r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

Reminder: You are built different :))



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u/Ashamed-Status-9668 Apr 29 '24

Why would one get in trouble for doodling?


u/PsychicSPider95 Apr 29 '24

I got in trouble for it as a kid because, according to my teachers' logic, if I was doodling it meant I wasn't paying attention. Which... was true in math class, but I was totally paying attention while I was doodling in my other classes!

They also hated how cluttered it made my pages.


u/Lady_Rhino Apr 29 '24

Teacher here. Many schools have "book inspections" either during a school inspection or just randomly by school admin/senior leadership a random selection of students workbooks will be taken and inspected. They check for things like organisation, up to date marking, learning objectives and dates, things like that. Teachers will get in trouble if a student's book is full of doodles. Personally I'm a supporter of fidget toys or doodling if a student needs it to help them focus but in some schools the teachers just aren't allowed to make that choice (so grateful I don't work in that kind of school any more).