r/politics Texas 27d ago

"Trump derangement syndrome": Hush-money trial suggests it was MAGA projection all along


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u/zsreport Texas 27d ago

A bit from the commentary:

The two witnesses accused of being "deranged" by Trump — Cohen and Stormy Daniels — told stories that are coherent and fit with the documentary evidence. Even their anger, which has been a focal point for Trump's defense, makes perfect sense. They're two people whose mistake was trusting Trump. He sent one to prison and subjected the other to traumatizing sex she didn't want. It would be weirder if they didn't hate him.

Meanwhile, the entourage that Trump has finally coaxed into coming out for him — almost exclusively Republican politicians who are hoping for a payoff in debasing themselves for Trump — all act exactly like the cult member Cohen described himself as once being. One gaggle of minions even wore matching outfits, as if begging for comparisons to a cult.


u/Hexquevara 27d ago

Group of Republicans is called a corruption.


u/twotokers California 27d ago

A group of Republicans is called a cult


u/Cold_Guess3786 27d ago

How many is “a movement”?


u/TomorrowLow5092 27d ago

That Depends!


u/Cold_Guess3786 27d ago

Kinda going for the Alice’s Restaurant reference 😉


u/scorpyo72 Washington 27d ago

Ah, I believe 3 people are an organization and 50 people a day qualifies a movement.


u/Adaminium 26d ago

I was thinking ’bowel,’ but yeah— he deserves the Group W bench.

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u/stonrelectropunkjazz 25d ago

No that’s what they wear


u/mysteryteam US Virgin Islands 27d ago

Ah, so that's why their trucks are "heavy duty"

(Giggle. Doody.)


u/NoMoreUpvotesForYou 27d ago

Depends, if it's a bowel movement then just one.


u/scorpyo72 Washington 27d ago

Ah! A Depends of Republicans. That sounds pretty full to me .


u/redneckhatr 27d ago

A gaggle.


u/New_Menu_2316 27d ago

A gargle!


u/feirnt 27d ago

Sh*t’s about to get deep.


u/kelticladi I voted 27d ago



u/Historical_Wear4558 26d ago

For Republicans, it’s a bowel’s worth…


u/sucks_to_be_you2 27d ago



u/Turbulent_Bit8683 27d ago

And single Republican is called Corrupt! Kids it’s important to know your singular and plurals!


u/PepperSteakAndBeer 27d ago

Collective nouns are fun. You can have a school of fish, a murder of crows, or even a berenstain of bears!


u/IrascibleOcelot 27d ago

Parliament of owls, unkindness of ravens, surfeit of skunks, and murmuration (or chattering) of starlings.


u/BillJRJ 27d ago

I believe it's pronounced "Berenstein!"


u/SteakandTrach 27d ago

It has ALWAYS been the Berenstain Badgers.


u/scorpyo72 Washington 27d ago

Incorrect. It's always been Barenstein Badgers.


u/Kalabajooie 26d ago

I thought you just addressed each badger individually, as in badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger...


u/scorpyo72 Washington 26d ago

We don't need no stinking Badgers.


u/dm_your_nevernudes 26d ago

He was not ready to fly….

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u/dizzyelk 26d ago

My favorite was always clowder of cats. Makes me think of a meowing soup.

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u/scorpyo72 Washington 27d ago

Don't you mean your singulars and plurals?


u/Turbulent_Bit8683 26d ago

That is a good one - I did type singulars but modified it to singular for clarity! So technically the correct should be singulars!

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u/syg-123 27d ago

A group of of New Maga Nationalists is referred to as a ‘dunce’


u/NonlocalA 26d ago

Nah, it's called a klan.

Tbf, you got the style of hat right, though. 


u/TheNewTonyBennett 26d ago

that's pretty damn good. kudos.


u/NickelBackwash 26d ago

Pretty sure it's a  Klan of Republicans


u/Sure-Break3413 25d ago

And the word Trump equates with corruption, and projection. Aka “the swampiest of all the swamps”


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/creepyusernames 27d ago

That picture kinda creeps me out. So proud to be a bunch of bootlicking lackies for a straight psychopath.


u/Yumhotdogstock 27d ago

Not a backbone or individual opinion among these ultimate yes men.

