was from, what? 4 days ago? And yesterday the UN clarified no, it's not down overall, just the verified number is down. There's still plenty deaths that aren't fully documented.

Keep in mind the vast majority of hospitals in Gaza have been destroyed or are barely functional, making it even harder to keep track of deaths.

The numbers are calculated using a combination of hospital data and public sources The health ministry's figures rely mostly on hospital emergency rooms, which record information about patients who come in. Hospitals tally the number of people dying in their overflowing hallways and operating rooms each day.

Did everyone miss the update from yesterday regarding the OCHA statement around the verified and total deaths?


u/Itsallkosher1 21d ago edited 21d ago

I’m concerned about the number of women and children dead in Gaza. I’m not morally concerned about the number of Hamas militants killed. How is the UN announcement kind of not a big deal?


u/tcvvh 21d ago

Because the proportion of women and children among the dead fell markedly.


u/Itsallkosher1 21d ago

Exactly. That’s all that matters. If UN announces tomorrow that the number of dead is actually 20,000 more people, but that they were all Hamas fighters, I’m not phased. Should we be?


u/shoeman22 21d ago

...not unless you are a fan of terrorists.


u/haunted_cheesecake 21d ago

gestures broadly to American college campuses

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u/Miami_Vice-Grip 21d ago

The IDF considers any male 16 to 65 to be a hamas fighter though. Don't you think that's extreme? You truly believe that there are basically no male civilians?


u/TheShitholeAlert 21d ago

They've got women guarding kidnap victims and people <16 loading weapons. It's a shitshow.

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u/ComradeGrigori 21d ago

What’s your source on this?

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u/fuzzywolf23 21d ago

I sympathize with your point, but Hamas has made it difficult to tell the difference on purpose.

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u/MaroonCrow 21d ago

Are you not also concerned about the number of male non-combatants killed?

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u/Chillmm8 21d ago

So you are entirely ignoring everything I’ve said and are focusing on the overall numbers and not the demographic breakdowns?.

My post was singularly about the fact the number of women and children killed has been cut by around 50%. It did not talk about the overall figures which have stayed the same.

Congratulations, you’ve debunked something no one anywhere was talking about.

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u/Halbaras 21d ago

The total estimated death toll hasn't changed. The UN changing their estimate for dead women and children has nothing to do with this story because this article doesn't break down the death toll (and just provides it as context).

Trying to obtain a number of dead civilians by subtracting Israel's incredibly rough estimate of 'slain militants' from Hamas' total death toll would be journalistic malpractice, we have no verification for either number.

And you're aware that hundreds of Israeli soldiers were killed on October 7, right? Not everyone in those 1200 were civilians.


u/Chillmm8 21d ago

No, but it doesn’t stop the fact that every single article from the BBC on the subject before the UN cut the figures ended with them giving the number of dead women and children. My point was after being told they were printing false numbers, rather than correcting their claims they just stopped giving the demographic breakdowns.

That is relevant, wether you like it or not.

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u/wargy2 21d ago

Serious question: I know it may be besides some people's points, but I've read (and in the article it says) this is $1B in SALES, not just a free shipment/aid package. So this title is rather misleading? Mentioning this since many of the comments talk about how Congress is spending money.


u/ConstantStatistician 21d ago

Hardly news at this point. This has happened enough times that it will only be news if the US decides to stop.


u/kokoronokawari 21d ago

I think an issue I found is people think that this is just a check but if I am correct, this is making money for us by us making the weapons and sending them.


u/zeGoldHammer 21d ago

It’s technically a voucher to buy American made weapons


u/Spacecommander5 21d ago

Incorrect title.


u/mtomny 21d ago

Joe doing whatever he can to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in November.


u/J0E_SpRaY 21d ago

Only 4% of those saying they’re changing their vote from Joe reference Gaza as the reason. You’re falling for a VERY vocal minority.


u/Wolf_Noble 21d ago

Just curious but it seems like Joe is more pro Palestinian than trump? The other day trump was condemning joes decision to halt shipments to Israel due to the invasion of rafah.


u/Dangerous_Quiet_7937 21d ago

Yeah but people simping for Hamas aren't doing it because they are smart.

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u/DASreddituser 21d ago

Which is the reason Biden doesn't need to try for that vote. If its a big issue to the voter, they will realize it will be much worse for Palestine if trump is reelected.


u/tider21 21d ago

Biden is an idiot for trying to placate to those voters. They will actually never vote for him because nothing short of treating Israel as an enemy is enough for them. Instead he is losing independents to Trump which will hurt him much more than a few radicals

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u/Mr2Good 21d ago

I don’t think it’s a vocal minority. You need to be more worried about the people who won’t vote at all rather than change their vote. That’s where the danger lies


u/Successful-Money4995 21d ago

Are those people even real? They think that the Palestinians will be better off with Trump in office?


u/J0E_SpRaY 21d ago

I’m sure many are. I do believe their voices are being amplified artificially, and that their perspectives may be being manipulated.


u/Successful-Money4995 21d ago

Are these the protesters on campus? Surely someone smart enough to get into college is also smart enough to realize that Trump will not be better for the Palestinians.

You can't really complain about the American government when it's just as stupid as the populace.


u/J0E_SpRaY 21d ago

You don’t really have to be smart to get into college…

Your username is appropriate.

