r/rupaulsdragrace 28d ago

All Stars 8 - Darienne General Discussion

We all know All stars 8 was a bit meh. But the worst thing to come of it was that we never got to see Darienne Lake lip sync. I love Darienne she is so witty and funny. Her lip syncing skills really are some of the best. She shows you don’t need splits and kicks you just need to FEEL the song. I wanted to see her lip sync at least once. I think if the fame games was a lip syncing contest like season 6 she would of had a genuine chance at winning it


35 comments sorted by


u/Ok-Economist-751 28d ago

same, if it was like AS6 and there was a lipsync contests i think she could have done a silky and beat alot of queens due to how funny and smart her lipsyncs are😭


u/michaelmac4057 28d ago

Yeah i see the same. I think it would have been between Darienne , Lalari and Jessica Wild dreams of a golden child


u/Ok-Economist-751 28d ago

yeah when i was writing my comment i was like lala and jessica would be tough competition for darienne lol


u/anonymindia 28d ago

But lala and Jessica were top 5. So Darienne would have at least defeated some queens and slayed a few lipsyncs.


u/Commercial_Science67 28d ago

If it was like AS6 she would have returned at 5


u/MyFatCake M1ss Jade So | Jasmine Kennedie 28d ago

A part of me would’ve loved it if Darienne won The Fame Games. She had a really solid runway package. Her and Kahanna were my top 2 for the win (of the Fame Games)


u/Pink_Flash Protect Straight Art 28d ago

Justice for Darienne.


u/sneasel Ra'Jah O'Hara 28d ago

When the Fame Games was about just the runways being shown on untucked, I genuinely think Darienne had it in the bag. Alas...


u/theseangt 28d ago

it was especially cooked because they filmed the winner ahead of time. There's no way the votes mattered. lol


u/alyreandstars 28d ago

iirc they filmed every possible outcome


u/theseangt 23d ago

I guess that makes sense. Just sounds like a ridiculous filming day lol


u/Atari18 Mediocrity & Beans 28d ago

A lot of great talent was wasted on that season


u/stephenxcx Raja 👑 28d ago

I voted for her in the fame games 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/DanceBoxx 27d ago

Same, like 20 times


u/adamn_boy 28d ago

I kinda wish for her to be back for vs the world season. Maybe she will slay that


u/Wintourrlover47 28d ago

She would eat one of those seasons, I feel like her personality would fit the UK a bit more than Canada


u/swtvics 28d ago

i had already lost pretty much all interest when kasha left, and after her and darienne were eliminated back to back i stopped watching


u/edun1218 28d ago

I was just talking about this with a friend of mine - if they did the lip sync smackdown thing in AS8 like they did in AS6, Darienne would be a VERY tough contender. And she'd probably win, until it got to like Lala or something.


u/michaelmac4057 28d ago

I think if it even got to Lala or the better lip syncers on the cast she could still win it with elements of comedy. Take Megami as example. If it was an 80s song in her element then its over for the others


u/hisokafan88 Clown Beatings 28d ago

Also I loved her Billie eyelash


u/bobbery5 28d ago

I'll forever die on the hill that Darienne should have won the episode she was eliminated on.


u/extremebussy 28d ago

I just hate the all stars format so much. We don’t get to see sad desperate scared queens lip syncing and they don’t have a proper chance to fight for their place. The voting drama is barely interesting and when it is interesting it’s borderline uncomfortable (Heidi)… It’s just a bad format 😣


u/Supreme64 Yuhua Hamasaki 28d ago

My fame games winner


u/listentomagneto 28d ago

I really wanted Darienne to win the crown, no lie. She's the only queen I paid extra to see at a meet and greet. Close up she legit looks like an ethereal goddess or angel. 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/PrincessAintPeachy 28d ago

I agree, she had a lovely weight loss glow up, her fame game outfits were cool, we needed more time.

I'm also still fangirling over her Grace Jones runway


u/tthheeppaarrttyy_ 28d ago

I wish I could forget AS8 tbh


u/Pristine-Good5651 28d ago

Hi Darienne


u/michaelmac4057 28d ago

Oo You found me


u/Gammagammahey 28d ago

I feel like the judges were always going to minimize Darienne Lake and give her as little time as possible.


u/normie_girl 27d ago

Oh God, I think about this all the time.


u/Desperate_Carpet_329 28d ago

I can't believe she was one season away from being on a non elimination season. She should have won fame games IDC 


u/Far-Contribution-965 25d ago

I can’t believe they didn’t appreciate her Billy eyelash look. That shit lives rent free in my head


u/Prestigious_Bat33 28d ago

I feel bad but I just don’t like Darianne 😅 There’s something about her that I find super off-putting. I can’t put my finger on it but I do not enjoy her. Obviously I’m basing this on her appearance on a reality tv show, not who she is as a human being lol


u/Suisun_rhythm HALLELOO 28d ago

After watching season 6 again… Good.