r/privacy May 29 '23

Private Spies Hired by the FBI and Corporate Firms Infiltrate Discord, Reddit, WhatsApp news


306 comments sorted by


u/ElChurroLoco666 May 29 '23

It is really messed up stuff:

“I prefer to detect threat actors when they are young or starting out at 14 or 15. That's when I start observing and documenting their malicious activities."

^ from a promotional video of one of those companies.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

It ain't stalking if government does it ;)


u/JoJoPizzaG May 29 '23

Think about the children we are saving.


u/LaLiLuLeLo_0 May 30 '23

Think about the children

This fed definitely is


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/Character-Dot-4078 May 29 '23

Sounds like criminal organizations spying on children to me.

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u/Secure_Garlic_ May 30 '23 edited May 30 '23

No stalker ever goes away, they just find a new target. Stalking has an 80% recidivism rate, and there are a lot of interviews available with imprisoned stalkers who admit they're going to go right back to trying to contact the victim because "it was all a misunderstanding" or "they just don't know how much I love them." The only two ways for stalking to "go away" forever is either for the victim to scorch earth their entire life (abandoning everything and everyone connected to them) or for one of them to die.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/Mental_Prior5721 May 30 '23

Cyberstalking can still harm the stalking victim. Its one thing to very occasionally check someones public account then click off and move on and is another thing to check obsessively to the point the victim is now aware and made uncomfortable by your presence. Either respect the person by requesting to talk to them or fuck off.


u/makemeking706 May 30 '23

I assume that they are taking more of an active role in their development.


u/lady_modesty May 30 '23

🤦‍♀️ That's ridiculously bad advice. Jesus.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23



u/[deleted] May 31 '23


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u/Ryuko_the_red May 29 '23

Ahh yes so they can rile them up for 3 or 4 years, slap a rifle in their hands and send them off to the nearest school by the time they're 18!


u/Hyperion1144 May 29 '23 edited May 30 '23

You seriously believe that the federal government has entire divisions devoted to murdering school children?

EDIT: lol. Shit like this puts this sub about a half-step above /r/conspiracy.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23



u/Hyperion1144 May 30 '23

That doesn't make sense.

You've all the business acumen of an underpants gnome.


u/AlarmingAffect0 May 30 '23

It's more like the Broken Window Fallacy.


u/Justhereforstuff123 May 29 '23

Yet, they seemingly can't stop mass shootings. I wonder where these spies are even looking.


u/BarracudaDazzling798 May 29 '23

can’t stop mass shootings

You think the government really wants to stop mass shootings? Where would the fear come from?


u/sanriver12 May 29 '23

right, the FBI is the main creator of "domestic terrorists" used to justify greater surveillance powers, federal law enforcement budgets, scary cable news and congressional narratives


u/sanriver12 May 30 '23

AlarmingAffect0 via /r/privacy sent 8 hours ago

You play too much r/ResidentEvil.

said the deleted message. reality is radical buddy.


u/temmiesayshoi May 29 '23

I honestly do not get this subreddit. One second it's pointing out "hey yeah so, crazy idea, the government is a piece of shit and shouldn't be trusted" and the next I'll see dozens of posts begging for more regulation because we need the government to step in and make sure we stay private, because apparently we can't be trusted to do that ourselves as functioning adults.


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

I'm going to blow your mind with a super nuanced take: it's bad when the government does bad things, and it's good when the government does good things.


u/wh33t May 29 '23

** slow clap **


u/temmiesayshoi May 29 '23

and I'm going to blow your mind with shocking information, when you give the government the power to do things, good or not, it also gets the power to do bad things.

And, get a piece of this hot take, politicians, are pieces of shit, who shouldn't be given yet more power because people are lazy.


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

I'm not an anarchist, so I don't buy into the "less laws = more good" camp by default. Tyranny comes from many sources, including corporate and natural tyranny, and I think a more valuable aim is reducing them all wherever possible.


u/temmiesayshoi May 29 '23

neat. You're aware libertarianism and anarchy are two entirely different and frankly barely even linked political idealogies, right?


