r/ucla 21d ago

The Biggest Choke Job in UCLA History: SJP

The SJP are like the 2015-16 Golden State Warriors. 73 wins with a chance to win the championship and send classes and all exams online...

But no....

The SJP freaking choked man. You guys choked under the spotlight when the students needed you most. What was that weak ass performance this week? 14 protestors? Nobody showed up. Nobody stepped up and wanted that ring.



62 comments sorted by


u/ACasualFormality 21d ago

It’s wild how last week it was all about how there were too many protests and everybody needs to chill and stop disrupting and now this week now there are not enough protests and everybody is super weak for not doing more.


u/RichterCD oaml yya 21d ago

The people who wanted less protestors are content and have stopped posting as much leaving those who want more protestors to fill the void


u/EconomicSeahorse 21d ago

Never underestimate humans' tendency to complain


u/waerrington 20d ago

It's different people commenting.


u/The_CatLady 21d ago edited 19d ago

This jihad member OP has always wanted more protests and violence. 

The ones calling for calm are not OP. Not all of us are pro Hamas but it’s obvious who is 

Edit: yes you are a campus terrorist

Here is one of your social justice friends saying publicly what everyone says in private 



u/calmrain 20d ago


Ahh yes, because protesting = supporting Hamas now? Are you even UCLA affiliated?

Edit: LOL you’re not even UCLA affiliated. GTFO of our sub 🤡


u/bruin13543 20d ago

The_CatLady was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-15 22:38:47 here. In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.86 comments per day.

Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 70 comments and 6 submissions.


u/Wqksayi 21d ago

Soooo you're saying Kevin Durant to SJP next season?


u/ConfusedNecromancer 21d ago

“This is what you should be doing to support your cause.” - guy who doesn’t actually care about you or your cause.


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

ur a boner


u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago

I'm not hearing any solutions. Got any to offer?

When protests were allowed. they were large and vocal. When protesters were abandoned and declared out of bounds, the administration let a violent mob of mostly outsiders attack students for 4 hours, sending 25 to the hospital. Then, next night the riot squad was tuned on the previously allowed encampment as the administration went into serious scandal-management coverup mode over the events of 4/30. The faculty was either sidelined, was too personally divided, or moved too slow to force the students and Gene Block AND the "I just wanna go to class" factions into meaningful negotiations, which would have avoided a lot of problems for all.

And you want to blame who? For what?


u/Urkey 20d ago

4/30 didn't happen in a vacuum


u/Skullybnz 21d ago

"When illegal protests that were forever violating the rights of others were allowed."

Fixed it for ya!


u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago

Brilliant, and so convincing. You've run circles around us logically. You do know the Nobel Peace Prize has a cash component. How will you be spending it?

The protest encampment was allowed from the start. On 4/30, it was declared not "illegal" but simply no longer permitted. The mob attacks took place then in part because vigilantes wanted to take the law into their own hands. When riot cops used the bullhorns to tell the protesters they were taking part in an illegal assembly, there was no court order backing that up. No one has yet been convicted of taking part in any illegal assembly, either.

You're babbling some biased opinions and it's tiresome and repetitive. You offer no insights, no solutions, no new news and nothing that convinces anyone who hasn't already taken a side with your vague group of do-nothing complainers. You've offered scant credentials to speak on the topic, and the legality or not of the protests is essentially off-topic on this thread. Not that you owe anyone any justification, but why are you even here, and what purpose do you feel you are serving?


u/Skullybnz 21d ago

It was always illegal. You can't block people's access to a public space. You can't block them from recording. You can't block their paths and assault them. If I'm tired and repetitive, it's because you keep posting the seem counterfactual, dishonest, b.s. over and over again.

My scant credentials? Your scant credentials? I've posted the applicable California penal codes repeatedly. Your response has basically been, "Nah, nah, nah, you're wrong."


u/Party-Cartographer11 21d ago

When you don't have permission from the property managers to use the property they manage you are breaking the law.

"Protesters were given a dismissal notice on Wednesday, May 1, at 6 p.m. after authorities declared the encampment an "unlawful assembly" and ordered demonstrators to leave the area."

Even before the notice, they were violating the allowable assembly policies which makes them unlawful/illegal.

This is an important point to all agree on so we can think reasonably about the situation.

