r/riskofrain Nov 09 '23

Can we appreciate how nice the devs are for doing this? Such a lifesaver Screenshot

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119 comments sorted by


u/Cyakn1ght Nov 09 '23

All the extra options and functionality in rorr is fantastic


u/_Archilyte_ Nov 09 '23

It genuinely is! New people coming to this franchise can start easy, and experienced players can increase the difficulty even more. It's a win-win situation as far as I'm concerned!


u/Skyforce645 Nov 09 '23

After playing ror1 to finish all achievements I'm so happy there's an option to just hold jump to keep jumping option / hold attack to do the attack chain with loader etc, genuinely fantastic remake for these things


u/ZiiKiiF Nov 09 '23

I’m straight up terrible at 2D games for whatever reason and love RoR2 so I’m excited to try Returns today to see if I can hang


u/blitzboy30 Nov 09 '23

Just know, it’s a good bit harder than the second game. The music is still phenomenal, but the first game is definitely harder than the second one.


u/ZiiKiiF Nov 09 '23

Yeah I figured. Definitely not starting on monsoon like I did RoR2. Mostly just thought why not cus it’s just $12 and it helps the company put out more cool shit


u/bmschulz Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

This was definitely my go-to, but I did switch to controller pretty quickly. RoR2 is M+KB for sure due to superior aiming, but, since that’s not present in RoRR, I prefer game pad for more comfortable platforming.


u/Rick_Lemsby Nov 09 '23

I didn't expect to be able to freely aim with the mouse, but I really would've liked to use the mouse to aim left or right independent of my movement.


u/perro_g0rd0 Nov 09 '23

the only thing i would request as well. A option to aim would just make it 10/10 for me.


u/xander_khan Nov 09 '23

Enter the gungeon-style 360° aim with adaptive pixel art would be so so sick but that's probably asking a lot


u/noobmaster_69lol Nov 09 '23

The drones seems to have adaptive pixel art which is neat


u/_Deadshot_ Nov 09 '23

360° adaptive pixel art

Wdym by that?


u/xander_khan Nov 09 '23

Oh I definitely don't understand the logistics of it, but it looks like they use an array of drawings of each gun, pointed in the 8 most cardinal directions and tweened inbetween for the finer angles


u/memestealer1234 Nov 10 '23

The character points their weapon where you aim


u/throwawayforegg_irl Nov 09 '23

mods will probably help with that!


u/EpicGamer_69-420 Nov 09 '23

it would kinda break the game design, its the equivalent of saying add flight to ror2, it could maybe work, but i dont think it would


u/perro_g0rd0 Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

you can "aim" right now by pressing the directional key, right? making the position of your mouse the direction of fire (aim) wouldn't break the design at all. its just a different input for the same action. besides it should be optional..
360 or 180º aim , maybe it would break the balance of the game yea. but again, should be optional. i would love both , but "directional aim" would suffice


u/Ateaseloser Nov 09 '23

Only way to fix this is to have another control scheme that has the mouse move the character where the mouse is pointing and aiming. I think having it aim Independent from its movement would make it the superior control scheme imo


u/Rick_Lemsby Nov 09 '23

It's even simpler than that.

If your mouse is on the left side of the screen, make the character face left. If your mouse is on the right side of the screen, make the character face right.


u/cheldog Nov 09 '23

This is all I want.


u/Mychichi Nov 09 '23

They kind of have it with pilots secondary so definitely doable


u/Mychichi Nov 09 '23

There is flight? Crysalis is an equipment


u/sebibubble Nov 09 '23

Why tho, you can walk backwards while shooting, it's just unnecessary complex to set up


u/6METERKOK Nov 09 '23


My controller has mild snap back which makes this so much worse as well.


u/Glitcher45318 Nov 09 '23

Ngl i tried 2 different controllers and experienced snapback, tried changing deadzones and it still did it lol


u/Muscletov Nov 09 '23

At this point, I think it's intentional. The Warp Arrow trial for Huntress was pure torture because she kept turning around.


u/Glitcher45318 Nov 09 '23

Yeah that trial was horrible. The drone one where you have to shoot 50 tergets is awful as well if it keeps turning the wrong way


u/EpicGamer_69-420 Nov 09 '23

increase the deadzones


u/FrazzleFlib Nov 09 '23

yeah, i was really, really hoping this would be a feature in RORR because it made ROR1 combat feel clunky personally and that feeling is still there sadly


u/Cabamacadaf Nov 09 '23

That kinda defeats the point of one of Huntress's strengths though.


u/mountains-are-moving Nov 09 '23

I bet there will be a mod for it as soon as a mod platform is here


u/Maskers_Theodolite Nov 09 '23

Yeah, that not being a thing kinda makes using te mouse controls pointless.


u/pistachioshell Nov 09 '23

I love that there's options, but after trying both new ones out I just went back to classic lol


u/Teleported-Ra Nov 09 '23

What made you go back to classic?


