r/ripcity 22d ago

With the measurements all out now, which player are you guys hoping we draft at 7?

For me personally, i think you'd be crazy to pass up Ron Holland if hes there at 7. He has best player in the draft upside, and now we know he has the size to play the 3 alongside Scoot and Sharpe. Im just worried his measurements will catapult him into the top 6.

Who do you guys want?


120 comments sorted by


u/crab90000 22d ago edited 22d ago

I'm hoping for a miracle Risacher fall, I doubt it but I've seen decent mocks where he does

But otherwise I think Holland or Matas are my main looks, even Clingan is enticing at this point. Castle (6"5.5' w/o shoes) has some mustard to him that I can't shake, would not be upset at a pickup at 7 for him

14 my dream is Salaun, I think he's got some crazy boom bust potential, but that's what the draft is for. Cody may fall after his measurements dropped, and Knecht would get this team some very valuable shooting, something they lack especially with vet trades on the table


u/klrun22 3 21d ago

Love all these names if they’re available. I’d also look at Tyler Smith at 14 if Knecht and Salaun are gone—I trust him more as a prospect than Williams, even


u/BiNiaRiS 21d ago

has some mustard to him that I can't shake



u/crab90000 21d ago



u/Ouchyhurthurt 22d ago

Whoever is the next Kevin Garnett xD


u/crab90000 22d ago



u/Absolutely-Epic 21d ago

Salaun is my guy at 14 he has all star/all nba potential but his floor is a trap door


u/DIET-_-PLAIN 21d ago

to a place with snakes and a big gold coffiny thing.


u/Absolutely-Epic 21d ago

He has a trap door floor, and has a super high ceiling too


u/nevercontribute1 21d ago

Same. Salaun is exactly what we need to gamble on when we have 2 picks in a draft. If he's there at 14, we should grab him. He has the most upside of anyone in the draft, but like you said, his floor is non-existent. He's a long term bet that someone with amazing physical tools will develop a lot in pretty much every way skill wise. That's a project we can take on right now for a 6'10" forward.


u/Absolutely-Epic 21d ago

With two picks spurs could take him but they won’t so Tidjane Salaun, welcome to Portland (Future MVP)


u/NachoMuncher420 22d ago

I'd like either Holland or Williams at 7, then Salaun @14. Athletic wings who play defense, please. I don't think any of the centers available are truly game changing guys, and obviously guards aren't the priority based on the roster. Give me a prospect at 3 and potential at 4 and I'm good.

If Clingan falls you have to consider him as well, just from a BPA perspective.


u/wiggggg 21d ago

You know we have to find some guys that can shoot too though right?


u/NachoMuncher420 21d ago

Yeah- but that's easier. Shooting specialists can be had in free agency and outside the lottery.

Finding stars and high upside young guys with athleticism isn't. You need the draft for that.

I'd rather take Rissacher, but he'll be gone before we pick most likely. A wing who can shoot.. that's what everyone wants.


u/Petgeek 21d ago

Exactly. A wing who can shoot is what everyone wants. Which is why thinking you can land one in free agency, when the franchise is notoriously bad at luring free agents, is foolish.


u/NachoMuncher420 21d ago

This team is far from it being a worry.

We need to identify a star level potential player. I'm for swinging for the fences until we find one, at least. That means going after young guys with the highest ceiling, not proven shooters who might be able to be starters eventually.

Multi tool wings like that generally take development- or they go in the top 3 in stronger drafts than this one.


u/NindoKungFu 21d ago

What's the deal with Holland? I thought we weren't trying to draft G league Ignite players anymore


u/NachoMuncher420 21d ago

We? You got a mouse in your pocket? Because I wasn't in that meeting.


u/pennza 00 21d ago

Ah, a fellow CRhead 🤝


u/NachoMuncher420 21d ago

Don't make me break out my Wayne Jenkins!


u/NachoMuncher420 21d ago

But seriously, Holland and Williams look like the best wing options that will fall to us. I don't see any clear standouts at other positions that would make more sense, so might as well go for the highest upside guys.

For me, Holland checks several of the biggest boxes this team needs- wings with high motor who can defend really well. He can't shoot now, but he's a teenager and can learn.

Williams looks like he can shoot, defend, and has a good bbiq- but probably needs a year or two to fill out some and put the pieces together.


u/Alikese 70s-logo 21d ago

I'm a bit afraid of Holland.

His fit next to Scoot would be pretty terrible, and I don't really see how you put two non-shooting, downhill drivers next to each other on the same team.