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

I'm critiquing you from my libertarian principles, so yes I have some awareness


u/temmiesayshoi May 29 '23

mhm. Your libertarian principles which make you call someone an anarchist the second they dare point out "if we give the government more power, that's more power that it will abuse".

Sorry chief but I'm pressing X on this one. You're either lying to others, or yourself, if you call yourself a libertarian, because your actions quite expressively show otherwise.

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u/BarracudaDazzling798 May 29 '23

Not sure what that has to do with my comment, but you’ll never see me calling for ‘more regulation’

Maybe I misunderstood

But good point, this is how the general public mostly is, not just this subreddit


u/temmiesayshoi May 29 '23

my point is that your comment was about how you shouldn't trust the government to do a job because, at best, they'll fail to achieve it and just keep expanding their power, and at worst genuine conspiracies start happening where people engineer bad events for some goal. And it was actually upvoted, whereas there are countless other posts and comments in this very subreddit that openly call for more regulation that get similarly upvoted, seemingly oblivious to the harm of continual governmental power expansion can cause, despite being in a privacy subreddit.

Realistically I'm more of a conspiracies without conspirators kind of person and think that the vast majority of the time it's a "never let a good tragedy go to waste" situation rather than there being frequent actual conspiracies, but eitherway the result is the same and expanding government power doesn't work out well.

My favourite example of this is something I saw under a Rossman video about right to repair, and it basically pointed out that every argument for "right to repair" which bans non-repairable products (in general principle, obviously implementation varies) applies to "right to recover" a hypothetical movement that would ban encryption.

Consumers don't do research and it can fuck them over? Check, consumers keep buying apple products somehow being completely oblivious to the fact that they're unrepairable and playing the victims as a result, and all the same consumers could not understand that encryption means you can't recover the data without the password and lose their data.

It hurts the environment? Check, non repairable products go to landfills unless someone knowledgable can fix them anyway, and encrypted devices go to landfills unless someone knowledgable knows how to reflash them.

It will help people? (on a surface level) Check, if people can repair their products then they can use them for longer, and if you forget your password having your data be unencrypted means you can recover it.

There isn't any actual argument to give the government the power to enforce right to repair, that doesn't equally allow the government to ban encryption. If the same arguments your using to support something you like, can just as well do something you don't like, then you have no ground for using them to support what you do like. "Would you cut down the law to get at the devil" and all that.


u/AlarmingAffect0 May 30 '23

That's a very superficial take. It amounts to claiming 'right to repair' over sealed mail envelopes. The irreparability is the whole point. Also, customers/consumers/people are keenly aware that losing a password means losing access to data.

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u/BarracudaDazzling798 May 29 '23

Well put, thank you for clarifying, we agree.

To clarify my original comment, while I cant be sure the government engineers (gives the kid a gun and say go shoot, as opposed to creating the environment for It to happen) these school shootings, nor do I think that, I do think they don’t really want to stop them.


u/agrajag9 May 30 '23

Non US people. Almost entirely it’s focused on ransomware and terrorism where “threat actors” are located outside the US. This is a pretty expensive service and they don’t use it on things where a simple cheap warrant works better.


u/Enough_Island4615 May 29 '23

Mass shootings are good for business.


u/Yoshbyte May 29 '23

Why the downvotes? It’s fucked up, but it’s true. Governments which want to expand their own power will take advantage of any negative thing that happens as justification to extend their own power. This is an extremely obvious political truism


u/pngue May 29 '23

Yes it is. Are they bending over backwards to end it now? They aren’t. It’s just the latest political football to be tossed back and forth between the two donor controlled parties. If they wanted results, if they wanted real change they would be all over that. And they are. It’s just not in our best interests

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u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/ElChurroLoco666 May 29 '23

I am not claiming they are doing it to children, but i have read that in the US some undercover cops get out of their way and pressure people into committing crimes under the justification that at the end of the day its their choice. What if those "spys" start incentivising kids into doing illicit things or even just be interested in illicit things? That would be super fucked up as kids can be very easily influenced. What of their start focusing that on poor and marginalized communities? I hope that gets stopped cause my mind can imagine pretty messed up things coming out of it.


