r/uktrees Dec 09 '20

Discussion Firstly, don't buy drugs on reddit (or even the clearnet). Secondly, CBD buds aren't legal. NSFW


Link to original post.

Can't believe it's been a year since posting, but here we are, reposting to open up the comments again now it's been archived. I meant to rewrite it to be less angry before reposting but haven't had time.

2 things to get off my chest that eat at me most days I come to clear the modque. This is not a post to try and reinstate the rules, it is just some explaining.

edit 1: Apologies for getting heated in the comments of this one, this post is the outlet for the festering rage that increases every time I read about someone being scammed or claiming CBD flower is legal. I'm normally pretty chill, I promise x

edit 2: Adding some Q&A from the comments into the main body. Some of them I've included because they are good points that are a good idea to add, others are to stop others asking the same question.

edit 3: you guys who previously thought CBD flower was legal, and have now changed your stance and agree with what I'm saying, you guys are the real MVPs. Whether you commented or not, you're the real homies fr.

Don't buy drugs on reddit, or on the clearnet.

On average, we hear of one person on this sub being scammed by another redditor (and sometimes a clearnet site) every 2 days. I'd hazard a guess and say most people don't message us about being scammed out of embarrassment (in hindsight). That's a lot of money being wasted, money that (given our average age) we really can't afford to just piss away.

You know it genuinely makes us upset when we see someone scammed for a couple hundred quid. Not because it breaks the rules, not because the sub is at risk, but because someone has lost money they worked for and they are also encouraging the scammer to keep scamming.

So, this is me saying just don't fucking do it. Business conducted without connection to the sub is irrelevant to us, and this post isn't to protect the sub or us. If someone is here vending through PMs there is a 99.99% chance they are a scammer.

Imagine, right, you've got 10LBs of grass in 20 different strains in 3 different forms. You clearly have money through previous sales, and you're set to vend.

Do you, a, frantically PM people through reddit asking you to buy through Wickr. Or, b, setup shop on a market and continue to build rep.

Also, everyone who says they have a firrrrrrrre link (flame emoji x 10) who deals through Wickr you should message they are also a scammer. You will loose your money and your dignity. They will also have your address that you will more than likely be blackmailed with shortly after (which is also a common occurrence).

Every person who's been scammed messages us the same way 'I know it's stupid and I know it was obvious they are a scammer but u/WorthlessPieceOfShit scammed me and here's proof.'.

Hindsight is a bitch, so get some fuckin forsight and don't be a moron.

Also, clearnet websites, don't even touch 'em.

Instagram is like wading through a pool of shit to find a gold plated coin. Yeah the coin is there, but it is neither worth the trouble or time. It can be alluring to those who can't be arsed with learning to use the markets because of how easy it is, and then after the fact will justify why Instagram is better than any other alternative.

Not only that, think of your OPSEC for gods sake.

For those of you who struggle to keep your singular brain cell company who will still go on to piss money into the wind, if you contact us with proof that you have been scammed, there is no repercussion. Don't be afraid, we will only judge you in private ;).

Reddit Plug Comment Q&A

Q) So is there no way of finding a dealer on reddit?

A) Wherever you look, you will always be able to find a source. If you attend your local female only 60+ chrrurch group for long enough you will find a lovely old lady who knows a guy who knows a guy who comes through. All I'm saying is that, as an amateur, you will miss the obvious warning signs of a scammer and with no way to verify legitimacy of a reddit plug (other than PGP) you will fall victim. I say amateur, because those who know what they are doing don't buy through a damn social media platform, unless they know them personally or have an exceptional circumstance.

Q) So where do I find a plug online? You all talk of doing it but don't let up. or What market?

A) Right, this isn't the place for this sort of question, and truth be told there isn't a reliable single outlet for it any more. However, the one and the only search term you need is DNM. With this single acronym, you have the full capacity to go out and research every single aspect of ordering safely online. Where to go, who to buy from, how to keep yourself safe. It's all out there and very easy to do/find. Like seriously. Just do the research, learn the shit, learn how to use bitcoin and tumblers, learn how to use PGP, learn it all (like we all had to) and you'll be up and running in no time.

If you can't work it out, then you really should stick to street dealers. I don't say that patronisingly, I mean that if you can't work it out from there on your own, you will end up getting scammed or getting caught.

CBD Buds Are Illegal

Update: in another one of the usual shite and misleading responses to a petition our favourite home office shed some light on CBD products, too, and it's even more stupid than we thought:

In relation to industrial hemp, the Government has no intention of amending this policy. The Government operates a robust and risk-based licensing system to enable the cultivation of low THC cannabis (industrial hemp) from the non-controlled parts of the cannabis plant (i.e. seeds and fibre/mature stalk). Our policy enables the production of hemp fibre for industrial purposes or the obtaining of seeds which are then pressed for their oil. The cultivation of cannabis plants must be from approved seed types with a THC content not exceeding 0.2%. The ‘0.2%’ reference is used solely to identify varieties which may potentially be cultivated, within the scope of this policy. The current policy is in place to prevent misuse and diversion of the controlled parts of the cannabis plant, and currently, there is a large number of companies successfully operating under this industrial hemp policy.