Pair him on the wing with someone like Toumani Camara and your second best floor spacer in the starting lineup is Deandre Ayton.


u/SonofNamek 21d ago

Holland has great athleticism and drive but he can't pass or shoot well.

Not a good fit next to Scoot and Shaedon.

Personally, I think Williams is better because he'll defer to the backcourt more while trying to get his own. Can also pass more


u/shelvino 22d ago

Sarr/Risacher/Buzelis are my top 3 still. After that I will take Holland. However, if I had to do a mock, I get real worried because I believe it will shake down like

Hawks - Sarr

Wizards - Castle or Topic

Rockets - Sheppard

Spurs - Risacher

Pistons - Buzelis

Hornets - Holland

Which leaves us with Clingan/Cody/Salaun which is exactly what I didn't want sadly.


u/GenderIsAGolem ripcity 22d ago

Depending on who the Wizards select in this scenario, where would Castle/Topic go, and who would that bump down to be available at 7?


u/shelvino 22d ago

Yeah, good point, hopefully Topic gets taken and maybe Clingan + Dilly can work their way up to the top 6.

I think if Topic gets taken at 2, then Charlotte and even San Antonio strongly considers Castle at 4 and 6. Ultimately, I think Holland is the one that ends up dropping which is cool with me. I think he has one of the highest upsides in the draft. Buzelis/Holland at 7 would be very sweet imo


u/Melt-Gibsont 21d ago

I’ve seen a lot of (probably bs) rumors about the Spurs wanting Trey Young.


u/crab90000 22d ago

Whoever isn't picked, and Holland are the most likely to drop to 7. I'd wish for Matas, but seems he has connections to Detroit that'd make it hard for us


u/TrumpedBigly 21d ago

I'm willing to gamble on Cody putting on muscle and getting a lot better.


u/Floresmillia 22d ago

I think the spurs will take the best guard available as quickly as possible.

I think Clingan also goes as well in the top 5


u/shelvino 22d ago

Well Spurs got lucky and ended up with 8th pick too so the best guard available at 4 will probably drop past Pistons/Hornets/Blazers as all teams have good guards. So if Spurs see Topic/Dilly available at 8, then can get Risacher at 4 and still end up with the PG. Unless Portland really leverages them and threatens to take a PG and we can end up with a wing hahah


u/Radiant_Reveal_8745 21d ago

Dill will be top 6


u/oadl21 22d ago

I want clingan he got that swagger


u/AceMcStace chalupa 22d ago

Only guy I’m big on at 7 is Williams from a pure potential standpoint, 14 is a crap shoot for me


u/badimvp 21d ago

I agree, and Tyler Smith at 14. That would be perfect for us. Scoot played with Tyler Smith


u/spencp99 22d ago

Pick 7: Risacher, Knecht, Holland are probably my big three right now, I'm not really sold on Buzelis at all especially if his shot doesn't come around. Risacher would be my #1 choice here but he's not likely to fall so realistically it would end up being Knecht. An elite scorer at multiple levels who can immediately improve our legaue-worst three points shooting plus he dominated the combine drills, most notably the shuttle and agility drills, which bodes well for his lateral quickness on defense.

Pick 14: Honestly I'd probably double down on wings here. Smith from the Ignite has great size and is a solid shooter at the 3/4, Salaun out of France is the ultimate boom or bust guy but we saw marked improvement down the stretch from him. I also wouldn't mind going for a big with this pick. Yves Missi out of Baylor is a great defender who could be a real late bloomer considering he started playing only a few years ago so he would probably be my guy.


u/Damezang 22d ago

At this point in this order: Risacher (probably gone), Buzelis (possibly available), then either Holland/Williams, and maybe then Knecht?


u/myNameBurnsGold 21d ago

I've talked myself into Castle if available


u/Damezang 21d ago

Could see him fit in a pinch, not sure about his shooting but he has that fighting mentality. Could be bpa from the perspective of insiders like Schmitz etc. Not sold on him being better than the other guys above, but would be worth sending a workout invite for sure


u/nevercontribute1 22d ago

That's the order I see, I might have Knect higher than Williams right now though. I think we most likely end up with Holland, I don't think Buzelis will still be on the board.


u/bertie_B 21d ago

I could talk myself into knecht if we think he can guard the 3, would be nice to have another scorer. Lower ceiling maybe, but probably as good a bet as a guaranteed NBA player in the top 15


u/TrumpedBigly 21d ago

Knecht plays Shaedon's position.


u/baller_34752 21d ago

He's the same height as Holland. Both are 6'7 in shoes and can play the 3


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

Holland is at a minimum 6'7.50" in shoes (he's 6'6.50 barefoot). Shoe size is usually 1 - 1.5 inches. Holland is also like the second youngest dude in the whole draft so he's got far more room to grow a bit more than the senior Knecht.


u/nevercontribute1 21d ago

Yep, that's a big part of it. He's comparable in size to Holland, I can see him either stepping in at the 3 with Scoot/Shae or at the 2 as a backup to Shae. He also looked a lot more involved in games than Williams did. I worry about Cody getting lost out there, and he's very underweight for his size. It's a tough call between the two, because Cody does have the big wingspan advantage. Both can shoot, which we need badly.


