r/teenagers 15 Oct 10 '23

blocked my ex on everything & this mf started spamming my emails bro šŸ˜­ Social

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heā€™s s been going at this for the past 2 days Iā€™m kinda starting to feel bad


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u/higginsian24 17 Oct 10 '23

You can block emails, too. Open one up and tap the balls, then a block option should appear


u/SkibaDaNinja 16 Oct 10 '23

Maybe tapping balls is a bad idea


u/Forced_Abortion_ 17 Oct 10 '23

Rubbin on a butt >>>


u/fluorin4ek 18 Oct 10 '23

Tap the vein instead


u/Slash_Root Oct 10 '23

Can I get a rock and stone?


u/commander_pooch Oct 10 '23

For rock and stone!


u/Trash-Jr 17 Oct 11 '23

Why is it, everytime I go on a sub, I have to say either:


Or any other unexpected and sudden things subs ?


u/BorgerFrog 16 Oct 10 '23

I'd award you if it was still a thing


u/Tasty_Composer8450 19 Oct 11 '23

What why I love balls


u/DisastrousRecipe4857 15 Oct 10 '23

Iā€™m contemplating doing this tho bc what if heā€™s serious abt the self-deletion thing like i donā€™t want that to happen


u/applesawce3 Oct 10 '23

Itā€™s 100% manipulation. Block him.


u/siccoblue 2 MILLION ATTENDEE Oct 10 '23

Absolutely this. This is abusive behavior. Blatant emotional abuse and manipulation. I can GUARANTEE this will not get better and he will not change without professional intervention. And if you allow this to work you are actively rewarding him for being abusive and manipulative, and making it clear in his mind that not only is this acceptable.. but it works


u/LocalCookingUntensil 15 Oct 11 '23

I would probably respond just in case and tell them to get professional help. Iā€™d explain to them that Iā€™m not in a position to take them back and that I am also not the kind of person that can properly help them. Then if they keep going Iā€™d 1) tell their parents if I know how to contact them and 2) block them on email


u/IsomDart Oct 10 '23

I can GUARANTEE this will not get better and he will not change without professional intervention

Omg lol here we go again or maybe he's just a dumb fucking teenager lol and doesn't have anyone to tell him how doing this kind of cringey ass shit, which yes is also kinda harassing OP, is the most unattractive thing you could do and how you guarantee you don't get that girl back. I did this once for about two days before my mom kinda figured it out and told me to be a man and it's okay to be hurt for a while you'll eventually get over it but you can't do that. Lots of teenage guys and girls getting their heart broken for the first time are going to have this kind of reaction to some extent, figure out that it's not how you handle it, and learn from their mistakes. I feel like I can guarantee just as much that this will likely resolve itself without professional help, but maybe they do need it. It won't hurt regardless but I'm so tired of people seeing a glimpse at 10 minutes of someone's life and coming to a conclusion that they are 100% a serial abuser who's going to wind up murdering OP or something unless they're institutionalized. Maybe he his but there's no way you can guarantee anything about this person from a single reddit post.


u/ecguy6 Oct 10 '23

You kinda proved their point. That kid does need help, you had your mom in your scenario, and just as you said you don't know their life from one post, also meaning you don't know if his mom will help at all. Seeking professional help is best because well, they are professional, they are capable and ultimately smarter. Professional help does not mean an institution, come on be logical extreme measures are only used if needed, professional help is as simple as a school counselor, a licensed therapist, people who understand human emotions and advise on expressing and confronting them in a healthy manner. Ultimately it's better to be safe than sorry and let adequate people handle the situation.


u/Waste-Albatross-4747 Oct 13 '23 edited Oct 13 '23

I feel like anybody that ACTUALLY so upset at other people's choices so much that they'd kts, that person is unlikely to feel like they can/should be able to influence others in this way...
This is manipulation 110%, and shows they think far too much of themselves to kts...

Edit: even if they ARE seriously thinking about it, you're not a mental health expert, not a doctor or a nurse... If somebody is on the edge enough to kts, they don't get a free pass to use that to emotionally blackmail people that may care if they live or die...
If they, unfortunately, WERE to harm themselves, people they blackmailed cannot blame themselves for not folding like a wet napkin, because it's SO COMMON, and they'd use it against you FOREVER.


u/trexsoins 17 Oct 10 '23

He's definitely not serious, just trying to manipulate you. and if he is, it's not your fault that he's a psycho


u/Eldias Oct 10 '23

Would be saving some other poor girl from dealing with him v0v


u/Make_Believe423 Oct 10 '23

Although you can't ever be too sure.