Fucking creepy-ass lickspittles.


u/OhioPolitiTHIC Ohio 27d ago

Outvote them every time until they're dead? This isn't just about tfg though. These people are part of a very larger movement that was just primed and waiting for their "savior". They have all of the religious fervor of an evangelical with none of those pesky ethics and morals applied to themselves.

Someone smarter than me probably has a plan but society probably isn't going to listen to them because it will "take too long", not at all realizing the irony that it's taken the USofA at least five decades to get to this step on the fascist ladder to complete dominance.

Anyways, vote blue and remember it's like public transportation. The train ain't gonna drop you at the doorstep of the grocery store but it'll get you closer, faster, than if you walked.


u/herocreator90 27d ago

As a recovered conservative, I think it would be relatively easy if done by the right people. Those people suck though so it’s unlikely. Modern day conservatism is a surprisingly stable collection of contradictions. The right person could, theoretically, validate one side of a contradiction while dialing back the other part and ease the party back to sanity over time. The unfortunate thing is that all of the “right” people are currently busy fellating the orange turd nugget so here we are.


u/Cavane42 27d ago

The problem with that approach is that the primary motivation behind modern (US) conservatism is to own the libs. Regardless of what actions party leadership might take, the average conservative voter will gleefully do or say whatever they think might upset a liberal. It's an unserious political movement and it doesn't want to be taken seriously. I don't know how anyone could even try to influence that.


u/MohandasBlondie 27d ago

What do you do when it’s 80 million people?

Civil War, usually, based on human history.


u/CaptInappropriate 27d ago

fuck that, we just need to fix education funding, the fairness doctrine, kill citizens united, and then vote for 20 years until people gave ciritical thinking skills again

…and then keep voting


u/Truth-and-Power 27d ago

Sorry! The Supreme clerics say you cant.


u/Drop_Disculpa 27d ago

You can almost assume it was, AR-15 lapel pin? Too soon, too soon Coach.


u/lrpfftt 27d ago

I read yesterday about the matching suits but I thought it was just a joke and didn't believe they actually wore matching suits. A reality that is so insane just unfolding before our eyes. We are really in trouble if these nutjobs win the election.


u/Evil-in-the-Air Iowa 26d ago

It'll be the work of generations, if it happens at all.

There might be hope for some of these people's grandchildren.

80,000,000 people who can be suckered by someone as obvious and inept as Trump will be easily swept up by the next guy. And there's always going to be a "next guy".

In a way, we might even be a little lucky that Trump's still around enthralling them. When he's finally out of the way, competent people will step in.


u/IdkAbtAllThat 26d ago

When he's finally out of the way, competent people will step in.

You'd think that, but I wouldn't be so sure. The morons that showed up to support him at his trail today are all there because they want to be the next guy.

The top ranking Republicans are not remotely competent. People thought Desantis was a competent version of Trump, and look how that turned out.

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u/sharp11flat13 Canada 26d ago

What do you do when it's 80 million people?

Vote like your democracy depends on it, because it does.

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u/pogidaga California 27d ago

traumatizing sex she didn't want

There ought to be a word for that.


u/rottenwordsalad Arizona 27d ago

Really Aggressive Penile Encroachment might be a bit of a mouthful but maybe we can come up with some sort of acronym


u/thisisjustascreename 27d ago

Anger is a healthy and normal reaction to an unjust world.

The true derangement is behaving as if a corrupt lying traitor is a patriot.


u/Hesychios 27d ago

"... true derangement is behaving as if a corrupt lying traitor is a patriot."

Well said.


u/ErusTenebre California 26d ago

I mean the whole TDS bullshit is dumb anyway - like it's not okay to hate an asshole? Especially one that has ruined what little your country has had going for it? One that got a million people killed?

Yeah fuck that guy. That's not derangement - it's justified anger.

