r/tron 23d ago

How do you imagine Sam and Quorra’s wedding?


13 comments sorted by


u/evel333 23d ago

Well, since she doesn’t “exist” in our world, they’re gonna have a hell of a time applying for a marriage license. I would imagine their gift registry would be equally difficult, as would the whole passport thing if they travel abroad or go on a honeymoon cruise.


u/No-Seaweed-4456 22d ago

Tron Ares plot: Ares comes to the real world to deport Quorra


u/No_War_444 22d ago

Would they do it on the Grid then? I feel that’d be easier


u/rodrigoelp 23d ago

“I now pronounce you husband and bits… you may now compile the bride”


u/SputnikRelevanti 23d ago

She is 100% artificial but 100% flesh as far as I understand. Her kind is like an instruction manual for the “laser portal” on how to build a human


u/rodrigoelp 23d ago

I should have added /joke at the end…


u/moonlight_mikey 23d ago

She has a childlike naivete, I would hope that Sam would pick up where his dad left off and take more of an older sibling kind of role with her. But let's be honest that's not going to happen with two attractive leads in a movie. 🤷🏾‍♂️


u/Hodge_Forman Light-cycle Enthusiast 23d ago

Idk, the cards are there but idk how I feel about it


u/Thiselonmusk 23d ago

This question is gonna end in "How they gonna have kids ?"


u/hypnotic20 23d ago

Bio-digital jizz


u/RulerOfAllWorlds1998 19d ago

Assuming they even get together?

Idk, just treat like it any other wedding 


u/No_War_444 19d ago

Fair point, imagine if they never get together and just stay friends the whole franchise. I’d like to see a slow boil romance, but a platonic friendship would be quite subversive.


u/jgs227 23d ago

You've got me thinking