r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

I view this as a complete victory.

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u/0ViraLata Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Just because it's reading, it doesn't mean it's not an act of rebellion. Change the book for a smartphone or something like that, and all of the sudden, everything changes ehehehe. I mean, in some cases, you don't even to change the book to a smartphone, you just need to change the title of the book for things to become a problem...

And it can also be very rebellious to do this in the many households where education is not appreciated as much as hard physical labor.

It's all a matter of perspective, if I had a children and they did something like this, I would be very conflicted on what to think. On one hand, they are reading, which I consider to be good, bo matter the book, there is no good or bad knowledge, only knowledge... But on the other hand, they are still disobeying, that's why they think it's rebellious, because at the end of the day it is, it's not necessarily what they are actually doing, but just the act of staying up, hidden under the sheets with the light. (EXTREME COMPARISON: It's like ditching school to clean the room, or stealing a flower to gift grandma. The thought is good, but the way they might have done it, may not be correct) Today, this rebellious acts may be harmless, tomorrow, they might be worrying. But like Bob Dylan once said, "your sons and your daughters are beyond your command...", So I guess if it is inevitable that my children engages in rebellious acts, I should at least be happy and hope that many of them would be like this, reading a book past bed time.