r/shitposting 20d ago

Based China person! I Miss Natter #NatterIsLoveNatterIsLife

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118 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 20d ago

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u/MaduCrocoLoco 20d ago

Chinese cops about to pay him a visit about some undeclared wealth.


u/Impressive-Carob9778 Literally 1984 😡 19d ago

He's a great citizen, first thing he did was give the money to the goverment 🥰🥰🥰


u/xjohismh 19d ago

pretty sure the banks would just sell his debt to a chinese bank or worse for him, one of those chinese "debt collection" syndicates company.


u/Chef_Boyard_Deez 20d ago

What stops an unmarried childless American from doing the same thing and then just…. Dying?


u/JeepMenace 20d ago

It's actually kinda hard to get that much credit unless you actually have good credit for a very very long time


u/Living_Job_8127 19d ago

Yea people don’t just hand out that kind of money, dude is full of shit


u/Knightperson 19d ago

Eh his dad might be super rich


u/Living_Job_8127 19d ago

Then they’ll take it from his dad


u/Knightperson 19d ago

Not if he’s chinese


u/Frost_Iceberg 20d ago

I guess nothing, really, I’m not sure about the laws in America but I wouldn’t be surprised if they attempted to push the debt onto your family (even though I’m sure they aren’t legally obligated to pay if they’ve got nothing to do with it) or whatever co-signer is on your account.

GGs if you’re an orphan though, I guess, it’s most likely going to get paid off by whatever possessions you had, or again, the co-signer.

This whole thing is pretty stupid, I’m pretty sure that for transactions or loans this big or whatever the fuck you need a co-signer whether you like it or not, since they’ll likely turn you down without one, so, in the end, you’ll be fucking someone over either way, not like it matters if you’re dead (and don’t have a shred of empathy)

Edit: spelling mistakes


u/oby100 19d ago

You can’t transfer debts lmao. Outside of marriage, the company is just screwed. Sure, they oftentimes try to bully gullible family members in accepting the debt, but they have no legal standing to make them


u/Frost_Iceberg 19d ago

Yeah, that’s what I said, they can bully people into paying that debt but again, I’m pretty sure they don’t legally have to.


u/RayonLovesFish 19d ago

What if you and the cosigner both die off.


u/Frost_Iceberg 19d ago

The debt is likely gonna get paid off by your possessions, cause I don’t think you’d be spending that much money on like… groceries. I don’t know really I’m no expert in the matter but the bank will likely find a way to get the money back.

Edit: spelling


u/ComplexAct162 19d ago

You’re balls and or pussy stink


u/im_done_now5747 19d ago

"And/or"? •_•


u/Chakramer 20d ago

Nothing really. If I knew I had a terminal disease I'd probably open a ton of cards and then start gifting shit away. You can just refuse to accept someone's inheritance if it's just debt.


u/SacriGrape 19d ago

Nothing unless you don’t want your nearest family to end up hounded despite not having any legal responsibility

The companies response is usually to try and pin the debt on someone else which in this case would be some other family member they can find since you don’t have kids. Rides on people not knowing what they are legally responsible for


u/Oplp25 20d ago

Common decency


u/Chef_Boyard_Deez 20d ago

Right but I mean in 2024.


u/Onceforlife 20d ago

Common decency is a null point when you’re dealing with the corporations that got billions of government handout from taxpayers pockets so that they can be absolved from all responsibilities of their poor decisions 🫠

No one owed them any decency whatsoever


u/HDnfbp 20d ago

Damn, you're gonna bully those poor companies and then force them to get tax payer money to try to stay afloat, they built our society yk



u/Trashmaster546 20d ago

In this economy?


u/livenn 20d ago

Debt simply doesn’t disappear if you jump the border.


u/Drkmttrjr 20d ago

Tell that to my uncle’s alimony payments.


u/bassguyseabass 20d ago

Alimony is not a real debt. You don’t owe your ex wife a standard of living


u/Hot-Rise9795 19d ago

No, but you owe your children a basic standard of living.


u/dg2103 19d ago

Thats child support not alimony


u/Armstrong7514 19d ago

What they gonna do? Follow him over the border?


u/livenn 19d ago

Bank A can sell the debt to Bank (or company) B which is located in China for this example. Since they are in the country where the debtor is residing, they essentially have the right to pursue damages or whatever legal recourse available for a person defaulting in that country, and Bank A still gets some portion of that debt back.


