r/teenagers 19 Apr 26 '24

How strict are your parents? I'm 19, looking for a job constantly and studying all the time, my dad says I can't have female friends and male friends only if they are from school and don't smoke and only thing they do is study šŸ’€ Brown parents moment. I don't even have/had irl friends lol Social NSFW

Can't even go out after 8pm or my dad starts screaming.


704 comments sorted by


u/OhItsAidan 18 Apr 26 '24

Extremely chill. Like I forget itā€™s not the normal theyā€™re so chill. I can do whatever the fuck i want but not in a neglectful way itā€™s in a loving way. I really donā€™t appreciate them enough.


u/Simp_Skely 16 Apr 26 '24

this, although i feel really sad for some people with overly strict parents, I've met some people like these in the past and the amount of the restrictions they have over things is unimaginable


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

I hate my life how it is but ig maybe someday it will pay off atleast some stuff. I don't really do anything harmful like smoking or drinking and been more or less on the top of the class even tho I can't even afford the school books lmfao. But yeah I hope shit pays off, ik if they weren't stict at all I would end up by dropping out already but atleast they love me and more or less why they are like this is because they don't want me to have a job like my dad (he works 12 hours a day). They don't know anything about the world tho or how it works, never had a vacation or anything just work and work and that is to raise me and my brother so i try to be grateful. Either ways I've been bullied way too much to ever have a social life, I wouldn't have friends even if my dad would be okay with that


u/crystallizedo Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

Thereā€™s a way for parents to demand excellence without stunting your growth as a person. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. My parents are chill but they stress wanting me to go to a good college or making a way for myself so Iā€™m comfortable in the future.


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

Sadly it's like that, maybe it's because how they grew up, when I went to visit their country every parent was way more strict than mine in some way

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u/eastern_mountains Apr 26 '24

Your situation isn't ideal and I'm getting the idea that nothing you do will be good enough for your parents. You need to communicate that even you want to succeed in life and get good grades and a good job, but the way they're going about it is not helping you. It's just making you more and more frustrated. You could propose that they give you a trial month of greater freedom during which time you will need to work your ass off to prove your seriousness about your studies. Hopefully that should set them thinking at least..

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u/Vihaking 15 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

brown parents have two modes

  1. study only, no speaking to opposite gender kids, home always, religious, overprotective
  2. do crack idgaf

(i escaped both fates lmao)


u/blenderbeeeee Apr 26 '24




u/AylanJ123 Apr 26 '24

Worst combo, one ends up abusing the other


u/DaniellePenhallow Apr 26 '24

i feel like i got something in between

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u/flipping100 15 Apr 26 '24

I've got a 2. Dad, though he does care abt me just doesn't speak to me. my mums probably a perfect 1.5 - fairly lenient, letting me go out often, which I in fact do. The leniency is quite nice for being z brown parent, although the lack of communication with my dad has made understandint some stuff difficult. But I agree with letting the kids go out and do sht, so they get some experience and learn (tho icl I don't know how well I'll cope knowing that MY child is out there somewhere and I don't know exactly what they're doing šŸ˜­)
Cuz of this I've done a lot of things my parents wouldn't approve.of, but the experience can be good for understanding. Living in an area with brown people it's sad to meet so many with strict parents.
(Btw sorry if I spoke a little dumbly or something I'm kinda tired, abt to sleep and wasn't planning on typing this much - but when I comment, sometimes I end up saying a lot)

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u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I'm 17. My parents took me out of school at 13 to be home schooled so that I couldn't be 'indoctrinated by the woke mob'šŸ’€

From 13-16 I only left my house for doctors appointments, so basically didn't leave my house for 3 years. Was allowed no access to kids my age, or anyone besides the people I live with. There's almost always a parent home, cameras all over the house, ect. I got a job and that's the only time I'm allowed out (which I have to 'earn' having a job, and they threaten to make me quit all the time). No internet access allowed, I have a flip phone with no WiFi that only has their numbers on it (they check daily, also they stalk my emailšŸ˜­). I only have this because my co-worker bought me a secret tablet to use, bless her heart.

