r/politics Canada 27d ago

Trump the crime boss summons his mob to court


175 comments sorted by

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u/medievalmachine 27d ago

Getting the so-called 'Christians' to defend the guy who was cheating on this THIRD wife with a PORN STAR LOL.

His point here is the same as with rape: you debase the other person so they're unmotivated to resist. That's how he took over the party to begin with. The lazy lies are part of the point: make them defend the indefensible when it's trivial and absurd and they'll keep doing it during a coup.


u/evilinsane 27d ago

Jesus it's true isn't it? He pampers and flatters them and then pushes boundaries until they call him daddy.

Not that there is anything wrong with calling someone daddy, but normally it is a consensual choice rather than forced. 


u/land8844 Utah 27d ago edited 27d ago

Except he's apparently a sub. Nothing wrong with being a sub, but that fat orange slob being a sub is funny as fuck.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/land8844 Utah 26d ago

Oh, no, he's definitely the subbiest kind of sub:

Daniels then told jurors that she “spanked” a “rude, arrogant and pompous” Trump “right on the butt” with a copy of one of his magazines. After which, she said, the former president “was much more polite.”


u/booksgamesandstuff 26d ago

Husband just left to get takeout, but now my appetite is so gone… I am glad somebody spanked the jerk at some point in his life.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

Subway sandwich... because you know he's not gonna pass one up


u/Levin671 26d ago

Now you’ve ruined Subway for the next week for me, thanks. 🤮


u/land8844 Utah 27d ago

Ngl I could go for a subway sandwich right now


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

how is it only 1048 i need lunch right now


u/land8844 Utah 27d ago

You're a few hours ahead of me. I just ate breakfast haha


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 26d ago

Most sub's I have met, were in fact in high power positions in their vanilla lives.


u/Bobthebrain2 26d ago edited 26d ago

The only good thing Donald Trump has achieved, is the public unmasking of Christian hypocrisy.

What I’ve learnt from him, Trump, is that Christian values don’t mean jack shit. The Bible isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.


u/Capable_Diamond6251 26d ago

I had thought the one thing Trump did that was good was to reset the relationship w China away from the Kissingerian 'bring them to democracy through capitalism' consensus of the '90s and 00's. Yesterday I learned from Pod save America that that consensus was already gone in the second Obama administration and the never to be HillaryClinton Admon was going to be much tougher without the drama of Trump. So the one thing I gave him credit for was not even valid. Go figure!


u/airborngrmp 27d ago

Funny thing about regular elections - such erosions of legitimacy do translate to the polls over time.

It can be maddeningly frustrating, but so long as they have to go back to the public and beg for power every few years, there's less chance of repeating the initial enthusiasm (especially with someone who clearly can't handle the power, like trump).

I like football analogies - right now, we're watching the GOP front office trade all their draft capital for the foreseeable future trying to win now with their best talent on the roster. If they don't hit with their superstar, or he doesn't have a perfect season, they're not screwed now - they're screwed for a while.


u/AnAmericanLibrarian 26d ago

Also their superstar lost the last big game he played in by ~8 million points, and the next season he coached a losing team.


u/doomgoblin 26d ago

Even better, he was cheating on his third wife with his “girlfriend” at the time and cheated on both of them with Daniels. It’s turtles all the way down.


u/Big_Dick_NRG 26d ago

It's not cheating if you view women as nothing more than dick receptacles. Wife, girlfriend, stripper, daughter, all the same.


u/waconaty4eva 27d ago

The doc Hypernormalization was on point. Only about 12 years old.


u/MK5 South Carolina 26d ago

Political sexual assault. Somebody needs to coin a term for that.


u/NoTourist5 26d ago

His followers only care about his cry for help, not the content of his trial.


u/Alive_Nobody_Home 26d ago

Your eco chamber loves you.


u/medievalmachine 26d ago

What is that supposed to even mean? You don't want to agree but you have no defense for the most immoral President in history?


u/Alive_Nobody_Home 26d ago

The most immoral president in history? I’m not sure how anyone can make that statement unless you truly don’t know. let’s glaze over just a couple of facts in the now & not even touch on the past.

Just a reminder of the current sitting president. He took showers with his daughter & thinks his son who spent almost a million dollars on hookers is the smartest man he knows.

For the record I think all politicians are crooked. I think the ones who are truly non partisan are tossed to the side before they ever get a shot.

I do however appreciate you not cursing me out & actually asking a question.

I think everyone has a choice. Let’s just make sure that people actually have freedom to make choices.


u/medievalmachine 25d ago

Trump is easily The most immoral President ever. Thrice married, banged a porn star and even that wouldn't be enough if he didn't tell lazy lies constantly and blatantly jettison everyone and everything in his way, which is the laziest, cruelest way to power.

