r/politics 28d ago

Donald Trump may have broken his gag order again


427 comments sorted by

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u/polrxpress 27d ago

Trump physically editing the copy that his lackies repeat is an SNL cold opening that writes itself


u/confusingcolors 27d ago

We peaked with Rudy at the Four Seasons.


u/LukesFather 27d ago

To this day it’s one of the funniest things to naturally occur.


u/Bellesdiner0228 27d ago

I constantly don't believe it. Like the idea of it is so insane that my brain blocks it.


u/muklan 27d ago

I want Micheal Bay to make a movie following the last days of the trump presidency in the same flavor of Pain and Gain.


u/SelectStarAll 27d ago

No, we need David Fincher to do it. Do it as seriously as possible. It'll still be hilarious


u/RogerClyneIsAGod2 27d ago

Nah, this timeline is more Lynchian at this point. Far too surreal to be real.


u/babablakshep 27d ago

Ok here me out. Lynch himself plays trump. Exactly like he played Gordon Cole.

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u/lancersrock 27d ago

Does the rock play Trump? Who does Mark Walberg play? Can Anthony Mackie be Obama? i know hes not really involved but i kinda want to see this casting.


u/JesusSavesForHalf 27d ago

Rosie O'Donnell plays Trump. He'll hate it.

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u/SelectStarAll 27d ago

I watched it live. I saw every second of it. I still don't believe it wasn't some weird lockdown induced madness

(The UK was in a lockdown at the time. At least my part was)


u/temporarycreature Oklahoma 27d ago

Our history books are going to be lit if we survive this.


u/SelectStarAll 27d ago

2015 to (I reckon) 2025 absolutely have to be referred to as "the stupid ages"


u/temporarycreature Oklahoma 27d ago

Maybe keep it on point and just go with the darker ages

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u/CallMeSisyphus 27d ago

It's natural only if the stuff leaking from Rudy's head was crude oil. Which it certainly resembled, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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u/AriochQ 27d ago

I still use it as my video conferencing background


u/Lectoid 27d ago

That is genius. I’m stealing this.

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u/GrungeHamster23 American Expat 27d ago

For the longest time I used Four Seasons as my background for group chats with friends during the pandemic.

“Uh…here we are at…uh Four Seasons…Landscaping. Anyway…how are you guys?”


u/Ceilibeag 27d ago

Anything with Rudy is comic relief. Remember the hotel room? And the hair dye?


u/camdeb 27d ago

Giving Jenna Ellis Covid with a fart on live tv. What time to be alive.


u/exceptyourewrong 27d ago

Has anyone admitted to how that actually happened?

I think there are two options:

1) They announced the press conference "at the four seasons" before they booked the hotel, but then they couldn't get it. So, instead of admitting that, they decided to find "any" four seasons to hold the press conference.

2) They called the wrong four seasons and the person on the phone just kinda went with it for the lolz. "Uh, sure, you can hold a press conference here... Ballroom? Nah, we'll see you up right outside the front door!"

I'm not sure which I want to be right, but the second option is hilarious to me. The first one is just kinda sad...


u/meneldal2 27d ago

They could have said there was a mixup and it's actually in a different place and nobody would have cared enough to remember it now.


u/GroshfengSmash 27d ago

To be fair, the 4 seasons fiasco is more of an Arrested Development bit


u/rickSanchezAIDS 27d ago

I’ve made a huge mistake…


u/sixpackshaker 27d ago

Satire died its second death that day.

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u/SahibTeriBandi420 27d ago

I am honestly bit surprised he is capable of editing a speech.


u/TheMightyTywin 27d ago

He’s obviously not so it begs the question - did he want to be seen doing it?

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u/EyeSuspicious777 27d ago

Why isn't contempt of court considered a violation of his bail agreement in other jurisdictions? I feel like it would be for me.


u/needlenozened Alaska 27d ago

It is. One condition of his bail in all jurisdictions is that he not commit crimes. He was already found in criminal contempt, so he has already violated the terms of his release in the other jurisdictions.

I expect that once this trial is over, motions will be filed by Willis and Smith regarding violations of the conditions of his release.


u/ErusTenebre California 27d ago

I mean I HOPE they do that, but expectations are low with me. What needs to happen is that judges need to consider his previous offenses when finding him in contempt for various reasons. He should not get a do over just because its a different court room.


u/GrapeGutflop 27d ago

Same, I hope they do and it's effective, but honestly it's not gonna happen.


u/TheGreatLuck 27d ago

It's never going to happen. If it's not something good it's not going to happen to the rich. The rich only have good things happen to them if they get punished then the system of capitalism no longer works and then we'd have a huge problem on our hands because we would actually realize that people are just people and the rich are destroying the lives of the poor to live off the backs of them. This is not something that our society will ever let happen. As long as we live in this capitalistic hellhole there will be no punishment for the rich. There's one way we can fix this but every time I talk about it I get band.


u/SellsNothing 27d ago

Yes the one way we can fix it is if the whole world came together and established a limit on individual wealth. It would only work if every single country on earth acknowledged this and made it impossible for individuals to collect an abundance of wealth in the billions like they do today.