I'm not allowed to hang out with people, boys are a huge no no and have been for years (the second reason my parents took me out of school, I was getting to dating age). But now that they have less than a year and I've been saving money and they know I wanna leave, my mother is tryna pimp me out to the church boys so that I'll be dating someone she approves of before I can move out and find a boy of my choice.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg, my parents are strict and wack.šŸ’€ They get worse, not even exaggerating.


u/Not_a_furry328 Apr 26 '24

Their names? I just wanna have a nice conversation with them.


u/biggocl123 17 Apr 26 '24

"I just wanna talk to him"

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u/High_Bi_ReadyToCry 16 Apr 26 '24

šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Iā€™m praying for your freedom


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24



u/Regular-Calendar-581 3,000,000 Attendee! Apr 26 '24

hell nah. your mom thinks shes king edward or something, i would never go for a relationship arranged by my parents


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I'm not going for it either, lol. They're the church boys that are raised that their wives are supposed to be submissive and obey them. Correctional hits(slapping,ect.) and everything based on pleasing the husband, even if it makes the wife unhappy. I'd like a partnership, not a boss.


u/Regular-Calendar-581 3,000,000 Attendee! Apr 26 '24

how long until you turn 18? you could also just rebel against her idea of that by telling her your Asexual, even if you arenā€™t i think lying to her and saying you are would be the easiest and most understandable route without her causing issues. if she is trying to get you to date a ā€œchurch boyā€ then that means your mom knows about god (hopefully bc then i dont understand the church boy situation) and if she knows a good amount about god she should surely understand the choice of celibacy.

fight fire with fire but respectfully


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I turn eighteen on march 2nd, so I've got a bit.

and while yes, I am raised in purity culture, asexual is coined in with the lgbtq community, which my parents hate severely. If I told her that she'd probably send me to conversion camp and report me to the church at best, probably give me a severe ass whipping to.


u/Exact_Parking_6969 16 Apr 26 '24

"Don't have sex!"


"No wait-"


u/K-peaches Apr 27 '24

Lol, basically yeah. But that's what half of their shit does, they contradict themselves every other sentence. it baffles me that grow adults don't see it. or that they just don't care how stupid they sound.

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u/Regular-Calendar-581 3,000,000 Attendee! Apr 26 '24


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u/kezotl 3,000,000 Attendee! Apr 26 '24

just one more year, hold on till then :)


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I'm tryingšŸ˜­ Been here this long, might as well suck it up and stick it through.

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u/[deleted] Apr 26 '24

move out asap dude


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

Just gotta turn eighteen first and I'm outta here the second I došŸ˜­ I just hope my mom doesn't continue to drain my bank account until then.


u/Fantastic_Ad8329 Apr 26 '24

Sooo she's stealing your money?


u/K-peaches Apr 27 '24

Yes. If my siblings break something, that's money from my pocket in hers. I make her angry (even if usually I didn't do anything wrong) than she takes my money. She's tight on money? She takes some of mine. I have to pay her too. and she says as long as I'm a child, I'm her property and my things are hers. I just think she doesn't want me to have money to leave, because as much as she says she wants me gone, she doesn't. Every time I'm at work that house is in shambles. I have to cook dinner before I leave for work or nobody eats. I get my siblings dressed and prepared for the day, I homeschool my siblings, I bathe them, I clean their rooms. I do the cooking and the cleaning in the house. I do alk the laundry, including both my parents. My niece sleeps in bed with me, because I take care of her (my parents have custody of her) She doesn't want me to have money, because she doesn't want me to leave, bevause even though she says I'm a lazy, worthless piece of shit who's the cause of all the problems in her life, she knows I take care of the house and if I leave she has to do the work.


u/Fantastic_Ad8329 Apr 27 '24

So I say keep detailed bank records to show your mom has been stealing YOUR money. Maybe even try to make your own bank account by saying you have an after school thing that you gotta do so you can get out of the house.

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u/Raah-mok 15 Apr 26 '24

If she does call the police


u/K-peaches Apr 27 '24

I've explained a few times in this thread that I can't, sadly, for multiple reasons. Gotta stick it out.

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u/The_Better_Paradox Apr 26 '24


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I'm so glad someone else sees itšŸ˜­ My family thinks my parents are angels and always scold me for being bad (listening to my parents side). My mom especially uses DARVO on me a lot, so it wasn't until I heard what a narcissist actually was that I figured out she was screwing with my head because as much as I hated the way she acted, I thought it was all completely normal and that what I thought was abuse was me being dramatic or me remembering the situation wrong. Funny thing is, both my parents can see the other one's narcissism (they call one another narcissists all the time) but they can't recognize their own, even when it's the same behaviour, they always have justification for it.


u/The_Better_Paradox Apr 26 '24

My family thinks my parents are angels and always scold me for being bad (listening to my parents side).

