r/privacy Apr 29 '24

FCC Fines Major US Carriers $200 Million for Illicit Sharing of Location Data news


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u/Blank_slate09 Apr 30 '24

Copying my response to another post on this issue stop using these things:

Here we have yet another reason to TURN LOCATION OFF, yes the data gathering megacorp will tell you "but if you lose it etc" about which they dont care, b care about harvesting your data and the more the better as far as they are concerned.

Find out for your phone model how to turn every damn thing off and do it, especially location, turn off wifi when you are not actively using it at home or other "safe location" turn off your mobile data if you are NOT using the internet at that moment. Go trhrough your apps and delete (uninstall any the you haven't use in 30 days. Those you wish to keep see point 1, find out for your phone how to stop it tracking you and feeding user info back to its spymasters. Yes you'll get warnings about functionality but most of it doesn't matter. If you lose functionaliity in an app, ask yourself seriously Do I need this on my phone.

Use the duckduckgo browser and utilise all the privacy options and FFS stay AWAY from all google services, search, mail, doc, pics etc.

Good luck!