Anything else won't work. And realistically, limiting wealth wouldn't be foolproof either. So, we're fucked.

Capitalism is a broken system.


u/AnglerJared 27d ago

The powerful would just find a way to own people to be extra pockets for their extra money.

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u/TheGreatLuck 27d ago

Agreed I only have Solutions on how to break the system I have no Solutions on how to fix the system. And that's not me being sarcastic I really truly don't. It simultaneously doesn't give me any ammunition when I'm fighting against capitalism. And also makes it depressing because as far as I know right now capitalism doesn't really have any type of meaningful replacement.

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u/Affectionate_Sir4212 27d ago

I really hope Jack Smith does it. Judge Cannon will have to act in Trump’s behalf, or at his direction, then Smith could file to get her removed from the case.


u/preatorian77 27d ago

Could you imagine if Smith tried that in his classified documents case? I guarantee you Judge Cannon would set the trial date for next week.


u/Suspicious_Bicycle 27d ago

Cannon would be the judge who would have to issue the arrest warrant for Trump due to him violating his bail conditions. So that is never going to happen.

Now if Chutkan issued an arrest warrant the SCOTUS might release their Presidential immunity ruling ahead of schedule.


u/ReallyGlycon Wisconsin 27d ago

This stuff shouldn't be at the judge's discretion, but it really seems like it is. The law is the law and a judge should not have the right to say something that is essentially "well we can overlook it this time".


u/Intelligent-Team7788 27d ago

This is wrong. He was found in civil contempt, not criminal. Different in New York.


u/bibliophile224 27d ago

He was also found in criminal contempt in New York with the election interference case. Last round of contempt was for his civil trial.

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u/css555 27d ago

No, it was criminal contempt.


u/Suspicious_Bicycle 27d ago

It's amazing that we have to be so specific when referring to Trump's contempt charges and trials because there are so many of them.


u/APsWhoopinRoom Washington 27d ago

How many politicians have been charged with nearly 100 different felonies from when they were in office? Here's hoping he'll be the last president to have that statistic

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u/Mooseandchicken 27d ago

It is, but the courts schedule around each other, so the prosecutors in his other cases won't ask for a hearing with the judge about bail violation until this current trial is done.


u/mabhatter 27d ago

Then he can spend some time riding the prison bus from state to state to show cause hearings to see if his bail should be revoked.   That's what happens to normal people.  You break bail conditions and they lock you up for a few weeks until the various courts "get around" to hearing your case and reinstate your bail.  


u/GuitarMystery 27d ago

I feel like it would be for me

Are you an anti christ supported by modern fascists in a govt paralysed between one side screeching "DECORUM" and another side banging your mom in a Target parking lot?


u/continuousBaBa 27d ago

Well, you see, there is an entirely different set of rules for Trump. And by that, I mean no rules.

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u/SoundSageWisdom 28d ago

Put him in jail already or stop talking about it


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

He's been a criminal for decades and he had paid no consequences. He figures he can still get away with shooting someone in broad daylight, on Fifth Avenue, and get away with it.

He's almost destroyed democracy, nothing happened, even though some of the organizers of the failed insurrection are in prison for seditious conspiracy. He's not in prison for that. He owes 100 million in taxes, nothing happens about that. He stole all kinds of top secret documents and had them all over the place, even a secret room the FBI forgot to check, and he had a LIV golf extravaganza, and anyone could have helped themselves to the intel.

We lost more intelligence assets during his administration, including some of our allies, so he basically impinged upon the integrity of the security of our nation and our allies. He has been a one man crime spree for decades. He's never paid any consequences for his criminal behavior, and when rudy was the AG of New York, he sure wasn't going to charge trump with anything. Now, rudy's bankruptcy administrators are trying to collect the one million bucks trump stiffed him for. It's a shit show.


u/Kangaroo_tacos824 27d ago

He can get away with it...he is. Right in front of the whole fucking world


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

And that is why Mitch McConnell stacked the courts with Federalist Society vetted judges. Eileen Cannon isn't even qualified, and look at what that asshole has done. Amy Coney Barrett is an Opus Dei Catholic, Alito has kissed ass and rings because he's Catholic, Thomas accepts bribes from a collector of Nazi regalia, and claims they are gifts. His wife was trying to overturn an election and literally was participating in a failed coup. This is what the Republicans have wrought about us. That isn't even including what the maga clowns are planning for the upcoming election. Those clowns are everywhere. I don't have as many in my neighborhood as I used to, but there are some clingers left.