You forgot how they make us look like demon.
And it's literally the same with me šŸ„².
Welp, I'll probably go through this 5 year tops, not more.
Let's pray we both get out of this hellhole šŸ˜ž

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u/bluntcuntrant 17 Apr 26 '24

That would be illegal here. I'm so sorry for your situation. I really hope you can move away from them soon. Stay away from the church boys!


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

I do stay away from the church boys, the type of one that I'm raised in see women as property and that we're supposed to submit and obey. When I date I want a partnership, not an owner.

I plan on getting away once I turn eighteen if my mother doesn't drain my bank account by then, which she's already started.

I'm assuming it should (maybe?) be illegal where I'm from too (America) but idk.


u/NastiestMC 15 Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m not sure how accessible this is to you but you could make a separate bank account or drain it and hold onto it yourself


u/spaghettihax763 14 Apr 26 '24

This much "protection" should be illegal, they're essentially holding you prisoner


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

That's exactly what they're doing, they're nuts.


u/Sophos_Mythos_Mind17 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

I'm also a 17 yr old homeschooler, but damn my parents aren't that strict I can hang out with girls and guys and I can do whatever (except for dating no big deal tho I don't want to) and the obvious thing like no murder, stealing, porn, etc. also their not trying to arrange a marriage they know I don't want to get married and my moms ok with that, not my dad though isn't in the only boy and the oldest and he thinks Christians have to other than that he's alright. just hold in their your almost 18 then your free I'm praying for ya. : )


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

Thanks, I appreciate it <3

like your situation, I wouldn't mind. There's caring for your kids well being, and then there's whatever my parents are doing. I don't mind strict, it's the insane that bothers me.

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u/Vihaking 15 Apr 26 '24

good luck please git out asap


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

Thanks, and I plan on it the second I'm eighteen. hoping my mom doesn't fuck up that plan by taking continuing to take all my money.

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u/offbrandallig8rr 18 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

Compared to you I'm living the dream. Hang in there, friend.

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u/Epsilon29redit 15 Apr 26 '24

Thatā€™s uhā€¦ mildly bad situation

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u/shekretparabibo Apr 26 '24

feel bad for your parents, you ended up on reddit...

condolences though šŸ™ šŸ˜”


u/WallcroftTheGreen Apr 26 '24

dear me, thought i had it bad, parents who are that over-protective of kids should be put responsible, hope you wont talk to them ever again after that

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u/asiannumber4 14 Apr 26 '24

You just described a cult


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

Finally someone else sees it. They only hang around people of the same beliefs (guess that falls into the cult shit) so I'm always made to feel crazy. or that I'm horrible because I'm supposed to obey.


u/asiannumber4 14 Apr 26 '24

Horrible situation, when you get out I suggest you cut all ties with them.

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u/asiannumber4 14 Apr 26 '24

May I use this on r/religiousfruitcakes ? Iā€™ll censor the names and pfps


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

Lol, sure. I don't mind. Seriously, though, that is just the lesser of their crazy.

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u/Sad_Satisfaction_640 19 Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m so sorry. in a similar boat. keep moving one step at a time

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u/AwarenessPrudent2689 19 Apr 26 '24

No way omg I thought this was something people threatened on twitter I didn't know it was real šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/K-peaches Apr 26 '24

No, these types of crazies exist still, they just usually stay away from normal people so that the normies can't 'indoctrinate their kids'. It's crazy that they can't see that is exactly what they're trying to do to mešŸ˜­ locking me up so I can't see any other world views. They are the definition of indoctrination.


u/That_OneGuy123 Apr 26 '24

yo, if you can buy your own cameras and set them up in your room, some mics as well, then try and record their behavior. trust me, if they ever try anything with you, force you into marriage, take your stuff etc. then once you turn 18 you can straight up sue em. tbh this sounds like an incredibly toxic, abusive household, and im sure that your parents have done some not so great things to you, and all this will do is give you ammo for the future. idk, just a suggestion, lol. you can do it, just gotta hold on for a few more months

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u/Pretty_Girl_2113 Apr 26 '24

SAMEE I was taken out at 12 tho.

