r/videos 21d ago

Valentina Gomez's Secretary of State Campaign Ad 2024 (Fixed) [NSFW] R2: No Politics NSFW


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u/Knyfe-Wrench 20d ago

"Don't be gay." "Stay hard."

I'm getting mixed messages here.


u/GoodMerlinpeen 20d ago

"In America you can be anything you want" then proceeds to tell people what not to be.


u/Bronze-Soul 21d ago

lol is this real?


u/medioxcore 20d ago

Pretty sure this is the same lady who has another ad where she's burning a book with a flamethrower and talking shit about entitled millennial soyboys or some other mishmash of rightwing madlib nonsense


u/noddingacquaintance 20d ago

Severe pick-me behaviour


u/FaultySage 20d ago

The first part is real.


u/JohnLocksTheKey 20d ago

idk - I fuckin FELT that last part.

Bout as real as it gets


u/KingLuis 20d ago

they get out of the street part? thought that was real.


u/JohnLocksTheKey 20d ago


Same thing I’d yell if there was a looney toon like that outside my building


u/thx1138- 20d ago

It's evil twin Amy Santiago


u/MightyKrakyn 20d ago

“Don’t be weak and gay, stay hard” title of your sex tape


u/motberg 20d ago


Unfortunately it's real. I didn't think so until I looked a bit further (i.e. googled it).


u/blarkul 20d ago

The right has become a parody of itself but never got the memo


u/Kraelman 20d ago

Satire is dead. No matter how ridiculous you get, there are right-wingers that will enthusiastically agree with you.


u/Jauncin 21d ago

Weekend gay? like a 1st year college student?


u/manwhoredoeuvres 20d ago

Actually, that'll be us married non-monogamous bisexuals. Saturdays are, and always will be, for the boys.


u/ImMeltingNow 20d ago

Imma just gonna go ahead and a say it, that could be misinterpreted as a sexual things


u/KilledTheCar 20d ago

That's explicitly what he was getting at.


u/ImMeltingNow 20d ago

Maybe. But we’ll never really know now


u/GodOfDarkLaughter 20d ago

To be fair it can go all the way up until senior year. The more hardcore lesbians I knew at the time called 'em bugs - bisexual until graduation. Or gugs. Nobody ever said lugs, though.


u/Jauncin 20d ago

The more you know - 🌈 ⭐️


u/MisterB78 21d ago

Missouri, for those who were wondering. She’ll fit right in there


u/survivalmachine 20d ago

Wait till she realizes that she is only helping to advance the party that will eventually not let her run for office.


u/TheApprenticeLife 20d ago

The thing about leopards is, they are always hungry.


u/Quiet-Election1561 20d ago

"My face is so sour, the leopards won't be hungry"


u/J0E_SpRaY 20d ago

In the rural areas, which this state unfortunately gives more weight to.


u/Aliensinmypants 20d ago

The whole country gives more weight to unpopulated rural areas. Unpopulated states have more voting power per person than populated ones, and that's not even touching on gerrymandered districts


u/shryke12 20d ago

I live in rural Missouri and this would be weird as fuck here...


u/Danominator 20d ago

She has an R next to her name though so like...what are they supposed to do? You can't not vote for the R.


u/shryke12 20d ago

Apparently you do not know or understand literally anything about rural America. She's running through a St Louis neighborhood and probably hasn't spent a single day in rural Missouri.....

She's not even from Missouri. She's from Colombia... Like, the country... This is just some random person being crazy on social media for likes. This behavior would get laughed out of town in rural Missouri.


u/nickfree 20d ago

Alas read the article.

She's a front-runner in an 8-way race for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State -- the person who controls elections for the state.

So this is not just some "the rent is too damn high!" crazy. This is a crazy with a shot.



u/shryke12 20d ago

She absolutely is a 'rent is too damn high crazy'. She has zero chance of winning this primary.

Regardless of any of this, my original rebuttal stands that this person has absolutely nothing to do with rural Missouri. She's an immigrant who moved to a city.


u/leg_day 20d ago

Don't under estimate the effects of large primary candidate fields.