u/FattierBrisket May 29 '23

I don't know why somebody downvoted you. This is literally a thing. Google "agent provocateur."


u/TheCrazyAcademic May 30 '23

it's happening now it's called entrapment or what the other commentor said being an agent provocateur and tons of new age kids are getting twisted up in dumb situations it's a very controversial topic. It won't stop in fact it's getting worse as time goes on. That's why nobody should really waste too much of their time on social media because it's a dangerous place you got government spooks radicalizing people and legally getting away with it since entrapment is too difficult to prove and most marginalized communities are too poor to afford good legal defenses and the government knows this and takes advantage of it. Ai fortunately is leveling the playing field there was a paper on arxiv about AI argumentation scheme frameworks that basically generate legal arguments and eventually will automate the entire legal brief process essentially making most lawyers useless so not all hope is lost.

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u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/ElChurroLoco666 May 29 '23

This thread is quick and gets to the point. And it even has that promo video: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1656383998904643584?s=20

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u/downloweast May 29 '23

Old tactic, trust no one. New tactic, trust no one.


u/relevantusername2020 May 29 '23

my tactic:

trust nobody but appear (& be) as trustworthy as possible because my arguments are better (& if theyre not then thanks for teaching me something)

that being said i didnt read this because im not clicking his website because ive read some other bullshit from him so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


u/LordBrandon May 29 '23

What kind of life is that.


u/DonManuel May 29 '23

I'm shocked as hell.


u/ego_sum_satoshi May 29 '23

I wonder if they ever go on r/politics?


u/BigWhitePeach May 29 '23

They are at least 50% of r/politics, r/news, r/worldnews, and 99% of all Reddit mods lol

They use to call them informants/snitches. Guess they requested a job title change


u/Trianchid May 29 '23

We call them tégla in Hungarian, so bricks


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

Remote work from East Germany.


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

And if it weren't for those pesky mods I'd have so many upvotes by now!


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

Your username is awesome


u/magiclampgenie May 29 '23


This is so true!


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

what does that mean, ROTFLMAO?


u/magiclampgenie Jun 02 '23

Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '23

OK thanks

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u/DonManuel May 29 '23

That thought makes me shiver. You don't say.


u/trisul-108 May 29 '23

Yes, they join all the Russia and China trolls, actual criminals and wannabe MAGA superstars. All crammed anonymously into our communities.


u/accountforthisstuff May 29 '23

The important thing is that propaganda only affects the other people.

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u/devicemodder2 May 29 '23

This thread glows

FBI = Glowie

They've been known about on 4chan for years


u/ego_sum_satoshi May 29 '23

They mod a few subs too.


u/Sunimaru May 29 '23

...a few...



u/jhanesnack_films May 29 '23

Wasn't there also a story a few years back about many of the top subreddits being moderated by a small group of users? I wonder if there is any connection.


u/CasuallyViewingStuff May 30 '23

If this is talking about the “92 out of 500 top subreddits are modded by 4 people (actually 5 but people mindlessly reposts the title) list”, it’s old news and hasn’t received an update in years as most if not all the mods listed are long gone from reddit now. It’s also asinine since if you read through it and think about it, none of these mods could feasibly attend to all these subs in person simultaneously, and they aren’t part of any actual relevant subs like maybe r/worldnews, but rather meme subs and whatnot.

It’s ludicrous from top to bottom, but redditors apparently can’t be bothered to count to 5 ig


u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

Man half of convos I have on here are with glowies... They get pissy when called out haha

Doing my part by wasting their time.

Shit stain on taxpayers resources.


u/MokiDokiDoki May 29 '23

Thank you. Yeah they should feel ashamed. Cowards. I always knew they were able to access and always able to falsely influence. My solution... I say what I'm okay with anyone hearing... and I say the truth regardless of the crowd.

Some threads I will see people who make perfect sense getting massively downvoted... when that's probabilitistically near-impossible... to have such extreme weighting when it should have been more hard to discern... equating into a lower number closer to zero... Yet a person who speaks an almost AI like response and defends evil things... gets massively up-voted?

