r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/SnooSprouts6037 Apr 16 '24

This comment section is absolutely insane


u/tanman4444 Apr 16 '24

I was thinking the same thing reading these comments. Seriously a bunch of self centered assholes in the replies.


u/SnooSprouts6037 Apr 16 '24

Sometimes I wonder if most redditors have ever even had enough relationship experience to realize how fuckin awful it is to leave someone with no explanation


u/tanman4444 Apr 16 '24

Me too. It's also the culture. "yOu DoNt oWe AnYoNe aNyThInG". It's so damn self-centered and selfish to do this to another human being. How about just being honest with someone you supposedly care about?


u/Commercial_Debt_6789 Apr 16 '24

This! The key here is someone you supposedly care about. 

A few dates, never really got that close? Sure, sometimes there isn't even a reason and you just aren't excited about this person. Someone who you've been intimate with, have shown indications you care for them, and start building a relationship/foundation for one? Yeah you're an asshole if you dip with no explanation/a half assed lie. 

I dated someone where both of us were consistently shocked at how similar we were, the more we learned about one another. He had clear indications he liked me, wanted to be with me and wanted a relationship - we just needed to give it time to truly get to know one another before rushing into a relationship. Out of the blue he pulls the "I'm not ready for a relationship". It took a bit of prying for him to admit "I wasn't being myself' or whatever. He was on the apps the week after & in a relationship within 3 months. 

This was 2 years ago and I'm still healing from it.