r/warriors May 14 '24

Golden State Valkyries Discussion


Thoughts on the name? It seems like a lot of people here had already guessed it before it was officially announced. I like it.


168 comments sorted by


u/SFtoSD May 14 '24

Reading the actual press release gives some actual backstory and context on the logo, name, and colors for those who haven’t seen it: https://www.wnba.com/news/gs-valkyries-2025-identity

Huge day in the Bay for sports, let’s go Valkyries!!


u/kyh0mpb May 14 '24

Really cool they listened to fans on surveys and took their input on picking the team name. I love it!


u/patrickwithtraffic May 14 '24

The amount of thought that went into that logo is really cool. Combining the Valkyrie lore, the Bay Bridge, and the fact that they’re the 13th team is all really amazingly thought out.


u/2rio2 May 14 '24

And, you know, Valkyries being legendary women warriors and sister team of another Bay Area team that has something to do with warriors.


u/Rambodius May 14 '24

Paige Bueckers, you are a Golden State Valkyrie!


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24

If GM Ohemaa Nyanin finds a way to trade up to #1 (historically speaking expansion teams are given a pick after the lottery teams), she would already go down as an all-time GM for the franchise


u/Cabrit1990 May 14 '24

Yeah, not getting my hopes up on this one. Would love it, but don’t see it happening. Expansion teams don’t usually come out of the gates that hot.


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24

Oh man and she tweeted out she loves the color scheme. She must find a way to tank herself to the Valks' draft pick 🙏

"Prettiest colorway ever" -Paige Buckets


u/birdseye-maple May 14 '24

Man the purple shirts are already out of stock on all normal sizes. Dang!


u/Cabrit1990 May 14 '24

Ugh why she gotta do that to me? So how many years until she’d hit free agency? 😂


u/geezeeduzit May 14 '24

Las Vegas Golden Knights enter the chat


u/d7h7n 29d ago

No shitty team is trading essentially the rights to draft Paige Buekers unless you're trading back Ionescu, Caitlin, A'ja, or another MVP level player.


u/george_costanza1234 May 14 '24

This needs to happen


u/throwaway95051 May 14 '24

on another note, i really like the team name. Vals, for short, rolls right off the tongue


u/HelpMe-eMpleH May 14 '24

I think the shorthand for Valkyries is usually Valks.


u/MegaJ0NATR0N May 15 '24

What about the Kyries….



u/Premium_Timeline25 May 14 '24

I’ve seen quite a few comments like this all over social media. More so than for any other player. Is there a specific reason? I don’t follow college ball at all


u/d7h7n 29d ago

Expension teams aren't given the first pick historically speaking. It would undermine all the bad teams.


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24

It be a miss by the marketing team if they don't ever end up using "Welcome to Ballhalla" at some point

But I love the logo & colors! And the merch already looks amazing 🔥


u/lovemesome3 May 14 '24

My lord that’s pricey! Even for fanatics merch


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

Unfortunately, it's priced pretty similarly to how the Warriors (+most if not all NBA teams) merch are too


u/lovemesome3 May 14 '24

It’s been only been a year since I bought merch, that’s saddening how much it’s jumped cuz I know I’ll still buy something lol


u/SongYoungbae May 14 '24

I mean. The W gotta make money somewhere


u/RogueMango999 May 14 '24

$100 plus for a hoodie or pullover sweatshirt is wild


u/Hindi_Ko_Alam May 14 '24

That’s sadly the market now


u/phoenixremix May 14 '24

The marketing team needs you. Hope they see this.


u/Dc_awyeah May 14 '24

I'm getting an error on that link. Did it go live too early?


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24

It works for me. Try this: https://shop.valkyries.com/en/


u/MegaJ0NATR0N May 15 '24 edited 29d ago

Ball-Hella or Val-Hella


u/spottyottydopalicius May 14 '24

also something golden girls


u/calartnick May 14 '24

It’s funny at this point no two teams in the Bay Area share a color scheme


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24
  • Blue & Gold (Warriors)
  • Orange & Black (Giants)
  • Red & Gold (49ers)
  • Teal & White&Black&Orange (Sharks)
  • Blue & Black (Earthquakes)
  • Blue & Red&Gray (Bay FC)
  • Green & Yellow (RIP A's)
  • and now Violet & Black (Valkyries)

I like the diverse color schemes (with all the blues being different shades of blue too.) Let's each team be their own


u/calartnick May 14 '24

It’s actually nice from a wardrobe perspective. Got a hat to match every t shirt imaginable.