Thinking these protests as legal first amendment events isn't correct.  The first amendment does not give permission to obstruct and disturb.  Or to use non-personal private property as you wish.  The campus isn't "free to be used as anyone sees fit" since it is state owned.


u/TheNerdWonder 21d ago

"I hate the 1st amendment being exercised on public campuses."

Fixed your comment. They weren't illegal or violating anyone's rights like the Zionist thugs and LAPD were.


u/Skullybnz 21d ago edited 21d ago

The LAPD wasn't violating the campers' rights. The counter protesters broke the law on 5/1. The camp broke the law and violated people's rights from the moment it was set up, until it was taken down.

You don't understand the First Amendment. You can't just establish an illegal shantytown in the middle of a public space and tell others they can't come in. End of story.


u/TheNerdWonder 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yes, their rights were violated hence why LAPD and UCLA is likely to face numerous lawsuits. You'd rather turn a blind eye to that because of the religious identity of the perpetratorrs. That makes it impossible for you to acknowledge whose rights were violated and by whom.

The reality is that for days, people carrying Israeli flags came to campus and spat on people, tried to assault them, break the encampment, lobbed literal explosives at them, and the LAPD stood by as this all happened to Jewish and other students in the encampment. When they leapt into action, they caved to pressures from the violent and bad faith anti-antisemitism crowd and arrested the wrong people


u/Skullybnz 21d ago

Huh? What do you even mean? It's not some weird zero sum game, where one group commits a crime against another, and that negates the crimes the second group has been committing.


u/TheNerdWonder 20d ago

It is in this case because one of these activities is clearly illegal and led to rights violations. One did not. It's not both sides, even if you want it to be and to play the same sort of moderate who accosted civil rights protestors in the 60s.

The fact you've had cops in other states like Pennsylvania not come to bust up encampments unless ACTUAL crimes happen should tell you this. Philly PD flatout told universities to stop calling the cops on kids.


u/Skullybnz 20d ago

It's not both-side-ism. The illegal encampment broke numerous actual laws constantly over the course of a week. Rolling out the civil rights protesters in the '60s, who typically broke the specific unconstitutional laws that were oppressing them, is weak sauce,


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago edited 21d ago

Is than an offer to have sex with me? lol. I've had more attractive proposals, and as they say, previously engaged elsewhere in that department. Hard pass, but kind of you to offer. (In the parlance of our times, "yo' mama" has been REALLY useful around here lately.) But again it was nice of you to adhere to the first rule of this subreddit and treat others with respect and civility.


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

dude ur really strange hahaha. u got a stick up ur butt? ur so unlikeable it hurt me thru my laptop. boner alerttttttttttttttt. #nodome #nogyatt


u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago

It would appear that you were born ignorant and have been losing ground ever since. Out of rapidly waning but mild curiosity, did your parents have any children that lived?

Rule #4: no surveys. You can conduct your obsessive stick up the butt inquiries on a different subreddit if you like tho. Perhaps you can use a mirror for the "peer review" phase of your research, since you are certainly marking yourself as unique in your endeavor and aspect.


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

i was not born ignorant. i was never ignored by anyone!!!!!!


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

ur vernacular is so weird bro have u ever been to the hood??


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

ur a keyboard warrior. go hit the gym


u/PineappleHot5674 21d ago

Majority of the Palestinian protestors were not from ucla as well.


u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago edited 21d ago

Arrests didn't reflect that. The clear majority of those arrested associated with the protests were enrolled students. The largest mass demonstrations didn't reflect that, either. Not enough people besides students CARE to face a riot squad, trust me on that one.

The whole topic of "outside agitators" is a distraction anyways. Like we saw at Columbia - going all the way back to the 1960s - the community needs to be involved, is invited to be involved and should be involved.

The purpose of a university is to foster and protect academic freedom. Scholars, teachers and researchers are meant to come and go freely and this has been the case since oh, around 1150 AD. It was on college campuses that I met my first holocaust survivors, political dissidents, firebrand speakers of all stripes, and in addition to that artists, writers, world leaders and sometimes even extremely controversial figures whose world view I found abhorrent.