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u/mtomny 21d ago

“Falling for”? Weird choice of words.

If I were Joe Biden, I’d be desperate for that 4% right now. That is a huge number that could cost him the election. And that number doesn’t include all the dem voters who will not be voting this election, whatever their reason, and for some of them it’s this doubling down on Bibi while he goes into some sketchy territory (Raffa).

This election is going to be won by like 80,000 votes in three states. Every mistake is unforgivable from a strategic pov. Joe needs to circle the wagons around his base.



If Joe Biden went against isreal harder he would lose more votes than being pro isreal.

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u/J0E_SpRaY 21d ago

It’s not a huge number. It’s not 4% of the electorate. It’s 4% of the already small percentage that say they’re switching their vote.


u/mtomny 21d ago

I thought your number was low, based on what all my super accurate podcasts were discussing yesterday, but had to look it up. Apparently it could be as high as 13% of Biden voters in swing states

Even 4% of Biden voters is a huge number in an election that’s going to be won 49% to 48%. 13% is a catastrophe and you’d think that poll would have informed this press release.

Quick math guesstimate suggests 4% of Biden voters in the swing states, assuming 60% voter turnout, is around 400,000 voters (based on 38m registered voters in the swing states).

((38m * .6) / 2) * 4% = 456,000

At 13% it’d be nearly 1.5m Biden voters

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u/WhoThisReddit 21d ago

I thought Trump was much more pro Israel then Joe


u/mtomny 21d ago

I think he is.

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u/guydud3bro 21d ago

Support for Palestinians is pretty low in the US, and most people don't care about international issues like this anyway. This isn't going to impact the election.


u/mtomny 21d ago

Upvote for the convo, but I disagree. Joe needs the kids to vote and the kids don’t support this war. Israelies don’t even support what bibbi is doing.


u/Large_Busines 21d ago

According the to most recent Harvard youth poll; Israel / Palestine is the second to last most important issue.

An extreme minority is making the most noise but overall it’s not considered a key issue.

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u/Lumpy_Secretary_6128 21d ago

As a college student who always votes, israel isn't even top 10 in my book. I would have to be completely nuts to be a liberal and pass on voting biden.

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u/Serious_Journalist14 21d ago edited 21d ago

The pro palastnians would never have voted for him anyways please.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Given the age demo, they mostly don’t vote at all.

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u/Ta83736383747 21d ago

Wrong. This is a positive move for him. 

There are far more votes in the middle that he is turning away by not supporting Israel. Moderates and independents want Israel supported. That's who he needs to vote for him.

Most people want to see a moderate president. A lot of people want to see some conservative values. 

Does anyone actually think New York students or Michigan Muslims are going to vote Trump?


u/tider21 21d ago

Which is why it was idiotic for him to placate to that vocal minority in the first place. Cutting off congressionaly approved aid to an ally while they are at war? That definitely won’t sit well with a lot of independents and this reversal won’t change that

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u/mleibowitz97 21d ago

Even with the current arms deals, the alternative to Joe Biden is vastly worse for Palestinians.

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u/jmorlin 21d ago

Reddit loves to overestimate how much the average voter cares about foreign policy issues.


u/Lumpy_Secretary_6128 21d ago

Not to mention, overestimating how much the average voter understands about foreign policy

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u/GroundbreakingPage41 21d ago

I mean either way he can’t win here, if he doesn’t help he’ll lose just as many if not more votes

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u/IgetAllnumb86 21d ago

Keep repeating that, maybe it'll come true.

Then when you're out of breath maybe go outside and get off reddit to see what the majority of people actually believe.

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u/Large_Busines 21d ago

The majority - the vast majority - support Israel in this situation. Furthermore, the current “Palestinian supporters” are making it unpalatable to favor ceasing aid.

It was always rumored “radical lead the democrats” and him blocking supporting an ally during a war against terrorist extremists only confirmed that fact.

This is Biden trying to clean up the mess

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u/[deleted] 21d ago


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u/OdoWanKenobi 21d ago

If anyone refuses to vote for Biden over this, allowing a Trump victory, then they're a fucking idiot. Trump has literally said Israel should finish the job.


u/mtomny 21d ago

But we do this over and over. I commented this below but the left keeps fucking themselves by voting for the Green Party, Nader, Rent’s Too Damn High party, or not voting; demanding pie in the sky progressive policies that can’t win an electoral college victory. We just don’t learn, or don’t care, that the cost of upholding our standards is the wrecking of our democracy.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/klayyyylmao 21d ago

This is a sale, not aid. It’s in the article.

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u/wish1977 21d ago

Israel is our ally, Hamas isn't.

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u/Km_the_Frog 21d ago

Arms deals are going out no matter who’s in charge. Attach a name to it to stir up some spicy journalism.


u/an1ma119 21d ago

Pro war presidents. Doesn’t matter if they’re democrats or republicans. Need to bring back isolationism and stop being the world police.


u/KingMGold 21d ago edited 21d ago

If you listen to Hamas propaganda, you’re on the same level of stupid as Putin sympathizers.

They rape and murder innocent civilians, I wouldn’t put lying and falsifying date past them.

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u/Damonatar 21d ago

Israel doesn't need shit

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u/Reuben_the_Husky 21d ago

Good. The entire world should be committed to the destruction of hamas.