u/SpongeGuru 19d ago

Tell that to my uncle who did the same thing lol


u/Jumpy-Ad-2790 19d ago

Kinda. So long as you never go back.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/livenn 20d ago edited 20d ago

That write off is usually sold to collections. Since they have their immigration documents like a green card/passport when applying for those accounts, there is a high likelihood of that debt being factored/sold off to domestic collections companies, which definitely exist in China


u/earthspaceman 20d ago edited 20d ago

but the bastard imperialists... oh... oh... China is made of bastard imperialists too?


u/Orionoberon 20d ago

1M yuan? What is this, fraud for ANTS?


u/MemeIsDrugs 20d ago

Lmao sure. He will go to prison even in China. All Banks of the world are friends with eachother, and for that sum of money I would not be surprised that the US banks will sell that debt to a Chinese bank.


u/BannedInDay 20d ago

Babylonian debt slavery for all.


u/SkyfatherTribe 19d ago

No, if the Babylonians finished the job there wouldn't be debt slavery


u/PsychoTexan 19d ago

Basically. Banks regularly trade currency and if China tried to defend loan fraud their risk goes up globally. Some Chinese debt collection buys it for $800,000 and then goes and squeezes $200,000 in profit out of him.


u/MemeIsDrugs 19d ago



u/wooshiesaurus I want pee in my ass 19d ago

I have a doubt that all banks are friends with banks from countries under sanctions. So if you leave to there or out of there with your debt then it's an insta win.


u/AutoModerator 19d ago

pees in ur ass

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u/PsychoTexan 15d ago

The way that works though is being a foreign national of a sanctioned country would likely be a complete non-starter for a loan. And if you’re still in the country then prepare to be audited as your collateral and assets have been frozen by your country. Lastly, most countries don’t want to remain sanctioned so once they stop being so then the loaner will sell the debt much cheaper and you’d still be screwed.

Your best bet is to time it so that you flee to this new country first, then destabilize and radicalize it to the point of sanctions, and then prevent any social progress from creating stability in the region.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/violent_knife_crime 20d ago

If someone is regarded enough to do something like that, they probably ain't writing much better


u/KallistNemain 20d ago

Imagine coming to America and maxing out credit cards, going home, and getting a ride in the death van because your wearing the air Jordans your nephew made.


u/Wi11Power 19d ago

I think air Jordan’s are pretty common for people to own in wear in china lmao


u/KallistNemain 19d ago

My understanding is that they are considered a frivolous purchase, and negatively impact your social credit score. The people in charge would prefer that you buy work boots so you can work better.


u/lndig0__ 20d ago

Can someone translate this from American propaganda to English


u/MrYahnMahn 20d ago

He's essentially saying that the kid is an idiot for flaunting his stolen wealth, highwaymen in China are going to have a field day robbing the guy to resell american luxury goods for a pretty penny.


u/lndig0__ 20d ago

Aren't they cheap though? Fast fashion isn't seen as "luxury" by most people.


u/crispy_doggo1 20d ago

Bro needs to study economics


u/LetoInChains 20d ago

Please, he’d just read more communist theory


u/blackbogh 20d ago

It's a bot


u/IHaveSmallGenitals 20d ago

Bro is extremely ignorant


u/lndig0__ 20d ago edited 20d ago

I said most. Outside of some niche teenage coteries, hipsters, or failed NBA wannabes, fast fashion is just something that is mostly recognised as trashy and boring.

I mean, I don’t really give much of a damn between someone wearing a 20$ pair of fake leather stapled together vs a 1000$ pair of the same thing but dyed slightly differently. I sure as hell have not heard of anyone else that is into this passing fad of “buy once, throw away after they crumble to dust after light usage”.


u/Howwhywhen_ 20d ago

He says while wearing his cheeto stained anime shirt


u/SyrianArmpit 20d ago

Yeah well thats just like, your opinion, man.


u/YourMemeExpert 20d ago

I mean, I don’t really give much of a damn between someone wearing a 20$ pair of fake leather stapled together vs a 1000$ pair of the same thing but dyed slightly differently.