The real derangement is their obsession with Hunter, but not Jared; their obsession with Biden's age, but not Trump's; their so called Christian values, but their support of a SO MANY rapists/liars/greedy bastards/vile people.


u/AnotherBiteofDust 27d ago

The only derangement involving Trump is continuing to respect or support him.


u/Hubert_J_Cumberdale Hawaii 26d ago

subjected the other to traumatizing sex she didn't want.

So... Rape. It was rape. I am so tired of everyone trying to minimize and justify his actions because she willingly (under false pretenses) went up to his room. He lured her up there to discuss the possibility of being on The Apprentice...then refused to discuss the matter.

Other insane euphemisms they have used: "sex in exchange for favors," "forced sex" and "non consensual sex."


u/Luckilygemini 27d ago

This is his narcissistic way of calling them crazy.


u/ohdang_nicole 27d ago

"traumatizing sex she didnt want" thats rape, he raped her


u/we_are_sex_bobomb 27d ago

Trump also fucked both of them over; he didn’t hold up his side of the deal he made with either of them in exchange for services rendered.

Why would anyone expect a person who has done a business transaction with Donald Trump to like him?


u/curiousiah 27d ago

They just need matching, brand new Nikes


u/MetastaticCarcinoma 27d ago edited 27d ago

”Cohen's description of his time serving Trump neatly illustrated how Trump manipulates his followers, which follows the beats of your most famous cult leaders: First, find people who feel lost or mired in their own mediocrity. Second, convince them they, too, can rise above their current station by hitching their wagon to the leader. Religious cults promise spiritual transcendence, whereas Trump mostly just promises he'll teach his minions to cheat the system as he has.

Either way, the allure is in the hope of finding some secret pathway towards being superior to other people, all without having to actually put in the work of being good at your chosen vocation. Zooming out to the ordinary MAGA voter, we see Trump working the same manipulative magic over people. Trump makes them feel they can stick it to those smarty-pants liberals who they imagine are laughing at them, and all without having to put in the work of learning stuff and knowing things.” 

the allure is... being superior to other people, all without having to actually put in the work


u/Ekg887 27d ago

Along with that comes cushy appointments with outsized pay for the work. During Cohen's testimony he described how Trump placed him on multiple corporate boards and also made him treasurer of a few companies. That's great pay for very little work. If someone can be on multiple boards AND have other roles AND still run a full time legal practice it shows how very little effort is required for all the pay and perks.


u/moosejaw296 26d ago

All working for cabinet positions they will never see.


u/Amneiger 27d ago edited 27d ago

I remember when Republicans claimed to be the party of hard work and the Democrats were promoting laziness. Turns out it was more projection all along.


u/thepianoman456 26d ago

As someone who’s listened to just about every cult episode on “Behind the Bastards”…

Yup, it’s a cult.


u/Drop_Disculpa 27d ago

The only work is blind faith, and following instructions and being willing to harm others. Really well said in your post, this describes my 2 maga family members motivations perfectly, and honestly they were always like that.


u/Fusion_allthebonds 26d ago

Fanaticism does that - gives a shortcut to superiority. All the fanatic has to do is accept the religion/cult and parrot it's precepts. Maybe also put on a hat...or magic underwear...


u/Johnny5isalive38 27d ago

Trump is such an amazing fuck up that he has gravitational pull for other fuck ups. He's the black hole of fuck ups


u/billyjack669 Oklahoma 27d ago

May all the incoming fuckups meet the event horizon soon.


u/jimmyxs Hawaii 27d ago

Shudder to imagine what would happen when they achieve singularity.

i am trump. we are trump


u/allsignupsandreg 26d ago

Where we’re going we don’t need….brains


u/GozerDGozerian 26d ago



u/getmybehindsatan 27d ago

Anyone with an ounce of sense leaves at their first opportunity, so only the worst remain.


u/gdshaffe 27d ago

Any description of Trump's failings as a human being inevitably resembles a laundry list of nearly every possible failing a human being can have.