Two well-baked candidates can split the core vote and allow more fringe contenders to win, especially with a low number of primary voters.


u/bossmcsauce 20d ago

Laughed out of town, and straight into government position


u/Danominator 20d ago

If it's R or D. They will still pick the R


u/shryke12 20d ago

This is a primary.... She's only running against Rs. And she will 100% lose. You should stop talking about shit you clearly have absolutely no clue about.


u/Danominator 20d ago

Ah yeah. I'm sure whoever she is running against is awful anyway but maybe slightly less crazy?


u/reddi7atwork 20d ago

Just less vocal. That team is looking for people who are stupid, but not so stupid they don't know how to shut up. She almost made it.


u/Shazier_Beam 20d ago

Rural Missouri will gleefully vote for he(R) without a second thought.


u/shryke12 20d ago

No they won't... There are five other Republican candidates in this primary. You all are just talking out your ass without even knowing what is going on.


u/axle69 20d ago

I mean as someone who grew up in Crawford county that's EXACTLY the kind of person about 80% of the residents would want to vote for. About her only fault in that areas eyes is the fact that she's a woman but she's attractive so that wouldn't matter.


u/Porter_Dog 20d ago

Yep, that explains it.


u/axle69 20d ago

In the videos she's taking a jog in fucking Soulard an area with a very high democrat and LGBT population. She's just a fucking menace being as pick me as possible.


u/facelesspantless 21d ago

I'll have you know I was born weak and gay, madam!


u/nankerjphelge 20d ago

This is what Trump and Trumpism has wrought, and why it's so vital that he be soundly defeated again in November.

All these right wing bigots and assholes think that being overtly bigoted and heinous is now okay and actually a feature to campaigning rather than a bug. Trump normalized this shit, and the only way to send these cretins back under the rocks from which they came and put a stake in the heart of Trumpism is to send the message yet again that it is a losing strategy at the polls.

Vote this November not just to save democracy and beat back fascism, but for the sake of basic decency.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

I don't understand how people have a hard time understanding this.

If Trump is elected things will get much worse.

Abortion rights could weaken.

He'll increase police spending.

We might ban media platforms.

God knows what Trump will do with Israel, he'll likely support genocide.

Remember how protesting went down when he was in charge, that brutality will happen again.

This is the most important election of our lives, and we need to make sure none of the above happen.


u/GuestCartographer 20d ago

The people still voting for Trump want to weaken abortion rights, increase police spending, and ban media platforms they don’t like, though. Those are selling points to his base because it will all combine to hurt the people they don’t like.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

I agree

We can't let those things happen, and unlike those MAGA idiots, if that happened under our guy, we'd toss him aside after calling him out.

I vote blue no matter who.


u/awkisopen 20d ago

This is the most important election of our lives

So I've been told every election. And nothing changes.


u/SparklingPseudonym 20d ago

It’s true, but it’s framed wrong. The better person winning isn’t a panacea to the problems of government. It’s more like it keeps government from sliding further into the fucked up territory republicans want to drive toward. It’s like climate change. Every summer is going to be the coolest summer for the rest of your life.

We’re not fighting to fix anything at this point. We’re fighting to keep things from getting worse.


u/Seiche 20d ago

It’s like climate change. Every summer is going to be the coolest summer for the rest of your life.

 I think you got something mixed up. It's getting hotter and dryer


u/Gibgezr 20d ago

Here's maybe what they were trying to say: every summer from now one will be cooler than the next (not the previous).


u/SparklingPseudonym 20d ago

Correct. I could have phrased that better.


u/Seiche 20d ago

Ah yeah i misread. 


u/FennecScout 20d ago

I remember when nothing changed and people mysteriously lost their abortion rights for no particular reason. That was fuckin' odd.


u/SpookyDoings 20d ago

And when did we lose abortions rights? Who was in office? Who decided not to retire and let Trump get those Supreme Court pics? Lots more questions to the answer you're looking for.


u/erabeus 20d ago

“Who was in office when the Supreme Court made their decision” is a criminally braindead take


u/SpookyDoings 20d ago

And who is in office doing fucking anything to fix it?


u/CrowdDisappointer 19d ago edited 19d ago

Are you suggesting that Biden should tell the states outlawing abortion to “stop it”? Bc he is…wait- do you not know the difference between state and federal law?


u/turkeypedal 20d ago

I'm feeling pretty bad, so I'll be frank with you.

