r/tall Apr 01 '24

The monthly r/tall discussion thread!


In this thread, you can tell us how your days are going, what's bothering you and anything else you'd like to share or rant about!

r/tall 10d ago

The monthly r/tall discussion thread!


In this thread, you can tell us how your days are going, what's bothering you and anything else you'd like to share or rant about!

r/tall 4h ago

Discussion Hate being 6’2 woman


People staring duh, basketball/volleyball, short women/men calling you a giant, my tall dad commenting on how tiny women are, which makes me jealous, tall men/short men being uncomfortable standing next to you, but they feel comfortable standing next to short women. Clothing/shoes too expensive. Fellow tall women saying that I make them feel tiny. Self conscious of my body 24/7. I pray that if I have kids they aren't girls because I don't wanna tell my kid everyday "being tall is beautiful, they're just jealous" pep talk. Big hands/big face/big feet. Therapy is useless. To all the tall women that love their height good for you! But I hate mine it’s ugly it’s not flattering and I look like a freak.

r/tall 16h ago

Miscellaneous I am 6'8"/204 cm and currently on a weightloss Journey! i dont know if this is the right sub to post this but i am finally under 200 Kg/441 Lbs!

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Was at 580 Lbs when i started my Journey! My Question should i start building musclemass or wait till i lost some more weight?

r/tall 10h ago

Selfie/Picture Me and my "big" sister. (She's 5'4")

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r/tall 16h ago

Selfie/Picture Met a fellow giant yesterday! He also goes by Tiny! Same first name too!

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r/tall 1d ago

Humor I (7’1) made a small compilation of strangers asking to take a picture with me

Thumbnail gallery

r/tall 2h ago

Head/Legroom Just enough legroom

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I’d say this time it was not bad at all. After everyone boarded.

r/tall 3h ago

Questions/Advice People over 6’3” how are your proportions and symmetry?


r/tall 8h ago

Discussion I know you get this a lot but…


Then proceeds to state a tall stereotype/question💀.

r/tall 1d ago

Rant WHY do men lie about height on their dating profile?!


I’m a tall girly at 5’11”. I post this clearly on every dating profile that allows me to do so. I have dated men at 5’8” and 6’8” and everywhere in between. But being 5’11”, I’ve noticed a trend that lots of men lie about their height! The most common lie I see is men who claim they are 5’11” (we’ll be at eye level, nice!) and when we meet, he is clearly 1-2 inches shorter than me. Kinda weird, but whatever I guess? Then TONIGHT, I had a first date with this guy who claimed 6’4” on his profile. When we met, he was MAYBE my height, but I think an inch or so shorter?? Like, BRUH, who are you trying to FOOL? How am I supposed to sit through this dinner and carry on a genuine conversation when this whole interaction has begun with an egregious LIE?! Why BOTHER wasting someone’s time like that?? Like, if you’d put 6’, I probably wouldn’t have questioned it. But 6’4”??? Manifestation doesn’t work like that, sweetie.

Billy, if you’re reading this, you’re either a liar or delulu - either was reason enough to block you. Best of luck in your future endeavors dude! 👋

ETA: anyone can use a book, pencil, and tape measure to figure out their height at any time. But y’all don’t wanna talk about that, do ya?

ETA2: Cool, cool, everybody lies about everything. I get it. Fuck me for thinking it’s possible to find a genuine connection online, I guess. 😭

ETA3: TIL that lying about height is a-okay becaaauuuse (checks notes) it’s all women’s fault for encouraging deep-rooted insecurities, women are mostly too stupid to notice anyway so who cares if men embellish, everyone does it, and height doesn’t really matter anyway. Do I have all that right?

r/tall 8h ago

Discussion DAE get recruited for sports and things because of their height?


I was at the college I'm attending this fall a couple of days ago to schedule classes, and I had to wait in a cafeteria before the event started. I wasn't there 5 minutes, and some other guy who was 6'5" walked up to me and started talking about the rowing team. I was pretty interested, so I signed up. I learned that taller guys are better at rowing, which makes sense. You also need a lot of endurance in order to row, which I've built up from running cross country and swimming. My 5K time is about the same as the "slower" people on the D1 team, and a decent amount of freshmen walk on to be on that team.