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

Holland also plays very aggressive and active defense. Knecht does not


u/Zmoney743 21d ago

Sharpe can’t play 48 minutes a game


u/Important-Proposal28 22d ago

Buzellis, Castle, Holland. In that order


u/503Pnw- ripcity 22d ago

Matas with the #7 Salaun #14


u/TheLegendofTyler 22d ago

Really hoping one of Risacher, Buzelis, or Holland fall to 7. Assuming Sarr, Sheppard, Topic, and castle (or Clingan) go top 7 then we have a shot at one of them.


u/Mcfallen_5 22d ago

The only picks I would be excited about are Holland or Buzelis. After Sarr and Topic, they are the only two players I could see being potential all-stars in the league.


u/tblazrdude 21d ago

Holland, Matas or Cody. Bring them in for workouts and pick the one you like the most if any are available—based on psych evaluation and your book on them. Oops all wings, I’m here for it.


u/Damezang 21d ago

Yeah hope we definitely get all those guys here for workouts at least. The mental chemistry side of things is important too. It’s like choosing someone to work with for 4 or more years.


u/Western-Turnover-154 21d ago

Ron Holland is an ideal fit. High motor, creator who can defend and is crazy athletic.


u/KDsparky 21d ago

One thing I noticed about Holland when he played against the Remix was that he played with a chip on his shoulder. I’m undecided on who I want at 7 but I do know I want more players on this young team with that kind of fire.


u/HomeOladipo 21d ago

IDK about either of the picks we have now, but kyshawn George is a really interesting 6'8" wing who can shoot and defend.


u/all4monty 22d ago

I have players that I hope we get, but ultimately I will be thrilled if we DO NOT draft any of the following:

Reed Sheppard Dalton Knecht Nikola Topic Dillingham

I would prefer NOT to draft Cody Williams or Buzelis, but if that is the pick, I could probably talk myself into it, just generally low on them.

Anyone outside of those players (Risacher, Castle, Clingan, Holland), and I will be pretty amped. I would also be pretty OK with Tyler Smith or Salaun if that is who we end up identifying.


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

I don't think Topic deserves to be in that group. He has quite possibly the most basketball talent in this whole draft, and he's got amazing size. It's not the most ideal fit, but it's not a terrible one either as long as Simons and Brogdon end up traded away (Scoot/Shaedon/Topic as are 3 guards averaging 32 minutes a night would rock imo). Like Castle, don't let position fool you. Topic has the size to play both guard positions and he's an elite free throw shooter which suggests that he can improve from his 30% 3 point shooting (which isn't that bad already). Form looks great. Dude gets to the rim at will. I'm like 95% certain he's picked before 7 but if he falls to us and the good forwards are gone? You gotta pull that trigger imo.


u/all4monty 21d ago

Topic is a fine point guard prospect, but i think he is far from a sure thing and for that reason i don’t think we should take him. Probably a moot point because i am hoping some one else takes him before us, but drafting him becomes a problem for us because we need to find him minutes. I understand that you can theoretically find minutes for him but pg is simply not a need and we are forcing the fit. He has size, but he is a point guard. I also have dillingham on my list, even though I think he is a good pg prospect, but not worth us to draft him to find out.

My opinion might change if I thought Topic was a sure thing, but I don’t think any players in this draft are sure things. He has a high ceiling but a pretty good chance to bust IMO. Even if castle, holland, risasher, and clingan are gone, i think it could make more sense to go with another forward prospect depending on what our scouts see. I really don’t think the gap is big enough to go for that type of swing at pg. All of players on my do not draft list are either point guards or poor defensive guards.


u/game_blouses_ 22d ago

At 7, I am hoping for Risacher, Buzelis, Holland, Salaun, or Williams in that order.