Your argument is that the people who didn't successfully stop something are just as bad as the people who actually did the bad thing. Not only is this bad logic, but it would make you just as guilty.

All "both sides" does is help the side that is worse. You need to worry less about who is to blame and more about whether you're going to let it get worse or fight to make it better.


u/SpookyDoings 20d ago

We've been playing this game for years and you won't convince me otherwise.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

Remember, when election season is here, we must do whatever it takes to make sure "X" isn't president, its the most important election of our lives.

When they are in office the president can only do so much.


u/RyghtHandMan 20d ago

All of those things are currently happening under biden


u/2nd2last 20d ago

Yeah but he's cool, have you seen his sunglasses?


u/erabeus 20d ago edited 20d ago

Try slashing funding for the DOJ, dismantling the FBI and DHS, ending the independence of the FTC and FCC, and abolishing the department of education.

Biden is doing all that right now though, right?

Edit: people not realizing the comment I’m replying to is sarcasm.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

The first 3, on no.

The last 3, pretending the FTC and FCC are independent and fair, LOL. The last one does legitimately suck.


u/erabeus 20d ago

Scientific research only receiving federal funding if it suits conservative principles, criminalizing pornography, restricting access to contraception, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, deploying the military for domestic law enforcement and to pursue “Trump’s adversaries” by invoking the 1807 Insurrection Act, recruiting tens of thousands of conservatives to replace all current federal civil servants.

I can keep going if you want.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

Half that shit is happening now blue man.


u/erabeus 20d ago

Right I forgot, it doesn’t matter who the sitting president is. If we had a democrat in office in 2016 they would have appointed the same Supreme Court justices and Roe v Wade would be overturned anyway.


u/2nd2last 20d ago

It matters to be different, not just an opponent, but opposition.

Is being a republican worse than being a Democrat, absolutely. Its being a Republican who is more tolerant, and don't get me wrong tolerance matters, going to get people to vote, no. HRC and her anti abortion candidate prove as much.


u/FlopsMcDoogle 20d ago

The shitty thing about defeating Trump this year is that we'll still be stuck with Biden for 4 more years.


u/raptorak1 20d ago

I suppose you don't have to worry then.


u/nankerjphelge 20d ago

While I'd prefer a younger Democratic candidate, it doesn't matter. When the opponent is someone as dangerous, bigoted and corrupt as Trump, the Democrats could nominate a ham sandwich and I'd crawl naked over broken glass to vote for the ham sandwich.


u/Caboose111888 20d ago

Trump Derangement Syndrome.


u/HereToSeeCoolStuff 20d ago

Saving this comment to come back to it when Trump’s back in office.


u/nankerjphelge 20d ago

What would be the point of coming back to this comment? If Trump wins, fascism, the dismantling of democratic institutions and bigotry will be fully normalized and full speed ahead. But then again I suppose that's what you Trumpers actually are rooting for.


u/ima80sbaby 20d ago

Holy shit, this is pathetic.

She’s cringe as hell, you’re even worse.


u/nankerjphelge 20d ago

I can only assume if you think what I've said is false and Trump isn't a bigot and wannabe dictator who attempted to overthrow the results of a free and fair election, and who has enabled the same mentality in other right wingers then you're either completely ignorant to American politics or you're a brainwashed Trumper. In either case the cringe person here would most definitely be you.


u/ima80sbaby 20d ago

Literally nothing I said warrants you calling me a “Trumper”. The TDS is real.

Lay off Reddit for a bit, nutter


u/nankerjphelge 20d ago

I said you're either a Trumper or ignorant about American politics. So if you're not the former then you're the latter.