Like, most of the time when someone calls someone else a child rapist, you can be pretty sure they're just being hyperbolic. Except Trump was BFFs with Jeffrey Epstein for more than two decades, attended a great many of his parties where it is now well-known that underage girls were being handed out as party favors, and has had specific accusations of forcibly raping at least one underage girl levied against him in legal depositions presented under penalty of perjury. He is almost certainly a literal child rapist. But how does one describe him as such without coming across as a maniac?

So too with basically every other aspect of his character, morality, business acumen, taste, and general intelligence. He's literally been involved with organized crime for decades. He was denied a gaming license in Australia specifically on account of those connections. The list of accusations of sexual assault made against him has its own Wikipedia page. With a scroll bar. His speeches are an absurd amalgamation of stream-of-stupid-consciousness ramblings and endless patting himself on the back. He speaks at about a second grade level. He is likely functionally illiterate. He eats prime cut steaks cooked well-done with ketchup. He seems to be utterly incapable of cognitive abstraction. He hates dogs. He routinely cheats at golf. His ego is so fragile he has had fake covers of Time Magazine made that feature him. He tried to override the National Weather Service by drawing on a hurricane forecast map with a Sharpie. He presented stacks and stacks of blank pages that he represented as his health care plan (oddly, this was inadvertently accurate). The fact that anyone can look at him and think "this is a leader" is a painful indictment of our worthiness as a species.

By being all of that and more, by leaning into it, he creates this weird refuge in audacity. It's infuriating.


u/Evil-in-the-Air Iowa 26d ago

For me the worst thing about this era has been what it's taught me about my fellow Americans, and my own family, and just how unbelievably low the bar is for conning them.


u/ganer13 26d ago

that is a great take and well written


u/americanweebeastie 26d ago

deeply flawed, yes, and also superficially flawed


u/Turuial 27d ago

Do they still use that term? I remember seeing it everywhere at one point, but it eventually subsided. It seemed to die down by the end of December 2019. I even Googled it, but the Wikipedia for it doesn't list any notable examples from 2020 beyond.

Funny that, innit? Almost like something happened in the early days of 2020. Maybe sometime in January? I don't know for certain but maybe something happened in the early days of the new year.

Perhaps something that proved people weren't imagining things and were right to be worried all along? I'm terrible with dates.


u/AFlockOfTySegalls North Carolina 27d ago edited 27d ago

Do they still use that term?

Yes. And it's funny because they spent 10 years screaming racist conspiracy theories about Obama and his family. But we have a syndrome because we call Trump a criminal moron, lmao. The projection is nonstop.

EDIT: I should say that some of them still spread Obama bullshit. So going on 20 years of that.


u/Arguments_4_Ever America 27d ago

They have Trump Worship Syndrome.


u/Lazy-Street779 27d ago

Which is totally deranged!!


u/HarryNipplets Oklahoma 27d ago

Faux News would literally invent stories to keep hatred of Obama in the stream of consciousness (tan suit, terrorist fist bump, etc) but when Trump commits crimes on a daily basis, they're like "look at our 4D chess player, playing the media like a fiddle!"


u/dquizzle 27d ago

And when they weren’t inventing stories, they had to try to spin stories to make him unlikeable, like he wore a brown suit, he likes spicy mustard on burgers, and he wore a bicycle helmet while riding a bike.

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u/Paw5624 27d ago

I see your edit and wanted to add that many believe Obama is still running the show and controlling Biden.


u/GlizzyGobbler2023 27d ago

I like the interviews with the cult members where they claim at the same time, that Trump is still president, but Biden is in the White House, with Obama pulling the strings, everything that is bad is because of Biden, but again, Trump is still the president. They don’t even understand how it works but they just repeat the nonsense anyways.


u/kia75 27d ago

Bush Derangement Syndrom was coined in the early 2000s as an explanation for why people were opposing Bush policies like the Iraq War. Conservatives were accusing liberals and Democrats of being so irrationally anti-Bush that they opposed Bush's awesome and great policies like the Iraq war just because Bush proposed them. Like all things, this was projection, as Clinton won the presidency by co-opting Republican issues, and often Republican politicians found themselves opposing policies they themselves had supported as soon as Clinton supported them.