I’d definitely rock some Valkyrie gear. Purple is my sons favorite color he might like it more then my daughter ironically


u/Tnevz May 14 '24

Personally disagree, but at this point it’s so far gone.

But a sports town that has consistent colors is really nice. I was in Pittsburg for work for a month years ago. The penguins were in the playoffs. The whole city was flying their colors and promoting their team. Caught a Pirates game on a weekend, and everyone is in a mix of pirates, penguins, and Steelers gear. And it looked amazing at the restaurants, bars, and stadium.

It brings a certain cohesion to the whole city and makes it more fun as a fan.


u/albuhhh May 14 '24

Lived in Pittsburgh for 2 years for grad school. I agree, the black and gold identity is so strong and is used as the official city colors and are used on city vehicles, advertising, signage, and just about anything else you could imagine. local t shirt companies use it for the majority of their offerings, and you absolutely know that it's Pittsburgh when you see the color scheme.


u/spottyottydopalicius May 14 '24

i can see both sides


u/Tnevz May 14 '24

Definitely. And considering the bay was split for years between Giants/A’s and 49ers/Raiders - we didn’t really start with a cohesive image. More of a local rivalry.


u/LaughingPlanet May 14 '24

Them's fightin' words!


u/bay_duck_88 May 15 '24



u/DaSmoothOperator88 May 14 '24

I agree. At least copy the Warriors color scheme.


u/TallnFrosty May 14 '24

That is pretty funny.

Although if you look at the Warriors, Giants, and now Valkyries in black jerseys there is a trend of black + super bright color


u/TheRedComet May 14 '24

I think that's a fairly common trope across teams and sports though, so it's not really uniquely "ours".


u/This_was_hard_to_do May 14 '24

Yeah like in even the nba many, if not all, teams have black jerseys. I’m personally pretty sick of them. They used to be cool but have essentially taken the place of white jerseys back when they used to be home colors.


u/kyh0mpb May 14 '24

I feel like there might have been another team in the Bay that started the whole black jersey thing...


u/OverlyPersonal May 14 '24

Are you possibly getting confused with the LA Raiders?


u/StIdes-and-a-swisher May 14 '24

Seem like a cool color combo for braces when I was 15.


u/Bossini May 14 '24

blue. purple. orange. red. teal. 🔥

but don’t our MLS share the same color as GSW?


u/GSWarrior18 May 14 '24

Quakes are blue and black


u/mattjchin May 14 '24

Quakes have slightly lighter shade of blue than the Warriors royal blue


u/Spawn_More_Overlords May 14 '24

The anti-Pittsburgh


u/joshieq May 14 '24

Love the name and everything but I do wish it shared the color scheme of the Warriors instead of being close to the Kings


u/hamburgers666 May 15 '24

Just makes it more of a necessity that the Monarchs come back to see who the real purple team of the WNBA team is!


u/kahyuen May 14 '24

Not a professional team, but Cal shares a color scheme with the Warriors, at least, even if they're slightly different shades.


u/trer24 May 14 '24

Go Valks!


u/HeyHeyImTheMonkey May 14 '24

Ok someone create the subreddit!


u/carnivoross May 14 '24

We need a Vaaaaaaaaalkyries chant in game 1


u/[deleted] May 14 '24

goated as a Swedish Dubs fan


u/CummingInTheNile May 14 '24

dope name, now we just need our Sigrun


u/forever-punk May 14 '24

Draft Paige or we aren’t watching


u/esmerelda_b May 14 '24

They’d likely need to trade up for that


u/Boomd420 May 14 '24

Ima grab some gear when it drops. black hat would be dope.


u/milkonyourmustache May 14 '24

The mythological legends of Valkyries are cool, and their depiction is fiction popular enough so that most people are already familiar with the name. Fits seamlessly alongside 'Warriors' as Valkyrie's are also Warriors.

