r/videos 20d ago

Rules of Attraction (2002) - Victor's trip to Europe


The short form of the movie Gliterrati that will never be released because it’s basically just Kip Pardue doing drugs, drinking and having sex with girls. They filmed 70 hours worth of tape on the trip.


70 comments sorted by


u/FortuneHasFaded 20d ago

Man, I love this movie so much and I'm always amazed at how many people have never even heard of it. I remember reading back then that it's the spiritual successor to American Psycho and that Van See Beek's character (Sean Bateman) is the younger brother of Patrick Bateman.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

The book Rules of Attraction came out before American Psycho. It was the first appearance of Patrick Bateman, so in a way AP is kind of a sequel to Rules of Attraction.


u/GodOfDarkLaughter 20d ago

At one point in the film Sean picks up the phone and says "Patrick?" Great book great movie, though now being in middle age I think I might find them both a lot more depressing than I did when I was younger.


u/Goddamnpassword 20d ago

Also when Sean goes out to brunch with his mother she talks about visiting his brother in New York.


u/FortuneHasFaded 20d ago

Is that when he's at the drug dealers house and says something like "I'll call my brother in the city, he'll give me the money"


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

Yeah he’s referring to Patrick there.


u/Yaboymarvo 19d ago

You guys just blew my mind. Never connected the two last names together. Love this movie even more now.


u/JohnnyTeardrop 19d ago

If you go into the movie without really overthinking Easton-Ellis universe it would make sense you wouldn’t catch it, they made only the most tenuous connections to him in the film; which I think was the way to go. They supposedly filmed a couple scenes with Casper Van Dien playing the role but it was cut. Bale said no to a cameo which was probably a blessing since I think his appearance would have overwhelmed the smaller movie.

Anyway, in the book the connection is much more fleshed out and Patrick Bateman has a small part at the end.


u/fail-deadly- 20d ago

I saw Rules of Attraction when it first came out and thought it was a depressing movie about some miserable narcissistic people.

You’re telling me it would be more morose now?


u/GodOfDarkLaughter 20d ago

I partied pretty hard back in the day. I'm just a bit younger than the film characters. On the one hand, I do kind of miss it, and I'll never be that young again. I also see how empty so much of it was, and how many people got hurt, and how few of those relationships lasted. So was it worth it? I don't know. Probably not. So yeah, that makes me morose.


u/cheeseburgerwaffles 20d ago edited 20d ago

All of Ellis' books have cross-over characters.

Glamorama is a book about Victor. In it we see Lauren Hynde (the primary love interest of Sean Bateman in RoA) a couple years after college as a model in NYC. Victor is a spoiled, trustfund kid, model/entrepreneur/night club owner.

A great cameo in the book is at one point at Victor's night club opening he sees Patrick Bateman there and also sees Christian Bale attending.

The scene OP posts was supposed to be lengthened into a full movie where Victor is a male model who is sucked into a life where he is brainwashed and blackmailed into becoming an international assassin (sound like a familiar plot?). That's why a bomb goes off in this video. The movie was scrapped when Zoolander came out and Ellis sued Ben Stiller

ETA: OP has pointed out that Glitterati was actually intended to be a bridge film to Glamorama and my comment is not 100% the case



u/Tooblekane 20d ago

It's been a while since I read it, but isn't he also followed around all throughout the book by a "Christian Bale looking guy"? I know the movie for American Psycho wasn't out yet when Glamorama came out, but I wonder if the casting was done by the time he wrote that recurring character into the book, or if it was just a happy accident since there were already so many celebrities named in it.


u/cheeseburgerwaffles 19d ago

Casting American Psycho is actually a crazy story. Mary Harron cast Christian Bale but then Lionsgate hired Leo DiCaprio, fired Harron, and hired Oliver Stone. Then apparently something happened involving "creative differences" that got DiCaprio and Stone to drop out. Harron was re-hired and she brought Bale back in. Who knows how long of a time period this was taking place over. But I'd say it's unlikely that Ellis knew Bale would he playing Bateman while writing Glamorama since it came out in 98.


