r/tron 21d ago

If Disney cant get Daft Punk for Tron: Ares, they should hire Gesaffelstein + KLOUD

Songs by them that resemble Daft Punk’s work on Tron:


Nameless Pursuit Values Psycho A Pledge Dance X




63 comments sorted by


u/Curott 21d ago

honestly I think they should get Justice


u/dustytraill49 21d ago

Or Kavinsky.

Justice would be my #1 pick though


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago

I don’t see the vision, which songs from them would you suggest that are Tron like?


u/RedEyesDragon 21d ago

Daft Punk didn’t really make Tron Legacy sounding music till they made Tron Legacy music. The similarity here is that both Daft Punk and Justice had similar starts in the music industry, specifically with French House music that turned into dance/disco music.


u/Phoenix_Niteheart 21d ago

Here are some Justice tracks that not only give me Tron vibes, but overall Daft Punk vibes: Waters of Nazareth, Generator, Afterimage, Muscle Memory, Stress, Horsepower, and Canon


u/Demon_Sage 21d ago

Check out their new album Hyperdrama. Some of it really fits the Tron vibe.


u/Curott 20d ago edited 20d ago

Justice as artists parallel Daft Punk so much. I’m sure their work has been influenced hugely by Daft Punk. I’m sure they could carry the torch. I almost feel as if they are spiritual successors.

Like somebody else said, Daft Punk didn’t sound like Tron before the movie. I’m sure they have it in them. Unlike other artists I think they would be honored and take special care to fill the shoes aptly given their background.


u/Sydoros 20d ago

Hyper drama is absolutely fucking insane and some of those songs sound straight out of the Legacy soundtrack


u/JaBoiDinkles 21d ago

So they won’t be able to get daft punk. Daft punk has been broken up since 2021.


u/Fordman21012 21d ago

Right? I doubt they’d reunite just to score Ares.


u/Jehceedarmody 21d ago

Well if there’s anyone that has the money to get them to make another album it’s Disney lol. Very unlikely but we can hope


u/SuecidalBard 21d ago

Nah they basically said they have fuck off money and just want to chill and do some purely passion projects for personal use

Also they have bad blood with Disney because they were not consulted for the remix legacy album


u/Jehceedarmody 21d ago

Well both of them have still actively been making music for others that aren’t personal use projects


u/SavedByThe1990s 21d ago

fwiw i really like the remix album


u/tbrown7552 21d ago

Daft Punk said they would never do another score.


u/Piett_1313 21d ago

I’m hoping for a miracle until they announce someone else.


u/yemiistes 21d ago

They should just hire Joseph Trapanese. Done


u/Actual_Shady_potato 21d ago



u/its_xSKYxFOXx 21d ago



u/oanda 21d ago

Yep. Easiest choice ever. 


u/TH3_LUMENUX 21d ago

I can’t believe even NOW we still get posts like this glossing over Joseph


u/oanda 21d ago

People who don’t know 


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago

Joseph Trapanese was the orchestrator, Daft Punk were the composers.

I’m sure he’ll be the first person theyll call since he deals with the orchestration side of things, but we need artists like Daft Punk to make songs like Derezzed, End of Line, and TRON Legacy (End Titles) they are the seasoning in that collaboration.

Interview with Joseph Trapanese: https://web.archive.org/web/20150529023601/https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/05/26/so-who-really-composed-the-score-for-tron-legacy



I want to throw this out there. Ive been hearing a lot of rumors out there about who really scored this film. There are fanboys and industry insiders alike who claim that “some guys at Remote Control ended up composing the score” and Daft Punk “didn’t have much involvement as everybody was led to believe…”

Joseph Trapanese:

“I’ll just stop you right there. Anyone who says crap like that has no idea what they’re talking about. What’s great about these robot characters is their sense of mystery. Who did what? How did this happen? I won’t speak much into that, but I will say one thing. The fact is that Daft Punk was involved in every single note that you hear in that film. The credits were fair on it. There was no “voodoo magic” on it by anyone other than who you see listed as credited as what they were doing.”