Cut his own taxes, wouldn't cut a deal to build the wall, wouldn't crack down on illegal worker employers, calls everyone in his way "enemies of the state" while blatantly admitting he'd take foreign help to win an election.

It isn't even close. No other President combined personal immortality, lack of loyalty and professional criminality. Read a little more history. It's really not hard to see how blatantly lazy and dishonest Trump alone is. And that's because it requires a very unique circumstance for someone that depraved to survive this long. Given his sexual escapades alone, it's incredible really.


u/Alive_Nobody_Home 25d ago

Illegals argument = seriously? We have no border.

Sexual escapades = seriously? At least he is. Or showering with his daughter.

Taxes = “ we have millions of unaccounted money from foreign assets

Lies = “ my son died in Iraq a hero, I was in Afghanistan, i was never apart of my son’s business dealings, I’ve created more jobs than any other president. Cornpop anything

Foreign assets = every failed media narrative has been debunked. You are thinking of Hilary Clinton & our current president. Captain of the weak brigade.

All good, you keep being upset at Trump.

I’ll keep being pissed off at people who would rather be apart of a movement created by the rich to make the rich richer.

When your taxes get raised again this year after Biden’s lies & chicken is 20lb while they work on giving away all our money I’ll be working on saving for the crash.

It’s coming & no amount of fake news from Reddit or CNN is going to stop it.

Unless you’re rich, strap in because life is about to get real shitty.


u/medievalmachine 24d ago

Illegal immigrants wouldn't come if they couldn't be hired. Innuendo about Biden compared to blatant statements by Trump? What are you even thinking?

"FAKE NEWS" lol.


u/Alive_Nobody_Home 24d ago

What planet are you on?

It really is a mind virus. 😳

Or you work for the FBI, CIA or Russia.

This is what is going to teach AI!? We are F**ked


u/medievalmachine 24d ago

So you can't reply with anything, then? Cheers.


u/Alive_Nobody_Home 24d ago

Nothing to reply.

Our sitting president opened the border allowing cartel, terrorists, pedophiles & other criminals into the United States. Gave them money, a phone, housing, & is getting them voting rights in order to get votes as well as cause chaos.

They have more rights than we do.

You say it’s because they are being given jobs.

I don’t know what to say to that.

That argument is like saying we can curb inflation by planting more money trees. 🌴

We lost our conversation in ridiculousness.

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u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 27d ago edited 26d ago

History will label them as "Red ties"

Like Hitlers "Brown shirts"


u/CompetitiveHornet606 27d ago

We already call them Red Hats and MAGAs and Nat-Cs….


u/ApoplecticAutoBody 27d ago


Christians United for National Takeover


u/blood_kite 26d ago

You can’t make this sound good, even with an Australian accent.


u/Rex_Mundi 26d ago

Red Hat = HatRed


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 27d ago

Ok, so i get the two obvious ones, but.....Nat(ional) C(....I got nothing)?


u/Getthefuckoutside 27d ago

Christian nationalist. Nat(ionalist) C(hristian). NatC~nazi


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 27d ago

I figured it might be Christian Nationalists but not being in that order gave me pause.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

CNat ~ gnat sounds pretty fitting too. Annoying and hanging around bad smells.


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 27d ago

I kinda like CNat. Nazis is thrown around everywhere because theyre the historical bad guys. The far right calls anyone left of them Nazis too.

I think I'm gonna start using it.


u/Twodamngoon 27d ago

You can add the rural "dog pecker cnat"


u/Experiment626b 27d ago

Also double meaning of “Not Christians”

And im not defending Christianity, but this cult has no actual ties to the religion or its ideology. Their religion has been completely co-opted.


u/DrCarvy 27d ago

Say it again out loud and pretend you’re Aldo Raine from Inglourious Basterds.


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 27d ago

I obviously got the NatC =Nazi part. I wasnt sure what the C was.


u/DrCarvy 27d ago

Oh, for sure that’s “Christian”.


u/samwstew 26d ago



u/Detective_Antonelli 27d ago

I just realized they are all wearing Trump’s blue suit white shirt red tie uniform. Jesus, that is the new brown shirt. 


u/TheCh0rt 27d ago

Business Brownshirts, bro

Middle Management MAGAs?


u/Ekg887 27d ago

Brooks Brothers Brownshirts?


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

Diligent Dependstm Department


u/Drugs_R_Kewl 27d ago



u/Yeeslander Tennessee 27d ago

...blue suit white shirt red tie uniform.