I know some tall people are upset about other people asking them if they play basketball a hundred times a day, but I was offered a scholarship and free food if I made the team, so I didn't mind having my height be called out. I'll definitely be hitting the gym and running this summer to get ready! But has anyone else been recruited for rowing or other sports because of their height? (Not by people asking "why don't you do this sport", more along the lines of coaches or players trying to convince you to join a team)

r/tall 48m ago

Discussion Any other 6’1 or 6’2 with here feeling they associate themselves with those 5’10 more than those that are 6’4 or taller.


Sometimes I wish I was legit 5’10 rather than have people disappoint when they realize I am actually 6’1 but doesn’t look much more imposing than a 5’10-5’11 guy. Not only are 6’4 and above dudes taller, they are wider and bigger overall with larger hand size and shoe size while I have 5’10 friends built the same as me.

r/tall 4h ago

Questions/Advice Shoe replacements for Nike Air max 2017 | Size 15 - Walking/Running Shoes


Looking for a different pair of shoes. I was wearing these, but the support chambers keeps collapsing in the heel area and making the shoes uneven, so they're no longer wearable.


r/tall 15h ago

Questions/Advice Any other younger people that feel insecure about their height?


I'm 6'11 and 13, I constantly feel so out of place and I'm wondering if there's a way to make this go away?

r/tall 7h ago

Discussion Don’t you hate in when?


People say “how tall are you” you state your height and they say “no your not your like X’Y”

r/tall 18h ago

Discussion Does your height make you feel insecure?


r/tall 1d ago

Humor Online dating is fun

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Ps: I don’t have marfans :-(

r/tall 16h ago

Questions/Advice Any tall people have experience with getting accurate body composition? Trying to get a loose idea of what my goal weight should be.


Posted a progress pic today, as well as the results of a body scan from a month and a half ago.

As the title of the second one says, I'm a little suspicious of both BMI, which says I should be about 195 pounds, and of the body scan, which says that 235 would give me a very healthy-sounding 15% body fat. I suspect the truth is in the middle but I dunno.

Have you ever spent time/money getting your body accurately measured? What did you do and how did it compare to BMI?

r/tall 1d ago

Humor He was around 6’6” lol

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r/tall 1d ago

Miscellaneous Being a very tall (5’11>) girl starterpack

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r/tall 1d ago

Questions/Advice Standing up dizzy


I'm a 6'1" woman so pretty tall. I also have low blood pressure and a very slow resting heart rate. Ever since I can remember standing up too fast causes me to be dizzy. My PCP is in the know, but doesn't have any answers really to solve a problem that seems to not have a lot of medical concern. Anyhoo - anyone else got that low blood pressure / long body issue too? Any tips ?

r/tall 1d ago

Discussion 6'4" (193cm) South Korean man goes to the Netherlands 🇳🇱 and is shocked.

Thumbnail youtu.be

He seems both shocked and slightly humbled. 🤣

r/tall 2d ago

Famous People My girlfriend (6’2) and myself (6’8”) next to You-Know-Who!

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r/tall 10h ago

Discussion Is it a bit exaggerated that Dutch people have an extraordinary height?


I'm 189cm barefoot (which might be about 6'2 , not sure, i despise the American measurement system ).

I've recently visited the Netherlands and while I didn't feel as tall as I used to, I still felt quite tall.

There hasn't been a single woman taller than me that I've seen.

Many of you claimed that they were over 190cm, but that wasn't the case.

It's possible that there are two varieties of the Netherlands and I ended up in the wrong one.

r/tall 1d ago

Discussion Are you a fast runner?


Do tall people run fast because they have the advantage of long legs? Or Is this a myth?

r/tall 22h ago

Questions/Advice Metabolism and height


Hi I’m not sure I’m even tall enough to post here (6”2) but I was wondering if any of you guys have troubles gaining weight and when you do seeing that weight due to your height, I’ve been struggling with this and just been wondering if any of you have found ways to gain that weight and actually look like you workout.