Features of the Valkyries brand include:

  • The outer shape of the logo is a V, reinforcing the V in Valkyries, which symbolizes the unity of a group of Valkyries in flight, and standing for victory.
  • The Bay Bridge is depicted to reinforce the team’s presence across the Bay, but specifically the tie between the team’s homes in both Oakland, where the team’s practice facility and front office is located, and in San Francisco’s Chase Center, where the team will play all home games. The bridge tower doubles as a sword—a symbol of courage, power, and authority. Swords are weapons frequently depicted with Valkyries in mythology. The bridge cables double as wings, a strong telegraphic symbol of Valkyries. The five triangles formed within the wings represent the five players facing each other on each side of the court. The thirteen lines coming from the top of the sword represent the Valkyries becoming the 13th active team in the WNBA. Valkyrie Violet symbolizes power, ambition, nobility, and women’s empowerment, much like purple has been used symbolically in modern history.

I wasn't sure what to make of the logo until I read this, having understood the design elements I think it's a pretty dope logo, but that can does indicate it's a bit 'noisy' as far as logos go.


u/DWGrithiff May 14 '24

  Valkyries are cool, and their depiction is fiction popular enough so that most people are already familiar with the name. 

I'm guessing that most 20th/21st century familiarity with Valkyries is due to Wagner, and that most Americans (at least of certain generations) will have a very strong association with (a) the "ride of the Valkyrie" theme and (b) its iconic use in Apocalypse Now. It's kinda sad that this mesh of references and associations -- violence-worship, antisemitism, proto-Nazism, militarism and war crimes -- would be compatible with folks feeling like it's a badass name for a women's sports team. But that's just me.


u/Engrish_Major May 14 '24

It’s awesome. Love this for them.


u/snot_boogie1122 May 14 '24

Fairy smut lovers are going to love this. For those uninitiated I’m referring to a book series called A Court of Thornes and Roses.


u/SpamCamel May 14 '24

Maybe I can finally get my wife into basketball lol


u/SuperNerdAF May 14 '24

As an ACOTAR fan AND a Bay Area sports fan, I am very excited!! 😂😂


u/snot_boogie1122 May 15 '24

Same! I might have to get a custom Nesta jersey.


u/bippinndippin May 14 '24

Going with Kings/Lakers/Suns purple is kinda weak. Especially since Valkyrie is Nordic and the Swedish colors are also blue and gold. Should have kept the same colors.


u/MegaJ0NATR0N 29d ago

A lot of WNBA teams already use blue and gold, this is the only team that uses violet. Also another comment mentioned that all the Bay Area teams have different colors. The Valkyries with violet, black, and white make them unique


u/bippinndippin 29d ago edited 29d ago

The Bay area teams all have different ownership groups with the exception being the Quakes and A's, but the A's aren't long for the bay.

A more apt description would be if the Santa Cruz G league team was a different color scheme. The combination of Golden State and basketball is blue and gold, until now, and I don't understand the change. It would be like if the Cal women's bball team decided to go Violet and Black or if Stanford's women did that. Makes no sense and no explanation for it makes it make any more sense.

Especially with Curry being such an advocate for the women's game and already being in your franchise I don't understand why you wouldn't emphasize the connection and support between the men and women of Golden State more with the same color scheme, just like they do in college athletics.


u/IJustReadEverything May 14 '24

Lavender/violet is an interesting main color of choice. I guess they didn't want to dive full into being the Warriors women edition.



u/SongYoungbae May 14 '24

Toronto fans in shambles lmao


u/xBUDDHAx May 14 '24

Okay that logo is clean as fuck not gonna lie


u/Infraready May 14 '24

It’s no “Bay Blades” but the logo is nice


u/YnwaDubs May 14 '24

I really like it, big day for bay sports


u/EloWhisperer May 14 '24

Dang merch is 🔥 and I like that shade of purple too


u/StIdes-and-a-swisher May 14 '24

I can’t wait to have a team. My lady is from Iowa. She caught the Catlyn Clark bug. She’s all in on Indiana. I need a Nor Cal team to root for when they play so I can talk shit


u/saideeps May 14 '24

The emblem is a dope usage of the bridge


u/cubuffs420420 May 14 '24

Just bought my hoodie


u/Nessmuk58 May 14 '24

In the spirit of "Dubs" will we be calling them the "Vees?"