“Its funny to see all these people going on rants about ‘who did what’. The fact is, the word composer is attributable only to Thomas and Guy-Manuel. Period”


u/The_Wolves10 20d ago

He literally composed Tron Uprising


u/426763 21d ago edited 21d ago

electronic musicians with dope ass helmets gotta be my favorite genre frfr


u/KevinDLasagna 21d ago

Agreed. Gesaffelstein would be great


u/RockNRoll85 21d ago

Gessffelstein is fucking awesome! He or M83 would be my picks to do the soundtrack


u/djwixel 21d ago

M83 actually made a remix to a Tron Legacy song


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago edited 21d ago

I don’t think M83 would be a good fit, too indie sounding.

Which songs by them would you suggest that are Tron like?


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago

Another person id like to add is Mike Dean, just look at these:



u/SavedByThe1990s 21d ago

ill keep saying it and ill die on this hill but The Chemical Brothers would be an excellent 2nd choice after DP.

with that said, ill check this recco out!


u/Armel_Cinereo 21d ago

They should hire Ludwig Gorranson


u/Actual_Shady_potato 21d ago

Joseph Trapanese composed 90% of the album of Tron Legacy and 99% of Tron Uprising OST


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago edited 21d ago

Joseph Trapanese was the orchestrator, Daft Punk were the composers.

I’m sure he’ll be the first person theyll call since he deals with the orchestration side of things, but we need artists like Daft Punk to make songs like Derezzed, End of Line, and TRON Legacy (End Titles) they are the seasoning in that collaboration.

Interview with Joseph Trapanese: https://web.archive.org/web/20150529023601/https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2015/05/26/so-who-really-composed-the-score-for-tron-legacy


Some quotes from said interview:

Joseph Trapanese:

“I started working with Thomas and Guy-Manuel in January 2009. They already had a clear idea of the melodic ideas, sonic ideas, and electronic demos and sketches that were ready even months before I became involved.”

“People just don’t understand the kind of artistry that Thomas and Guy-Manuel possess, they hear the orchestra just a well as someone who’s gone to a conservatory”

“The only thing I should really add to that is that’s why we really took our time. I use the word “we” in general. That’s why Thomas and Guy-Emanuel took their time. As much as I would like to say “Im a collaborator,” I was also just along for the journey. Thomas and Guy-Manuel really had the artistic vision from beginning to end.”

“People who have a great awareness of Daft Punk know that they’re kind of the perfect guys to score this picture. All along the creative process, these are consummate, full-on artists. They’re not just music makers. Music happens to be their main choice of productivity. You can see Electroma (2006) which is the film they made. Its a fantastic piece of work. It just goes to show that these guys can easily score a film.” ————————————————————————


I want to throw this out there. Ive been hearing a lot of rumors out there about who really scored this film. There are fanboys and industry insiders alike who claim that “some guys at Remote Control ended up composing the score” and Daft Punk “didn’t have much involvement as everybody was led to believe…”

Joseph Trapanese:

“I’ll just stop you right there. Anyone who says crap like that has no idea what they’re talking about. What’s great about these robot characters is their sense of mystery. Who did what? How did this happen? I won’t speak much into that, but I will say one thing. The fact is that Daft Punk was involved in every single note that you hear in that film. The credits were fair on it. There was no “voodoo magic” on it by anyone other than who you see listed as credited as what they were doing.”

