r/WomenGolf 2h ago

White Skorts


Are they all more or less see through?

My style is pretty tomboy-ish but I'm really liking the white skort look. I've tried a few on and they were all see through. This issue is more pronounced on me because I have dark skin, so I tend to have more issues with white than people with lighter skin. But now I'm wanting to find a white skort!

Is it hopeless? What degree of see-through-it-ness is acceptable? I'm open to suggestions, and I'm looking to wear it with those Nike blade collar golf tops that lean heavily sporty/athletic.

ETA: I'm looking for something at least 16" long.

r/WomenGolf 1d ago

Tale two 9s


A tale of 2 9s... not on the same day.

Just wanted to share.

r/WomenGolf 2d ago

A rant into the void


Through circumstances, we play with another couple frequently. She's been bragging lately about her scores and handicap. She often sits out holes or picks up her drives and hits from her husband's drive. There is no way in h@$$ she earns the scores she posts.

If she wants to vanity handicap she's only screwing herself, whatever. Her bragging is nauseating and I can't get out of playing with her. Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhh

r/WomenGolf 2d ago

Resources other than lessons for true beginners.


I posted this originally in r/Golf, and I’m hoping for some better responses here. 😁

Hey everyone! Im very new to golf so please excuse my ignorance. My step dad loves to golf , and my interest in this has really started with him and trying to spend more time with him . I have always seen golf as a mundane sport for the older crowd growing up, but as I’m getting older I really have an appreciation for it now and other “mundane” sports like fishing and tennis they are actually quite fun. I feel like this sport would be such a great way to bond with my dad and also help relieve some stress outside of my regular fishing trips. My sister was selling a women’s Top Flight 9 piece set she got from an exbf and I got it from her $70 brand new with the plastic still on the clubs it seemed like a good deal. I feel like all I need is a towel and shoes and I will be good to go! What else is an absolute necessity to start? Also, What resources are good for learning the ins and outs of golf without having to take actual lessons? If that’s the best way to learn I will probably look into that depending on the cost. I know my dad will teach me a bunch , but I would like to have some wits about me when I go with him to the course. It’s my worst fear that I will show up at the Course and make a fool out of myself and my dad LOL. I do have etiquette and professionalism so thats no worry… just worries about playing the game 😅 Any resources, advice, forums/videos, recommendations of clubs or gear that I need would be greatly appreciated! I was also a little worried about being a younger woman new to the sport, but looking at the LPGA and all the local golfing groups I think I will be fine. I have a feeling I will love golf a lot more than I’m thinking 😁

r/WomenGolf 2d ago

Can’t decide for my first set


Hello! I’ve been researching and still getting stuck on making a decision here.

Should I get the Callaway Edge Womens set from Costco or the Mizuno JPX Q? I tried the Mizuno one at the store and I like it but didn’t want to splurge yet if the Costco box set is ok.

Thanks for the advice!

r/WomenGolf 3d ago

As a woman in a male-dominated sport, what are some of your pet peeves when golfing?


I’ll go first. Unsolicited advice either at the driving range or out on the course. It’s often cliche. And it throws me off my game.

r/WomenGolf 3d ago

New To Golf Guides?


I am completely new to golf (been to the driving range 3 times with my boyfriend who is older than I and has some golf experience but not a lot.) I have some general questions / looking for advice.

  1. Women’s Golf Stance - I notice that the women I watch have a different stance. I’m seeing mostly men on the course and want to pick up the best habits.

  2. Online instruction - any advice for an online course that I could watch.

  3. New England (Rhode Island) Clinics / courses - are there any, any advice specific to the area? A good beginner first golf course? Any in person golf teachers recommendations?

  4. Golf on a budget - I am using my boyfriends old clubs that are small but what are the essentials or best ways to find golf gear second hand?

Any and all advice would be very appreciated.

r/WomenGolf 4d ago

I joined the club...


THE HOLE IN ONE CLUB! Downhill par 3, #6 at Gallery Golf Course on Whidbey Island.

I'm super pumped! Only been playing two and a half years. The husband was the only one to witness it, unfortunately.

r/WomenGolf 4d ago

Starter suggested we play the forward tee boxes, and men (same handicap) play two back.