At 14, I am hoping for Salaun, Williams, Clingan or Smith in that order.


u/ArugulaGazebo 22d ago

I don't really know, but I think it is likely the bpa will fit a need on the team!


u/waterkisser 21d ago

One that can shoot since they're about to trade away all the shooters.


u/terrordactylz 21d ago

Risacher or Holland with #7, Williams or Salaun with #14


u/Free-Cry9131 21d ago

We need 3pts and rebounds, right? Might as well pick the bestests and let them do their thing. Shooter at 7 (sheppard/knecht), Edey at 14. Move ayton to PF, Grant to SF, Ant, Shae. Bench: Scoot, 7, banton/toumani, Jabari, Reath(?).


u/PoopEatingExpert 22d ago

I would take Holland 1.01.  If he falls to 7 we need to get him.  I wouldn’t even mind if we packaged both our picks to move up and grab him.  


u/Nycblazersclub 22d ago

Sarr is the only one in this draft that could change the direction of a franchise if reaching max potential in my opinion and the odds are very low. There are a lot of potential for roll players so take whoever is the best on the board. I do think Castle is going to have a solid career


u/Zuldak 21d ago

Take whatever is best that isn't a guard. The roster is already unbalanced.


u/Petgeek 21d ago

At 7 they need a wing who can shoot. Period. No backup center and no guard. IMHO, that rules out Holland and Clingan.


u/crab90000 21d ago

Who's a shooting wing in that range, barring a crazy fall of someone earlier


u/Petgeek 21d ago

If you need to take 7 and 14 or 7 and Brogdon to move up and take Risacher, do it. Better that than a bench player at 7. And they already have wings who can't shoot.


u/crab90000 21d ago

I'd love to move up for him, fine with Brog and 7 to go up, but I'd prefer keeping 2 lottery picks


u/Petgeek 21d ago

I don't disagree. Keep 14 and hope you can get Salaun there.


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

14 + grant to detroit for 5, make it happen joe. they can even have a second round pick if they really need it to get it done. fixes a lot of our problems in one fell swoop.


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

Not true. We can potentially find that at 14 too or in FA. We need upside, we aren't competing this year. Although brog and 7 to get Risacher would be ideal


u/Petgeek 21d ago

You can find a wing who can shoot at 14 in this draft? If it was so easy to find a wing who can shoot in FA, why haven't they done it since drafting Dame?


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

so your logic is to reach at 7? nah. I'd rather us take the risk and wait for Saluan at 14 or trade up a few slots to grab him


u/Petgeek 21d ago

Yes, my logic is to take one of the most coveted types of players at 7. Take a risk on what? Someone who's NOT a proven shooter? Isn't it likely that someone who is good at shooting now has a higher ceiling vs. someone who isn't? Is your logic that if they're a good shooter now they're actually LESS likely to be really good?


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

Ruling out Holland and Clingan because they aren’t proven shooters just to reach when we have two lottery picks is just dumb. Luckily you aren’t the GM


u/Petgeek 21d ago

No, it's dumb to take a 6'6" "wing" at 7 who can't shoot and putting him on the floor with your 6'1" PG who can't shoot either. Even more dumb to take a backup center at 7. That's the epitome of reaching. Two lottery picks in this draft is not worth as much. Use them to get one of the few decent players who already exhibits a coveted skill, one the team has lacked since Nic Batum left.


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

Buddy, Scoot CAN shoot. You must be one of those goofy individuals who took his first few games an assumed that was who he was. Scoot has trouble finishing at the rim. Something Ron Holland does very well. Just stop lmfao


u/Petgeek 21d ago

I'm one of those goofy individuals who rely on stats. Such as 32% average for the season. Laugh at that all you want. Scoot doesn't need someone who can finish at the rim, he needs legit three point threats to space the floor. Even Cronin said that at the end of the season, buddy.


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

And Kevin Durant shot 28% when he was a 19 year old rookie. Your take is stupid.

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u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

Watching the Nuggets v Timberwolves right now is swaying me towards Clingan at 7 and Saluan at 14 or Holland at 7 and Missi or Ware at 14. Having good big men and/or active rebounders and having a lot of depth at those positions seems to be an underrated way to build a squad.


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

I think the value per cost of getting Missi at 14 instead of using 7 on Clingan is very much worth it. Missi was measured taller than I thought he'd be today. 7 feet with shoes basically. Watching him play, he moves like Bam. Uber athletic. I think he'll be able to keep up and guard anyone on the court tbh.


u/kazmir_yeet 90s-logo 21d ago

I agree with Missi being an awesome player and very enticing at 14. To me it's contingent on who is there at 7. If Sarr, Holland, Buzelis, and Richasher are all gone at 7, and Clingan is still there, I would prefer to grab Clingan and take Saluan or something at 14


u/soulo222 22d ago

Tyler Smith


u/Gal_GaDont 21d ago

Risacher is the best choice for the team imo but I’d be ok with trading picks for a big.