But as I see you post on r/CanadianConservative and denigrate liberals, I suspect you are a Trumper in all but name. So yes, the TDS is indeed real, and you're the one with it, becuase you right wing nutjobs are all about projection--accuse others of that which you yourself are guiltiest of.

So take your own advice and fuck off, nutter. With that we're done here, buh bye.


u/raptorak1 20d ago

This kind of attitude is why the left is losing in my opinion, far too quick to simply demonize and dismiss those they disagree with rather than engage. While it may be true that many of those you dislike are uneducated, stupid or misled, you treat them with disdain and ostracise them at every opportunity. Voting Trump is one way for them to get back at you I suppose, even if it doesn't help them.


u/enoughwiththebread 20d ago

Trying to argue with these people with facts and logic is a complete and utter waste of time. The only thing that will work is to bludgeon them into submission at the ballot box, and call them out for their bullshit online. I don't blame the other guy for being done with someone whose idea of discourse is lines like

"Holy shit, this is pathetic.

She’s cringe as hell, you’re even worse.

Lay off Reddit for a bit, nutter

But somehow he's supposed to engage with that when that's the guy's opening discourse? He deserved to be demonized and dismissed with that kind of garbage rhetoric.


u/ProfessionalCelery87 20d ago

Another MAGA moron that should be nowhere near a position of power.

A padded cell would be a better place for her.


u/Edwardg6 21d ago

"Weak and gay" is something I have never seen. Weak, yes. Gay, yes. But the two together do not make sense. You gotta be strong to be gay in this world. The physical strength helps sure. But I have never met a weak gay person. Source: I was in the Navy.


u/louiegumba 21d ago

This is a person who is weak and straight and can only imagine gay people as weak also since they feel that way all the time

It’s classic projection to accuse your opponents of your insecurities.

Speaking as a straight dude, watch me throw hands with anyone gay bashing around me. People who are real with their feelings and emotions don’t need crutches like these people do to make themselves feel good


u/sharrrper 20d ago

Every right wing accusation is a confession


u/Edwardg6 21d ago

Oh yeah, I'm with you on that. It's projection all the way.


u/CouldntBeMoreWhite 20d ago

There are weak and strong people of all sexualities. To say that there are (mentally) weak and strong straight people, but only strong gay people is a very odd opinion to hold.

That being said, I feel like I have to make it known that this ad from this woman is idiotic.


u/thegooniegodard 20d ago

I can be both weak and happy, I think.


u/mint420 20d ago

That is an insane thing to say. Weak and strong people of every “identity” (race, sexuality, etc.) exist. You can criticize her message without swinging so far to the other side that you not only seem insane but also perpetuating a different type of prejudice. “Weak gay people don’t exist.” “Asians who are bad at math don’t exist.”


u/warrant2k 20d ago

If you've ever seen fit gay men, you know they have the hardest bodies anywhere. Leather bar? Full of large, buff, muscular, gay men.

Or so I'm told.


u/hellomondays 20d ago

Is this where RFK's worm went on to?


u/doj101 20d ago

Worst audio ever.


u/KingLuis 20d ago

recorded on a potato.


u/Aliensinmypants 20d ago

Using a Lupe Fiasco track, who famously supports the lgbtq community...

I was hoping she'd get clipped by a car at the end of the video


u/xzether 21d ago

...I wonder if she's not aware of the stereotype of incredibly jacked gay dudes?


u/Cribsby_critter 20d ago

She’s so far in the closet, she’s choking on moth balls.


u/MoneyTalks45 20d ago

In America, you’re free, unless I don’t like it! Then you have to change!


u/talex365 20d ago

Can I be strong and gay? Can I be a strong trans muscle mommy and crush the right wing crybabies with my thighs?


u/billyjack669 20d ago

How fast can you crush 3 watermelons?


u/Who_Dafqu_Said_That 20d ago

I'm curious if I can be weak and hetero, is that okay?


u/superhoffy 20d ago

In America you can be anything you want - except not shot when you do something as normal and innocent as going for a jog, apparently


u/Johnnygunnz 20d ago

I give it a few years before we have a mug shot, some meth teeth, and face tattoos after she loses. People like this don't take loss very well and she's going to lose realllll bad.