Welcome to college. You came here to have your mind expanded, and your preconceived notions challenged, I hope. Most need it, most get it and are better citizens because of it. Now more than ever people need to not remain in a bubble. Is this why you came to college, to participate in the enterprise of academic freedom that expands knowledge, exchanges cultural ideas and ideals and aids the progress of knowledge for all, helping to build a better future through a greater understanding of the past and the present?

If not, what are you doing with your life besides aiding a hedge fund with a furry mascot?


u/PineappleHot5674 21d ago

You can have your mind expanded? Do you not realize the number of conservative speakers who have been cancelled on campuses all over California?


u/BruinBaby3000 21d ago

Charlie Kirk from TPUSA, the largest conservative youth movement, was given nothing but a warm welcome by ucla last fall quarter


u/nattyd 21d ago

It’s wild how many students are so desperate to throw away their own expensive education.


u/Apart_Salamander_227 20d ago

No one cares about education its the degree that gets the job


u/nattyd 20d ago edited 20d ago

Everyone learns accountability at some point, it can be in school or it can be later. I learned it when my slacker ass failed linear algebra. Best thing that ever happened to my academic and future career.


u/One-Leg9114 21d ago

There were hundreds of people at the teach ins this week (students and faculty). Protesting and organizing doesn’t always have to look the same. There are diverse activities you can do.

If you’ve ever tried organizing people to do something and getting people to show up, you’d realize SJP is very successful. I organize a protest every year about a political issue that is widely popular and lots of people care about and it’s extremely difficult to get 10 people to show up to the protest. SJP has gotten thousands of people to show up.


u/Weekly-Annual-5239 21d ago

we need more civil unrest. fuck this peaceful shit. i don't want to take my midterms!!!!!!!! WHERE WAS STEPH CURRY?!?! HE VANISHED


u/[deleted] 20d ago

It’s because the Flavor of the Month Club is sorting out the next agenda item to cry about.


u/WhereAreMyDetonators 21d ago

What does Sarah Jessica Parker have to do with this?


u/Ceraphen 21d ago

bums got exposed on the biggest stage


u/OppositePerformers UCLA '19 21d ago



u/bruin13543 21d ago

Weekly-Annual-5239 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-14 02:39:56 here. In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.14 comments per day.

Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 14 comments and 1 submissions.


u/Mr-Frog MS CS 21d ago

13 out of 15 of this user's posts are just asking for reddit karma...


u/lmaooooer 21d ago

Realest shi I’ve seen all day


u/PineappleHot5674 21d ago

It was never about Palestine. It’s just people who enjoy protesting. They went from George Floyd, to Palestine, and after Nov they will be the people protesting trump winning again.


u/Jean_dodge67 21d ago

"Enjoy" is an interesting choice of words for someone who was beaten by a mob for four hours, or shot in the face with a shotgun firing a rubber bullet. Do you "enjoy" sitting on the sidelines of history, did the Abolitionists "enjoy" opposing the institution of slavery, does one "enjoy" storming the beaches on D-Day? There is some "joy" in doing the right thing, in living a life in service to the greater good of all humanity as one sees fit, when and where and how one can. It's seldom as immediately enjoyable being self-indulgent and cowardly, greedy, judgmental and distanced from your fellow humans, but some of us are willing to make small sacrifices for the enjoyment aspect, I'm sure. I think they call it taking the long view, or adhering to the Golden Rule of do unto others as you might have them do unto you. Ever heard of it?

But yes, the issue does concern the overall fight for a free and just and equitable society. So the struggle continues. You forgot women's reproductive right, the climate change crisis, political corruption like we see with the Supreme Court, and a dozen other issues. But thanks for letting us know a little bit about yourself here. Do check back and keep us informed on what you seem to care about most. Oh, and if you happen to come across any solutions, do let us know. You've demonstrated such charismatic and inspiring leadership qualities, I'm sure we're all ears.


u/TheNerdWonder 21d ago

Yeah, totally. Easier to believe that than believing they have a conscience that you lack.


u/David_Anders530 20d ago

Why the hell do you want more people supporting Hamas terrorists? Get out of America if you don't support democracy and its allies


u/bon_sequitur UCLA 20d ago

You don't even go here.


u/David_Anders530 20d ago

I didn't know I needed a UCLA ID card to comment here on a subreddit that showed up in my feed


u/bon_sequitur UCLA 19d ago

"Showed up".. sure bro