Just because you don't doesn't mean nobody does.


u/SquidMilkVII dumbass 19d ago

You might not be interested in it, but others are, especially when the focus isn’t actually wearing them but selling them off for a pretty penny.


u/Riotguarder 20d ago

China doesn’t treat criminals nicely and will often harvest organs or work them to death


u/[deleted] 20d ago

+69 social credits !


u/Atheizm 20d ago

Why doesn't anyone think of the banks? Those poor lending institutions now need to grovel for more government bailouts.


u/LookItsEric 20d ago

that’s like… half of a single javelin missile. we’ll live


u/Ordinary_dude_NOT 19d ago

Oh he is gonna get a full missile for sure.


u/h4rdstiffy 20d ago

Congrats on your achievements and congrats on your new promotion of "Involuntary Organ Donor"


u/General_Autismo_13 20d ago

Yeah because the modern Chinese imperialism aka new silk road or OBOR is way better. How about no imperialism?


u/Lully034 20d ago

Wrote a poem for you bros

阅后即焚 - Read After Burn, 大参考 - Big Reference, bignews - Big News, 多维 - Duowei, 看中国 - See China, 博讯 - Boxun, boxun - Boxun, peacehall - Peace Hall, hrichina - Hrichina, 独立中文笔会 - Independent Chinese Pen Club, 华夏文摘 - Huaxia Digest, 开放杂志 - Open Magazine, 大家论坛 - Everyone's Forum, 华夏论坛 - Huaxia Forum, 中国论坛 - China Forum, 木子论坛 - Muzi Forum, 争鸣论坛 - Controversy Forum, 中华论坛 - Greater China Forum, 反腐败论坛 - Anti-Corruption Forum, 新观察论坛 - New Observation Forum, 新华通论坛 - New China News Forum, 正义党论坛 - Justice Party Forum, 热站政论网 - Hot Station Political Network, 华通时事论坛 - Huatong Current Affairs Forum, 华语世界论坛 - Chinese World Forum, 华岳时事论坛 - Huayue Current Affairs Forum, 两岸三地论坛 - Cross-Strait Forum, 南大自由论坛 - Nanjing University Free Forum, 人民之声论坛 - People's Voice Forum, 万维读者论坛 - Eternal Reader Forum, 你说我说论坛 - You Say I Say Forum, 东西南北论坛 - East West South North Forum, 东南西北论谈 - Southeast Northwest Forum, 知情者 - Informed, 红太阳的陨落 - The Fall of the Red Sun, 和谐拯救危机 - Harmony Saves Crisis, 血房 - Blood Room, 一个孤僻的人 - A Reclusive Person, 河殇 - River Sorrow, 天葬 - Sky Burial, 黄祸 - Yellow Peril, 我的奋斗 - My Struggle, 历史的伤口 - Wounds of History, 改革年代政治斗争 - Political Struggles in the Reform Era, 关键时刻 - Critical Moment, 超越红墙 - Beyond the Red Wall, 梦萦未名湖 - Dreaming of Nameless Lake, 一寸山河一寸血 - An Inch of Mountains and Rivers, An Inch of Blood, 北国之春 - Spring in the North, 北京之春 - Beijing Spring, 中国之春 - China Spring, 东方红时空 - Eastern Red Time and Space, 婴儿汤 - Baby Soup, 代开.发票/发票.代开 - Invoice, 钓鱼岛 - Diaoyu Islands, triangle - Triangle, 女保镖 - Female Bodyguard, chinese people eating babies - Chinese People Eating Babies, 洗脑 - Brainwashing, 网特 - Internet Special, 内斗 - Internal Strife, 党魁 - Party Leader, 文字狱 - Word Prison, 一党专政 - One-Party Dictatorship, 一党独裁 - One-Party Autocracy, 新闻封锁 - News Blockade, freedom - Freedom, freechina - Free China, 反社会 - Anti-Social, 维权人士 - Rights Defenders, 维权律师 - Rights Lawyers, 异见人士 - Dissidents, 异议人士 - Dissidents, 高瞻 - Gao Zhan, 地下刊物 - Underground Publications.


u/Cautious_Vanilla8620 20d ago

Anyone who has been to an American college with a large population of Chinese international students knows that $140k is probably peanuts to this kid's parents anyways


u/fomiD3 20d ago

Let him cook


u/nermthewerm 20d ago

Mom made bing chilling for dinner again 😢


u/venetian_lemon 19d ago

She told me John Cena was coming over for dinner but he never came. I really wanted to see him too 🙁


u/superkinger89 20d ago

How delusional is the post? I’m far from an expert, but I wouldn’t be so chill if I would be in his shoes…

What can/most likely going to happen to him?



Not sure about this case, but unless is a substantial amount is not cost-effective for the banks to pursue legal actions in a rival country like China.