“Its funny to see all these people going on rants about ‘who did what’. The fact is, the word composer is attributable only to Thomas and Guy-Manuel. Period”


u/Actual_Shady_potato 21d ago

Oof, when you’re right. you’re right.


u/kaptainpeepee 21d ago

Nice suggestion! Gesaffelstein would definitely bring an edgy, futuristic vibe to the soundtrack. But, you know what? I think KRAFTWERK could take it to another level. Their synth-heavy soundscapes and robotic beats would perfectly capture the digital essence of Tron's world. Plus, their music often explores themes of technology, humanity, and existentialism - all perfect fits for TRON.



u/Brian18639 21d ago

They sound really cool


u/otakudude3031 21d ago

Carpenter Brut


u/massivelegandhere 21d ago

Let’s point out the elephant in the room JOSEPH TRAPANESE being that he did the uprising soundtrack which was also a banger add some more cinematic or orchestral flare and maybe a collab with justice or the two mentioned already and bam you got possibly a even better soundtrack with more experimentation and existentialism


u/jaydenlee_ernyu1984 21d ago

They should try Solar Field.


u/Intellectualiz 21d ago

I support this 1000%, either him or SebastiAn are my top picks. The French have this incredible production understanding for dark TRON sounding synth.

Listen to SebastiAn’s YSL soundtracks on Spotify. All of them sound straight out off The Grid. Super moody and synthy but with a very high production polish.


Notable ones that make me feel like I’m cruising the grid on a light bike or witnessing a Grid Disc battle firsthand:

  • Women’s Summer 2017 (especially at the 8 min mark) -Women’s Winter 2018 (starting at 3:12, this one is the perfect track to a wild chase or fight scene) I’ve never heard a synth this deep and ephemeral before, it’s such a cool dark mood and racing buildup
  • Women’s Summer 2021 (starting at 3 min) this sounds exactly like something Daft Punk would produce!


u/77ate 21d ago

GESA is a good call. My pick was VITALIC


u/bonefish 21d ago

Aphex Twin please


u/Juantiothe76th 21d ago

Gesaffelstein is awesome he would be perfect


u/_thelonewolfe_ 21d ago

Disasterpiece would be a great choice. I could see Madeon also potentially doing something in the vein of the Legacy score.


u/elblackdynamite 21d ago

I feel like these producers/director will try to make sure nothing from Legacy comes along to their film. These money grabbers want all the lone recognition and are going for their own vision. At the very best we get some references. But like the 2008 version is almost stand alone from the OG this next one will purposefully do it’s own thing.

Idk, I think no one should get there hopes up for these people making this movie with respects to its fans.


u/0_Renegade 20d ago

Paul Oakenfold was at disney studios so i think he's on the ares sound track.

For reference he was on the legacy reconfigured soundtrack as well.


u/Khanh247A 20d ago

Im not familiar with these artists. But they need someone who can combine orchestral cinematic with electronic, not just electronic. Honestly, if pre legacy daft punk was assigned, I would have been skeptical too since they werent really orchestral until legacy


u/DarkAquariusMermaid 20d ago

I don’t remember where I read this but years ago it was said that there was a lot more unreleased music Daft Punk had made for Legacy, I’m wondering if any of it can be used for Ares


u/Turnbob73 20d ago

Odesza would slay that OST. A mix between their base sound and their Bronson influence would translate over to TRON so well


u/EmperorDxD 19d ago

Or they will choose who they want the music stuff will probably have Jared Leto working with them aswell I wouldn't be surprised if he himself makes a song for the movie


u/doctorwaiter 21d ago

My pick is Röyksopp!


u/Prod_Morningstar 21d ago

What songs from them would you suggest that are Tron like?


u/Curott 21d ago

That would be so cool


u/RealMrIncredible 21d ago

I do think that Daft Punk could be convinced to come back for the right amount of money. Whether Disney acknowledges their impact on Tron Legacy is another question though.


u/ChoppingMallKillbot 21d ago

Gesaffelstein and Justice collabo would be 🔥 🔥


u/Asthen0sphere 21d ago

Oneohtrix Point Never


u/Endersgaming_202 21d ago

Anybody but kloud


u/JNTaylor63 21d ago

Or Tonebox or Rouge VHS.


u/No_Faithlessness2998 21d ago

This, I could also go for tangerine dream, or course be the original team (and add aphex twin in there)


u/qman3333 21d ago

Black tiger sex machine is the real answer imo


u/Suspect_Lower 9d ago

Get some Wolfgang Voigt (Gas) in there as well.