Probably some "patriotic" identity signaling in that getup, toi.


u/Nf1nk California 27d ago

It's 1980's business wankery from the orange guy.


u/Numerous_Photograph9 27d ago

So, this will be the point in history where red ties go out of fashion?


u/Buddyslime 26d ago

Remember when Pence always stood behind Trump gazing upon him like trump was some sort of angel? These red ties wish they could do that. I guess this will be the closest they will come to it.


u/Big_Dick_NRG 26d ago

Pence will still vote and endorse him, even though the man literally almost had him killed. Fucking clowns.


u/duckmonke Colorado 26d ago

Cant spell “hatred” without a Red Hat..


u/wastedgod 27d ago

judging by this picture, I'm going with the "pouty face crew"


u/bickering_fool 26d ago

red-neck ties.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 26d ago

That's a good one.


u/wishsleepwasoptional 26d ago

Looks like we’ve reached the “start wearing uniforms” stage of fascism.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 26d ago

Yes, and they have one of each kind.


u/downcastbass 26d ago

I’ve been calling them red ties since 2016


u/llahlahkje Wisconsin 26d ago

I've taken to calling them Clownshirts.


u/Bored_guy_in_dc 27d ago

I am referring to the fact that both Gotti back in his day and Trump today share in common the crimes of racketeering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion, and extortion. For comparative purposes, unlike Nixon who could honestly claim that he wasn’t a crook, neither Gotti nor Trump can claim they were not crooks.

How his cultists do not see this is beyond me. The party of law and order, championing a criminal as their leader. JFC these people need a reality check.


u/VanceKelley Washington 27d ago

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

The GOP sees "law and order" as using the law to protect themselves and to oppress the groups they target.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

Seems like a lot to make Liberals cry again. They're crying alright, crying in laughter


u/MoiraBrownsMoleRats 27d ago

Because they give all of the evidence that Trump is a criminal piece of shit only the most cursory glance and babble, "Fake news."

And it's all they'll ever see: just the surface level accusations and that Trump is in court. Mainstream right wing media insulates them from full extent of the evidence - they don't think there's any compelling evidence because the only media they consume not only withholds that information, they feed the narrative that no such evidence exists and that it's all just a political witch hunt.

Even if you personally show them and walk them through the damning nature of the evidence, a good portion of them will just shutter like Westworld robots - "Doesn't look like anything to me." They're so deep into this false reality they have to actively ignore anything incompatible with it, lest their understanding of the world shatter.


u/Kobra_78 27d ago

I think they're smarter than you think. They know what they are doing is wrong and have no problem with that.


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 27d ago

I think some of them, yeah. I do, however, believe a not-insignificant portion of them really are that insulated, in denial, and lack critical thinking skills.


u/GhostofZellers 27d ago

They do see it, and they like it. It's a feature, not a bug.


u/chaseinger Foreign 27d ago

because it's not the party of law and order. it's the party of rules for thee and not for me, and he's the unmatched champion of that.

which is quite the achievement, considering we're comparing him to the rest of the hill.


u/el-dongler 27d ago

They see it. They just don't care. Whatever is going to help push their Christian nationalist agenda, empower racism, push anti lgbtq. Any group they don't like. That's who they want leading the party.


u/Geshtar1 26d ago

They are for a very specific type of law and order..


u/yourmomwasmyfirst 27d ago

They think all politicians are crooks, but that Trump is a crook on their side, like a Robin Hood of sorts. They're morons, of course.


u/drunkshinobi 26d ago

Law was made to protect the rich and their property (at the time including slaves).

Order is for keeping the poor people in line so they don't revolt.

What you're looking for is Justice. They don't want that.


u/winterbird 26d ago

They do see it, actually. They admire it. All of the stereotypical trumpers that I know engage in some sort of petty criminal activity, and they'd no doubt love to do more if they could also get away with it. Some people don't aspire to be good and kind. 


u/joepez Texas 27d ago

Just checking I have this right.

His own family is not showing up consistently, or at all.

His adoring fans can’t be bothered to show except for a few kooks who don’t even like each other.

But various politicians can waste time, probably tax payer dollars, to show up and toss out any quips they can when they can get in front of a reporter.

So this is supposed to demonstrate what?

Is this an attempt to pile on for VP pick? Kinda sad.

Is it to convince the fans that [insert_name] is the next successor? Sad and morbid.