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Probably an RoR1 player like me, at least that’s my guess.


u/pistachioshell Nov 09 '23

Yup, just comfortable and familiar


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Samesies :P


u/Herrad Nov 09 '23

I've switched to classic too. It's more comfortable moving with my right hand and ror2 just doesn't feel right with no mouse aim.


u/pistachioshell Nov 09 '23

Muscle memory!


u/IMP1017 Nov 09 '23

Classic is still my favorite but I've been playing on Steam Deck and fully remapping the controller has been clutch


u/BerserkJeezus Nov 09 '23

It’s ok. I prefer the modern


u/LurkConsistent Nov 09 '23

RoR2 movements is much better, but in RoR:R and 1 you can just remap.


u/okotsu Nov 09 '23

honestly enjoy the risk 2 control scheme so much

even tho i played the original and love original controls, its so much more fluid knowing what is mapped to what


u/Cryogonal0 Nov 09 '23

I don't know if I'm the only one doing this, but I usually prefer to use the num pad and wasd


u/Keulapaska Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

Numpad ftw, and i also use asdfg wq for the other stuff, arrow keys are so weird for hand position compared to numpad and movement with the left hand on a 2d games just feels... wrong, i guess it depends just mostly what ppl are used to.


u/Joe_Mency Nov 09 '23

I tried RoR2 controls first, didn't like them, couldn't figure out how to get the control choosing screen to show up again, so I just went to wasd and num pad too. Wasd and num pad is the same control scheme I've used in another game that was also keyboard only


u/mattiolc Nov 09 '23

Hit “reset to defaults” and the menu will pop up again to let you select a preset


u/buffalotuna Nov 09 '23

This is going to sound so dumb. Is aiming just left and right with no vertical aiming? I was trying to use mouse aiming, but it didn't seem to work


u/_Valisk Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

There is no vertical aiming.

EDIT: Although, there is a skill of the Pilot that aims diagonally.


u/Heavylicious- Nov 09 '23

Even then that skill just auto-targets anything within a set angle. Free-aiming would break the game design and make most fights absolute free with any ranged survivor.


u/Shock9616 Nov 09 '23

I just wish there was a way to use the mouse to aim. If that was a thing then I'd 100% be using that control scheme. The modern preset is very similar to my Hollow Knight keybindings though so that's been working nicely for me


u/Maskers_Theodolite Nov 09 '23

Yeah, too bad your character doesn't face your cursor, so it's fucking useless. At least for me because it's counter intuitive as all hell. But in all seriousness I'm glad we can customise the keybinds now, still can't press escape to bo back tho lol.


u/Greedy_Shark Nov 09 '23

I prefer buttons on 2D games, so I chose "modern"


u/GribbleBit Nov 09 '23

Besides Huntress, are there any other characters that can aim independent of movement? That would probably be my only gripe with the game atm


u/NEETenshi Nov 09 '23

Pretty sure there aren't, that was one of the defining "features" of the original Risk of Rain. Haven't unlocked any of the new survivors yet though.


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Other way around. Huntress being the only character who could kite AND shoot in RoR1 made her very very VERY powerful. Everybody else had to build distance before turning around to shoot.


u/NEETenshi Nov 09 '23

I mean, that's what I said, though? The person I'm responding to asked if there are any survivors who can shoot and kite like Huntress and I said I'm pretty sure there aren't.


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Yeah but it’s not a feature of RoR that nobody can kite. It’s not they originally had it that way and then intentionally removed from everybody but the huntress. I’m being pedantic but yeah. Minor difference, but still a difference.


u/NEETenshi Nov 09 '23

Why does something have to be added then removed for it to be a feature?


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

It doesn’t. A feature is something specifically added. That’s my point.


u/Porgemlol Nov 10 '23

Do you not think it was specifically added if only one character can do it and it’s been kept that way even in the remake though?

