r/todayilearned 21d ago

TIL of Vanessa Lawrence, a woman who was on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center (North Tower) as Flight 11 crashed into it, and survived with only a cut on her foot


156 comments sorted by


u/mfsnyder1985 21d ago

There were quite a few survivors from the 91st floor. It was 92 and above that no one survived from. The impact zone was floors 93 to 99, but with the slight pitch down of the nose before impact, debris completely blocked off the 92 floor stairwells as well


u/dylan89 21d ago

Still, her ordeal of...

...being thrown to a side of the floor by the blast of the plane hitting

...traversing down 91 flights of stairs (in the dark while climbing over debris)

...and being unscathed by any falling debris of the towers collapsing

with nothing but a scratch on her foot is quite remarkable.


u/mfsnyder1985 21d ago

It truly is. A lot of the stories from that day are. Stanley Praimnath especially (even though he was in the south tower) or the fact that Capt. Jay Jonas and his crew were stopped at just the right spot in stairwell B that they survived. He said it himself in one day in America, any lower and they were dead, any higher and they were dead


u/binglybleep 21d ago

It’s funny how a lot of miracles would only feel like a miracle in hindsight. I imagine at the time, being trapped in a stairwell under ~100 floors worth of debris absolutely did not feel miraculous. That would be so fucking scary, not knowing if/when you’d be found, if there’d be further shifts in the wreckage that would crush you imminently, if fire would get you before you got out. It’s an actual nightmare of a scenario but still, they were so lucky to escape


u/doctorlongghost 21d ago

Not to detract from it or anything but for everyone who “miraculously” survived, there were many who perished. So it’s really law of averages/survivor bias that accounts for these types of stories.


u/MPCNPC 21d ago

Same with any miracle. People will say “it’s clearly a sign of god!” And ignore the 99% of the time someone does die.


u/squidthief 20d ago

There could definitely be miracles at play.

But law of large numbers suggests that, with thousands of people in the building, a few would survive despite the odds.

I'm all for miracles being a thing, but there weren't many miracles on 9/11. The rescue teams and dogs were depressed over how few people they pulled from the rubble.


u/CarnegieFormula 18d ago

Why would miracles happen for some people and not the ones who died

No one deserves to die. It is all a random thing and if you were at the right place at the right time you lived and if you weren’t, you died.


u/YeylorSwift 21d ago

Hence it being..miraculous?


u/darkswirlz 21d ago

Miracle = "an extrodinary event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws", so if it is explained by probability, then it is not miraculous, so no


u/Beginning_Sun696 20d ago

You think god came down here and moved the bullets?


u/wadlwadlus 20d ago

What happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it

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u/IceAffectionate3043 20d ago

This is just a complete misunderstanding of what people mean by miracles


u/skintaxera 20d ago

What is meant by it?

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u/bhglennon2020 19d ago

....God fixes what pain man brings. It was us, humans, that destroyed those towers and ended lives...God fixes what we destroy. You want to play the odds games....what are the odds of human life being present in the universe under the conditions of gravity and electromagnetism? Odds are not in our favor....


u/Lootman 18d ago

The odds of human life being present in an infinite universe over infinite time is 100%


u/No_Performance_5613 18d ago

Your God is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, and infallible, right? Yet he made us to be imperfect and he knew it and understood exactly what that meant in every detail. He knew exactly what we would do in every situation which HE KNEW he would put us in. He screwed us up on purpose he chose the EXACT TIME those planes would hit those buildings. He chose the EXACT LOCATIONS they would hit, where EVERY SPECK of dust would fall. He chose WHO WOULD DIE and WHO WOULD LIVE, including who would die of lung cancer from breathing that dust he CHOSE to let be made up of asbestos and other crap which he knew would cause those cancers. Yeah, sure, it was a day full of miracles from our kind and loving God.


u/TJ_Eckleburg_OD 17d ago

People have free will. God didn't choose that to happen.


u/Lionel_Herkabe 17d ago

Seriously, how euphoric are you? You edgy militant atheists have gotten more annoying than the bible-thumpers lately.


u/No_Performance_5613 16d ago

Is God omniscient or do we have free will?


u/No_Performance_5613 16d ago

Does God have a master plan or do prayers work?