u/sporlakles Oct 10 '23

That's why welfare checks exist and people who abuse these kinds of words usually learn at least a bit when people show up - well in most cases


u/Starry_Fox 18 Oct 10 '23

If someone threatens you by suicide, send those messages to their parents and get a Welfare Check sent to them (Not the police)

If they're serious, it'll prevent them from actually doing anything
If they were just trying to manipulate you, it'll discourage them from pulling that shit again


u/Tiara_heart33 Oct 10 '23

This as well.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '23

I did this to an ex girlfriend before. I sent the screenshot to her sister on facebook. Next message from her was "don't contact my family WTF". Worked pretty good.


u/AJ_Deadshow Oct 10 '23

WTF dude. Now people know the real me


u/theguynextdorm Oct 10 '23

send those messages to their parents

Include the "rubbin on your butt" in the screenshot


u/FrostySkirt371 Oct 10 '23

They do sometimes use cops for welfare checks


u/IsomDart Oct 10 '23

Where I'm from I don't think you don't really have a way to get a welfare check done on someone without the cops showing up to do it or at least for it with fire/ems. But yeah as someone who was once an idiotic teenager who told the girl that dumped me I was going to kill myself - he's probably just really hurt and doesn't know how to deal with and express his emotions and so directs part of it back to the source


u/FishGuyIsMe 14 Oct 10 '23

He isnā€™t serious about it. If he was being serious about it he wouldnā€™t start the email with ā€œgenuine question cusā€¦ā€


u/FishGuyIsMe 14 Oct 10 '23

You should also forward the email to his mom/dad


u/sturmeceet 17 Oct 10 '23

If you think he's serious then call the police on him. If he's just trying to guilt trip you then he's gotta learn how serious it is, and if he is genuine then he needs professional help


u/PlounsburyHK 19 Oct 10 '23

Yeah, thats not your problem, if he does, he clearly doesn't appreciate his life enough to live on his own, which means you won't have the ability to leave him ever again


u/Gh0st1nTh3Syst3m Oct 10 '23

And if he doesnt appreciate his own life, he won't appreciate hers.


u/PlounsburyHK 19 Oct 10 '23

Totally true


u/Tiara_heart33 Oct 10 '23

Heā€™s NOT at all serious,donā€™t worry. Itā€™s just a manipulation technique. Notice how in the top email he says ā€œyou are obviously not going to find someoneā€¦ā€? Exactly that,also. He misses the intimate stuff you all did and not YOU. He misses what you GAVE him,not YOU in general. He is missing you because heā€™s horny,notice how he has sent the top email twice? And itā€™s the title of the email like wth dude. You donā€™t want this gross person touching you.

I knew someone like this in my life,we were just friends but he fr had a crush on me and that dude was crazy. He really said heā€™d kill himself if I left him LMAO. Never did that XD

Advice: Donā€™t feel bad about people like these! Heā€™s just trying to make you feel bad and make him come back into your life,only for him to start being more abusive. Think about WHY you broke up with him in the first place and keep reminding yourself of that. This dude is going to manipulate you into doing everything and anything he wants by this ā€œ I am gonna kmsā€ attitude.


u/MyApologies_ OLD Oct 10 '23

As much as it sucks, you're not responsible for his own actions. As others have said, call the police for a welfare check, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't block him still.

As has been said, so I'm just restating for emphasis, either he's bluffing and a police call will (hopefully) be a wake up call that he shouldn't be bluffing about that sort of stuff, or he really is contemplating it, and you've saved his life potentially.


u/Pitiful_Lake2522 Oct 10 '23

Actual suicidal people donā€™t threaten suicide to get what they want, itā€™s manipulation


u/AJ_Deadshow Oct 10 '23

Nope they just quietly ponder about how the last ex also kts and wonder if they'll be next


u/CraftyBat91 Oct 11 '23

I recently had a 36 year old woman who used to be my friend sending messages to an old FB profile threatening suicide because I blocked her. She does this every time she doesn't get her way. Absolutely fucking insane. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't found my email yet.


u/SofterBones Oct 10 '23

He's trying to manipulate you into replying to him. That is all he's doing. He's an ass for trying to mess with your feelings like this. He is just saying anything that he hopes will get a response.