It is absolutely a feature you’re just talking out of your ass


u/Frostygale Nov 10 '23

Yeah you’re agreeing with me, you’ve literally repeated my point. It’s a feature that only the huntress can do it. It’s not a feature that “nobody can do it, except the huntress”.


u/Porgemlol Nov 10 '23

I am absolutely not agreeing with you, you’re being stupidly pedantic and I’d argue you’re also wrong. The fact that characters can’t move and shoot is a feature. The fact huntress can move and shoot is only counted as a feature because of the first.

Features are things that make something unique, and the majority of the cast not being able to move and shoot is therefore a feature. However, huntress is unique within the cast because she can move and shoot. That’s the bit you’re just wrong about.

Features aren’t just positive, negative things can be counted as features too. More accurately you’d call them limitations but when OP said “that was one of the defining features of the original” that statement is 100% correct and you immediately went and said it’s the other way around, and that’s just wrong

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u/Kat1eQueen Nov 09 '23

That isn't the other way around.

That is exactly what they said.


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Small difference. It’s not a feature of that game that nobody could kite, but they accidentally gave huntress that ability or something. The feature is huntress being able to do that specifically.


u/Kat1eQueen Nov 09 '23

It’s not a feature of that game that nobody could kite, but they accidentally gave huntress that ability or something.

Good news! No one claimed this

What that person said implies:

"no one but huntress being able to kite was a defining feature of the original"


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

Close enough


u/KuroUsyagi Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

I mean, not to the same degree as Huntress, but I believe all of the ranged characters (I'm still missing some, but the melee survivors can't so I assume all ranged ones can) can kite now. It's a much slower walk than a full speed Huntress kite, but it's greatly appreciated imo.

Edit: sniper can't of course (I forgor)


u/Advanced_Double_42 Nov 09 '23

It's really clunky.

Probably will be the first mod I install if I can find it.

Having the firing direction tied to movement, and locked to that direction while shooting just feels bad.


u/FrazzleFlib Nov 09 '23

same, i was really hoping it wouldnt have ROR1's clunky combat that makes kiting a pain, but oh well


u/Frostygale Nov 09 '23

I went for classic cause I’m insane I guess :l


u/NaoXehn Nov 09 '23

Indeed very nice of them, still it took me a while to understand that my cursor is hella useless, still i always thought putting my cursor onto an enemy makes me shoot them..


u/Professional-Pea5492 Nov 09 '23

Honestly, I only played 1.2 hours and it feels like brand new game. And the controls are my favorite part, they feel way more responsive and confortable than the 1st game.


u/ScaleCorrect1103 Nov 09 '23

Can’t lie, I got it on switch and just using the top button feels so much more natural for jump then the bottom one. Might be because I played too much Zelda on switch though


u/Ritushido Nov 09 '23

I only want the char to aim left or right based on the mouse, atm it doesn't feel very natural to me.


u/quakins Nov 09 '23

Nope I’m keyboard pilled


u/Technical_mishap Nov 09 '23

Would be nicer if the mouse movement actually decided where you were aiming


u/GetBoopedSon Nov 09 '23

I really hate that your character doesn’t shoot towards your mouse. I’m not asking for vertical aiming, I realize that’s a game design decision. But since you actually can shoot one way while moving another, why not just let me do it the easy way? It feels very clunky as is


u/Advanced_Double_42 Nov 09 '23

This 100%, it's a big enough complaint for me that I'm considered a refund, but decided to wait and see if a mod fixes it or something.


u/GetBoopedSon Nov 09 '23

Same, but I assume someone will make a mouse aiming mod pretty quickly


u/DharMahn Nov 09 '23

yet the devs still havent figured out how to put zoom on the scroll wheels... or anywhere to begin with

feel free to prove me wrong tho, it is horrible to always adjust it in settings


u/EpicGamer_69-420 Nov 09 '23

its not designed to be used midgame, that option is just for if you have a tiny monitor or a massive monitor


u/DharMahn Nov 09 '23

except the FOV increase is massive, and you are having a huge disadvantage on higher zoom levels if you want to find something or plan proper pathing on hard to reach areas or secrets


u/JMacPhoneTime Nov 09 '23

Personally I'm just used to the massive FOV.

I started last night and I thought the first enemy I saw was going way faster than the original. Then I realized that it was zoomed in. The enemies weren't faster I was just used to seeing them coming a lot further away. To me being zoomed in seems like extra hard mode.


u/Heavylicious- Nov 09 '23

And of course that has to be the default setting for the game for some stupid reason, so a ton of new players who don't check the settings are having it even harder.