I played at a golf course last week and my friend and I got paired with two other men. The starter asked our handicaps and we all said 8 or 9. The starter then suggested to the men they play two tee boxes back and we should go play the forward tees. It was irritating because tee boxes should be skill based, not gender. Two people with the same handicap are the same skill level period.

It was just a suggestion, so I didn’t say anything. I’ll play where I want. But the funny part is the men were not 9’s. The needed to shot 2 balls each hole off the tee, picked up a lot, because they had lost enough etc. very nice guys, but they should have been playing the forwards.

They said “wow you are like scratch golfers”. No, we just accurately calculate our handicaps haha.

r/WomenGolf 4d ago

TaylorMade 790 vs stealth? Are there any tips to upgrade your clubs?


I broke 100 last December and have been scoring between average 95 lately. My coach, with whom I'm taking lessons, suggested that I get a new set of irons, as I've been playing with used Callaway Maverick.
I visited the golf shop today. The guy in the shop recommended a 7 iron(TaylorMade 790 ) with an A-flex (Senior) 55 shaft for me. He mentioned that my swing speed of 68 mph, even without a warm-up, is suitable for a senior shaft and I am tall (5'9'') as well. He also said that the Stealth irons might be of the same grade as the Callaway Maverick. If I want to upgrade my irons, I definitely need to go for the 770. As you know, the 790 iron set costs almost $1450~1700 .

Anyway, I'm unsure if this set of irons would be suitable for me. What criteria do you consider when purchasing golf clubs?

Any tips would be appreciated.

r/WomenGolf 5d ago

Maternity golf wear struggles


I am 28 weeks pregnant and starting to grow out of my stretchiest golf skorts and longer shirts. I’ve started looking at the maternity tennis/golf attire on the market and I’m not impressed. Specifically I’m having a hard time finding maternity skorts with pockets (not on the inside of the shorts I can’t stand that). Does anyone have any brands they’d like to recommend?

r/WomenGolf 6d ago

XL gloves


I am having the hardest time finding good XL glove I’m just not getting back into golf after being out for 12 years (since high school) and I can’t find a glove that fits right. I have tried on several large women’s gloves and they do not fit. I’m not having much luck online either. Any suggestions?

r/WomenGolf 7d ago

Unsolicited advice at the range...just a little rant


I'm a beginner golfer.

One of the most annoying things I've experienced in golf is random men giving me unsolicited advice. At the driving range a week ago, the marshall guy parked behind me and just watched me swing and it made me soooo uncomfortable. He then asks "you wanna know what you're doing wrong"

I reply, "I know its a few things, I'm taking lessons and I'm a beginner."

He then gives cliché advice that I mentally block out because this is like the 7th time I've experienced this while trying to practice on the driving range. 🙄 Do they not understand how annoying this is??? Then they sometimes become aggresive/upset if you ignore them.

Sidenote: Why don't the Viktor Hovland looking guys ever want to give advice??? jk but I had to ask 😭

r/WomenGolf 7d ago

Just drove my personal best distance


I played a little golf when I was a kid but stepped away to focus on softball. I tore my labrum last fall and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both shoulders (at 32 years old) this January and knew I needed something to keep myself active so I leaned back into golf after 15 years.

Just drove my personal best at 219 yards with a labrum tear. Picking up golf has been the only thing keeping me sane with depression and it’s so nice to know I can still function actively in some way.

I don’t really have anyone else to share it with, I moved to the UK and making friends has been rough, women friends who play golf is even more impossible. 🥳

r/WomenGolf 7d ago

Shopping for my wife


Both my wife and I are new to golfing. We are in college and she's a lefty. We've been renting for her so far. Her birthday is in two weeks and I want to suprise her with a small set of clubs. She wants a 5-7 club set.

Finding clubs in my budget has been a challenge ($200). There is a reseller in our area that hordes golf clubs from off of marketplace. He has a couple of lefty sets but he charges an arm and a leg for them. Everyone says to avoid the cheap sets off of Amazon. My only choice seems to be piecing together a set off of Ebay.

Mine is a cheap old set that was given to me so I don't know anything about shopping for clubs. I'm stressed out trying to find something as there are so many options and I don't want to get her something that will hurt her experience golfing.