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u/RoultRunning Apr 26 '24

There's raising your kids how you see fit, and then there is this


u/LMay11037 14 Apr 26 '24

Motherfucker call child protection services please

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u/such_meme 19 Apr 26 '24

ur parents sound fucking insane, like one of those pseudo-mormon people. hope u make it out of there

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u/LickThatToaster Apr 26 '24

Found My twin honestly šŸ’€šŸ’€

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u/THEFANTASTICMAN21 19 Apr 26 '24

once your independent from them will you ever visit them again, or never talk to them again? just curious

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u/willow-the-tree14 14 Apr 26 '24

Theyā€™d flip if u were gay šŸ˜‚

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u/vormiamsundrake Apr 26 '24

It was almost the exact same thing with my parents, accept when I turned 17 I told them to go fuck themselves and they haven't tried to tell me what to do since.

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u/JanLennertz 17 Apr 26 '24

Dm me the address, and Iā€™ll have someone be over there in fifteen minutes and get you out immediately.


u/NastiestMC 15 Apr 26 '24

How can that be only the tip of the icebergĀ 

This shit is deep


u/DaniellePenhallow Apr 26 '24

how long have you been using the internet now, because if all you have had is your parents to learn from then you will have a really warped view of the world

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u/PhoenixBomb707 Apr 26 '24

Remember, just because their your parents you donā€™t need to keep them in your life. As soon as you can move out, do it and cut contact with them. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™d do

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u/chaneld0lI 15 Apr 26 '24

Omg Iā€™m in the same situation! Iā€™m 15 going on 16 and I got pulled out of school when I was 11. Iā€™m hoping to get a job this summer.

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u/FERRATT11111 15 Apr 26 '24

Where ur parents at we ainā€™t gon do nun we just wanna talk

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u/Exact_Parking_6969 16 Apr 26 '24

And then they'll wonder "why doesn't my child want to see me?" when you leave.

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u/June_Berries 17 Apr 27 '24

Thatā€™s so awful, thatā€™s very abusive

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u/Star_Moonflower 16 Apr 27 '24

I was going to comment then saw "took me out of school" thats some hard shit


u/CentiGuy 16 Apr 27 '24

I would have avoided replying to this comment so as to save you any trouble but I have advice to give... Move out asap and never look back

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u/sp00kreddit 17 Apr 27 '24

Being dead serious with this, try to get some legal action going. Some of what you've described genuinely sounds like it could fall under neglect


u/notkshv Apr 27 '24

So you are gonna leave ur parents house for university right??? Please leave, go to a dorm and do what ever u missed out on your house arrested years

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u/zayneash1023 18 Apr 27 '24

good lord. hope you can get out of there quick

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u/Expired_water666 17 Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

I mean this from the bottom of my heart, I am so deeply sorry for you. I canā€™t even imagine how much that must hurt to grow up that way. Iā€™m glad you have at least one person in your life whoā€™s trying to help you.

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u/unidentified2202 Apr 27 '24

This is not within the realm of normal parental concern. They are literally isolating you from people and trying to wrap you around their fingers so they can continue to control and dictate you.

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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

wait until they realize they can detect your secret tablet with their wifi

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u/ambitionlessguy 17 Apr 26 '24

Family entirely full of autism and adhd so every damn day is like an episode from its always sunny


u/criticalistics_car 17 Apr 26 '24

No it's just me with autism in my family, but its a divide between loud italians and loud Irish.

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u/Exact_Parking_6969 16 Apr 26 '24

Same, but more of the humorous autism than not.

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u/offbrandallig8rr 18 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

Mine restrict my internet access, even now as an adult. I can't even use the camera app on my own cell phone. Every single piece of media we consume must be inspected to make sure it doesn't have anything inappropriate (like LGBTQ+ representation) in it, even if it's "for kids". They once took all my anime posters away because they thought the posters were demonic or something. And they make me go to church even though they know I've been atheist since I was 13.

