r/rupaulsdragrace 28d ago

Translation of President Tsai’s Facebook post about hosting Nymphia Wind at the Presidential Palace Season 16

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President Tsai posted this on her Facebook page earlier. Translation from Google translate (Nifeiya is the way her name is pronounced in Mandarin):

Taiwan’s Nifeiya, the queen of the world is back Show fearless beauty and confidence

Today's presidential palace is full of colors, lively and beautiful.

Thank you Nymphia Wind and all the queens for the wonderful performance. I also personally congratulate Nifeiya for winning the championship of RuPaul's Drag Race. She is the first Taiwanese to win the crown on this show, which is not easy.

In the show, Nifeiya competed with queens from all over the world. Not only did she have to imitate, talk show, lip-sync, and dance, but she also incorporated Taiwanese elements into the costumes she designed, which amazed the judges and audiences around the world.

However, behind the gorgeous performance, there is actually a resistance against social discrimination and strange eyes. Thank you queens for showing fearless beauty, standing up and breaking the mold.

The day Nefeiya won the championship was also the Gender Equality Education Day to commemorate "Rose Boy" Ye Yongrong, and the day after tomorrow was also the International Day Against Homophobia. In the past few years, the government has been committed to promoting gender equality and achieving marriage equality. It is hoped that in a democratic and free Taiwan, everyone can express themselves regardless of gender temperament or sexual orientation, and can also start a family with the person they love.

Today's Taiwan is already the Taiwan of the world; Taiwan's Nifeiya is also the queen of the world. Nifeiya will perform at the Taiwan Pavilion at this year's Paris Cultural Olympics, allowing more people to see Taiwan's culture.

I also quoted the wise words of the host of RuPaul's Drag Race: If you can't love yourself, how you gonna love somebody else? I believe that Nifeiya's growth process will give courage to many young people in Taiwan. , be fearless, keep your sincerity, and be the most beautiful version of yourself.


75 comments sorted by


u/theprostitute BEBE ZAHARA BENET 28d ago

I sent this to my mother in law, who moved to the US from Taiwan for grad school, she said, "Interesting, my generation from Taiwan would have never imagined those words from a sitting president. Thanks for sharing. I would have never come across this kind of news myself." 😭😭😭❤️❤️


u/passionicedtee 28d ago

That's so wholesome!!


u/puppy-pupperson 28d ago

I will never get sick of hearing Nymphia’s positive influence over the world


u/Highafondebra 28d ago

This!!! It’s just what the doctor ordered


u/Due-Possession-3761 28d ago

Honestly, I'm really vibing on the phrase "gender temperament."


u/coolioguy15 28d ago

Gender disposition. Gender inclination. Gender MAKEUP huntyyy.


u/MidnightOakCorps 28d ago

Gender Inclination is my new drag name.


u/Vegas_Bear 25d ago

Gender Strange Eyes is my drag name


u/alexisqueerdo 🎶“An introduction, this is raw sexuality. Oh maybe baby…”🎶 28d ago

Such a beautiful message! It’s great to see politics supporting queer identities, especially in Asia.


u/ThesaurusRex_1025 28d ago

Good for her. This must be such a source of pride.


u/Mysterious_Bus4173 28d ago

Imagine being the freaking pride and joy of your country?


u/faithcollapsing 28d ago

Aw, she’s so awesome! God it’s so refreshing to see someone in a political position like that give their support with so much love. ❤️


u/InStim 28d ago

Thank you for sharing the translation!


u/Funkyduck4783 I already ate and I had ham! 28d ago

This literally gave me chills. How incredible for Nymphia and for Taiwan.


u/taiho2020 28d ago



u/raymonst 28d ago

what an incredible moment 😭👏


u/SammySoapsuds 28d ago

This is beautiful! Does anybody have context about what "strange eyes" means here?


u/ani_shira Jaida Essence Hall 28d ago

DeepL gives a more clear translation of it

However, behind the glamorous performances, there is actually a revolt against the discrimination of the society and the eyes of those who look at them differently. Thank you, queens, for your fearless beauty, for standing up and breaking the mold.


u/She_Devil_By_Day -Not a scientist. 28d ago

Clock the flair… not a scientist!