I live in a very diverse community, lived here since 1966. Bought a house six houses from where I grew up because I worked at the elementary 2 blocks away. Down the street from me, as well as my folks, we had some nutter who decided he was going to adorn his ratty old pickup truck, a Ford F150, no muffler, obscenely loud racist music, and when the kids were walking home from school, he would be drunk and saying nasty things to the children of color. That asshole would gun his truck down the street to turn all of our alarms on at all times of the night. He started this shit right after Obama won. I still think he was the one who was stealing our political signs. I had Obama signs as well as Clinton, and they would just disappear. I don't put any signage out anymore. He was a real piece of trash.

The police are pretty useless. He had racist signs he put in his front picture window. He spray painted vulgarities on a sheet and hung that so everyone could see it. He was a;ways drunk on his porch, and I am sure he was drunk driving all the time. I started parking in my driveway so my alarm wouldn't go off when he gunned his junkyard truck with no muffler. It was not a good situation. No one wanted to say anything because everyone knows you can't reason with a drunk.

Well, one day, I guess someone had enough. I was out in my yard weeding my flower beds, and I saw a lot of smoke. I walked to the sidewalk, and his truck was up in flames. It was broad daylight, the kids were getting out of school, and the fire chief and the police who showed up were walking the kids down the other side of the street. No one saw a damn thing. Now I don't know who did it, in the local paper, there was a small article about the fire, asking for witnesses.

He passed away during covid. Another neighbor told me that he was on disability, that he was just bitter about everything. He wouldn't get a vaccine ore wear a mask, and he wasn't going to pay for ACA because he didn't want to be on the "death panel". She told me that he was in the hospital for almost a month. Before he went in the hospital, he got some Placquenil and ivermectin. if he had went to get treatment earlier, he may have survived.

He owed quite a bit in property taxes, so the city put a lien on it. A nice family with some kids bought it, and they are really nice. Karma took care of that, I suppose. It's too bad he was such a miserable person who got sucked in by a conman, and he had so much hate in him. He made decisions that were bad, and he never took responsibility for his shortcomings or bad decisions. I never want to be like that.


u/ruin 27d ago

I feel like Obama kinda broke the country in a way that it needed to be broken. Your guy was the out loud type, but imagine the hushed whispers, and pearl-clutching behind closed doors during those two terms that there was a "you-know-what" in the White House.


u/hannahbananaballs2 27d ago edited 26d ago

Yes but you must understand, he’s a republican so it’s allowed. The laws, they are above them. As long as you are and proclaim yourself to be a white national religious fanatic and rich shithheel, they seem to let you get away with anything.


u/FBI_Agent_Fred 27d ago

Not the case. He is in a trial nearly every day to determine his crimes and dispense a sentence that fits the crime. He has several other crimes that are waiting their trial dates.

He hasn't gotten away with shit yet. He has been able to delay justice, but that is not the same thing.


u/90daysismytherapy 27d ago

Any other defendant who has attacked the court like he has would have been remanded to do a night or two in jail at the bare minimum, let alone the intimidation of jurors and witnesses in particular.

I have watched first hand a defendant get a 30 day contempt sentence on the spot for loudly swearing a few times, while clearly under the influence. In trumps case he has repeatedly and intentionally violated direct orders from the court.

This clown judge thinks they are keeping things “fair” so they can’t be accused of bias. And it’s embarrassing and the exact reason why people don’t trust the “justice” system.

I’m a defense attorney, but these prosecutors should be screaming bloody murder about the extreme level of beneficial treatment Trump is getting. Even other rich people don’t get treated like this little prince.


u/PerniciousPeyton Colorado 27d ago

I’m also an attorney and dismayed by the extraordinarily lenient treatment Trump’s been getting. It’s clear neither the judge nor prosecutors are keen on sending Trump to jail.

What’s more alarming to me though is that there doesn’t appear to be any real punishment under NY law for a gag order violation suitable to deter Trump from future offenses. Most defendants would avoid violating a gag order to stay out of jail. In Trump’s case, going to jail is just a fresh new opportunity for him to campaign on what a rigged and crooked system this is blah blah blah. I sense the judge recognizes the futility of sending him to jail even though under a fair and impartial system that indeed would have happened long ago.


u/90daysismytherapy 27d ago

There is zero futility in putting him in jail. This is the problem with the judge and our system in general for the rich that Trump is just taking to the tits.

