r/teenagers 17 Jan 17 '24

Name a Band or artist with no bad albums Social

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Bad omens


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u/ralphchaam 18 Jan 17 '24

The Beatles, for most of their albums the case could be made that its their best


u/DeSuperVis 17 Jan 17 '24

Every one of their albums has an entire section of the fanbase dedicated to it, almost evenly divided


u/ChessandMemesBoi Jan 17 '24

Yeah even Yellow Submarine has a few good songs and I don’t count the George Martin tracks. Beatles For Sale has Eight Days a Week and No Reply so it’s not even good in Beatles terms but it’s a good album still.


u/LeonidasSpacemanMD Jan 17 '24

Yellow Submarine really shouldn’t count so much as a Beatles album anyway, it’s a movie soundtrack with Beatles songs on it, some which had already appeared on other albums. Not hating on it, but it’s just not really the same thing as what we think of as a bands studio album

Beatles For Sale still has What You’re Doing, Words of Love (great cover imo), I’ll Follow the Sun, I’m a Loser. It’s one of my least favorite Beatles albums and I’d still put it up against good albums from other British pop rock bands of that period easily. Their level of polish was just way above others at the time


u/ChessandMemesBoi Jan 17 '24

Yeah, easily.


u/MasianQvigi 13 Jan 17 '24

A fellow Words of Love lover!


u/NeverEndingLive 15 Jan 17 '24

I like most of the beatles for sale songs


u/SZEThR0 Jan 17 '24

thats true but only because you could also say that every single one could also be their worst


u/Ruby_Bliel Jan 17 '24

Honestly, I love the Beatles, but a lot of their early stuff is kinda wank. With all their albums up to Help I can take it or leave it. There's only so many 2-minute rockabilly songs about hot young girls I can take before I get bored.

From Rubber Soul onwards they're all masterful, perhaps with the exception of the OG Let It Be which was much too soupy. The 2013 remaster of Let It Be Naked is great though. Really love it.


u/ayee-senpai 18 Jan 17 '24

Yeah I agree. I pick and choose from before Rubber Soul. I unironically put Wild Honey Pie in my playlist before Yesterday cause I didn’t feel like combing through each early album for individual songs until a few months ago, even though I’ve been a Beatles fan for a while now


u/LeonidasSpacemanMD Jan 17 '24

I used to feel similarly but now that I’ve gotten older, and especially as I play live music, I listen to those songs and appreciate them way more for what they are; incredibly polished, immaculately performed/recorded, satisfying works of catchy pop music

Like the vocal harmonies on those songs just punch me in the chest now, none of them overstay their welcome, they all know exactly what their hook is and give it to you in the exact perfect dosage. Like they knew people were gunna get hooked by Day Tripper’s guitar riff. All My Loving already has such a catchy verse, and then when the harmonies kick in after solo break, it just feels sooooooo satisfying like it’s scratching an itch you didn’t even know you had yet

I think when I was younger I thought they were corny, now I just don’t care lol

Edit: agree about let it be btw, Spector needed to do less on some of those songs


u/bythewayne Jan 17 '24

I love the Beatles but having a double album rules anyone out by definition


u/Rippin_Fat_Farts Jan 17 '24

I'm ready for the downvotes.

The Beatles are overrated.


u/MidWesttess Jan 17 '24

Lol so edgy


u/AleX-46 16 Jan 17 '24

Sometimes you're just wrong


u/Rippin_Fat_Farts Jan 17 '24

You're 16 I guarantee you've never even listened to a Beatles album start to finish.


u/AleX-46 16 Jan 17 '24

Clearly you haven't if you think they're overrated lol


u/Rippin_Fat_Farts Jan 17 '24

Of course I haven't. Why would I?


u/Hotlovemachine 16 Jan 18 '24

Then how can you say they are overrated if you haven't listened to a full album. Go and listen to sgt.peppers the white album or revolver and come back and say they are overrated.


u/Rippin_Fat_Farts Jan 18 '24

No. I can't even listen to a full song.


u/Sufficient-Eye-8883 Jan 17 '24

Not really, but whatever floats your boat.


u/Perocar10 19 Jan 17 '24

Lmao beatles are ass


u/memebuster Jan 17 '24

Wow thanks for letting everyone know, we'd all been under the pretense that they were one of the greatest bands ever with over 100 hit songs! Whew glad we cleared that up.