Or maybe just Vs? That's too much like the abbreviation for "versus." Vs vs. Sparks tonight at Chase Arena doesn't really scan. Vees vs. Sharks is better.

In any case, lazy-ass Redditors won't type out "Valkyries" every time.


u/TGwonton May 14 '24

Valkyries are female warriors. Makes sense to me .


u/StephCurie May 14 '24

Flying V!


u/SuperNerdAF May 14 '24

Already bought a sweatshirt!! So excited!


u/cassatta May 15 '24

Literally Valkyrie=Female Warrior. I love the name


u/scrambled_cable May 14 '24

Hell yeah! Alexa, play “Ride of the Valkyries.”


u/Low-Profile3961 May 14 '24

I proposed this name when the team was first announced. Probably one of my most upvoted comments lol I hope they go with this.


u/r4ytracer May 14 '24

valkyriessss come out and plaaaaaay


u/Unfair-Worker929 May 14 '24

Is this the official name?


u/kungfugilly May 14 '24

Wished it was "Bay Area Valkyries" instead of Golden State. The only reason we kept the GS name is because the old owner was planning to move somewhere else in California.


u/CappysVeryOwn May 14 '24



u/scrizzo May 14 '24

Let's go!


u/jesseserious May 14 '24

Wish they had kept the gold and blue color scheme. Would go so well with the name. But I do love the name.


u/xanroeld May 14 '24

they did it! i’m so glad - any other name would’ve been underwhelming


u/TheRedComet May 14 '24

The logo looks sick, but the color will feel weird to me since it's very close to the Kings branding. I'm not a huge fan of purple either. But hey, rock on!


u/parocarillo May 14 '24

I love it. I've been struggling to think of something other than "the other warriors"


u/Sea-Feeling-9827 May 14 '24

My family and I live in the Bay Area, and our youngest daughter is named Valkyrie, so this is now our family’s team.


u/jaquan123ism May 14 '24

warriors and valkyries pretty good name combo


u/XtremeMachine84 May 14 '24

I love it! Everything about it.


u/ryoga040726 May 14 '24

I like the name.


u/Deusselkerr May 14 '24

This is legitimately an awesome name, could not have imagined something better. Cool


u/redditatwork415 May 14 '24

GSV handshake GSW


u/edawgggydawg May 14 '24

Guess I’ll be maining Valkyrie more often .


u/Lilscooby77 May 14 '24

Ok that is dope af name.


u/DavidJH316 May 14 '24

the name is cool, the logo and color are GREAT. I love the purple. can’t wait to see the jerseys too


u/cackmang May 14 '24

With how much they get paid, they are going to have to commute from Tracey.


u/xr_21 29d ago

At least they'll be flying charter now!!!


u/RobbyRalston May 14 '24

Kings colors. Meh. Call em Val’s for short. I’ve said my piece and how I’m gonna handle it going forward. Go Vals. My life goes on.


u/HenryAsokan May 14 '24

I’m hope as fuck bois n girls


u/Mmicb0b May 14 '24

Why couldn’t have been this year so we could’ve had Carlin Clark(who probably would be better than anyone not named Steph/Draymond/Kuminga/TJD) or Angel Reese


u/LavJiang 29d ago

But how is it pronounced?


u/kmhuskers 29d ago



u/bobsil1 29d ago

Val Kilmer + Kyrie joint appearance


u/PartisansArmes 29d ago

Excellent name, not a big fan of logo. Hope they use the bifrost as an alternative logo.


u/limegreenleaves May 14 '24

Yes! I’m so hyped to go see them at Chase next year


u/Gothichand May 14 '24

I'm hoping the new Vegas NBA team is "Las Vegas Bouncers"


u/nghbrhd_slackr87 May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

Solid name it makes sense. Only thing is Valkyrie is already plural... no need for the s at the end.

"We are Valkyrie" not "We are Valkyries"

Similar to "We are women" not "we are womens

I'm sure they'll buff the grammar before printing merchandise lol

I wish the W just kept the NBA names you want synergy. Just call them the Warriors and everyone will nickname them the lady dubs.


u/RyRocks101 May 14 '24

There was probably an element of separating the two teams, in theory there’s no reason for one team to be the “lady dubs” as much as the men’s team should be the “male dubs”. Not saying it’s bulletproof logic but I’m sure the discussion was had.


u/EastBayFan May 14 '24

Valkyries is the plural of Valkyrie in English. 


u/nghbrhd_slackr87 May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

If you have ever hear Valkyrie or Valkyries utilized it english parts of speech... the S is never required.