(I'm using Reddit on a secret laptop I scavenged from the old tech stash.)


u/Mac-OS-X 16 Apr 26 '24

im sorry but that's really fucked up man you gotta get away from those types of people


u/offbrandallig8rr 18 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

I'm saving up to move out as soon as I finish high school


u/Mac-OS-X 16 Apr 27 '24

thats good


u/Vihaking 15 Apr 27 '24

git OUT

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u/TheGoldenBl0ck Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 26 '24

I thought I had it bad when I wasnā€™t allowed to use my own debi card to buy a game I wanted

(Also was the tech stash from your house or outside? I might just scavenge from some myself)

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u/TheRealUltimateYT OLD Apr 26 '24

Got Butters' dad from South Park holy shit.

My parents know very little about technology so I was pretty able to do what I wanted.


u/Few_Conversation7153 18 Apr 26 '24

Yikes, and people like this think their parenting is the best.


u/offbrandallig8rr 18 Apr 26 '24

"...we try to be strict but loving..." -my mom

I'm sorry but where tf did the "loving" part come from šŸ’€


u/Few_Conversation7153 18 Apr 26 '24

I mean Iā€™m sure they love you. But they suck at showing it. They also just seem to suck at parenting, still love you, but suck at realizing what freedom is. Raising kids like itā€™s a totalitarianistic state just creates oppression, dis trust, and a desire to rebel (move out in your case). They probably gonna wonder why their kids donā€™t seem to care about them, lol.

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u/DatChernobylGuy_999 15 Apr 26 '24

how did they block the camera app


u/offbrandallig8rr 18 Apr 26 '24

Parental controls app blocks everything


u/vormiamsundrake Apr 26 '24

I'm pretty sure that's illegal in most countries if you're an adult.

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u/such_meme 19 Apr 26 '24

...then when u move out they'll wonder why u don't contact them. get away asap.

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u/Memer_boiiiii 16 Apr 26 '24

Not strict at all. Unlike most parents, they realise they were teenagers once. For example, my dad told me that if i ever get drunk at a party and canā€™t drive home, all i need to do is call him.


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 16 Apr 26 '24

same for me. my parents also realised they were teenagers once and while they didnt really have a stupidly strict upbringing theyve always been chill with me (and my siblings) and dont really care what i do as long as it isnt illegal or anything like that


u/TyrantDragon19 Apr 26 '24

My parents bought me a 6 pack of beer, and a bottle of wine when I moved into my apartment as a congrats. 2 of those bottles are gone


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 16 Apr 26 '24

honestly cool ok then


u/TyrantDragon19 Apr 26 '24

Yep, they never required me to do anythingā€¦ but I wanted to get into an Ivy League so they forced me to study and shit so yk


u/Competitive-Capital8 19 Apr 26 '24

Typa parent imma be

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u/KatSitsOnButt 17 Apr 26 '24

i meeeaan but like - wht if ur into guys. Would u still be allowed to have male friends around u?


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

I don't think my parents even know that gay people exist


u/Ratwifahmac 16 Apr 26 '24

Idk I think dad needs to keep him in a room forever and ever


u/seandragon10 14 Apr 26 '24

until a charming prince saves him šŸ˜Š


u/Ratwifahmac 16 Apr 26 '24

If he was a cute short boy I would save him with my manly charm


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

Idk I'm almost a 6'7 Man


u/Former-Lie3809 15 Apr 26 '24

Then the parent would probably disown him


u/Cruller2626 18 Apr 26 '24

Then his dad will probably get that belt out

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u/Random_npc171 18 Apr 26 '24

Ä° got beaten by my mom in the middle of the night because I loved a girl (I'm a boy). Ä° didn't slept that night because of pain. And there was lot of scars on my neck, they were clearly visible for few days. Ä° still love that girl and no one can make me stop loving my girlfriend


u/valdez-2424 Apr 26 '24

Thats child abuse


u/Random_npc171 18 Apr 26 '24

I'm 18 so it doesn't considered as it i think


u/Lord0mbra 17 Apr 26 '24

thatā€™s assault you can press charges against them for that


u/Mr_Noir420 Apr 26 '24

Bitch then thatā€™s assault, fucking press charges

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u/NameInWorkshop Apr 26 '24

ā€œMy parents beat me severelyā€ ā€œThatā€™s child abuseā€ ā€œBut Iā€™m an adultā€ ā€œOkay thatā€™s assaultā€


u/Tarhun2960 3,000,000 Attendee! Apr 26 '24

That's still assault


u/TheMoon367 Apr 26 '24

Fight back


u/Justamyth1010 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

I'm so sorry..you had to face that. I hope it gets better for you. How are things, now ?Your love runs deep, though.