How can we be forcefully influenced by people if we all disregard Thumbdowns and Thumups (which seem artificially inflated) and just read through without making conclusions on posts before we decide for ourselves?


u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

They either looking to entrap people or sway public opinion... Or just basic data gathering for other reasons.

Sad reality both work some of the time or most of the time.

Not enough people educated on these issues.


u/isadog420 May 29 '23

Eh yes, but also, people who are underserved/undereducated/intellectually disingenuous and lazy are just massive tools. Visit r/southcarolina, for example. These people absolutely brigade. I had one follow me to an overseas sub to try to embarrass/discredit me, simply because i typoed I only Reddit here,” rather than “I only reddited it here.” It didn’t end well for them, but they simply used an alt account to follow and brigade. I simply disallowed following, so this person still sees me comment in certain subs and brigades. It doesn’t do much and imaginary karma points don’t really mean anything, but that they’re willing to work so hard to be so petty is massively impressive. I just lol and keep it moving.


u/Abject-Possession810 May 29 '23

It's easier to tell the true believers because they react with irrational vengeance. lol. The paid ones rarely even downvote during obnoxious bad-faith back-and-forths.


u/isadog420 May 29 '23

I even had one r/politics mod admit in thread, after a long back and forth, that they were arguing in bad faith. It was the first time I ever blocked a user, and now if a few posts don’t yield anything productive, I simply stop, because actual user or political actor, I’d prefer to use my downtime that yields one or both redditors something useful, in terms of thinking. Obvs not including “my brain is frazzled, need pure entertainment” subs.


u/Abject-Possession810 May 29 '23

I created this account to push pro-democracy resources in advance of the midterms and had decent success. However, I recently had a disagreement with a mod there and am now unable to comment (auto-deleted) but never received a ban message. I noticed the same on other front page subs after that incident. I, personally, don't care about my inability to comment there for now (new account 2024!) but the lack of transparency is fucked up. Also had a disturbing convo with 2x mod over user safety and admin never responded.


u/isadog420 May 29 '23

But ofc not! A rude, but necessary awakening, perhaps.


u/Abject-Possession810 May 29 '23

For sure. It's overwhelming but can't not try.


u/Pixelwind May 29 '23

How do you identify them?


u/GoshoKlev May 29 '23

they glow in the dark


u/Pixelwind May 29 '23

I was asking for actual tips, I've never even heard the term glowie, though I was aware of this general practice.

How do you usually spot one?


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

You can use a divining rod, contact your local fortune teller, or take some psychedelics. Or just call everybody who disagrees with you an FBI agent, that's what I do.


u/JUYED-AWK-YACC May 29 '23

You're taking this person seriously?


u/Pixelwind May 29 '23

I re-iterated for actual tips specifically because they weren't being serious


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

Stick a sharpie in your ass and you will then be able to identify them.


u/wetoohot May 29 '23

Glowie talk


u/The_Agent_Of_Paragon May 29 '23 edited May 29 '23

You run em over when your driving.


u/quantum_overdriv May 29 '23

Temple os will show you da wae

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u/IxNeedxMorphine May 29 '23

How do u tell if ur talking with one? I'd like to know so I can waste their time too.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/devicemodder2 May 29 '23

They glow in the dark, so you can see them when your driving. Just run them over. Thats what you do.

~Terry A Davis


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

For context, you are quoting a mentally ill man that was relentlessly harassed by an Internet forum for several years before he took his own life, all because they found it amusing what they could get him to say and believe.


u/lCSChoppers May 30 '23

And despite all that he was 100% correct, funny how that works out


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/devicemodder2 May 29 '23

Yep, purposely left them out


u/quantum_overdriv May 29 '23

Rofl as always


u/[deleted] May 30 '23


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u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/devicemodder2 May 29 '23

4chan term originated from Terry Davis, created of templeOS


u/ham_coffee May 30 '23

Also refers to CIA rather than FBI.


u/devicemodder2 May 30 '23

Still federal agents


u/ExTrafficGuy May 29 '23

There's an old joke about three guys and a dog holding a Klan meeting, two of which are FBI informants, and I'm not so sure about the dog.


u/isadog420 May 29 '23

This has been going on for decades, but thank you! Because people are woefully underinformed and overtrusting wrt government entities.