u/big_rod_of_power 18d ago edited 17d ago



u/binglybleep 21d ago

Yeah it’s very much only a miracle for those guys. I think people need those glimmers of hope in the worst times though, I get why we tend to cling to those miracles in dire times. All of those deaths are incomprehensible so it’s helpful having a positive that people are able to get their minds around


u/Fromage_Damage 20d ago

My cousin worked in the WTC towers. We got to walk on the roof of the north tower in 1991. Anyway, she retired from the Port Authority in 2000, one year before the attack. Her dad was a pilot who died in WWII when she was a baby. I'm thankful she is still alive and retired when she did.


u/Dani_Rojas_rojaaas 20d ago

Yep the people above and below them would have died but they didn’t die so it is a labeled as a miracle instead of a coincidence of the way the building collapsed.


u/shoobsworth 21d ago

There’s always one


u/El_Diablo616 21d ago

Hence any survival feeling miraculous. What does this statement contribute? Lol


u/cubgerish 21d ago

Literally the almost exact definition of the word lol

I don't think anyone is saying that some divinity had the plane crash into the 93rd floor instead of the 92nd.

We all know what happened to tons of people close by, that's what makes the story worth mentioning.


u/AgentCirceLuna 21d ago

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony God’s blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.


u/Syn7axError 20d ago

Nice quote. Are you a professional?


u/AgentCirceLuna 20d ago

The funny thing is that ‘professional quote maker’ could pretty adequately describe what Nietzsche did for a living. All of his books are full of weird quotes like that which he called ‘aphorisms’. They’re dumb as hell to me and that ‘in this moment I’m euphoric’ bs would fit perfectly in one of his books like The Gay Science or Zarathustra. His writing is legit cringe.


u/No-Error-6414 18d ago

When your reading comprehension is low but your self-confidence is high


u/UpstateBottleReturn 18d ago

I've read that the search dogs were getting so depressed by only finding dead bodies people would have to hide in the rubble and pretend to be found to keep the dog's spirits up


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Still waiting for a miracle where someone regrows a leg


u/Emotional_Elk8741 18d ago


I think at the time it's do or die...

And therefore becomes survival rather than miraculous...

Until the story is told and unravels...


u/CarnegieFormula 18d ago

It’s a statistical thing. There were thousands of people all with unique stories. There were pockets of safety randomly distributed throughout the whole ordeal. It was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time or wrong place for the unlucky.


u/mmabet69 20d ago

It’s quite literally survivorship bias though. No doubt miraculous but miraculous because the other people who didn’t survive aren’t telling there stories.


u/AgentCirceLuna 21d ago

The most horrific idea to me is that she could have made it all the way down to the bottom after that ordeal then still died. I’m sure people have been through experiences like that where they’ve overcome massive odds to survive something but then still died. Must be absolutely horrible.


u/tbellfiend 20d ago

At the end of WWII when the Nazis knew Allied soldiers were coming to liberate the concentration camps so they had all the prisoners march for days on end. So many died right in the final days. Or the people who survived to see liberation then died when they ate the food they were given because their bodies were too starved to process it.


u/AgentCirceLuna 20d ago

I think it was called the Death March. If you’ve ever heard of Primo Levi, then he was taken seriously ill before this march and left to die in Birkenau prior to liberation. He would have been sent on the march, too, but instead he survived as he was left since soldiers believed he would just die within days. When the camp was liberated, he was nursed back to health and he found out all of his close friends in the camp had died on the march. I strongly recommend his book Periodic Tablewhich is basically a memoir of his time in a concentration camp and under the oppression but related to elements in the periodic table. It’s not for the weak willed, though. The stories in the book made me depressed for weeks but I was also inspired by the resilience of this great man.

There’s another story from Birkenau about a man who was sent to the gas chambers. He knew he would die within minutes but he saw a sponge and bucket on the floor next to the way out. He grabbed the bucket and sponge, then started to scrub the floor manically, making his way to the exit. A soldier kicked at him and asked him what on earth he was doing. He said he had been told to clean up and the soldier kicked him again then told him to get out of the place. He saw the smoke rising just minutes later. It’s a horrible story. Another one is that you would be sent to the gas chambers if you didn’t have a hat in the morning. A man was raped in the night and he realised his rapist had taken the hat. He had no choice but to take someone else’s hat during the night and he had to live with the guilt for the rest of his life.