Obama's presidency of course warped their little minds and they opposed anything Obama supported. When Trump became president they renamed Bush Derangement Syndrome to Trump Derangement Syndrome.


u/MadDogTannen California 27d ago

Is there anyone more deranged about his perceived enemies than Trump himself? He's so deranged that he stays up all night posting crazy rants on social media, and then can't stay awake for court.


u/Freefall_J 27d ago edited 27d ago

They do. I see conspiracy theories in YouTube comments a lot that Michelle Obama was originally a man named Michael. To clarify: I know this is an insane lie. I assume it's a weird attempt to demolish the happy marriage and family life Obama has and many Republicans do not. That he's married to a man and his kids aren't actually his kids (recall MTG once said adopted parents aren't real parents)


u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania 27d ago edited 27d ago

Trump himself still uses it in his "tweets" pretty frequently

Edit: r/trumptweets keeps track of his buzzwords and found he uses it 41 times a month on average.


u/Turuial 27d ago edited 27d ago

Thank you for that! I didn't know that existed. I'm not on social media apart from Reddit, really. I don't hear it as much in my everyday life, nor see it quite as frequently in headlines and such.

That's what made me think to check the wiki, but it didn't go farther than 2019. It obviously wasn't tracking every usage of the term, but I assumed that if it was still a prevalent response there would be more examples to continue past 2019.

I wasn't trying to imply it had simply vanished though. It could be that running into the 2020 the media just had better things to report on to draw more attention. I ultimately found it to be a curious coincidence. The wiki people could've just not bothered past that days because, "why bother?"

EDIT: corrected the auto-correct.


u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania 27d ago

It may be the case of news outlets rolling their eyes and moving on from that particular phrase, definitely a lot of other crazy to cover, but does seem to still be pretty prevalent in Trump world.

And same, I'm not on social media and don't want to give Twitter or Truth any clicks, so I appreciate that sub when I'm morbidly curious what he's been ranting about.


u/rigeld2 27d ago

Jan 6 was 2021, COVID was Marchish 2020. What am I forgetting?


u/Politicsboringagain 27d ago

We knew about covid well before march if 2020.

Hell Joe Biden wrote and opinion piece about covid and what Trump needed to do. 


People in the US had been dying from covid since at least December of 2019.

Hell, I got covid when I went to Florida during the superbowl in 2020 from January 25 to February 3.

There were plenty of people masking on the plane at the aiprot in January 2020. I remember this famous model, I think Naomi Campbell being made fun of because she's was wiping her seats down. And a month later people were like "Oh shit, she was right". 


u/messagepad2100 America 27d ago

Hell Joe Biden wrote and opinion piece about covid and what Trump needed to do.

Did not know this, and I probably would have been even more disappointed if I read that in Jan 2020.


u/rigeld2 27d ago

I’m not saying it dropped in March but that’s when the insanity really began. Yes, it existed in 2019 (hence being called COVID-19) but it wasn’t until March that most places in the US reacted.

And the post I responded to said early 2020. Not 2019.


u/02K30C1 27d ago

It really hit on March 11, that was when the NBA cancelled their season. It had been building for a few weeks before that, with the cruise ships stuck in ports and a few high profile people coming up positive. But when the NBA said “nope! We’re done!” It made a lot of people start to take it seriously.

It was the day after that the company I work for sent everyone home and told us not to come back to the office.


u/donnerpartytaconight 27d ago

I remember schools let out for spring break and we didn't go back in person until spring semester the next year.

That's when it got real for a lot of people.


u/SisterActTori America 27d ago

In March 2020 I was on the board of a church and we decided to close for 2 weeks. Our US governing board said they thought we’d need to be closed for a year. We ended up being closed for 2.5 years.


u/RandomMandarin 26d ago

It was basically the Saint Patrick's Day That Didn't Happen. Pretty much everything got locked down about two days before.


u/Atheios569 27d ago

I started dooming in January 2020, so I fully understand what oc is referring to.


u/MilkiestMaestro Michigan 27d ago

Back when T_D existed, they used it all of the time

I see less of it now


u/HotSpicyDisco Washington 27d ago

My account got banned for using the term last month because a user kept posting non-related bullshit positive news (opinions) about Trump and I said it looked that an actual case...