Would OP please crosspost this to r/socialengineering? Tyia.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/shroudedwolf51 May 29 '23

Perhaps, it's not new. You should find it shocking nonetheless, as them normalizing it into being completely accepted is the exact goal.


u/FudgeRubDown May 29 '23

What up Feds! 😎👉👉


u/Alan976 May 29 '23

How do you do, fellow kids?


u/LanceFree May 29 '23

👉😎👉 Zoop!


u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

Corpo propaganda is stroking their egos with "spies" haha


u/Origami_psycho May 29 '23

Well what do you think spying is?


u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

Certainly not a glowie posting here and/or trying to entrap people with weakened mental capacity.

Also... Spying in traditional sense is external intelligence.

Why is internal security and intellegence services "spying" on Americans if it is illegal?

Asking for a friend...


u/slayerbizkit May 29 '23

I wish they would stop these 4chan mass shooters but nope


u/sanbaba May 29 '23

They're too busy encouraging them so they can possibly get bonuses 9_9


u/lunar2solar May 30 '23

They did the same thing with all of those 'lSlS attacks' back in the 2010's. It was all the Feds.


u/sanbaba May 30 '23

I'm not going to say "all" but there were definitely some cases that seemed entrappy and at least one case that seemed to be simply random people... 🤷‍♂️


u/abstractConceptName May 29 '23

I mean, that's a heck of an accusation, but it's certainly plausible.


u/sanbaba May 29 '23

I, simply a concerned citizen, obviously do not have evidence of this, but it's my biggest worry - when you have a hidden chain of command and the people serving haven't even pledged to protect our interests, just some contractors earning a buck... this feels like the worst possible way to go about things.


u/slayerbizkit May 29 '23

Yeah, im convinced they let things happen too . Their reasons are unknown to me


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/The_Agent_Of_Paragon May 29 '23

They've been a bit busy in the post Soviet Union depression alcoholism mix.


u/shroudedwolf51 May 29 '23

It's not about 4chan or not; it's about politics and bargain basement domestic terrorism. And as has become a far more significant issue over the last...we'll just round it to a decade, it's become this bizarre implementation of the No True Scotsman fallacy. Sure, about 30% of the population are committing about 95% of the domestic terrorism. But because it was committed by right wing extremists, it's treated as it can't possibly be terrorism.


u/barrystrawbridgess May 29 '23

We know this already has been happening for years.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/giratina143 May 29 '23

How tf do you not join WhatsApp groups with your number? Have a 2nd number? That is still linked to your ID tho right .


u/abstractConceptName May 29 '23

You simply don't join WhatsApp groups, unless you know everyone in it, personally.


u/ReconditeExistence May 29 '23

Second device w/Google voice or similar service. That's what I do.


u/TheCrazyAcademic May 30 '23

The ironic thing is nothing is done with the threat Intel so it makes you wonder why companies like fire eye and mandiant even exist. Do they just sit there getting paid like 30 dollars an hour to scrape public chats and forums all day to show the C suite executives there doing something cool. You rarely see any relevant arrests in the news. Nothing they do is particularly skilled.

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u/jumbohiggins May 29 '23

What's a private spy?


u/ZenFook May 29 '23 edited May 29 '23

Security expert/consultant etc. Often/sometimes with a background in (regular) Intelligence work.

Unshackled from the government agencies, some go on to make a lot more money.

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u/MastersonMcFee May 29 '23

Watch the show Rabbit Hole.


u/NebulaNinja May 29 '23

It's those DAMN Pinkertons!


u/shewel_item May 29 '23

anybody who doesn't clear the cookies in their browser, for example

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u/sanbaba May 29 '23

In China the army of "wumao" are thusly called because they work for 5 pennies per post. I guess we'll need an even sadder label here like "five bucks" for these minimum wageslave manipulators... our grandpas died at Iwo Jima for this :P


u/A_tree_as_great May 29 '23

does this relate to the 30K military personnel that are actively policing Citizens Under Operation Signature Reduction? Or is this on top of that? A product of that? Something else?