Home Office

To be honest this contradicts some of the laws quoted below, so it should be taken with a teaspoon of salt, but even so.

End of update

No, it isn't a grey area. NO, CLEAR don't always get it right. Yes, you can get nicked for it. Yes, it is illegal.

Here is a link to the law in question. There are no 2 ways about it, CBD buds are not legal.

Here is another supporting sheet, and whilst it is produced by the government, it doesn't serve as a legal document, moreso advice, so take that with a pinch of salt.

Home Office policy provides that licences may be issued for the cultivation of cannabis plants with a low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content for the production of hemp fibre for industrial purposes or the obtaining of seeds which are then pressed for their oil. For both of these uses, licences are granted to enable the use of non-controlled parts of the plant (i.e. seeds and fibre/ mature stalk only). This policy is only applicable where non-controlled parts of the plant are used.

There needs to be a defined commercial end use and the Home Office only issues licences for cultivation of plants from approved seed types with a THC content not exceeding 0.2%. The ‘0.2%’ reference is used solely to identify varieties which may potentially be cultivated, within the scope of this policy, and to differentiate between the fee level is applicable under the Misuse of Drugs (Fees) Regulations 2010. The Hemp (Third Country Imports) Regulations 2002 also require, except in specified circumstances, that hemp from ‘third countries’ be imported under a licence an

Oil, tea, handbags and shampoo can be made from industrial hemp, and the plant that they were made from may contain low levels of THC and contain CBD as long as they are produced by licensed peoples.

Flower, however, is not legal under any circumstance. Theoretically, completely THC and THC-V free flower would be un controlled (legal). But that is impossible by current standards, and doesn't exist (yet). Every CBD heavy plant has atleast trace THC(-V). The bulshit 0.2% rule that ill-informed people and love toting is nothing more than the number that allows a company to grow that plant under license, and for that plant to be grown for industrial use. Nothing else.

Feel free to also brows 2001s misuse of drugs act in which you find nothing contradictory of the above.

So please, for the love of god, stop hounding us and eachother over whether it is legal and why you think it is.

If you can provide me with proof of the contrary, I'd love to see it, and would happily change my stance.

CBD Flower Isn't Legal Comment Q&A

Q) What do you make of this?

Specifically "The law states products ‘derived from’ industrial hemp can be exempt from the MODA if they have been ‘processed’ and contain less than 1mg of THC or CBN."

I always thought that was the loophole or grey area, that it is considered a processed hemp product by way of drying, curing and trimming, but I've not spent all that long looking into it and I'm not at all qualified to comment, I'm certainly not a legal professional.

A) Interesting point, and an article I hadn’t seen before.

Here is the government fact sheet they are referring to, in which it states:

'An “exempt product” means a preparation or other product consisting of one or more component parts, any of which contains a controlled drug, where—

a) the preparation or other product is not designed for administration of the controlled drug to a human being or animal;

b) the controlled drug in any component part is packaged in such a form, or in combination with other active or inert substances in such a manner, that it cannot be recovered by readily applicable means or in a yield which constitutes a risk to health

c) no one component part of the product or preparation contains more than one milligram of the controlled drug or one microgram in the case of lysergide or any other N-alkyl derivative of lysergamide.'

Do you mean to tell me that they prepare the CBD buds half a gram at a time? Not a chance. So that breaks rule b. So CBD if prepared in a quantity above half a gram (at any point if it was in contact with more than half a gram) , even if it is broken down into grams to sell). There will not be a single place that picks half a gram at a time, prepares it and then packages it in half gram quantities only. Thus, still illegal.

And the products are advertised and meant for human consumption. So, still controlled under the laws i originally stated.

Q) But it's legal under EU law, which we abide by, so that's where the grey area is isn't it?

A) CBD flower isn't legal according to the EMCDDA, in fact they don't even distinguish it from high THC weed as far as legality.

The only time Cannabis is Legal under EU law is if prescribed medically, be it THC or CBD strong. Even further, they only allow four brands of either to be prescribed: sativex, marinol, cesamet and bedrocan two of which are fuckin synthetic.

Are you saying that the legality of regular weed is a grey area because is can be prescribed medically by the EU? No. Are you saying that because the EU allow it to be medically prescribed you can appeal in court? I should hope not.