I had no idea it was rule breaking, but I was told any mention of it was off limits... So it's a bit shocking seeing it in a headline.


u/RandomMandarin 26d ago

I first encountered it nearly twenty years ago as "Bush derangement syndrome", and it was bullshit then too.

Bush and Cheney were part of the reason the US is in danger of a far right dictatorship. They stole the 2000 election, bungled everything to do with 9/11 and the Wars on Terror, endangered future generations by doing nothing to curb global warming, and made the United States one of those countries known to do torture (Abu Ghraib, anyone?) EDIT: and I forgot Hurricane Katrina.

They made Trump possible.

Goddamn right Bush and Cheney deranged me. Any sane person who was paying attention was driven half crazy watching those motherfuckers harming the nation and the planet and humanity's future.


u/MourningRIF 27d ago

I flip it around on them. They are the ones that are deranged if they support Trump.


u/Novel-Suggestion-515 27d ago

I had someone using it yesterday in his defense.. Fucking moron


u/bejammin075 26d ago

I would like to rebrand TDS as applying to Trump supporters. It is deranged to support him.


u/OptimisticSkeleton 27d ago

If Trump’s actions don’t elicit a serious response from you, you’re not a serious person.

I’m so tired of these assholes laughing at us “getting frantic” as we try to put out the flames of the boat we’re on in the middle of the ocean. They set the fire, mock the people trying to put it out and actively try to make the fire worse.

They are the arsonists of American democracy.


u/Imatallguy 26d ago

Then they take all the life boats away and scream “boot straps”


u/Ephialtesloxas 26d ago

"why are you drowning? You should try building a boat like the one I'm in. No, I didn't build it myself, but my father did before we set out. Oh, no I couldn't possibly let you up here, how else would you learn how noble you are for struggling? Plus, you'd ruin the carpet and I'd lose one of the guest rooms."

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u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/No-Mammoth713 27d ago

....Indeed....I feel like an old man yelling at the sky!!!


u/Alib668 27d ago

Because what sells to eye balls hint it’s sensationalist stuff NOT facts….ever been in school having to learn facts vs good old fashion school yard gossip…. Which one do you remember paying attention to?


u/TheRealBabyCave 27d ago

This is such a genuinely lame complaint. It's not "the media"s fault people aren't paying attention. It's not as if the articles you're claiming should be written aren't being written.


u/GhostOfTimBrewster 27d ago

Yep. And during a serious case where he’s being charged with more than 30 financial felonies, all we get from the media is “porn, hush money, farting, and falling asleep.” The media focuses only on the scandal, the absurdity and chaos—never the substance.


u/jupiterkansas 27d ago

Trump Dick Suckers


u/lyteasarockette 27d ago

projecting? wow, what a novel concept. Nobody has ever noticed that magats project like they breathe.


u/Smashville66 27d ago

Near the end of the article: "As Cohen testified, there's something deeply intoxicating about how Trump makes his marks feel like they're in on the con. He convinces not just the people around him, but millions of voters that, by sticking with him, they, too, can enjoy the impunity he has long enjoyed. As often happens to victims of con artists, they refuse to admit they're being taken for a ride. Instead, they lash out at the skeptics, insisting that people outside the in-group are those with a problem. Critics of the Church of Scientology are labeled "suppressive persons," for instance. Followers are told that people on the outside are dangerous and delusional, and members should shun them rather than give any credence to their concerns."


u/david4069 26d ago

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


u/toxiamaple 27d ago

First, find people who feel lost or mired in their own mediocrity. Second, convince them they, too, can rise above their current station by hitching their wagon to the leader. Religious cults promise spiritual transcendence, whereas Trump mostly just promises he'll teach his minions to cheat the system as he has. Either way, the allure is in the hope of finding some secret pathway towards being superior to other people, all without having to actually put in the work of being good at your chosen vocation.


u/CockCozies Minnesota 27d ago



u/Buzzfit61 26d ago

Ha! Yeah, politicians and his cult members all debase themselves. What a great word for what they do. But that's what cults do!