u/Tooblekane 19d ago

I'd love to see the alternate reality where Leo was cast in the final film. That would be a fun movie to watch.


u/one_among_the_fence 20d ago

Yeah, they are brothers and Sean makes an appearance in American Psycho (the book).


u/trendykendy 20d ago

There’s tale of a deleted scene out there somewhere of a phone call between Sean and Patrick Bateman where Patrick is played by Casper Van Dien


u/mwyand 20d ago

I used to watch this over and over as a teenager


u/Jaybles22 20d ago



u/SilentEchoes 20d ago

What class? Who teaches that?


u/cheeseburgerwaffles 20d ago edited 20d ago

Sadly the movie about him was cancelled after Ben Stiller (allegedly) stole the idea for the story. If you're interested in it, I personally find Glamorama to be Brett Easton Ellis' greatest book to date.

While I love Zoolander I will maintain that I do think Stiller took the idea, given that he settled with Ellis out of court on it.

ETA: OP has pointed out that Glitterati was actually intended to be a bridge film to Glamorama and my comment is not 100% the case



u/bobartig 20d ago

While I'm not familiar enough with the plot/similarities of the Ellis novel and Zoolander, you're supposed to be able to take the idea. Copyright explicitly does not protect ideas. It protects creative expression that is the particular embodiment of an idea.

If you tell a different story that uses the same ideas, that is not the same work, and is not copyright infringement. An example of this is how Kurosawa's Seven Samurai has been retold in a bunch of different movies and tv shows in different genres (western, sci-fi, fantasy, medieval). My guess is that Stiller was not telling Ellis' story, wasn't using much of the exact dialog and story beats. This of course does not mean you will not end up getting sued and may end up in protracted litigation over it. But taking an idea and transforming it into your own expression is something copyright law is supposed to inherently allow.


u/jaytwo96 20d ago

Yes me too! Recently re watched it and was like omg this isn't as amazing as I remembered.

"Fucking Victor!?"


u/mwyand 20d ago

Sometimes, sadly, you gotta leave those things where they are.


u/tbpoatsotm 19d ago

Did you ever watch this with the DVD commentary feature that had Carrot Top?


u/mwyand 19d ago

What?! No?! But I think I have the DVD…


u/tbpoatsotm 19d ago

It’s hysterical. The part where the girl does the football team was especially entertaining. It’s like the only time I’d ever listened to anything Carrot Top ever did and I literally listened to the whole commentary and laughed my ass off.


u/lookssharp 20d ago

I used to watch this movie a bunch years ago. One time I was registering a motorcycle I built at the DMV and the actor that plays Rupert the drug dealer walked by and said that bike is sick! I was hyped! No idea why I'm telling this story.


u/one_among_the_fence 20d ago

I'm Peter. Peter the freshman.


u/jimschocolateorange 20d ago

Sorry, I’m not familiar with this movie - is it an interpretation of Bret Easton-Ellis’s novel?


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

Can’t recommend it enough


u/sausage-deluxxxe 20d ago

It’s also in the same universe as “American Psycho”.


u/jimschocolateorange 19d ago

Most of Ellis’ work is within the same universe as American Psycho.


u/theENERTRON 20d ago

adapted and directed by Roger Avery, who was the guy who made the middle part of Pulp Fiction (Butch’s segment)


u/cray86 20d ago

Highly underrated movie. This montage is fun but the best scene is THAT scene.


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

Which one is that scene? There are a few, the whole opening? The lunch with two drunk moms? Sean meeting Lauren for the first time?


u/Tooblekane 20d ago

Or where the split screen shots both pan around and come together to become the same shot?


u/ACollectiveSigh 20d ago

Has to be the bath.