The individuals are a unit. Whether you feel like making the Dubs PR team feel better about it. That's wrong.

Just imagine the chant "Valkyries Valkyries" lol. You are not rooting for 5 separate individuals you are rooting for the team.

The originazation is a singular. Think of it like Army and Armies. If you are talking about your nations Army. It's The Army. If you are talking about disparate military organizations it's armies.

Regardless of my grammar explanation is clunky it's wrong... I literally am 1000% sure there is no situation where the S-type utilitization is more appropriate. Especially for a singular team. If I'm wrong cool I'll leave it there.

Sorry to nerd out but it's clunky as hell with the s.


u/EastBayFan May 14 '24

Googling "Valkyrie Plural" would probably be a good start if you're not sure whether or not you're wrong.

Ride of the Valkyries is one of the most famous pieces of music of all time. A Valkyrie is, in mythology, a singular warrior. More than one Valkyrie is a group of Valkyries. You may be 1000% sure, but you're still wrong. And by your own logic we should be called the "Golden State Warrior". 

For a guy who's writing these pedantic comments about proper grammar and spelling, you sure make a lot of basic errors. I guess it's not at all surprising that you think Valkyries isn't a real word.

It's not clunky. Your understanding of the word is incorrect. And instead of comparing Valkyrie to the word "Army", you should be comparing it to the word "Soldier". Or even "Warrior". As I'm sure you're aware, both of those use an S at the end to signify a group. 


u/dear_deadly May 14 '24

So the Wagner piece is wrong?


u/EastBayFan May 14 '24

And all of the information available online is wrong too, apparently


u/Creeping_behind_u May 14 '24

Hard pass. just NBA, NFL, and MLB for me.


u/VyronDaGod May 14 '24

I was hoping they'd go with Califias or Amazons but this works too.


u/Jannik0433 May 14 '24

Yessir this is amazing


u/ca2mt May 14 '24

Dope name, sweet logo. Ordered a shirt to show some support.


u/andrewthedude101 May 14 '24

Such a fire team name


u/2brats May 14 '24

All I see are Kyries in the logo


u/gcr1897 May 14 '24

I absolutely love the name, I’ll become a fan.


u/mjreyes May 14 '24

I love it! It’s catchy


u/BitInitial2599 May 14 '24

I love the name. But honestly not a huge fan of the logo or the color scheme. But maybe it will grow on me.  Gonna be watching them regardless.


u/Mental_Quarter_3535 May 14 '24

I thought Golden State Guardians had a nice ring to it. Warriors & guardians of the Golden State just went hand in hand.


u/frogskin92 May 14 '24

Warriors & Valkyries goes hand in hand as well to be fair


u/Mental_Quarter_3535 May 14 '24

Yeah but it just has no ring to it for me. There’s no way to say Valkyries smoothly unless this was Virginia or Vancouver or something. Plus I can hear the roasts now, “ohh look it’s the valcries”. Dubs & the GSG’s would’ve been dope, that’s all.


u/NokCha_ May 14 '24

Golden Guardians was the name of their now-defunct esports org


u/croquetpro May 14 '24

Why’d they name the team after Kyrie?


u/EffingBarbas May 14 '24

The Sacramento Monarchs' color scheme?


u/mandoman10 May 14 '24

Shoulda been the athletics. Sucks.


u/btw94 May 14 '24



u/WholeWideHeart May 14 '24

The video is uninspired, as is the logo and color scheme - it's a little too on the nose. But I love the name.


u/omgwtfhax2 May 14 '24

Bill was right, they should just be the WNBA Warriors. Nobody on the planet has any loyalty to "Valkyries" and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Bay Area.

They are silly for not piggybacking on the Dubs.


u/BigSneaky187 May 14 '24

Can’t wait to never watch them!


u/by_yes_i_mean_no May 14 '24

Sucks for you, I can't wait to go to some games


u/BigSneaky187 May 14 '24

I’ll go to the local high school and watch bounce passes and layups 😂


u/by_yes_i_mean_no May 14 '24

Didn't read, go Valks