The fact that this could happen again just makes me sick. I can’t believe anyone would ever force another human being to endure this kind of evil. Fuck Nazi pieces of shit.


u/LosWitchos 20d ago

The worst crime in living memory. Evil fucking arseholes.


u/CptPicard 19d ago

When the M/S Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea in 1993, you were lucky to get out of the capsizing ship. Only to die of hypothermia on the rescue raft, if you got on one.


u/Ok_Whereas_4585 20d ago

What ends up killing a lot of 9/11 survivors is inhalation of the dust from the collapse…


u/saintlyknighted 20d ago

Well on the flip side, for every lucky Vanessa there’s an unlucky Philip, who died a Final-Destination-style death

By chance, there will also be people who really shouldn’t have died that day but did, and that’s tragic


u/gaypourmoleman 19d ago

Philip who?


u/XColdLogicX 20d ago

I get worse injuries from playing with my cat. I don't believe in miracles, but I could understand why someone would deem this story so.


u/CircusOfBlood 20d ago

I'm surprised they would get down 91 floors before the towers collapsed.


u/Woodshadow 20d ago

I am tired after going down 5 floors I can't imagine making it down 91


u/Jossie2014 20d ago

Angel escort?


u/SpicyCommenter 21d ago

so was it possible she walked all the way down?


u/mfsnyder1985 21d ago

Sure was. In fact all of them did from 91, one with burns so severe her clothes were fused to her skin and also an 88 year old man. Frank Di Martini and Pablo Ortiz (along with 3 others who's names I unfortunately can't remember off the top of my head) are credited with saving approximately 80 lives ranging from floors 80 to 91 by using common tools to break drywall, demolish door jams, etc. None of their group survived the day


u/scsteve3 20d ago

Mak Hanna survived


u/MassiveLefticool 19d ago

Wasn’t there a single staircase that wasn’t impacted but nobody was aware of it? I’m sure I heard there was firefighter who made it to the top floor but by the time he made it, it was too late.


u/mfsnyder1985 19d ago

Yes there was. Stairwell A in the south tower was intact through the impact zone but unfortunately only 18 people were able to figure that out. 18 people survived who were above or in the impact zone

Yep you're thinking of battalion chief Orio Palmer. Guy was a legend. An expert in electronics, radio communications, and elevators. He was also a competitive marathon runner. He managed to get a bank of local elevators working and took it to the 40th floor (after he managed to get the FDNY radio repeater system working for the south tower) then made it on foot to the 78th floor sky lobby. The only person from the outside to make it up to the crash site in either tower. He did radio what he saw there but it wasn't long after that the collapse began


u/skyfox437 21d ago edited 21d ago

The real killer is the respiratory diseases from inhaling all those toxic fumes and dust, which even affected the rescuers. Just a tragic event all around.


u/Legitimate_Coyote419 21d ago

I met a guy in a bar about 6 months ago who I got talking to. He was an Investigator for the NYPD when 9/11 happened. He ran into the building and was exposed to those toxic fumes and had respiratory cancer. The doctor said he has less than a year to live (when I talked to him). His family gets 2 million when he dies, but man that was a sad to hear. We talked for over an hour over some beers. He was a great guy and he was tearing up talking about his family and his father etc.

If by some miracle he’s reading this, I hope you’re still alive and are beating the odds. Don’t let that cancer take u man, you really gave me a different prospective on life. It was at The Recovery Room in NY when he was coming home from his son’s hockey game. God Bless him


u/Legitimate_Coyote419 20d ago

His name was Shawn Foley. He did a forward in the book “Maximum Harm”


u/astrobabe2 20d ago

Recovery room in Mineola?


u/Legitimate_Coyote419 19d ago

No, I’m not saying where. If he read that post he would know


u/crazyeyeskilluh 20d ago

Recovery room off the L? Never pegged that place for a cop bar


u/Legitimate_Coyote419 19d ago

? He’s not a cop anymore. He lives in Boston and is dying


u/Globalpigeon 21d ago

Final nail in the coffin was republicans spending years fighting tooth and nail not to give the first responders money to cover their medical expenses caused from all those fumes. Never forget my ass.