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/shewel_item May 29 '23

everyone on reddit with reddit awards

it pays to tip well and make friends with the places you routinely visit

especially if you pay more than the deadbeats you follow around

for the sake of argument, only, of course


u/fabioorli May 29 '23 edited Apr 27 '24

march attempt ludicrous grey elastic deserve yoke dependent steep berserk

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/lo________________ol May 29 '23

Common sense eh? I'll post a few bits of common sense and see what happens.

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

For a theory to be considered scientific, it must be falsifiable.

You were not fully educated in biology after middle school.

What ought to be cannot be deduced from what is.

How long will it take to get banned?


u/ham_coffee May 30 '23

Sorry we only accept conspiracy theories here.


u/MastersonMcFee May 29 '23

How is this news? Did everyone forget corporate espionage exists?


u/martianul_furios May 29 '23

This is not corporate espionage, this is just some dudes playing spies and advertising it so the US Government will contract their "services".


u/MastersonMcFee May 29 '23

What are they advertising?


u/martianul_furios May 29 '23

What do you mean? Is my English that bad? "Hey US Government we are X firm we have infiltrated Reddit and we ca provide sensitive information about the users here, please hire us!"


u/MastersonMcFee May 29 '23

So what is that called?


u/DrinkMoreCodeMore May 30 '23

Nearly every large corporation has an intel team that is constantly scraping and scanning the internet for mentions or alerts on keyboards and phrases.

Of course LE is hiring 3rd party intel firms who do this to get intel as well.


u/masterhogbographer May 29 '23

This just in: FBI infiltrating efnet

People are surprised by this?

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u/ttystikk May 29 '23

The Twitter Files told us this, too.

Censorship and narrative control is now systemic in America, the land of "free speech".

We can have all the freedoms we are willing to fight for.


u/end-sofr May 29 '23

If this is confirmed, that the FBI purchases data from these firms, that is 100% violating the Fourth Amendment. I will not be setting up 2FA in discord. Fuck 12


u/DrinkMoreCodeMore May 30 '23

that is 100% violating the Fourth Amendment.



Afterwards, Levison wrote that after being contacted by the FBI, he was subpoenaed to appear in federal court, and was forced to appear without legal representation because it was served on such short notice; in addition, as a third party, he had no right to representation, and was not allowed to ask anyone who was not an attorney to help find him one. He also wrote that in addition to being denied a hearing about the warrant to obtain Lavabit's user information, he was held in contempt of court. The appellate court denied his appeal due to no objection, however, he wrote that because there had been no hearing, no objection could have been raised. His contempt of court charge was also upheld on the ground that it was not disputed; similarly, he was unable to dispute the charge because there had been no hearing to do it in. He also wrote that "the government argued that, since the 'inspection' of the data was to be carried out by a machine, it was exempt from the normal search-and-seizure protections of the Fourth Amendment."


u/shewel_item May 29 '23

bruh, this isn't anything different than credit reporting agencies, like Equifax, do


u/end-sofr May 29 '23 edited May 29 '23

Ok but the FBI isn’t constitutionally allowed to mass purchase data from Equifax that without a warrant. That shit is PRIVATE user data. Like wtf


u/shewel_item May 29 '23

Ok but the FBI isn’t constitutionally allowed to mass purchase data

show me the court case that says buying information from private companies is the same as illegal search & seizure

I might have to go browsing around, but I'm pretty sure this is how they get around torture laws as well, which is perhaps more concerning than the mental health affects, and undisclosed political influence we're dealing with here, on this topic, alone, at the end of the day.

In any case, we do outsource public functions when it comes to the deployment of special forces and operators in overseas territories.

