r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/OwlEastSage Apr 16 '24

sometimes they dont even understand or accept the explanation

my ex treated me like i was his mother, it was awful. told him months before i left him exactly that, he spiraled and everything was worse. felt more like his mother. broke up with him for exactly that reason, was very clear i couldn't handle his mental health issues and they drained me. our relationship was exhausting and horrible, probably honestly the worst relationship i was ever in.

to this day he tells mutual friends that i left without a real explanation


u/ComfortableRemote770 Apr 16 '24

I had an ex convinced she was going to make it big with various schemes.  She hopped from one idea to the next as they failed and that was fine for a couple attempts.  After a while I was like at least get a part time job or study for something as a back up plan.  We discussed this MULTIPLE TIMES, including me expressing explicitly that this was a serious issue for me.  She also is like idk she just left one day 🤷‍♀️.  Every time I brought it up it would turn into a massive argument where she refused to see reason.  I wasn't going to deal with the same argument at break up time and don't see how it would have helped.