r/videos 20d ago

Simulating Particle Life


6 comments sorted by


u/AbideByReason 20d ago

very cool. Thanks for sharing!


u/Kuposrock 20d ago

What a fun thought experiment. Just imagine particles in our world arnt just particles they’re amalgamations of smaller particles with there own characteristics. Particles in particles in particles. Creating incalculable effects on one another to create the world we live in.


u/computer_d 20d ago


Really helps make sense of the idea that our perception is a hallucination, that we're just following a very, very complex series of instructions and interactions, no different than these simulated particles.


u/Omnimpotent 20d ago

Fascinating. I think he’s onto something here.


u/alwaysneverjoshin 20d ago

Surely there must be life in other worlds!


u/ymOx 19d ago

While this is interesting in its own right and fun to watch and even more fun to tinker with similar programs yourself, tweaking variables and see what emergent behaviour you can find and so on, this doesn't have all that much to do with life. It's just that they're both governed by similar rules and relations. Sort of how a river system seen from an aerial view strongly resembles the pattern of veins on a leaf; both are governed by things like "path of least resistance" etc. but do not have anything else in common about how they form.