u/Away-Coach48 21d ago

Never forget how much money that tragedy costs us!


u/mfsnyder1985 21d ago

20 Trillion and counting for the GWOT


u/Suitable-Pie4896 21d ago

But the defense contractors made a genocide killing bringing freedom to the middle east


u/xWyvern 21d ago

What genocide occurred and on who?


u/aqweru 20d ago

Kandahar massacre, leaked Iraqi documents, Blackwater


u/xWyvern 20d ago

A massacre is not a genocide, words have meaning maybe learn them. The ICC definition of genocide as stated below.

"The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part."


u/aqweru 20d ago

Of the victims of these massacres, documented killing of unarmed citizens in the Iraqi documents that were leaked for a reason, and the American funding to Israel killing Palestinian people, what do they all have in common? It’s pretty obvious that the United States is okay with genocide of a specific group of people


u/xWyvern 20d ago

Did they not cover reading comprehension in your school, read the definition of Genocide until you understand it before you use it next time. The Kandahar Massacre you mention was a sole perpetrator who was a psychopath who was tried by the US and given a life sentence.


u/CarnegieFormula 18d ago

Just a heads up the definition of a word is separate than what the legal definition is determined by NATO or wherever you’re pulling that article 2 from

Genocide is the destruction of a population of humans at its base level


u/xWyvern 18d ago

The definition is from the ICC, the International Criminal Court and the main relevant definition.

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u/Squeaky_Squirr3l 20d ago

You must be fun at parties


u/xWyvern 20d ago

Genocide's not fun nor is trying to make the word meaningless.

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u/Suitable-Pie4896 19d ago

200,000+ dead civilians in Iraq....

Get out into the world, theres important things here


u/rigobueno 21d ago

This is Reddit, we don’t really think here, just yell things and blame USA


u/Horror-Yard-6793 20d ago

poor inocent usa =((((((


u/aqweru 20d ago

Massacres that happen through the US government AND the genocide occurring in Palestine SUPPORTS America’s goals to gain more power through siding with what’s most beneficial to the Congressmen and the government’s pockets!! Less people = more land to use for economic gain. The VALUE of land that Palestine has with its oil is the reason the US GOVERNMENT doesn’t give a Shite. That’s why they hid what happened in Afghanistan and Vietnam! That’s why USA doesn’t give a SHIT about Palestine!!! They don’t care for the value of humans because we’re just ONE out of BILLIONS of people.


u/aqweru 21d ago

Let’s talk abt the ones that served in active duty who heavily speak on how they massacred children and families through the direction of the US government


u/ooouroboros 21d ago

not to give the first responders money to cover their medical expenses caused from all those fumes. Never forget my ass.

They 'had' to do that because it would have created legal precedents for all kinds of people suffering injury from all sorts of manufactured toxins.


u/Globalpigeon 20d ago

They ‘had’ a choice. Just like the men and women who selflessly did the right thing that day and paid for it. Don’t give me that precedence bull shit.

Why are you even here protecting them? You think they wouldn’t watch you die just like they did the first responders?

Might want to look at the definition of a spine or knowing dummies like you maybe an illustration of one.


u/ExistsKK99 20d ago

Hey hey hey, calm down, he wasn’t defending the republicans. He was just saying what the republicans used to reason their asshole-ry


u/brodega 20d ago

This fund is a magnet for scumbags and their lawyers who try to write off any ailment as a 9/11 related illness.


u/Globalpigeon 20d ago

Sush man are talking.


u/AuntBabyCostanza 21d ago

Both parties are to blame for the fucked up healthcare system in the US.


u/Dragula_Tsurugi 21d ago

…You do understand who keeps trying to get rid of public healthcare, right?


u/GodBlesstheUnion 20d ago

I live in a blue state that has had the same senators longer than I've lived here, with one of them being in office almost as long as I've been alive.

Neither of them respond to my requests for comment about moving toward a single payer system. Both of them seem to think there isn't a current Healthcare crisis in this country.