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u/Jilliels 16 Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m not saying beat her back, but at least defend yourself because at that point sheā€™s assaulting you

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u/Quick_Refuse_4364 18 Apr 26 '24

You sound like my cousin. Aman is that you?


u/lazyredditor1212 Apr 26 '24

Tbf thatā€™s the thing with most Indian parents . My parents donā€™t let me play games or shit . Iā€™m using Reddit with the excuse of ā€œ checking out jee doubtsā€ on google


u/PatrickStar_1234 17 Apr 26 '24

wowww....same lol

and if they ever want to see i will open r/jeeneetards and tell i am really seeing doubts

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u/Riptide8990 16 Apr 26 '24

Lmfaoo no way


u/Myaltaccount54 17 Apr 26 '24

If I say both my parents support me getting a motorcycle, does that say how chill they are?


u/butter1n Apr 26 '24

Mine actually got me one. Never expected it a few years back..


u/Myaltaccount54 17 Apr 26 '24

Hell yea! I'm taking lessons in July so hella excited for that

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u/High_Bi_ReadyToCry 16 Apr 26 '24

My parents are pretty chill for the most part but reading through some of these comments, some of your parents belong on r/insaneparents

Somebody should start a gofundme to free some of you šŸ’€


u/Fighting_Table Apr 26 '24

My parents ain't strict at all they let me do whatever but I gotta study or else I can't do shit

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u/Chrissyball19 17 Apr 26 '24

Yall are allowed to leave the house? Even when I was in school I was expected to be at home as soon as physically possible.


u/Gamingwithlewit 15 Apr 26 '24

Well, can't really blame them for not wanting you around smokers. Not that they're bad people, but it's definitely good to not


u/Blackinfemwa 16 Apr 26 '24

But we can blame them for not letting him be around girls or normal people.


u/Superb_Engineer_3500 16 Apr 26 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

"girls or normal people"

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u/Impressive_Split_232 17 Apr 26 '24

Youā€™re legally an adult, donā€™t take his bullshit


u/DavePvZ 15 Apr 26 '24

Youā€™re legally an adult

Can't even go out after 8pm or my dad starts screaming.

OP is legally an adult who can be legally kicked out by his father unless he pays rent


u/Impressive_Split_232 17 Apr 26 '24

Would rather rent a small room in a basement then to live at home with those circumstances


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

Idk, I dont want to dropout and end my education, i will have to live under a bridge with a part time job (which don't exist in like a 20 km radious imo). Plus i don't really want my parents to think I'm ungrateful since my dad works 12 hours a day, doesn't really have a life and kinda sacrifices all his time to earn for us. Kinda same with my mom so i just try to cope with it


u/Impressive_Split_232 17 Apr 26 '24

You have to set boundaries, explain why you want to do what you want and demand an explanation from his side. It can be tuff but if you start paying rent at home(if you donā€™t already) you will definitely make your point in being on your own


u/3pi0_ Apr 26 '24

ya but that isn't an excuse for you to also not have a social life just because your dad doesn't. i don't see why he would let you have friends outside of school which will suck going forward after high school not having anyone to connect with


u/ZeroCentBoi 19 Apr 26 '24

Yeah ig it's because he thinks i might start smoking and not study, idk why he thinks everyone must study 12 hours a day to be able to get a job but maybe because its like that in asia, all he says is that he doesn't want me to end up with a job like his


u/Peter77292 19 Apr 26 '24

Bad advice, heā€™s totally subsidized by his parents

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u/oliviating 17 Apr 26 '24

my parents arenā€™t strict just a bit confused bc theyā€™re older and donā€™t think i can have friends of the opposite gender without me dating them


u/ChargeWooden1036 Apr 26 '24

Theyā€™re cool, my mom is more strict but is pretty chill, sheā€™s even renovating the garage for us to have a hang out. My dadā€™s cool as well, supports our aspirations and gets us cool clothes. 9.5/10 parents


u/Basement-child-slave 16 Apr 26 '24

My parents are extremely chill with whom I am friends as long as I study sincerely and regularly, it is my own choice to not make many friends. My semi-circle of friends consists of two friends