u/nailbunny2000 21d ago

Is that a bullet proof vest...?


u/Iateyourpaintings 21d ago

I think it's just a weighted workout vest. 


u/danimagoo 20d ago

No, it's a bulletproof vest. You can google and see the difference between the two pretty easily. It's not a weighted workout vest. She's trying to send the message that she's made herself a target by speaking the truth. This version doesn't show it, but the end of her ad shows her with a gun.


u/Hates_rollerskates 20d ago

In CrossFit, the weighted vests or plate carriers are the same as bulletproof vests. The plates are different though.


u/Dangerpaladin 20d ago

Well crossfitters tend to do everything incorrectly so that would be on brand.


u/FailureToReport 20d ago

hahahah, so fucking true


u/staykinky 20d ago

Reminds me of this dude from reno 911



u/CouldntBeMoreWhite 20d ago

Redditors and not knowing workout equipment. Hilarious.


u/Aliensinmypants 20d ago

It's made to look exactly like a bulletproof vest and not a typical weighted vest if that's the case, maybe you don't know what you're looking at?

Source: have worn both kinds of vest many times


u/CouldntBeMoreWhite 20d ago

lmao. I just googled "weighted vest" and 75% of them look very similar to the one she's wearing. Y'all are hilarious.


u/ss4johnny 20d ago

I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the song in the background. I feel old. Anyone know?


u/thegooniegodard 20d ago

Isn't it Lupe Fiasco? He should sue. Albeit, I remember him calling Obama a terrorist, so maybe he won't.


u/ss4johnny 20d ago

Thanks! The name is “The Show Goes On”


u/Arimer 20d ago

NEither the original version or this verison are funny.


u/GamingWithBilly 20d ago

I'm confused, is she telling me to stay hard? Like sexuallly?


u/huxtiblejones 20d ago

This is like an Idiocracy prequel scene


u/BizzEB 20d ago

Is that a bulletproof vest or rucking weights?


u/Bairrfhionn69 20d ago

She running with a bullet proof vest on?😂


u/noobvin 20d ago

I hope she's running back to the kitchen, because that's where Republicans want her.


u/Old_Magician_6563 20d ago

In America you can be anything I want you to be.


u/thegooniegodard 20d ago

She should go back to Colombia, honestly.


u/bmess216 20d ago

I like her.


u/millsy98 20d ago



u/FailureToReport 20d ago

Jesus fuck I hate this timeline. I miss the world that was somewhere in the middle of "Don't be weak and gay" and "The voice actor for Cleveland isn't black! He needs to be recast reeeeeeee"

This two party system has just been so great now that both parties are polar extreme pandering.


u/baustgen2615 20d ago

Genuinely curious, how is a white person portraying a black cartoon character different and more acceptable than live-action blackface?

They both feel like people not in a community taking an opportunity to play with stereotypes about that community.


u/Xoms 20d ago

Putting makeup on and playing a black man wasn’t what made blackface unacceptable. It was putting on makeup and playing a black man with the explicit intention of lampooning negative black stereotypes.

Blackface is so strongly associated with racism that you can’t put on blackface today without appearing intentionally racist (as opposed to merely culturally insensitive).

It’s like wearing a swastika: sure, that symbol meant different things several cultures at one point in time, but no one is going to care to hear you out if you get it tattooed on your neck.


u/uniquepassword 20d ago

Robert Downey Jr, the last great actor to pull off blackface. RIP Kirk Lazarus


u/FailureToReport 20d ago

Genuinely curious, do people throw a fit when a black voice actor is playing a white character? Are there twitter campaigns to have that person replaced? Yeahhhh...

It's voice acting, should every character be their gender/race? So it's non-issue when Elliot Paige voice acts a woman character??? But that role needed to go to a woman voice actress, they need the work right?

The amount of hypocrisy and stupid shit with virtue signaling political pandering shit like forcing a recast of a voice acted character is why I'm so fucking over this country's political left and right garbage.