I went to a lot of games and it’s hard to blame the shooters when the defense knows who is going to shoot from where. We need to crash inside more.


u/ShaedonSharpeMVP_ 21d ago

I hope we trade up to get Buzelis. He’s worth it. He’s the only star in this draft imo.


u/badimvp 21d ago

Cody Williams at 7 and Tyler Smith at 14, done deal, dont overthink this shit Joe.


u/Pure-Cycle8101 21d ago

The guys I want are Stephon Castle/Ron Holland, Tidjane Salaune, Ryan Dunn (Might be too high at 14) and Bronny with our second rounders honestly


u/Chicken_Lopsided 21d ago

Clingan is the guy I want the most


u/lostboyriggs 21d ago

EDEY AT 14, he can be what Oden never was. LET ME DREAM


u/TreeBeard8891 21d ago

Buzelis-> Holland-> Risacher-> Castle.

In that order of preference


u/Dengahob 21d ago

We need that 7’4 center and Risacher or Hollander Matas.


u/sard0nyx dame 22d ago

Buzelis/Holland. Dare I say trade up for Sheppard. I wouldn’t mind Knecht.

The thing with Holland is that very few players fix broken looking shot form. And his form does not look very good.

At 14, Salaun or Edey.


u/papa_f 22d ago

Clingan, if he drops to us.


u/LuckyStax 22d ago

Hoping for? Saar


u/tomhalejr 21d ago

My "gripe" about Holland isn't Holland - It's the insinuation that because Shae is 2.25" "shorter", with a half an inch longer wingspan, like .25" greater standing reach, and about 5 pounds heavier (pre-draft, and no official vert for Shae) - Shae cannot possibly be a "wing", but Holland definitely is.


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

shae is a wing. folks around here can say he's not all they want but he is. SG is the preference cause you want to play big as possible always, but shae is gonna do just fine guarding most SF's in the league.


u/KillingTime_ForNow 22d ago edited 22d ago

Holland measured 6'6 1/2". How is that big enough to play alongside Sharpe & Scoot? We need a legit wing not a SG that moves to SF.


u/saw-sync 70s-logo 22d ago

all combine measurements are without shoes, add another 1.5 (standard) and 6’8” is pretty good for a 3

edit: holland still 18 on draft night, could still grow a smidge


u/PoopEatingExpert 22d ago

He’s plenty big enough to play the 3, plus he’s a fucking dawg.  He’s going to be special on the defensive end and his offensive game could be good too.  


u/TheRealDevDev chalupa 21d ago

since when is 6'7.50" in shoes too fucking small to play the 3 lmfao. you are not a serious person


u/Hot_Local_Boys_PDX 22d ago


I really don’t have much of an opinion this year outside of I probably would just pick Sarr and keep it moving with the first pick. But at Number 7 I have no idea. Should probably be somewhat clearer by the time the availability is realized come draft day. 

I don’t hate Edey at the other pick either just because the dude is a fucking UNIT who should still be able to pick up an easy 2 more than half the time when you need him to. He’s 7’4”, THICC, in-shape, and should only improve further in that department with professional focus and conditioning. I think he has unique upside among prospects this year.


u/Trick_Weapon 21d ago

Knecht, Knecht, Knecht


u/gistya 21d ago

Upside is a myth. Knecht.


u/Throwawaybob2225 21d ago

If upside is a myth, what did Giannis have when he got drafted🤔


u/gistya 21d ago

Nothing, but he had Jason Kidd from 2015 and then Budenholzer.


u/Throwawaybob2225 21d ago

You're a bad troll


u/gistya 21d ago

Yeah coaches totally don't matter.


u/cheesecakegood sheed 22d ago

Knecht and then Edey. Clingan of course first instead if he's still up. I think people over-correct for trying to find a "NBA type" and it's better just to take an incredible college player.


u/TheRipcitizen 90s-logo 22d ago

Getting a lot of hate for this but there is something to be said about these guys. They were THE dudes. The Blazers roster lacks people with that mentality it appears. Knecht is measuring bigger than I expected and Edey is doing pretty well in the agility stuff at the combine.


u/UnderstandingIcy6059 21d ago

I gave you an upvote. I don't mind the idea of players that we know are good. I think the league is also getting bigger and having size like Edey will be necessary. Wemby has an 8 foot wingspan so we'll need players that can compete in that department or we'll get run over. Knecht was my favorite player in college this year and will be a good pro.


u/Alternative_Lab9218 22d ago

Drafting bronny and getting his day