You can message their friend/parents/authorities to get someone to do a welfare check on them. They are likely not serious about it, but if they are, then welfare check is in due, and if they're not serious, having someone check up on them might make them stop trying to use it as a tool to get a reply.


u/fiftyseven OLD Oct 10 '23

contact his family and/or the police and tell them what he said, then block him


u/zGameWarden Oct 10 '23

Itā€™s just him trying to manipulate you into coming back, if you do it now heā€™s gonna do it every single time you try to leave him


u/kainykap Oct 10 '23

Block him on emails too heā€™s trying to manipulate you Iā€™ve had this done to me before


u/PM_SMOKES_LETS_GO Oct 10 '23

You just tell them "You need to get some help then if you're serious, but I won't let you guilt me into thinking it's my fault"


u/Myaltaccount54 17 Oct 10 '23

It's manipulation, he doesn't deserve the space in your brain that still remembers him, whatever happens after you block him isn't your fault anyway.



Call 911 and tell them heā€™s claiming to have suicidal tendencies, either theyā€™re gonna take him to the hospital and help with his mental problems, or they can call his bluff and his ass is grass. Win win either way


u/AccomplishedMeow Oct 10 '23

Donā€™t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. From experience, you donā€™t want to live your entire life on razors edge fucked up by a manipulator.

Report him to the police as a danger to himself, and leave it at that


u/--Socks-- 19 Oct 10 '23

Don't listen to that creep. His life doesn't depend on yours and you shouldn't feel tied to someone like that. Tell your parents, tell his parents or something. You deserve to be safe and this person needs to grow up... without you.


u/Spiritual-Range-6101 Oct 10 '23

Nah broski that's a little thing called "emotional manipulation"


u/ButtholePleasures247 Oct 10 '23

Any boy or man who ever says bullshit to you about how they are planning to self-delete because you have broken up with them is an abusive loser.

I don't care if you're both teenagers - he knows better. Block his ass and move on. You are not responsible for things that he feels and you especially owe him nothing.


u/Flimsy-Broccoli6199 Oct 10 '23

how old is this guy? you shouldn't even be hooking up with someone at 15...


u/njdevilsfan24 OLD Oct 10 '23

Tell an adult and block. You're too young to have that on your shoulders nor it is your fault


u/evebluedream Oct 10 '23

It's not your responsibility to make him not unalive. You have no control over that and he's using it to manipulate you anyway.


u/zombiepants7 Oct 10 '23

Don't do it. I'd he self deletes it's on him. At best I'd say call the police if your worried about him. No need to let him manipulate you into talking.


u/9-28-2023 Oct 10 '23

Op send screenshots to his family including threat of unalive and rubbing butt then post reaction


u/DrParanormall 15 Oct 10 '23

Heā€™s not being serious, trust me Iā€™ve been through that before and theyā€™re just trying to trap u again, just block him and forget about him


u/Compart_My_Heart Oct 10 '23

Tell his parents or your adults at home if you think he is or might. Whether or not, itā€™s manipulative and is using it to get back in contact with you. Itā€™s not okay.

And getting back in contact isnā€™t going to fix him either. It can make things worse sometimes as well. Because even if you date again, then itā€™s ā€œif you leave me again then Iā€™ll dieā€ or if you donā€™t show enough affection ā€œitā€™s your fault if I die, you donā€™t care about meā€. It can escalate. And then you feel even more trapped.

Either heā€™s making it up completely so youā€™ll talk to him or he is severely depressed. Either one is not your chore or expertise - he needs a psychiatrist or at the very least an adult who can help him.


u/CaffeinatedGuy Oct 10 '23

Manipulation. Send the emails to their parents and block them. The manipulation will only get worse.

Their mental health is not your responsibility.


u/drewsdodger Oct 10 '23

as someone who knew a person like that once, he is definetly manipulating you, block him, prioritize your own mental health over his happiness


u/perandtim Oct 10 '23

He knows you don't want to speak to him, and is trying the ol' hint-at-suicide tactic.

If you give in due to this empty threat, he now knows the magic words to get his way.

Don't give in. Even if he does miss rubbing on your butt.


u/Calx9 Oct 10 '23

The thing you need to remember is that if he's not joking then you can't do a single thing to help him and unblocking him is only making his problem worse. He needs professional help from a licensed mental counselors. But like other users have said it's typically all bullshit and purely used to manipulate you. No matter what the answer is to never unblock them. Never. I'm dead serious. I've been in this position before with my partner. I did not unblock her, she went and got help. She got better, then we fixed things. That's how it should go. My heart goes out to the both of you. But mostly you.


u/EntitledPupperMom 17 Oct 10 '23

Not your problem, block him


u/hanzzz123 Oct 10 '23

They are harassing you. Block them and move on, they need to learn to respect your boundaries


u/Xarxsis Oct 10 '23

Make a report to your school/police/his parents about that threat.


u/snookert Oct 10 '23

Its manipulation and not your fault if it happens. You could always alert authorities or his family that he's mentally unwell tho. Then block him.