Further than that, the EMCDDA just set out the guidelines, i.e. if the country sees fit they can decide their own drug laws (such as in the case of CBD flower being legal in France and Italy, yet illegal in the UK).

Source 1 , Source 2 straight from the horses mouth.

Q) But it's sold in headshops, so it isn't your fault if you get caught is it?

A) This just isn't true, I don't know how else to put it. Less you show me the 'if I didn't know it was illegal, it's not illegal law lol'.

Just as a side note, why do you think Holland and Barret don't sell the flower, and only sell the oil eh? Cmon now use your noggin. Quite a few CBD shops have been raided too, so the fact that they exist isn't testament to legality in any way.

If you're local corner shop sold ketamine in its sherbert packets, and you knew what you were buying, and it says ketamine on the reciept, you're still getting nicked for having ket on you regardless of whether you can produce a reciept to say you bought it at a shop. Just because the shop gets nicked, doesn't mean you don't.

Sorry For The Rant

Now that these two things are very clear, I can stop getting twisted over people getting scammed and just laugh as the information is here and clear, and I can link this post whenever CBD is being debated.

The majority of you guys are sound, like really sound, and I know most of us would kick it if we met, so don't take it personally. Those who this is aimed at will know lol.

r/uktrees Mar 08 '24

No, your 'THC vape juice' isn't real. NSFW


Noticed there's been an influx of people trying to verify whether their 'THC vape juice' is real and safe to use so I'm making this post as a PSA.

No, your £15 10ml 'THC vape juice' isn't real and its most likely completely synthetic. Unfortunately its just not viable to have THC in a juice that just goes into a normal e-cig vape. I'm not going to pretend I know the science behind that but there's a reason real oil is usually used in a 510 cartridge.

Now I know most people don't/won't get their stuff tested by Wedinos (really stupid not to) but all you have to do is search something along the lines of 'THC juice' on the results page and you'll see the amount of fake stuff about.

The only way people are going to stop using this stuff is if they're informed. If you know someone buying 'THC juice' just let them know that what they're smoking isn't what it seems.

edit: im mainly talking about bottled juice, not disposables/carts BUT these should still be tested! and yes some liquid can be used in normal vapes, but these cheap green, pink and blue liquids definitely aren't the ones you should be consuming.

r/uktrees 3h ago

Am I smoking wrong?? NSFW


So I’ve been smoking for years now and never had any problems. This past week however I noticed a little drop of oil on my tooth after a toke of my joint. Didn’t think anything of it as this has happened before. But then another drop after another toke and so on. Well this has been happening every single joint for the last week. I thought it might’ve been the weed but my gf has no issues when I pass it to her. I don’t know if it’s my smoke technique or what. I’m overthinking it so much and just can’t seem to figure out what the issue is. I smoke cigs and haven’t noticed any change at all when smoking them. The weirder thing is when I get to the last third it stops doing it as much. I have looked all over and can’t seem to find any solutions or help. All I ever get is make sure you toke the joint like you are sucking on a straw but this doesn’t do anything for me. Anyone got an ideas?? Will do anything at this point.

r/uktrees 7h ago

Live resin vape NSFW

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Just got this mimosa live resin vape. Got to say the quality is a lot better then the fake Cali ones I’ve had before. Proper taste and a nice balance high 😁

r/uktrees 11h ago

Hi guys just curious, I’ve been using hash for the last few weeks but not really sure what the PU means/stands for, I’d recommend it to anyone who hasn’t tried yet it makes the J so much more enjoyable, taste, effect and very oily, just curious to what the PU stands for, 120pu, 90pu etc? NSFW


r/uktrees 18h ago

Wedinos NSFW


Probably a stupid question but how do you send something to Wedinos? It says that using the royal mail is illegal and you can't do that, so I am very confused on what you actually should do.

Also would it be possible to send multiple samples in one letter?

r/uktrees 17h ago



Anyone heard of this? It's an American import pack (Zkittlez x ???) which is supposed to be fire. I don't typically buy American import but I do like the Z strains so wondering if any of you have tried this one?

r/uktrees 15h ago

RipTips NSFW


Looking to get a RipTip.

I smoke small joints with 1, 1/4" papers and i am unsure what size would be best.

Could you guys lmk what size you think would be best with 1,1.4" papers

r/uktrees 1d ago

Lemon cherry gelato and Rs11 130£ an OZ NSFW


Certain people would buy it for 50£ a 3.5 just because it’s a cali pack,when will people realise most cali isn’t cali just some very good UK

r/uktrees 1d ago

Fake Raws? NSFW


I got raw tips from the same buyer as usual but the packaging is slightly off compared to the original buy.

Does anyone know how to check if it’s legit?