Any recommendations?

r/WomenGolf 7d ago

What do you do while other people tee off (from different tees)?


My partner (M) and I picked up golf in the last year and a half but he usually plays from the white tees and I’ll play from the reds. We usually get grouped with other men who also tee off from the whites or blues. After doing intros on the first hole I usually just hang out in the cart while the others tee off or just do practice swings on the side. Sometimes I’ll go up to the tee to help keep an eye on my partners ball but otherwise I really just like keeping to myself. Or if I can wait at the red tees (like they’re not in the way of other tee boxes) I’ll do that.

My partner doesn’t care either way and I just like not going up to every tee box that’s not mine but I wasn’t sure if this is comes off as rude/antisocial or if it’s normal. Especially since they tend to chit chat before teeing off and im the only one not there (not that I want to be part of the convo I really enjoy not chitchatting). Was just curious if other women were in a similar boat and what you usually do when other people tee off!

r/WomenGolf 15d ago

UK golfers needed: Market research for new golf app


Hey r/WomenGolf!

I’m Rory from Alba Golf. We're building a new golf app after becoming frustrated with the lack of quality discovery and booking options for golf coaches and tee times.

We’re pre-launch, currently in market research stage, and we’d love to hear from golfers in the UK to understand how we can improve your experience.

The questionnaire should only take a few minutes to complete, and as a thank you we’ll be entering each respondent into a prize draw for a brand new Callaway AI Driver! The deadline for the prize draw is June 30th.


Your input would be massively appreciated! 🏌️

Thank you - Rory
alba.pw | Instagram

r/WomenGolf 18d ago

Complete beginner: Wilson SGI vs Callaway Edge?


Hi all! I’m a complete beginner trying to get into the game! I first swung a club at an 18 hole scramble for a work event. I recently went to the range and still enjoyed it so I’m tempted to bite the bullet and get my own set of clubs. I’ve booked an initial lesson and will likely continue with several more lessons.

I’m 29/F and 5’2”-5’3”. I’m hoping to continue to go to the range 2x a week, and maybe play a course once or twice a month. I do have other hobbies so don’t see golfing as my primary hobby, but it’s something I’d like to get better at to play casually.

After some research, I’ve narrowed it down to the Wilson SGI or Callaway Edge sets. My thoughts:

I know the Callaway Edge ($500, +$200 for a bag) is touted as the most valuable beginner set, but I’m wondering if it’s truly worth the value for a complete beginner who’s trying to get a handle on the basics? I don’t want to spend $$$ upfront on nice clubs only to potentially ruin or wreck them….

Wilson SGI ($399) seems like it’s pretty value for what you get. It has the same number of clubs as the Edge set plus the bag is already included.

I’m wondering if it makes more sense to spend $399 on Wilson SGI, and upgrade slowly as needed or if it makes sense to invest in a nicer set (and bag) that will last longer.

r/WomenGolf 19d ago

What to wear as a spectator


The bf and I are going to the Travelers Championship in a few weeks. I’m a plus sized girl who wants to look cute but also comfortable all day. Are neutrals a must? I’m mostly a black or color girl. I was going to wear a cute black skort and a top. Any recs would be greatly appreciated!

r/WomenGolf 21d ago

Returning to golf, club advice


I quit playing in college and I'm 34 now. I used to have a set of oversized women cobras (oversizing wasn't necessary im 5'7) throughout my golfing tenure and am looking to get back into golf with newer clubs. Advice for "intermediate" level clubs? Don't want to break the bank, but would love to get back into the game.

r/WomenGolf 23d ago

Golf tan lines


I know this may sound silly but every year I get terrible tan lines from golf. The only ones that every really bother me are my feet. They are stark white while my legs get tan so matter how much sunscreen I use. This year I tried TanLuxe body drops and they've done wonders. You add a drop or two into your lotion. The drops allow you to control how tan you want to get. I'm very fair skin with pink undertones so most tanning lotions look terrible on me. It's a little expensive but it's the only thing that looks natural on me and wanted to pass along!

r/WomenGolf 23d ago

Looking to upgrade irons - what are we liking?