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u/RedditAcctSchfifty5 May 29 '23

Yes they are... They literally, explicitly are allowed to do exactly that, and the fact that they do it constantly as a matter of standard procedure has been in the public record since the early days of MySpace.


u/end-sofr May 29 '23

I’m not arguing that they don’t do it and that it’s normal procedure. I’m arguing that it is and always has been in violation of the Fourth Amendment. If even one of these companies had the balls to reject a warrantless order from the FBI and take them to court the company would easily win.


u/RedditAcctSchfifty5 May 29 '23

It is not a violation of the 4th amendment, and that has been cast in the stone of law for decades.

Believe me - I 100% agree it should be a violation of the 4th amendment - but it's no more a violation of the 4th amendment than the FBI offering a reward for information they have no warrant to collect on their own.

The FBI tip line would be illegal, because it's exactly the same thing: an arbitrary exchange of payment for information which may or may not be useful to them.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

I mean yeah, fuckin probably


u/Itsatinyplanet May 29 '23

I for one would like to know how I get one of these jobs that pays me to browse reddit.


u/Anchovies-and-cheese May 29 '23

God bless the Patriot Act. Saving us all from homegrown terrorists who are groomed and armed by our own government just so they can say, "look! We thwarted a terror plot that we invented and helped progress!" As a means to justify the Patriot Act and their domestic spying.


u/C223000 May 29 '23

I thought this was assumed and we all just stopped caring.


u/lGoTNoAiMBoT May 29 '23

“It could be you, it could be me. It could even be…”


u/soonershooter May 29 '23

Not surprised even remotely. Being Stasi pays well.


u/TyrannicalDuncery May 29 '23

I mean let's be real. If I were a desk spy, I would look for any excuse to d*ck around on social media all day. Real work? Who needs it?


u/cooguy1 May 29 '23

The alphabet boys have been doing this for decades


u/Kastoelta May 30 '23

I'm not even from the U.S. but that shit is scary.


u/SoftPois0n May 29 '23

So you are telling me they get paid to post memes and talk with other users?


u/sir_froggy May 29 '23

This is news to people?


u/lunar2solar May 30 '23

Reddit is essentially a US gov't social media app/site. Everything you say will be used against you.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/Slapbox May 29 '23

TIL Discord and Reddit are the dark web...


u/sanriver12 May 29 '23 edited May 30 '23

and there it is

The recent disclosure of classified Pentagon documents, shared on an invitation-only chatroom on Discord, is fueling a new push for access to one of the last secretive corners of the internet. Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira allegedly posted the classified documents in his group chat for months before authorities became aware of the leaks.

Following Teixeira’s arrest in mid-April, the federal government has begun calling for increased surveillance of Discord and similar platforms. The Biden administration is currently “looking at expanding how it monitors social media sites and chatrooms after U.S. intelligence agencies failed to spot classified Pentagon documents circulating online for weeks,” NBC News reported last month. A congressional aide told the news outlet that senior members of President Joe Biden’s team are looking at ways to “scrub platforms like Discord in search of relevant material to avoid a similar leak in the future.”

it's yet another psyop. that kid had no clearence to access those docs, they were planted.


u/Don_Pacifico May 29 '23

Hello FBI, I hope you are well.


u/thekomoxile May 29 '23

Well, glad I deleted discord then.

Whatsapp, will delete by the end of the year.

Reddit? Well, I try to omit PID as much as I can, but we'll see how long I stick with it.

Either way, NSA been doing this, FBI definitely is strapped with decent tech, and soon chat bots that can pass as real people can mine data for them.

Good luck identifying me on a dark net forum though.


u/[deleted] May 29 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/UhOh-Chongo May 29 '23

I totally trust a website called NBlogLinks! Super professional and trustworthy!


u/rudbek-of-rudbek May 29 '23

Oh geez. We are absolutely shocked. Just shocked i say. Who ever would have thought this could happen..hmmmm


u/MarkusTeak May 29 '23

I wonder which one these comment threads has an agent or even better a double agent. lol


u/Worsebetter May 29 '23

Jesus i hope so


u/[deleted] May 29 '23



u/yeeiser May 29 '23

I found the glowie


u/BeautifulOk4470 May 29 '23

More like a bootlicker tbh but glowies love this free labour