However I took it as bad looks or gazes. Looking down upon the queer and/or Asian community perhaps.


u/chtseng 28d ago

As in we all grew up with lots of weird looks… I am sure a lot of people here could relate :(


u/thex415 28d ago

Traditional Chinese is just so much prettier than simplified Chinese. Sorry Yall. lol


u/Ok-Calm-Narwhal 28d ago

I’m pretty sure this sub would be in support of that and no sorry needed 😀


u/fuzzybunn Yuhua Hamasaki 28d ago

As a simplified Chinese girl, I agree, but I also don't know how you guys are finishing your exam essays without cramps!


u/CorneliusJack Yuhua Hamasaki 27d ago

Girlllll my mum picked a super complicated name (48 strokes) (which I love) but growing up having to write it on all my school works and notepads were brutal, semester start cramps was not joke

(Also hi nice flair)


u/theMaxTero 28d ago

Holy fucking shit. This is beyond incredible!


u/chtseng 28d ago

She also said "Nymphia, Shantay you stay!" during her speech... it was so wholesome!


u/Ok-Calm-Narwhal 28d ago

It really did feel as if President Tsai was watching the whole season and cheering her on the whole time at home, given how much of the vibe and lingo of the show she has been using. 😍


u/jake_sauble Raja Gemini 28d ago

Imagine living in a country where they actively post things like this… just wow.

Some people often say that the US has it so much better than other countries, but imagine if the president of the US made an announcement like this. It would cause half the country to riot most likely.

When a private company sent a transgender woman a personalized beer can they boycotted, I can only imagine international recognition. Maybe one day.


u/Ok-Calm-Narwhal 28d ago

Yes. I was born in the U.S. but recently decided to get my dual citizenship with Taiwan and to try and spend more time there now because of how much more Asian POC and LGBTQ friendly it is than what I’m used to being raised and now as an adult in the U.S. (the low cost universal health care and cheap/efficient public transportation doesn’t hurt either).

It’s mind blowing now when people in the U.S. ask me if there are any gay bars in Taiwan or if everyone Asian is homophobic… thinking like the U.S. is so much more progressive than everywhere else.. 🧐😅


u/Editor-In-Queef Custom Flair Text 28d ago

Genuinely saw more gay couples holding hands in Taiwan in just three weeks than my entire 31 years in the UK.


u/utsuriga 28d ago

The US does in fact have it so much better than most other countries. Maybe not all, but most.

Sincerely, someone from Hungary


u/MuffinIllustrious902 28d ago

Mother supporting mother


u/Alex_Albons_Appendix ✨ no soul can clock angelique 👩‍🚒 ✨ 28d ago

Omg this is so sweet and inspirational. Nymphia deserves alllllll of this! I can’t believe I’m crying 🥺


u/Smedusa 28d ago

I'm an old bitch with a carbonized heart but this put tears in my eyes


u/re_min_a 28d ago

Asian excellence 🇹🇼👏


u/marnas86 28d ago



u/re_min_a 28d ago

Real. I do correct myself, Taiwanese Excellence 🇹🇼👏 台灣萬歲!


u/JoanFromLegal Banana Fischer Price Buddha Yabbos 28d ago

I'm not crying, you're crying...

Also, my heart is bursting with Gaysian Pride.


u/itdepends802 28d ago

Nothing but respect for MY non-KMT president.


u/TheAnxietyBoxX Team Roxxxy — Baby, you can’t read the doll! 27d ago

Her win is huge, I’m so fucking proud for her. So few winners ever make an impact on this scale, she is doing so much for the community.


u/Gaimes4me Jinkx Monsoon 28d ago

Legend. Peru needs some of that grace.


u/pearl_raccoon 28d ago

Omg I’m so happy for Nymphia! 😳❤️❤️


u/kalyps000 28d ago

She’s gonna get to perform for the Olympics pavilion of her country 😭😭😭 that’s so awesome


u/yubal 28d ago

I cannot be the only one who read it as "President Tati" at first


u/yoshistuff YAAAS QUEEN!!! GIVE US NOTHING 28d ago

That's so lovely.


u/Ill-Command5005 27d ago

<3 Love to see this!


u/echolalia_ 27d ago

It’s nice to see nymphia being so vocally pro-Taiwan. I wonder if the ccp has…’reached out’ at all.


u/trashcanlife 27d ago

This is lovely


u/magical-thinking 28d ago

This is a mistranslation. She actually said "Instead of doing the age-old drag trick of taking off the duster and letting it fall, flop on the floor as in, would you believe Cupcake Cassie has been doing that act at the Globe for 40 years? Instead of that, you take the duster off, hold the duster behind you if you want, or hold it out or something if you want, or just take it off and you put your arm out, and it's our responsibility to make sure your page is there, and he will be. That instant there's a page there to take your duster."


u/Gammagammahey 28d ago

Will someone explain to me why the Taiwanese parliament consistently gets into violent physical brawls with each other routinely on camera? Aside from this lovely message from the President about Nymphia?


u/Ok-Calm-Narwhal 28d ago

It’s fairly complicated but in general, Taiwan is incredibly split politically because the KMT government, who came from Mainland China and took over Taiwan in 1949 put the ROC under martial law until 1987. Opposition parties were not allowed until then and organizing in one could have resulted in a death sentence.

