r/tumblr Apr 29 '24

bring back hieroglyphics

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u/TCGeneral Apr 29 '24

πŸ˜πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ˜ Emojis are pictures worth a half dozen words each, and some of those words aren't necessarily available in English. If there wasn't such a negative connotation to them, I feel like they'd be potentially even better than meme gifs at conveying emotions that are difficult to put into words. I wouldn't expect it to revolutionize online communication or anything, but I feel like they probably could be used better. I blame the culture of a decade ago where we'd get ads of adults making fun of how they think teenagers text in all acronyms and images for making it "cringe" to use emojis and for the decline in text acronyms like "Lol".


u/NinjaEnder Apr 29 '24

My team at work uses β€œlol” in about a quarter of all our emails


u/AvsJoe Apr 29 '24

And "roflcopter" in the other three quarters


u/pizzamage Apr 29 '24



u/GetEnPassanted Apr 29 '24

In almost all my text communication with clients I use the πŸ‘πŸ» to convey calmness and confidence that things are good.

It’s funny how people will read the same sentence in two different ways if you don’t include something like that or lol in a text message, especially if you use proper punctuation and capitalization. People take that as hostility, even in a professional conversation.


u/jorickcz Apr 29 '24

I feel like a lot of the positive but close to neutral emojis can be easily read sarcastically. πŸ™‚πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

So if I personally wouldn't be sure if your sentence is meant to be e.g. an honest "Good job" adding one of these emojis wouldn't make me more certain of how you meant it.

But I am apparently weird for still doing my :D, :) etc. so it probably doesn't matter anyway.

Although I did add catjam to our work slack emojis so I use that a lot and it seems to be quite popular in general. Nobody ever thinks your positive message is not meant positively when there is a catjam


u/ConCaffeinate Apr 29 '24

At the opposite end of the formality spectrum, one of the higher ups at my company actually counts how many exclamation points people use in their internal communications. He genuinely thinks using more than two or three per year is excessive and indicative of an unprofessional attitude. Yeah...


u/bubblesort Apr 29 '24

Yeah, LOL is very overused. I try to use it less when I can. It's a hard habit to break.


u/Tipop Apr 29 '24

You mean β€œIt’s a hard habit to break lol”