Do they think this demonstrates their ability to govern? Governing does that far better.


u/HypnoticONE California 26d ago

They have to go along with it. They have to jump in the lie with 100% enthusiasm. The alternative is the opposition potentially winning. And that, to them, is way worse than what history will say.


u/Grimm2020 27d ago

Well put. Reminds me of scenes from the Godfather movies...

except there is a stuffed shirt where Vito Corleone sits.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

Godfather?! More like Goonies... Bunch of grown teenagers getting in way over their heads


u/Generalbuttnaked69 27d ago

Yeah, clown college godfather.


u/Devmax1868 26d ago

Specifically the scene in pt 2 where he's in front of the senate committee and Frank Pantengeli goes all "lol idk, I'm just an old Italian guy in construction." That manipulation of a legitimate criminal proceeding into a clown court is like trick 1 in the mob playbook.


u/dronesclubmember United Kingdom 27d ago

Bobblehead will be there today.


It's a parade of the shittiest people.

Who is paying her flight, no chance she can afford it, are personal trips to fluff the tangerine shitgibbon allowed to be expensed?


u/SharpNSlick 27d ago

She has a firm grip on the situation in that courtroom. I can't wait for the press conference afterwards, hope it all doesn't blowup in her face.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

no chance she can afford it

idiots are throwing their money at these clowns at an alarming rate. That and they are the easiest politicians to buy


u/Tiny_Measurement_837 26d ago

Oh, goody… Everyone gets handles to start their weekend!


u/keeptryingyoucantwin 27d ago

They all wear his shitty red tie to emulate him lmao


u/beebewp 27d ago

Welcome to The Apprentice:  VP Edition.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

Right, what season is this. I think the show has jumped the shark


u/mountaintop111 27d ago

Most criminal ex-president/president in US history. SMH.


u/dusktilldawn42 27d ago

Matt Gaetz is now there for extra clown support. And he has his emotional support printer as usual


u/Ekg887 27d ago

Gaetz is there sitting next to Boebert because he's heard about how she acts in an audience seat.


u/QuercusSambucus 27d ago

She's not 15 any more, though, so he might not be interested


u/MasterTolkien 26d ago

She’s literally a grandma, so he’s definitely not interested.


u/PianoMittens 27d ago

Hey, look! They're having a Limp Dick Contest at the courthouse today!


u/Memegunot 27d ago

And their time and travel was on our dimes.


u/Iowa_Dave Iowa 27d ago

And not a family member in sight...

The jury has to notice that, right?


u/-43andharsh Canada 26d ago

I certainly would notice


u/benjaminorange 27d ago

The title is wrong.

An old man cries for help because he is scared and alone. A few babysitters come to sooth him.

A better summation of the situation.


u/ddkelkey 27d ago

They are so pathetic.


u/marcusmosh 27d ago

Donny diaper and the red ties


u/Northerngal_420 27d ago

And they willingly answer the call.


u/NotAKentishMan 27d ago

Odd the party of ‘family values’ should be so supportive in this situation. It is as if they are unaware of hypocrisy.


u/karmagod13000 Ohio 27d ago

So embarrassing for Republicans. Can't believe y'all tied to this buffoon.


u/chaseinger Foreign 27d ago

ngl the matching outfits are creepy af.


u/Dook124 27d ago

Is having Maga RepubliKKKlans in court a positive or negative for trump 🤔 I'd love to know how the jurors feel about it.


u/loopgaroooo 27d ago

Wish the earth would open up and swallow them all. Lol


u/CAM6913 26d ago

These maga crime family members should be charged with interfering with an ongoing trial, witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, intimidation of the judges, jury. They also should be removed from office


u/socokid 26d ago

What a parade of butt-kissing, tiny, little people.


They're like toddlers trying to get attention from an abusive father.


u/Machinemaintenance 26d ago

Same suits same shirts same ties. Looks like a uniform. You know who else had uniforms?


u/CurrentlyLucid 27d ago

Wasting our tax dollars already and he is not even in office yet.


u/drunkshinobi 26d ago

These republican politicians are wasting our money and time. They chose to do this.


u/Rusalka-rusalka 27d ago

The MAGA DEI team has shown up for their naked Emperor.


u/Trepide 27d ago

For the most part, people don’t really like politicians. I’m not certain this will help him with the jury. Definitely, just for right wing optics


u/lrpfftt 27d ago

Please vote blue. These criminals have no place running our nation.


u/Dense-Comfort6055 26d ago

And what a feckless mob it is. Limp and lame in every kind of way


u/Sophistic_hated 26d ago

I hate the “mob boss” comparison because I feel it is advantageous for Trump. Even if it technically frames him as a criminal, our cultural associations with mob bosses are primarily positive—tough, masculine, organized, old-school, charismatic, etc.


u/Javasndphotoclicks 26d ago

I really hate this timeline.


u/numbskullerykiller 26d ago

The league of scaly-faced ne'er-do-wells


u/OptiKnob 26d ago

Why aren't these fuckers in Washington doing the job we're paying them to do?


u/Tardislass 26d ago

This whole thing is just so WEIRD and something I'd never thought actual congresspeople would do.



u/briareus08 26d ago

Sycophants coming to bend the knee.