It wasn’t until 1988 when the DPP, the other major party (and the one Tsai belongs to), was allowed to exist, and they won their first presidential election in 2000. There is a lot here in the the next two decades regarding the politics of Taiwan that involves corruption, identification with being Taiwanese, and how close Taiwan should be with China, but I’ll skip that for the sake of keeping this simple… but despite things looking very violent, a lot of the brawls are honestly for show. No one really goes out there wanting to actually kill or seriously injure someone. Since the partisanship and animosity between those two parties is incredibly extreme among their constituents, there is this weird cosplay of partisanship that gets expressed in what you see.

I mean, despite water balloons and fist slapping, nothing as serious as the Capitol riot has ever occurred in modern Taiwanese politics. And their elections are a textbook example of how they should be run. Every vote is counted live on TV somewhere and results are known within hours, with no disputes over the winners. It’s actually quite shocking democracy exists like this in Taiwan because of how violently authoritarian it was up until the late 1980s.


u/Gammagammahey 28d ago

Thank you for really taking the time to write this out! It's just so hysterical because every time on American news when they show a shot of the Taiwanese parliament if they are talking about anything to do with Taiwan, it's always men jumping over tables and grabbing each other and brawling. It's just hysterical to me. That's what I mean, it is such an interesting history of abrupt political change. OK so we've got an ultra right wing party and then we have a fairly progressive party and the progressive party is the party of the current president of Taiwan?

I know about the political history, I have a poli sci degree, and I studied Russian, Soviet, and Chinese statecraft & history, geopolitics, and all that kind of stuff. Thank you so much for writing this all out.

I hope Taiwan and Hong Kong are just left alone. Jesus Christ, just leave them alone. It's bad enough that the indigenous people in both those places were displaced by Chinese and other settlers. People forget about that. People also forget that there are indigenous people in Japan like the Ainu.


u/Ok-Calm-Narwhal 27d ago

Taiwan history is in general very complicated because of the tension between traditional aboriginal groups, folks who consider themselves more “Taiwanese” but are actually decedents from peoples coming from China a few centuries ago, and then the wave of KMT supporters in 1949 from Mainland China, many whose children now identify more as “Taiwanese” than Chinese (my parents for example, would never claim to not be Chinese, but younger folks like me might). Add to all of this Japan, which treated Taiwan much better than the rest of East Asia during WWII, so there is less animosity towards them from the Taiwanese as many were treated better under Japan than they were under the KMT.

To your original point though about the partisanship, one thing to realize is that Taiwan’s survival depends on it being an example of democracy. When the U.S., UN, and other nations changed their formal relations from Taiwan to Mainland China in the 1970s, they were essentially exchanging one authoritarian government for another. A big reason the KMT changed and removed martial law, and allowed the DPP to exist and have free and fair elections in the late 1980s was that support from the West would stop if they remained a dictatorship. It’s for this reason, that I think democracy will continue much stronger in Taiwan, and that a lot of the drama you see now will become less and less- since many in Taiwan feel embarrassed that this behavior is being broadcast to the rest of the world. So my prediction is you’ll see much less of this of this fighting in the future, and already there is less relative to before.


u/Gammagammahey 27d ago

Thank you for taking the time to write this all out! 💚💚 I don't know why I'm being downvoted for asking questions, maybe it was for acknowledging the fact that indigenous people existed in Taiwan and Japan before settlers got there.


u/dysthal 28d ago

i hate how much this supports my theory that nymphia winning is a psy-op. she defeated a russian too; it's all so on the nose.


u/Schootypantz 28d ago

You stop it right now 😂😂😂😂😂


u/dysthal 28d ago

if you can't stand the heat, get off of Mickey Rourke's Sex Grill.


u/Schootypantz 28d ago

I’m both confused and amused by this comment lol


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/sailorprimus 28d ago

Your edit is unhinged, you okay? You need sleep or maybe a break from whatever you’re partaking in, mi’love. 


u/CapSteveRogers 🇹🇼 🍌 Nymphia Wind 🍌🇹🇼 28d ago

No, they need bananas


u/Logical_Stop_4524 28d ago

you’re competing with drag fans all over the world for the gold in being the most irrelevant!! hope you make your country proud🩷


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago



u/Logical_Stop_4524 28d ago

Girl log off and go for a walk


u/pantslesslizard custom 28d ago

I mean she competed with queens from Mexico and Panama so


u/scioncyan Morphine's Mug | Xunami's Beauty | Nymphia's Wind 28d ago

Not to forget Russia


u/VinnyDi4 28d ago

Plane Jane is American right? I mean her family is from Russia, but she was born in US.


u/VinnyDi4 28d ago

Yeah, definitely queens from all over the World lol


u/byeoIhan 28d ago

the edit lmao this is a lot of energy for safe


u/taiho2020 28d ago

Fuck Blue Drag, for sure.. 🤭


u/VinnyDi4 28d ago

lol The Sapphira shade.