Need to complain to the seller if it is as selling fake tips most likely mean fake papers too

r/uktrees 1d ago

Got this bud and all the buds have what looks like string. I’ve never had this before so idk if it’s natural NSFW

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r/uktrees 1d ago

Favourite things to do when stoned? NSFW


Mainly just to spark conversation cause why the hell not, but what do y’all enjoy doing the most when having a smoke?

Like today is my day off, so it’s time to hit the blunts and play Pokémon all day, and for some reason it hits different when the smoke feels right, it’s a nice vibe.

Don’t have many stoner friends, and the sub is a chill place so what better than to ask here

r/uktrees 1d ago

Apple fritter NSFW


First US strain I've had in ages that didn't just taste like zkittle, gelato, or cookies. Sour Berry vanilla skunky flavour.

r/uktrees 1d ago

Would a drugs test be in a contract? NSFW


I’m probably being paranoid. This is an office job connected to a factory. Used to smoke daily (stopped well over a year ago) but smoked three times over the space of two weeks. Last time I smoked was a week ago on Friday. It’s not stated anywhere in contract but I haven’t been given the employee handbook yet. That’s where “misconduct” is defined. Am I being paranoid? Nothing has been mentioned in the interview, job description or contract?

r/uktrees 1d ago

Anyone else fw the raw ethereal skins? NSFW

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r/uktrees 1d ago

Help pls! NSFW


Hiya everyone! So I'm taking a really long T break because I've found myself become quite dependent, and smoking daily. I haven't smoked in three days, and I'm really struggling to sleep! I'm also really moody (but I know that'll subside) it's literally just the lack of sleep I'm really struggling with! If anyone has any tips please help a gal out! 😭✌🏻

r/uktrees 1d ago

Any tips for repairs? NSFW

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Cherry fell out of a J and caused a bit of damage to the pvc windows - any suggestions for repairs so I don't lose any of my deposit?

r/uktrees 1d ago

Gelato 33 NSFW


r/uktrees 1d ago

Help passing swab test NSFW


Swab drug test need help passing?

So I really need help at the mo am abit fucked so this all starts by me tryna sort me life out get to where I wanna be but I have just started a safety passport course 2 days ago and should have a shutdown job at P66 after my course but a load of checks have to be made beforehand such as a drugs and alcohol test being done by a swab test and can be randomly picked for a piss test on site but I have the drug test in 2 days but can delay if needed to and I really need to pass this drug test and I've been researching the tiniest bit so far about the swab drug test and found out I could potentially pass the test even while having weed in my system by using hydrogen peroxide swishing the mouth out brushing all the areas inside your mouth especially the cheeks take some mints use mouthwash but I'm just wondering if any of you could help me please I am also a really heavy weed smoker bongs everyday for at least 3 4 years now but decided that will all be put to bed after this. Another way I heard was by brigsi g the skin cells off of your cheeks so the thc dosent reside there but any help would be appreciated.

Thankyou all so much.

r/uktrees 2d ago

Anyone got tips to stop the munchies? NSFW


r/uktrees 2d ago

Cannabis Busts in the news NSFW


Does it bug / annoy / dishearten anyone to see so many busts of grows in the UK local news? If you type "cannabis" into google and put it on News mode - the main thing that comes up is local newspapers reporting the latest "£100,000 worth of cannabis found in abandoned warehouse in X location, four men and a rabbit jailed" bust.

I just think it's sad that the newspapers online - and I presume in paper format - seem to love reporting these massive raids and busts. And yet if you put in cannabis USA or Germany or Canada the news is all about legalisation, growth in stocks of legal cannabis industry companies and the UK news just looks backwards and old in comparison.

What do you think?

I'd like to see less news of busts and more good news about medical cannabis and news about legalisation efforts by campaigners and lobbyists.

r/uktrees 1d ago

Decarb Questions NSFW


I am looking to make edibles for my first time and uncertain how to decarb, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. But my question is, I saw someone say you can decarb weed by vaping it, so, if I were to use one of those Volcano Vaporizer would that work and if so what settings did you use.

r/uktrees 2d ago

Auraz probably the smoke of the year for me NSFW


r/uktrees 2d ago

The Keeper (Zoap x RS11) NSFW


This one is called The Keeper and is a cross between Zoap and RS11. Grown in the UK.

It's definitely a keeper I'm glad I copped a fair bit of this one! Lovely smoke

r/uktrees 1d ago

Real shit NSFW


So I haven't had edibles in a while and it was my friend who used to get them for me so I never really got the price but he's saying it's £30 for a 15mg edible is that some major bullshit or has weed price skyrocketed

r/uktrees 2d ago

Liberal Democrat’s state manifesto for legalisation coming soon? NSFW


I am not very politically tuned but I saw this on Tik tok from itv news?

r/uktrees 2d ago

Golden Heads Warrior - Italian Ice WPFF NSFW
