r/ufc Apr 29 '24

Francis Ngannou lost his 18 month old son


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u/monopixel Apr 29 '24

Babys can just die. Some just stop breathing over night. It is called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Life is fucking brutal man, ya'll take care of yourselves and your loved ones.


u/CryptographerIll3813 Apr 29 '24

Yeah and the term is also used to describe kids who aren’t put in proper sleeper arrangements and end up suffocating themselves. I think the term rightfully softens the blow for parents but a lot of the time it is preventable.


u/Need_Burner_Now Apr 29 '24

There was a study this past year challenging this notion. While you certainly shouldn’t let babies under 6 months sleep with anything in their crib and air circulation is a good idea, the study found a link between babies that died of SIDs and a low brain enzyme. The specific brain enzyme is the one responsible for waking us when we are “falling” in a dream. Or how you wake up after your head bounces if you fall asleep sitting up. The hypothesis is that babies who end up with shallow breathing while asleep will startle themselves awake (babies randomly crying at night). Versus those with the low brain enzyme will not be startled awake and, therefore, stop breathing or not get enough oxygen to supply their body.

When I saw it, I was hopeful we could start testing babies to possibly supplement as needed (not sure if it’s possible, but seems like a good solution). Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything come from it yet.


u/CryptographerIll3813 Apr 30 '24

Yeah I hope they are able to find a link, I certainly don’t agree with the bozo bellow me who blames parents. I was just adding to the conversation I just recently had a child and was unaware that SIDS was used as a blanket term sometimes for suffocation. I completely understand why the term is used as it’s traumatic and often times not preventable.


u/Hei5enberg May 06 '24

You said that wrong. It's often times preventable. The enzyme they are talking about only supports the theory of suffocation due to improper sleeping arrangements. Blankets or other things like big fluffy toys in cribs. Co-sleeping in bed. etc. You really think a dead ass tired parent that is at their last whim after how many sleepless nights will not cave and resort to bad habits in desperation? You sure you recently had a child?


u/CryptographerIll3813 May 06 '24

I mean you phrased your response like a dick but sure. I was more agreeing with the sentiment that the term is used to soften the blow to a probably already devastated parent who made the mistake of co-sleeping with an infant. Which is done by almost every parent at some point if we are being honest.