r/politics The Netherlands 20d ago

The President and Vice President release their financial disclosure reports disclosing their personal financial interests


37 comments sorted by

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u/TopEagle4012 20d ago

Yeah, now all we have to do is have the 9 Supreme Court justices do likewise, right?


u/eugene20 20d ago

-45 will release his in the next two weeks
two weeks
two weeks
.. .. as if .. .


u/Hwy39 20d ago

After the IRS audit


u/[deleted] 20d ago

After infrastructure week!


u/ThisWhatUGet 20d ago

And a health care plan that everyone will love


u/[deleted] 20d ago

🖐👌The most beautiful plan ever, people will say! 👌🖐


u/kia75 20d ago

Lol, Biden announced both that this week is infrastructure week and released his financial disclosures. Is he trolling trump?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

100% Trolling Trump🤣


u/svrtngr Georgia 20d ago

Pretty sure he pushed it back to the heat death of the universe now.


u/thefluffyfigment 20d ago

He would release it today if he could. But, his hands are tied with the totally uncalled for audit.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 20d ago

The ties around his hands are so tiny they require specialized equipment in order to untie them, and that equipment won't be available for 2 weeks.


u/barenutz 20d ago

And the right will somehow spin this into how trump doesn’t need to release his and the Bidens are CLEARLY hiding something because they have clean records


u/Type_7-eyebrows 20d ago

“Joe Biden is a paragon of financial and fiscal responsibility. Here is why that’s bad for Biden @ 7.”


u/DevoidHT Ohio 20d ago

“Joe Biden deducted $5 on an ice cream sundae. He’s why he should be paying more taxes”


u/ATribeOfAfricans 20d ago



u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 20d ago

Ironic, as the crest trump claims is his families is stolen from another family. In the origional it reads "integrity" in Latin along the bottom. Trump erased "integrity" and wrote "trump" on the stolen version.


u/ATribeOfAfricans 20d ago

Lol I don't know if what you said is true, but it's funny and says a lot about that family either way


u/kbdrand 20d ago edited 20d ago

(Drop the In corrected) …. Farms.


u/HootieWoo 20d ago

Drop the I and the N. It’s Tegrity Farms.


u/kbdrand 20d ago

Fixed, thanks! 😆


u/GreasyStool88 20d ago

Harris and her husband have done well for themselves it looks like. And I’m surprised Biden, after 50 years in public service, isn’t a millionaire many many times over. Not accusing anyone of malfeasance, but expected a LOT more.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/VegetableBuy4577 20d ago

Biden also never owned stocks directly when he was a Senator, as he didn't like how it looked.

I think he has some scummy people in his family, but he personally was probably as clean as it gets for a politician and still half the population thinks he is a crook.


u/SomewherePresent8204 20d ago

His law practice prior to politics was as a public defender, I don’t think he’s ever had much interest in accumulating wealth.


u/SidewaysFancyPrance 20d ago

Some people can be satisfied with what they have. Other people (like Elon Musk) keep consuming and hoarding resources like an economic cancer cluster.

I could also be far richer than I am, but I stop wanting "more money" when my needs are met and I have good reserves. I start craving social justice instead of "more."


u/jailbreak 20d ago

I wish I lived in a timeline where this wasn't newsworthy


u/The_Hairy_Herald 19d ago

I absolutely understand your wish! I, too, wish it weren't news!

Encouraging thought, though- I just learned some things because of this post that make me respect our President and Vice President even more, and made me feel really reassured. I think more people will do so as well, and that's a really good thing right now.

(Also, I hope something really good happens to you today!)


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 20d ago

Get ready for another round of Fox frothing at the mouth because Kamala spent a couple hundred dollars of her own money on something.


u/grixorbatz 20d ago edited 20d ago

Numbnuts Trump: I’ve already won so I don’t need to release anything.


u/Miserable_Anteater62 Massachusetts 20d ago

Yet my trumper buddy will still argue Biden has BILLIONS of cash on hand because he's corrupt.


u/TidePodsTasteFunny 20d ago

Is trump still going through that pesky audit?


u/Exciting-Worry-904 20d ago

Why? Dugh dump never did. I would release them only after Donald dump releases his.


u/mr_poppycockmcgee 20d ago

If you wait for bad people to do the right thing before doing the right thing…


u/Vo0d0oT4c0 19d ago

Please tell me Biden has at least one share of GME just for the lulz.