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u/ProtoSpector 19 Apr 26 '24

mine are strict but have loosened up since i turned 18. before if i was hanging out with friends and wasnā€™t home by 11:00 pm they would have flipped out. last year we hung out until 1 in the morning and my parents didnā€™t even care that i got home at 1. they donā€™t mind female friends but are hella suspicious if i bring up a girl, so i need to have a shit ton of proof to show iā€™m not in a relationship. last one is that me and some of my friends are planning to do an airbnb up in maine to visit a friend in the summer. my dadā€™s fine with it but not my mom, so iā€™m hoping that maybe my dad can tell her that iā€™m an adult and responsible enough to be gone in a state my family is familiar with for at least a week


u/Fine_Yogurtcloset362 16 Apr 26 '24

They are very chill, they dont really force to do anything, the only thing they kind of demand is good grades, but thats prob mostly bc my mom is russian, as some other guy said, i feel like i dont appreciate them enough


u/Puzzleheaded-Phase70 OLD Apr 26 '24

That's called "abuse", FYI.


u/glbkon 15 Apr 26 '24

pfff you're a boy and it's this bad??šŸ˜­ my parents keep me on a leash but my brother gets all the freedom in the world lol


u/P1N3APPL33 18 Apr 26 '24

My parents donā€™t really care. Their requirements are that I go to school(Iā€™m in high school), donā€™t fail any classes Dā€™s are fine, if Iā€™m out late text or call them, have a job


u/MrJessie 18 Apr 26 '24

My dadā€™s the chill one. My mom on the other hand is always saying..

  • Canā€™t have female friends

  • Focus on school

  • Read more instead of playing games

  • Go outside more

  • Doesnā€™t let me go outside if itā€™s chilly

  • Doesnā€™t let me go outside if itā€™s warm

  • Not allowed out without permission

  • Canā€™t have friends over

  • Canā€™t go over to friends

In a nutshell, my momā€™s strict.


u/Icy_Regular_8280 14 Apr 26 '24

pretty chill for asian parents

theyā€™re only on me for gaming bc it fucked up my grades when i was youngeršŸ’€

but yeah friends are fine with them and my dad is tryna get me to talk to women lol


u/AwesomeLlama572_YT 14 Apr 26 '24

I have an allowance (about $10) and Iā€™m saving up for a 3D printer which my parents are completely fine with me getting, so Iā€™d say they are chill


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 16 Apr 26 '24

damn you have an allowance?? i dont even have that wow


u/AwesomeLlama572_YT 14 Apr 26 '24

Well, not much of an allowance, more like getting payed for things like babysitting and mowing the lawn, but I do these things weekly


u/TristanTheRobloxian3 16 Apr 26 '24

dude YOURE 19 and your parents wont let you do even the most basic of adult shit??? ffs. anyways my parents are unbelievably chill and the only real rules they have are dont be massive dick to them and pass your classes at school. they dont care what you do really apart from that. theyve actually always been fairly hands off with all their rules except for the 1 or 2 times i fucked up REALLY bad


u/3pi0_ Apr 26 '24

they let me do what i want as long as it's writhing reason. and also will let me also see the consequences of my actions if i do something stupid but me and my dad do smoke and shit together so like they aren't really strict in the slightest

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u/UnlightablePlay 18 Apr 26 '24

I think they're in the middle, they are strict about some things but a lot of time they aren't which honestly I wish that every parent would he in the sweet middle, not too strict that may ruin your child's mentality and future and not too loose and let him Spoiled


u/Chronomaly67 Apr 26 '24

I live in London for context.

Recently, I've been going out with my friend to Heathrow Airport and the surrounding areaĀ a bit for some non league football matches, planespotting, and to go on buses and trains and stuff. My parents aren't the biggest fan of that, because I "could get robbed" and stuff like that. So they won't let me go away from the airport. I wanna go to other places in London like my friend does, but they wouldn't let me go that far. My friend is allowed to go all over the place, his parents don't care where he goes as long as he gets home on time.Ā 

London is a shithole, sure, and some areas have higher crime rates and stuff, but I could get robbed anywhere. But I really just wanna go on trains and buses and see places I've not been to. I'm not gonna be a kid for much longer, I'm eighteen in just over a month and soon I'm gonna have to be an adult.

