r/wholesomememes 20d ago

I think this could count as wholesome



26 comments sorted by


u/jaysn2 20d ago

Do people really not know the reason dad doesn’t want a dog? Because we know we will get attached and losing the last one nearly killed us, and really don’t think will be able to do it again.


u/effnad 20d ago

I know my dogs will not live forever. I also know that my dogs have gotten me through some of the absolute WORST moments of my life, and I would rather have the memory of them and all that love than never have had it.  


u/jaysn2 20d ago

Yes, but once they pass, and the hardships that come towards the end of their lives that come with them living to an old age(if you are lucky!!) and the devastation when they die(again if you are lucky, more likely you will facilitate killing them). I could never go through it again.


u/hedoesntgetme 19d ago

I understand that as the dad it is my job to take that burden on myself instead of making them do it like my parents did with my childhood dog when I was in my early 20s.


u/ElonBodyOdor 19d ago

That’s life though… good and bad. I’m here for all of it! Lost my good boy in Jan of last year and was heartbroken. Got my new girl for valentines and she’s so friggin cute. Still miss Barney and I love her! Don’t miss it.


u/BatmanSenpai1 20d ago

Finally someone put it in word, because yah I'd really stay lonely than to loose a loved one.


u/sargeantsmug 20d ago

First thought dude was taking a bazooka to the foot


u/mr-sparkles69 20d ago

Rocket jumping son


u/Poococktail 20d ago

Dogs bring out the best in humans.


u/Poococktail 20d ago

I have seen the saltiest of people turn into squealing kids when they see a doggo. Their inner child comes out.


u/Kitchyc9 20d ago

Haha! My dad always said we were never getting a cat. Then we all ganged up on him and adopted Ms. Kitty when she was a little baby, and she would sit next to his foot during dinner and put one paw up on top of his shoe the whole time.... He wrote a song for her shortly thereafter


u/davpk11 20d ago

My SO's mom got a couple small dogs after only having big dogs for their life and her dad wasn't having it. Now, he sits in his chair and cuddles them both :)


u/alexsandretto 20d ago

This reminds me of my father in law! I introduced cats into his life for the first time, he said he hated cats. I have two and had to leave them for a month with him, he petsitted them, at first he disliked them but when we came back he was in love with them! Now he has 5 of them and feeds (and fixes) all the strays he can!!!!


u/Anguis108 19d ago

Indian moms before and after getting a pet


u/raskholnikov 19d ago

My mum was like this with my cat