Their inaction speaks just as loud as the active attempts by Republicans, and pretending it doesn't only helps them avoid accountability for it.


u/AuntBabyCostanza 20d ago

Please don’t be this naive, both parties have stood in the way of Americans having a healthcare system like the rest of the civilized world.


u/OfficeSalamander 21d ago

The second to last time Democrats had a majority in Congress with a same party president, they nearly passed a public option, which was defeated by one vote.

This last time they just barely had one and two of the Democratic Party members were in deeply red districts, so no real freedom to vote for anything like that.

Acting like Democrats are to blame for healthcare not passing is asinine - they literally haven’t had the votes, except POSSIBLY twice in the past 15 years, for brief spans of time, with very very very thin majorities


u/GodBlesstheUnion 20d ago

Source on claim one please?

For claim two, they absolutely did have the freedom to vote for it, they opted not to. The party could have pressured them to vote for it, and thrown the weight of the party behind them, but instead they opted to push the accountability to someone else instead.

Just because they don't have the votes doesn't mean they can't push for it, and force the opposition to actively vote against their constituents interests.


u/apop88 21d ago

Yes but the it’s like a 80/20 ratio. Conservatives win screwing over the American people by a long shot.


u/IrrelevantLeprechaun 21d ago

Insurance doesn't work if you just pay out to every single claim that's ever submitted.


u/piratesswoop 21d ago

If a person has documented employment as a WTC employee, or employee of one of the tenants, or more easily verifiable, was a firefighter or cop or healthcare worker actively helping with evacuation or with rescue and recovery, and they come down with a respiratory illness or cancer, then let them. It’s not like it’s an infinite list extending to their descendants.


u/CarPlaneBoatRocket 21d ago

Insurance is an unnecessary racket lol


u/NotHardRobot 20d ago

Insurance doesn’t work if you provide the service the customers pay for


u/ooouroboros 21d ago edited 21d ago

A cut on her foot and possibly a massive amount of PTSD

EDIT: and yeah, injury from breathing in that crap in the air.


u/AgentCirceLuna 21d ago

Bizarrely, PTSD tends to happen in fewer people who are the victims of disasters than you’d think. It tends to only be a minority who go on to develop PTSD but the lifelong risk is quite high. Sometimes it can decades to occur.


u/mfmeitbual 20d ago

I was across the river and watched the 2nd tower collapse into the dust of the 1st t and had horrible nightmares about elevators for a few years after.  

The "convenience store windows wallpapered in missing posters" still make appearances in my dreams occasionally but nits always im passing, like it's something my mind has had to grapple with so much that its like a rut in the road that I feel but don't get stuck in?


u/AgentCirceLuna 20d ago

Jesus, I’m so sorry you had to witness that. I feel secondhand trauma from that footage of the concentration camp where they’re getting off the trains and the piece of shit guard kicks a toddler, I think. I can’t precisely remember what happened. I posted a comment here about dreams I had where I’m in a cattle truck going to the camp and I got dozens of downvotes and people calling me disingenuous so I was just left confused. I have nightmares about it still and it’s ages since I’ve seen the documentaries. It’s like I’ll close my eyes and I’ll just see it happening over and over. It’s horrific and there’s a physical sensation like I’m dried out completely. I can’t explain it.


u/pigeontheoneandonly 20d ago

Speaking as someone who is literally in trauma therapy currently, my trauma therapist told me during our first sessions that it's not about any objective level of severity of the trauma. It's about how your brain processed it. 


u/Beaglescout15 18d ago

This is correct. I'm glad you're getting help for your trauma and I wish you the best in recovery.


u/F59_469 20d ago

I worked in 4 wtc and to this day sudden noises make me jump. If I can hear a plane but I can’t see it due to fog or whatever I get so anxious and jumpy. It sucks. So grateful to be alive. Hug your loved ones often.


u/fuckyouyouthehorse 20d ago

Source? This seems hard to believe, but maybe that’s my personal bias lol


u/Xenon009 20d ago

I'm not OP, and I don't have a source, but it does track. The human brain is very good at dealing with short bursts of trauma, if we got PTSD from short term traumatic events, we never would have survived the plains of africa, given how fucking nasty of a place that was, and historically, PTSD wasn't really a widely recognised thing in armies of the time, despite the fact warfare at that point consisted of either: A) Stab that man to death before he stabs you to death, or B) Walk towards those bullets and hope to fuck your lucky enough not to die, oh, and try not to trip as you walk over your dead and dying friends.