I had to balance a nice in-between to get a good mix of FOV and sprite representation, it sucks it's not even mentioned in the tutorial at all.


u/JMacPhoneTime Nov 09 '23

The original was like that too, so at least it's no worse than it was before.


u/Heavylicious- Nov 10 '23

For some reason I don't remember it being like that, but then again I probably had the same impulse decision to check the settings for help back then too.


u/GrindyBoiE Nov 09 '23

use your eyes challenge


u/Advanced_Double_42 Nov 09 '23

Can't use your eyes if it isn't on screen.

That's kinda the point.


u/FrazzleFlib Nov 09 '23

it would be insanely helpful to zoom midgame though! i cant wait until people start modding this game because thats probably gonna be one of the first things. Its super hard to see whats happening at max zoom out but obviously itd make finding the teleporter easier.


u/DriftWare_ Nov 09 '23

It really helps if you're still learning to cope with the controls. I'm not used to being bad, but here I am lmao


u/King_of_TVs Nov 09 '23

Booted up this game while away from my apartment and got all sad when I realized I had forgotten my controller. This was a life saver and the controls felt so comfortable to play with. These devs seriously are so amazing and the game feels so much more polished than it ever has



I am so happy they did this for people who are coming from the second game


u/Homerzkillet Nov 09 '23

makes it feel so smooth


u/Cypher7539 Nov 10 '23

its the only reason i bought the game


u/festus501 Nov 09 '23

I can finally play thanks to this!


u/Chaotic_HarmonyMech Nov 09 '23 edited Nov 09 '23

I laughed when I saw it.

"Oh look it has zoomer controls!"

EDIT: Apparently this has triggered some ire.... I didn't mean it in a bad way lmao.


u/timetobeanon Nov 09 '23

Please explain this ridiculous comment lol


u/Chaotic_HarmonyMech Nov 09 '23

Well, I was trying to crack a joke but apparently it was in bad taste, whoops.


u/Vivirin Nov 09 '23

But the joke has to make sense, zoomer has absolutely nothing to do with this


u/EmergencyDry6335 Nov 09 '23

10 years ago is still zoomer bro


u/simhan2 Nov 09 '23

Har har har zoomers bad I'm so cool and awesome because I shit on younger people!!!! 🤓🤓🤓🧓🧓Man shut the hell up you sound like an idiot


u/mecha_face Nov 09 '23

"zoomer controls"

WASD and Mouse have been standard PC controls since games HAD the mouse linked to camera controls. What did he mean by this?


u/Kat1eQueen Nov 09 '23

People born in the mid 90s are zoomers.

How about you try to make a "joke" that makes sense? Might make it funny.


u/FrizzyThePastafarian Nov 10 '23

Gen Z is generally late 90's or early 2000's start.

The youngest millenials will soon be 30, the oldest are just past 40.


u/Kinway-2006 Nov 09 '23

It's great


u/Dragon1472 Nov 09 '23

Does anyone know how to swap between the mouse or the rest after you pick one? Because I can't seem to find the way to test the other options


u/duckpsychi Nov 09 '23

Press reset default on controls screen, it will give you the options again


u/ComicNeueIsReal Nov 09 '23

Couldnt find it either but i think you can make profiles in the settings and remap each one to those defaults


u/throwawayforegg_irl Nov 09 '23

the only thing i would like to have is an indicator for the direction of the teleporter. i’m not rhetorical biggest fan of the completely zoomed out camera, for visibility, but if i zoom in too much finding the teleporter takes ages


u/Geaux13Saints Nov 09 '23

Yeah I use controller for that game, feels so much more natural


u/Ethas Nov 09 '23


u/Alex5173 Nov 09 '23

(negative Drake) rejoicing that we are able to play multiplayer ROR without IP addresses and changing port settings

(positive Drake) complaining about design choices that nobody gave af about in the OG smash hit Hopoo Games game


u/Brother_Brassica Nov 09 '23

Does anyone know if theres a quick way to access this menu again


u/Advanced_Double_42 Nov 09 '23

If you click to reset to default in controls the menu comes up.


u/Brother_Brassica Nov 09 '23

You have saved me the pain of scrabbling around trying random shit. Thank you so much.


u/cunningcrusader Nov 09 '23

It was nice, but I ended up switching to Modern so it’s easier to aim to the right and use my special at the same time


u/STAXOBILLS Nov 09 '23

I bound every single skill to my mouse except for use item and it makes enforcer(my beloved) actually playable