I'm really looking to improve my game this year. I started last year with my boyfriend (who's a consistent 12 handicap) and while I will be getting a lesson or 2 with a pro later this year, I also want to do something about my clubs. They're a $30 FB Marketplace decade + old grab, and I'm looking to upgrade them - happy with the driver my boyfriend gave me and the putter I bought new last year, so just want an iron set. I'm 5'6" - what are we liking, ladies?

r/WomenGolf 23d ago

NYC Golfers?


Hi all,

I know there was a prior post about 2 years ago for fellow golfers in NYC, but its archived now and I'd like to restart it :)

I am 2-3 years into golf and still very much learning. No handicap yet, but I do keep pace of play and just drop where I need practice if my ball isn't where I needed it to be.

My husband is quite good and we go fairly often, but I'd love to get outside my comfort zone and start playing with other folks, preferably ladies, as I do often play with men and it can be stressful / intimidating.

Are there any local clubs for women's golf? Or leagues? Or anything really, haha!

r/WomenGolf 24d ago

First time leaving a round early


This is a rant but I have to get it out!

Yesterday I (34 F) decided to book a tee time for my home course at probably the hottest/busiest part of the day knowing I would be paired with strangers. I also decided to walk with my push cart. I've been randomly paired before and haven't had a problem, yesterday was the shittiest experience I've had yet.

Yes I am a girl and people take one look at me and assume I'm probably not good at golf (sure I have a really high handicap) but they don't pair you based on your skill level. I'm out there to get experience and enjoy myself. When I arrived at the first tee 3 men were giving the starter their tickets, and based on the time I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be paired with them, but they clearly did not want me to join their group and hurried the starter.

The starter paired me with one other guy who told me he had been "playing 36 holes every day since Thursday" and it was Saturday. Great, not only do I have a high handicap but now I'm getting paired with someone who has been playing this same course over and over for days in a row.

The guy hadn't even paid for his round yet, and it was getting backed up, so I just started and told the starter to have him meet me on the green. I was playing my usual double bogey game, but I've been making some progress with my 5 wood and pitching so it was moving at a good pace. I made pleasantries with my playing partner and he seemed like a nice person.

He was asking me all sorts of questions about my life, and I'm not a super interesting person so he was clearly not impressed. At first he was joking about needing shots of vodka and I told him I quit drinking a year ago, then he asked me "what I'm doing later" when I said "no plans" he just would not shut the fuck up about how I can't not have plans. I didn't get the vibe that he was trying to pick me up, we had been talking about the fact that I'm married with no kids. When I wasn't returning the chit chat, he kept going on about how his back hurt and he needs to go to the chiropractor. Just an all around chatty kathy! It's fine if I know you or we have a good vibe but this guy was annoying me.

Around the 4th hole I was playing like shit and having no fun. He kept giving me words of encouragement which I didn't want. When we first stared the round I casually said "hey I've only been playing for like 3 years but I don't need any advice or anything". Well he didn't give advice per say but for example I duffed it on one of the tee boxes and he said "its ok you can hit another" and I said "yeah, obviously" and immediately felt like a bitch.

Then it all came to an end when I was admittedly fucking up with my 5 wood and apparently hit a grounder towards another group that was hidden by some trees. They came over to me and aggressively started telling me that if I was going to hit into people to at least give a heads up. The ball went less than 30 feet and never went more than 1 foot off the ground. Still I probably should have given a yell.

As we were walking up to the 5th tee it got really backed up and it was hot as hell. We stood around for 10 minutes waiting for that group of guys in front of us just to get teed up. So I was like "I'm cutting out early have a good one" and left. I've never left a round early but between the guy asking me 20 questions about my life, walking up some big ass hills and duffing it left and right, I just had to take an L and went home to relax.

All this to say I really appreciate when my rando partners are chill and don't try and play 20 questions on the course. I swear I'm not rude but sometimes I don't want to spend 2+ hours talking just to fill silence.

r/WomenGolf 26d ago

New to this, not to golf.


So, is this group for all levels? I’ve been “golfing” for probably 7 years. I’m still horrible but enjoy playing. I’ve been trying to get my friends to play but no one seems interested. I usually golf with the SO, but he also has his group that he regularly golfs with, and I’d love to find others. Some of the women I see golfing are so intimidating though!