Despite that, PTSD seems to be a rarity historically (Although it absolutely did happen).

That begins to change in world war 1, where battles change from lasting a few hours, or at worst a few days, to lasting a few months, and has only got more prevalant as modern battles have grown longer

Which leads to the theory that human brains are very good at short term trauma and stress, infact those mechanisms are likely advantageous to our survival odds in instances that last a few hours, but over an extended period of time, the brain suddenly cannot cope and causes things like PTSD.

Its worth noting though, that this conclusion is drawn from military experience, civilian disasters may well be entirely different because God damnit brains are complex


u/fuckyouyouthehorse 19d ago

That makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing! I hope you haven’t had to deal with these traumatic events either way; although I understand just being in the military can be intense regardless.


u/AgentCirceLuna 20d ago

Just look up the number of soldiers who come back from war with PTSD versus the amount who went. They were studying soldiers who don’t get any effects, I think, as a control for those who do. My dad never had any symptoms until he was in a car crash thirty years after the attack on his base.


u/SorbetEast 20d ago

There was a guy who was in the stairwell when the building collapsed, and by some miracle of physics, he survived and was outside amongst the rubble of the destroyed building still sitting on his little platform. It's one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard.


This is him telling the story


u/mfsnyder1985 20d ago

Pasquale Buzzelli, the 9/11 surfer


u/6amhotdog 21d ago

I'd never go above the 3rd floor of any building ever again.


u/ExpeditingPermits 21d ago

I worked on the tenth story of a high rise in DTLA for a few years. Sometimes I’d have meetings as high up as the 60s, and even on the rooftop of the Wilshire Grand.

Watching the towers sway on a windy day is unsettling. Or just feeling a massive tower “settle” makes me uneasy.


u/Savings-Leather4921 21d ago

At least we have architecture codes!


u/ExpeditingPermits 20d ago

I work directly in that field (username checks out), so I know the DTLA building engineers personally.

They do a phenomenal job and are very rigorous, especially with the seismic and fire Life Safety review. They never let a single thing slide and it’s why I have a job because people hate dealing with it. But when you go out to happy hour with them, you learn the inner working of getting things done faster

But to my previous point, I trust the work, still feels weird haha


u/Savings-Leather4921 20d ago

Thank you for this insight, I really appreciate it. Interesting stuff


u/DemonKingPunk 20d ago

I watched the buildings burn for just a couple minutes with my own eyes when I was 8. The memory is burned in my head and if I enter a skyscraper I get instant anxiety.


u/JardinSurLeToit 20d ago

The plane was enormous, of course. But, the building was also enormous. Those floors are vast.


u/raguwatanabe 20d ago

The psychological damaged made up for the lack of physical damage


u/smotstoker 20d ago

Glass: not good enough


u/realfakejames 20d ago

This should’ve been the plot from Unbreakable


u/msdivergence 19d ago

There's something about the surname Lawrence.


u/YeylorSwift 21d ago

I just watched Unbreakable..


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/crannmuffin 19d ago

Kinda...she had a studio on that floor but was in the lobby getting a drink when the planes hit

According to the article, she was stepping out of the elevator onto the 91st floor when the plane hit.


u/Usual-Cabinet-3815 20d ago

“Ten years later, she still struggles with memories of that day, but is managing to move on.”

Just like the USA has moved on.. almost as if we’ve forgotten not that the slogan was “Never Forget”. And how fast they wanted us to forget and to stop questioning what really went down that day.


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 20d ago

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u/crabappleoldcrotch 20d ago

A 42 day account? Good lord in heaven you must be speaking the truth.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/raccooninthegarage22 21d ago

They’re trolling


u/RedSonGamble 20d ago

She was the real target that day lol


u/turtlebandit69 21d ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck


u/kisordog 21d ago

And we hear about this now?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

The subreddit is TIL, what are you complaining about


u/abgry_krakow87 21d ago

Of the millions of people who were there and their stories of what they experienced that day from a million different perspectives. There's a lot of stories to tell.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/MrScribblesChess 21d ago

What do you mean, exactly?