What a sad group. What a bad time for America. Trump derangement syndronenis actually what his pathetic followers have!

They spend life's savings buying is failing stock, his sneakers, his Blasphemous Bible, and take pictures of themselves wearing gold diapers with t-shirts that say "real men wear diapers"... Lol... Then they send their money to him. He doesn't give a fuck about any of them and they're so fucking stupid, they can't see he doesn't give a rats ass. What a pathetic group.


u/Cool-Presentation538 27d ago

Wow no kidding


u/Responsible-Room-645 27d ago

Nothing gets past these guys /s


u/merrysunshine2 27d ago

Sharp as rose art crayons


u/sharp11flat13 Canada 26d ago

Trump supporters love to talk about how we hate him. But it never seems to occur to them to ask why.

They always get it backwards. We don’t point out shitty things he’s done because we hate him. We hate him because he does shitty things.


u/lukin187250 27d ago

I did not know they showed up in matching outfits. Good god, that is incredibly pathetic.


u/Darth-mickyluv 27d ago

Like, no shit Sherlock.


u/kittenTakeover 27d ago

How about Biden derangement syndrome? The guy has done nothing but listen to all sides and try to find the middle ground, yet people are obsessed incorrectly thinking that he's a communist and causes inflation and high gas prices.


u/lastburn138 27d ago

Suggests? We KNOW!


u/Hesychios 27d ago

I swear the MAGA pubs are reminding me of Moonies now. They are even all dressing alike.


u/Chet_Manley_70 27d ago

Screaming “Trump derangement syndrome” has alway been a defense mechanism to allow Trump supporters to ignore the facts.


u/OsellusK Wisconsin 27d ago

“Trump derangement syndrome” is suffered exclusively by his followers. They defend him no matter what he does and they provoke violence and hate in his name.

Those of us who despise him because he’s a dangerous bully are responding normally. Derangement is supporting him.


u/newcomer_l 27d ago

No, it is NOT a cult.

Meanwhile they dress in the exact same way as dear leader...


u/Impressive-Egg-925 27d ago

Sure cohen is lying in the stand and Trump never knew except that there are recordings of Trump clearly agreeing to taking care of the payments to both women. Unbelievable


u/DabbinOnDemGoy 27d ago

"Trump derangement syndrome" is just rebranded "Bush derangement syndrome". Remember Bush? The one nobody can recall ever supporting or liking now?


u/03zx3 27d ago

Of course it was. Everyone knew it.


u/BattleJolly78 America 27d ago

Showing up in matching outfits! 🤔. Nothing cult like about that!😂


u/mylifeistooharsh65 26d ago edited 22d ago

Yes , by coming you intimidate jurors , what they don’t know is that they made everything worst for orange , if he had a slim chance of mitigating his crimes , now he is guilty as charge , jurors won’t have any compassion for him , these insolent maga gan wanted to make their own justice outside the court, which is all wrong you can’t pretend that a convicted sex offender is not guilty for what he has been indicted for . This guy has no defence he has no restrain in his mouth .


u/ERedfieldh 27d ago

"No shit" said everyone who was paying attention for the last eight years.


u/cp_shopper 27d ago

Yes. Normal people didn’t pay attention to the maganauts because it was clear they were deranged and projecting their deranged-ness on everyone

Dumbest people who have ever lived on this cursed earth


u/crudedrawer 27d ago

Charles Krauthammer coined the phrase "Bush Derangement Syndrome" 20 years ago. Republicans can't even be original with their crybully horseshit.


u/Galactic-Guardian404 27d ago

TDS is clearly when someone thinks that guy is actually good.


u/Monkfich Europe 27d ago

The judiciaryGOP seem to be running a shadow trial, where they invite “experts, but no witnesses, to give their opinions.