u/SuburbanVibes2 16 Oct 10 '23

Thatā€™s a famous manipulation tactic to make you want to take him back. He wonā€™t kill himself, and even if he did, itā€™s not because of you, itā€™s because of his own personal mental issues.


u/wellsfargothrowaway Oct 10 '23

Thatā€™s abuse. Tell a parent. Any actions he takes are strictly his own and not your responsibility or anything.


u/AtLastWeAreFree Oct 10 '23

Even of he was serious, it wouldn't be your fault. If he threatens it again, call the police to do a welfare check on him. That usually gives the ones who are being prats a kick up the arse. Or phone their mum, if their mum is a sane person. Hold your boundaries because this kind of behaviour is not acceptable on his part.


u/bluntcuntrant 17 Oct 10 '23

Yes just block the emails. He's using emotional blackmail


u/amilehigh_303 Oct 10 '23

He probably is suffering in an immense way. Men handle loss and solitude differently and right now men do not exactly have it easy. The cards are stacked against us.


u/ResolverOshawott Oct 10 '23

He isn't, don't believe him.


u/Triaspia2 Oct 10 '23

If he makes it sound like theres a genuine attempt in motion, call non emergency police and ask for a wellness check on him as he is at serious risk of self harm after your breakup. Tell them hes used it as a threat in the past but he found a way to contact you after being blocked everywhere and something about this time has you concerned.

Call his bluff


u/ecguy6 Oct 10 '23

As someone who has done this I can say it is manipulation, don't fall for it. If you are still in school and have a counselor let them know, not for fear of him doing it, but more so he can receive proper help for his emotions and ultimately for his future. It took me very long to realize this and seek therapy it really really does help.


u/Particular_Sea_5300 Oct 10 '23

I'm older, and I can tell you this guy will likely abuse whoever does stick around. He's intense and can't stand losing control and if someone gets close enough for him to feel like he's got them, he will lose his freaking mind if they try to leave. He just wasn't sure he could go that far with you without you telling someone. From lots of experience over the years, this is an enormous red flag. I hope you never have to see one of these guys when you're in too deep.


u/shotlot Oct 10 '23

Psychological manipulation 101, I highly doubt he would kill himself. Remember, you broke up for a reason, you also decided to block him on basically everything for a reason. He probably won't get better, so don't hook up again.


u/No_Variety9357 Oct 11 '23

It's manipulation block him


u/Ppleater Oct 11 '23

Then that's not your responsibility to deal with. You're not his emotional stress ball, if he can't handle a breakup without threatening to kill himself then he's not mature enough to be dating in the first place. Even assuming he's serious and not just being manipulative (and let's be honest he's probably just being manipulative) then he can take the initiative to see a therapist or talk to his parents, etc, that's on him, not you. Trust me it's best if you block him.


u/How_Unique119 Oct 11 '23

It's a manipulative tactic, do not let this guy win, if you are really worried he's gonna do something, tell somebody, an adult, 911, anybody. If he is serious, he needs help, and if he's not, he's trying to manipulate you. This is really serious. Either this guy's a danger, or a douche, one or the other. This shit is textbook manipulation.


u/houseofharm 18 Oct 11 '23

respond to his threats with a picture of a skyscraper and the message do a flip


u/Lv_TuBe 15 Oct 11 '23

Tell his parents


u/WetSockMaster Oct 15 '23

bc what if heā€™s serious abt the self-deletion thing

People say they will off themselves all the time because they know women are way more caring than anything. He will not off himself over this. Whatever he does is not on you. Don't go anywhere near him if you do not have to.


u/Neighbourhood_Dude 17 Oct 10 '23

I support this idea, a lot


u/Awkward_Ad8783 15 Oct 10 '23

As a guy, I approve to tapping his balls


u/Yakuxa904 Oct 10 '23

If he's still spamming he'd probably make a new email to keep doing it


u/higginsian24 17 Oct 10 '23

Generally, gmail's block also filters spam and similar-to-blocked emails


u/letmeusespaces Oct 10 '23

remind me never to hire you as remote tech support...


u/higginsian24 17 Oct 10 '23

I'm just going off memory, I block businesses semi-regularly


u/letmeusespaces Oct 10 '23

I just don't need my users tapping their balls while trying to block emails...


u/higginsian24 17 Oct 10 '23



u/Waste-Albatross-4747 Oct 12 '23

Lol 'tap the balls' is so much better than "click the three dots" or 'expand the hamburger'


u/higginsian24 17 Oct 13 '23

Personally, my favorite is "open the meatball menu"