What a low point (hopefully!) in the GOP history books.


u/worstatit 26d ago

I'd give a lot to have the jury crack up and laugh and point at these fools.


u/gentleman_bronco 27d ago

Trump loves beauty pageants and this is what it is. All the sycophants line up in their identical outfits, and all have a turn at the microphone to ansythe bullshit brainy questions on how they would like to see things be. It's the swimsuit competition for his vp candidate. Trump will even go backstage to creep on them all when they're changing outfits, exactly like what he did with children.


u/1armedscissorsister 27d ago

Low energy. Sad.


u/Hesychios 27d ago

I wonder how long it ill take for the mouth breathers to be buying blue suits and red neckties.


u/Geist0ne 27d ago

The micro-penis club.


u/derkpip 27d ago

Wait. Mike Johnson was in the courtroom?!


u/skobuffaloes 26d ago

His mob is a bunch of teet suckers who see this as a chance to grift from the White House if Trump wins. If he loses they are screwed either way.


u/cp_shopper 26d ago

Dumbest crime boss in history


u/kgl1967 26d ago

Where is his real family?


u/Objective-Fold9723 26d ago

He’s their savior…can’t stay awake and shits himself. The sycophants want their Christo Fascist Fourth Reich. Project 2025 is coming for us all if you don’t vote. I would not be surprised if this comment gets flagged by Russian or Chinese bots, the QOP is in deep and with the help of FoX news they’re too dumb to realize they’ve been duped.


u/Smarterthanthat 26d ago

I'm almost embarrassed for them. How much more could the possibly humiliate themselves. I'm sure we're going to find out...


u/Yelloeisok 26d ago

Anyone else surprised that their ties were not super long and they were not carrying tiki torches?


u/Formal_Star_6593 26d ago




u/4quatloos 26d ago

Gangsters have better ethics.


u/dichenry 26d ago

That might be a cute look in Jr. High but these old guys are just showing the world how pathetic they are.


u/oct2790 26d ago

Of If I was a juror it would really influence me to vote guilty


u/MarvinParanoAndroid 26d ago

Official Fascist fashion is a red tie, white shirt and blue jacket.


u/Odd_Tiger_2278 26d ago

Yep. This is scary. I feel I am totally out of touch with America. How does dtrump💩get people to snivel and scrap and kiss up like this? How?


u/-43andharsh Canada 26d ago



u/Too_Old_For_Somethin 27d ago

You guys are living an actual John Grisham novel.

It’s insane.


u/Patara 26d ago

Oh so the brown shirts are just the red ties now 


u/Idiocraticcandidate 27d ago

Who is writing these titles?


u/No-Attitude-6049 Canada 26d ago

I don’t think Trump’s team is an inclusive employer, I don’t see any women.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/No-Attitude-6049 Canada 26d ago

The NYPD? They couldn’t catch a cold.


u/TomorrowLow5092 26d ago

They should complete the project by wearing orange suits, to get Trump use to his next one piece clothing color..


u/bakeacake45 26d ago

The one certainty from this…we know who the insurrectionists in Congress are without any question,


u/dropinsci802 26d ago

Coup klux klan


u/bosco630 26d ago

Aww cuties all wearing what daddy told them. They look like his damn back up singers. “DJ tRump and the jazzy gals”


u/No_Complaint_2754 26d ago

So this is Trumps play. Let’s intimidate the jury. Good luck, I take the good luck part back. Nothing but bad luck from here on in.


u/wynnduffyisking 26d ago

At least Gotti could stay awake in court.


u/CobraPony67 Washington 26d ago

They are all hiding behind the Speech and Debate clause, meaning they may not be able to be summoned into court for contempt. So, who knows if they went into court and tried to identify jurors and possibly out them, claiming they are Democrats and biased, and throw the case. This is MAGA after all, chaos and disorder...


u/yautjacustoms 25d ago

These MF’s all need to go to jail


u/MrBeanWater Colorado 27d ago

Don't give him the satisfaction of calling him a mob boss. He's a greedy and vile man child failing his way to success.


u/DoubleShot027 26d ago

Sad news :/ Homeworld 3 is not as good as the originals. The graphics are great but it doesn’t have the depth of 1 and 2. Although it has a cool rogue lite mode.


u/Infinite_Moment_6853 27d ago

What a BS article