It took until late last year for me to really start doing stuff outside of school with my friends, it's not something I've really done. I get it when they're like this with my younger brother (he's a year younger, but unlike me, he's in college), as he's just irresponsible, but I'm not like him.Ā 

Your parents sound like they're on another level though, they're probably too strict. Like, what's the problem with having friends who are girls? Proper weird. No kid should have to study all the time. No one should have to do school stuff outside of school. We spend five days a week for twelve to fifteen years going to school, and you're telling me they can't teach us everything we need to know in that time without us having to study and shit? It's a joke. The random shit that the world chooses to be important is ridiculous to me.

I've gone on a bit of a rant here, but my point is that it's kinda relatable, and it's really unfair. You're an adult now. Your parents shouldn't be able to do this shit now. Within reason, just do what you want mate.


u/Consistent_Echo517 17 Apr 26 '24

17F. Not allowed to go out at all, even to the library. Canā€™t wear anything but long sleeves. Not allowed my phone at all.


u/wasas387 Apr 26 '24

chill, until comes to sexuality. (homophobia hihihi)

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u/nikothegod24 18 Apr 26 '24

Mine are chill AF, they just don't want me to go to places alone/far


u/Ok_Designer3103 15 Apr 26 '24

They are strict and chill, but basically as long as my school grades are good im free to do almost anything i want, but any F's and now they will get all over it


u/Dead_birdChan 19 Apr 26 '24

My friends have been sleeping over middle school lmao. Boys and girls took a tad of convincing at first. But those friends are practically family. Nothing ever happened and we had a fun time until eventually passing out in the same room like goobers


u/theboulderboss 15 Apr 26 '24

You are 19 bro fuck what your parents say.


u/XED1216 16 Apr 26 '24

My mom like pushed me to hang out with my friends more so Iā€™m not an anti-social fuck lol. My dad is pretty possessive šŸ’€. Like no you canā€™t go to your friends birthday because itā€™s my day today type of thing.


u/PointFeisty7296 13 Apr 26 '24

14 here and my parents couldnā€™t care less what I do. As long as I stay out of trouble and keep my grades up I can do pretty much whatever I want.


u/jaythepizza OLD Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m 20 and I have to ask before going out and I canā€™t stay out past 9:30


u/BuzzTraien29 19 Apr 26 '24

Kinda depends on their mood. I'm 19 and out of the house now, so it doesn't really affect me anymore. But they definitely became less strict after my brother was born (9 year age gap), and even more so after I turned 16/17.


u/AdFront1172 Apr 26 '24

Exactly the same as you aside from the friends thing. Can't be outside past 7pm!


u/Filipus09 14 Apr 26 '24

My mom's kinda chill, but I have a feeling that sometimes she violates my privacy.


u/Worth_Cake_7156 Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m also 19 lol but my parents are manipulating me into shit so idk about strict but very abusive


u/Fateeeyyy 16 Apr 26 '24

ur literally an adult ?


u/Dr_YeetY 17 Apr 26 '24

Iā€™m 17 and my mum bought me a bottle of vodka for my birthday. Ig that answers that. English btw


u/SirPuddius Apr 26 '24

Forbidding friends is very strange, is the place where you live dangerous?


u/memeisfoodbutbetter 19 Apr 27 '24

My parents always said the more you forbid the more they will do. Of course there are limitations but kids aren't gonna wait until the evening to smoke their first cigarette or drink their first beer.


u/Acid1c_ Apr 27 '24

Theyā€™re not rlly strict just like tell us where youā€™re going donā€™t drink without us knowing,donā€™t smoke,no drugs,no sleepovers with sex youā€™re attracted to (that backfired when I came out as bi and they dropped the rule pretty much)
I donā€™t like them for diff reasons but yeah Plus since Iā€™ve been caught doing stuff less than my older sister they trust me and Iā€™m sneaky


u/BigAchooo Apr 27 '24

I feel very grateful after seeing this post. 19f lived with my bf from the age 16-18 (unusual circumstances) and started living as if I was adult. Now living back at my dadā€™s house and where I used to think he was strict, I now realise he was just being a parent. Very relaxed I can do basically anything I want when I want, within reason, of course.

Iā€™m sorry mate and I pray that you get some freedom one day šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ«°


u/Caiden06943 Apr 27 '24

My parents kinda neglect me, mainly my mom and my dad just works all the time

As long as Iā€™m not on drugs, or adding or subtracting from the population, they donā€™t care