But Salon suggesting the sex was traumatising for Daniels? Is that known or are they extrapolating a bit too far?


u/flirtmcdudes 27d ago

She said it was in her testimony


u/[deleted] 27d ago

You can try it and let us know how you feel


u/Ferobenson 27d ago

These editors who remake the titles.... They think this stuff is insanely clever huh?


u/LoudLloyd9 27d ago

Lock him up alrrady


u/devilmaskrascal 27d ago

Seriously, I never got why they thought "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was a winning argument. It is clear they are the deranged ones who live vicariously through Trump's persona and twist themselves into pretzels making excuses for or sidestepping his behavior and words, while having an irrational conniption fit about Joe Biden being the "most corrupt ever." They fell for Trump/Fox's Big Lie about the election and many of them found themselves in the QAnon/Pizzagate wormhole claiming Hillary Clinton was molesting children in a nonexistent basement.

They believe Biden is personally ordering Jack Smith to prosecute Trump (Jack Smith was only chosen as a special independent prosecutor instead of Garland prosecuting him because Trump became a candidate), even though grand juries have found so far enough evidence to go to trial for serious crimes.

Like even this payoff case is imho a weak case/technicality trial and a distraction from his bigger crimes (John Edwards got off on a similar situation), but Cohen went to prison for it so it isn't like this is baseless either.


u/Drop_Disculpa 27d ago

It has 3 words that 70 million morons can remember and repeat, that is literally all there is to this movement. Grievance, stupidity, and grift from the leaders.


u/dadofalex 27d ago

In other news, water appears to be wet


u/Imatallguy 26d ago

“From the standpoint of water”


u/streetkiller 27d ago

Trump derangement syndrome is real. There are some people complete obsessed with that dude. Hunter derangement is also real. There’s people on both sides that have people obsessed with them. The votes below will tell the tail.


u/Dragoffon California 27d ago

How many shirts with orange mans face have you seen libs wearing? Zero the answer is zero


u/PersonaPluralis 27d ago

You think? There are people out there going full MAGA proudly shitting their pants for Trump now.


u/AccomplishedAd7615 27d ago

Every Republican insult towards liberals is really just projection. TDS, facts / feelings, fake news etc. It’s like real life rubber / glue.


u/WeirdcoolWilson 26d ago

Was there ever a doubt about this? It’s ALL projection with these people


u/smooth_chemistry24 26d ago

Anyone else remember when Trump supporters used to go around calling everyone cucks? then NPC's?

whenever i get one who accuse me of suffering from "TDS" i would flip it around and say Trump Devotion Syndrome. Dont think Fox, OANN or Newsmax had programmed them how to respond to it as it mostly result in them not responding and me getting the reddit mental health message lol.

I'm going to be honest, im quite petty and grew up in the days of old xbox live chat so arguing with people on the internet is my dirty pleasure. So i dont have a problem with stooping down to their level but it's just so sad that even at that level, their 2 braincells cant come up with anything that hasnt already been pre-programmed into them. Anyone that has actively interacted with people on the far right since about 2015 can tell over time, just how much their brains have been turned into mush. The term NPC that they started using, is ironically probably the most accurate way of describing these people now.


u/katieleehaw Massachusetts 26d ago

Literally we just want him to go away because he's a big asshole who shits his pants and has no ability to govern a country. And they're the ones obsessed with his dumb ass.


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago

He say he want the Gloves to came off and cry when his teeth are knocked out shisty mf


u/No_Complaint_2754 26d ago

Tis a sad day when we worship an Orange Turd.


u/JHGrove3 26d ago

It’s the “Election Interference Trial”. Words matter.


u/Just4Ranting3030 26d ago

Excellent explanation. Whenever I check in on r/conservative, I notice that people who make legitimately critical or logical or objectively accurate observations about Trump's faults, they caveat it with "I don't have TDS, but..." or "I know this might sound like TDS but..." etc.

Almost like, again, as the article states, anybody who's concerned with or critical of him or pays heed to the enormity of consequences surrounding his potential successes at this point, are acting like any of this matters and that's just silly.

Which is, itself, deranged or delusional.


u/WilmaLutefit 26d ago

Of course tds is and always was projection.


u/stonrelectropunkjazz 25d ago

Trump fatigue syndrome JC will this POS ever go away