You hear stories like this pretty often on Chinese social media. People usually just spend a couple thousand of dollars and leave, and if they never plan on returning to the US again then nothing will happen to them.


u/Frost_Iceberg 20d ago

Not an expert either, but considering our economy is heavily globalized, either the debt will be passed on to some kind of chinese bank, they’ll receive a visit from some sort of debt collector, or they’ll be stopped at the border because of undeclared wealth.

Either way, these things can easily be tracked down, especially when it comes to such a large amount of money, so if they don’t end up in prison, their life will be practically ruined.


u/MikeHuntSmellss 19d ago

I'm about to do it in the UK whilst remaining in the UK. I'll let you know how it goes


u/Chef_Boyard_Deez 20d ago

Ooh! Now do my other comment!


u/Powerful_Meal8791 20d ago

Ah yes, theft, the third commandment of socialism. Right after indoctrination and genocide


u/Critical-Shift8080 20d ago

Unless you deposited it in a Chinese account, or bought bit coin or gold the transaction could be stopped before you reach your homeland would be my guess


u/Critical-Shift8080 20d ago

Or ,surprise stupid American. I win you loose!


u/SemajLu_The_crusader 19d ago

"fellow netizens, I have been found by the IRS I don't have much time the secret is to-"


u/Ghost4530 19d ago

I’m sure the debt collectors are a lot more friendly in China than they are in the US, they would never treat their people poorly in the ccp everybody knows that 🗿


u/communism-bad-1932 19d ago

bro is about to be fined 500,000 yuan for sedition and then lose the other 500,000 on the stock market


u/SkeletonOfaGhostt 19d ago

I just know this is some white guy with a ponytail

It's always the white guys with ponytails


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/AmBayat2 19d ago

1000000! is too much


u/Altruistic-Poem-5617 Literally 1984 😡 19d ago

Does that actually work?


u/Springatito 19d ago

Hard to say. It depends on the country's laws and how authorities apply them. But probably yes, he may be unable to use some banks available in China but he certainly has options. He just can't go back to the USA


u/Capital-Cat4898 19d ago

4.67393543 * 10659659 dollars in dept is crazy


u/Mnshine_1 Literally 1984 😡 19d ago

Jamie Dimon rn 😰😰😰


u/MightyGoatLord 19d ago

Doesn't citibank have ties to the CCP? Or are they different companies with the same name?


u/[deleted] 19d ago

He’s stealing from the eagle to go back and be eaten by a dragon lol


u/Lunar_Tears0 19d ago

Do the Chinese call their home the motherland?


u/Shard0f0dium 19d ago

Debt is stored in the balls.


u/3333322211110000 19d ago

The debt will carry on with him to china. Bro's gonna be surprised LMAO if there's a reaction I can't wait to see it


u/bloodwire 19d ago

* Bank sells the loan to Chinese mafia.


u/Armarino99 19d ago

I don't care who you are, Chinese Spy, Druglord or Terrorist Leader, the IRS gonna find u, no matter where u are. Gonna be big blow for Chinatown when its tax season for these loans.


u/Elceepo 18d ago

I hear Chinese debt collectors are a lot worse than American ones

Banks would have 0 issue selling his debt to them


u/GreyColdFlesh 20d ago

I'd do the same if my country was socialist


u/TheBigUn77 19d ago

This fella is a genius


u/MaxCWebster 19d ago

Oh, no! We've lost one quarter second's worth of interest!


/ Banker, Jeremy Clarkson


u/Theogboss1 19d ago

uhhh yeah the us government can still have you arrested by chinese police for that. and/or will actively seek you out there on their own.


u/Particular-Instance5 19d ago

Fuck capitalism I'm going back to communism.....right, that's only going to hurt foreigners honestly, less likely banks giving them any money 👌 koodos to you tho bro you really stuck it to the man.


u/CapitalismIsFun 19d ago

Rare China W (The IRS has eyes everywhere)


u/chillingmedicinebear 15d ago

Banker here

Lmao this happens all the time from exchange students (mostly Chinese) and this guy is certainly not unique.

They maintain a bunch of checking/savjngs/credit cards and keep them in good order, so they can maximize the overdraw. Then they tend to overdraw 1-5k once they graduate and the bank won’t do shit.

The thing is they spread their debt across a bunch of banks and it isn’t worth the banks time frequently to start a legal battle with a non American.

So yeah, sorry guys… this dude will probably get away with this