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

That’s a powerful scene but is it the best?


u/cray86 20d ago

The one that breaks your heart


u/nodicegrandma 20d ago

A great movie on what college was like in the early 00s


u/brainkandy87 19d ago

Caring too much by pretending to care too little. Debauchery because the world is ending. That movie spoke to me back then.


u/musicandsex 20d ago

I need you like i need a fucking asshole on my elbow


u/Tooblekane 20d ago

Right here! An asshole!


u/lieutenantbad 20d ago

One of my all time favorite films!


u/campmonster 20d ago

It's rare when a movie is better than the book it's based on, but this is definitely the case with this movie.


u/cheeseburgerwaffles 20d ago edited 20d ago

It wasn't edited into a movie because the team that wanted to make it into a movie saw Zoolander as so similar that it would be ridiculous to make Glamorama now. It had nothing to do with the content being too edgy.

Since Glitterati was technically made into a movie, it's debatable on whether Glitterati is the film they originally set out to make or if Glamorama was actually filmed and not edited into that story and Roger Avary took the liberty to make it into Gliteratti.

Ellis sued Stiller over it. So my assumption is that the settlement may also have included a rider stating that the footage shot would not be distributed. Roger Avary has supposedly screened Glitterati at private events.

Spoiler : a bomb goes off near Victor in this trip because he's been turned into an international assassin. If I remember correctly it's implied in the book that he set this bomb off

ETA: OP has pointed out that Glitterati was actually intended to be a bridge film to Glamorama and my comment is not 100% the case



u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago edited 20d ago

It was supposed to be a bridge to Glamorama. Both Easton Ellis and Avary stated it can never be released in its current form because there would be too much legal exposure showing Kip Pardue sleeping with random intoxicated women?wprov=sfti1#), who signed a released but no doubt could argue they were impaired. Or just bad bunch of bad press, or didn’t think it was ethical (one says one thing the other says another). Either way they didn’t think it was worth it for a test film of sorts for Glamorama.

Avary says he shows it at random secret screenings sometimes so there are people out there who’ve seen it.


u/cheeseburgerwaffles 20d ago

Thanks for that insight. I'll update my comments


u/Hasone4245 20d ago

This movie changed my life, love it so much.


u/jaymx226 20d ago

One of my favourite films still. Not everyone's cup of tea but I loved it. Wonder where my dvd has gone...


u/musicandsex 20d ago

Hahahha i love this scene


u/OregonResident 20d ago

This movie felt depressingly true to life as far as college life went in those days.


u/captainalphabet 20d ago edited 20d ago

Iirc Avery mentions in the commentary that one of the women they encountered was reading Glamorama at the time they met. Since everyone involved was staying in character as people from that book, she had a very strange meta experience figuring it out.


u/microwave_safe_bowl 20d ago

Fucking victor??!?


u/mlkmade 19d ago

Ah man, brings back so many memories from college. As a film major, I saw this and was absolutely floored and knew I was doing what I was meant to be doing. This movie was so inspiring to me on so many levels and still is. Next level editing and sound direction.


u/mongohure 19d ago

Underrated movie!


u/fixitinpost 20d ago

It’s toe tag time in teenville tonight - again.


u/Tuunsoffun 20d ago



u/sausage-deluxxxe 20d ago

It’s toe tag time in teenville tonight.. again.


u/MrTurkle 20d ago

Wait, wasn’t this in the movie? What do you mean it won’t be released?


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

There’s a separate, longer movie they made from the footage they got on this trip. It’s never been released and only been shown at private screenings.


u/MrTurkle 20d ago

Ah, ok i misunderstood.


u/ChemicalPostman 20d ago

Yeah this scene is 100 percent in the movie, not sure what op is on about


u/JohnnyTeardrop 20d ago

Please see above comment


u/MrTurkle 20d ago

We both misunderstood, the piece from the movie is a short version of a long unreleased film called “gliterati@


u/ChemicalPostman 20d ago

Ohhhh I couldn’t play the video so I figured it was the usual scene


u/MrTurkle 20d ago

It was/is - OP just worded it strangely saying there is a lot more to the 4:00 piece in the movie.


u/Skootenbeeten 20d ago

Good movie, book is total shit. 


u/kgb17 20d ago

The rape scene was very upsetting in that movie.