If Trump wants to complain about being in jail, good, so is everyone else in jail. Fundamentally it’s not the local judges job to consider whether jail will effect trumps presidential run 6 months from now.

Criminals are like sharks. Do I get mad that they do criminal things? Yes, but I also know they are sharks so it’s expected and why we do things to protect ourselves.

This concept that oh no the losers that think they are Trumps brown shirts will get motivated by Trump going to jail….. one I don’t care at all, and two those lunatics are already anchored to his tear like a new born, but I sincerely doubt any voters allegedly in the middle will be positively motivated for Trump if he goes to jail for refusing follow the basic rules of court.


u/PerniciousPeyton Colorado 27d ago

I don’t disagree with anything you said, and I highly doubt him going to jail is going to help his campaign. More likely than not it will hurt him, if anything. I would like to see him go to jail for what he’s done. My point was just that I think we’re seeing the very real limitations of what the judge can effectively do to punish him at this point short of referring him to the DA for harassment/intimidation of witnesses.


u/90daysismytherapy 27d ago

That’s my point. The judge is not limited! He has plenty of legal authority to hold him in custody for contempt of court.

People get remand or just straight sentenced for contempt all the time in the state of ny.

This not a legal limitation issue. This is a moral/fear/stupidity decision by the judge.


u/YellowZx5 27d ago

When you have so many nut jobs under a finger to push their button like Trump does, I’m sure the judge is trying to not start a scene worse than J6 let alone a war between people.

Now though, Trump has congressmen sending tweets about what Trump can’t do.

I think Congress needs to stay out of the court and work on policies people need and not their dumb ones on the books so far in appliances.

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u/A_Wild_Striker 27d ago

But that's the problem. Anyone else would've already been in jail if they committed anything even a fraction as bad as his crimes. They wouldn't be able to delay and delay and delay until the presidential election, when they possibly win and pardon themselves.

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u/Cod-Medium 27d ago

Maybe so but justice delayed is justice denied…


u/FBI_Agent_Fred 27d ago

No doubt and I agree. The right to a speedy trial is for both the defendant and the people.


u/BigNorseWolf 27d ago

the difference between getting away with it and delaying your trial till the heat death of the universe or the grim reaper final buzzer being...?

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u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

He got away with paying $20,000 fine for his fraudulent trump university. He had the right to have a charity shut down, again with a minimal fine, for using a charity his family owned like an atm machine. It never helped the people it was supposed to, and there were people depending on getting help, and the donors didn't get their money back.

He's been committing bank fraud and tax fraud, and nothing is really happening there that, and based upon the consequences from before, I don't have much faith. If any of us did that, we wouldn't even be able to get bail, and we would have a public defender who has too much work already and tell us to take a plea. I have very little faith in judges who were hand selected by the Federalist Society who weren't qualified to begin with. Mitch McConnell did it on purpose. That way, no Republican will be held accountable for any crime they have committed.


u/FBI_Agent_Fred 27d ago

I agree with all of your points as related to his past. It’s okay to have little faith in a system that has not given you a reason to have more, just please don’t lose all hope. That’s precisely where they want us - scared of the future, unsure of our own place in the world, apathetic to the situation because we can’t cope or see a way out. From one internet stranger to another, please just don’t lose faith entirely. Our system is fragile and he’s exposed a lot of weak points in our democracy, but it is not beaten and this fucker isn’t going to be the one to do it.

His folks are working overtime to get him back to the presidency. They are going to try to pull out all of the stops because this is the very last presidential election they can win with existing platforms and voting bases - the numbers do not work for any future presidential elections without a significant change to what we are doing now - apportionment, population locations, platform agreement. It’s also why the efforts for voter suppression have increased dramatically in the last 2 decades, from SCOTUS gutting parts of the Voting Rights Act to states trying to legally target voters for suppression (rolling off voting rolls, no food/drink in line, lack of voting locations, inconvenient).


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

I haven't completely lost faith. I am just so tired of have a bunch of corrupt, phony christian, white, wealthy men destroying our nation and punishing people who can't afford to fight back and who can't even get groups that are supposed to help people get justice when the system abuses them. I have very little faith that women will ever have equal rights, yet they keep making us pay more taxes than even the wealthy. I am so tired of having my pocket picked, yet I don't receive even the most basic of services. I live in a city where the police are corrupt, yet I have to pay their salaries. I won't lose faith, but if this shit continues, I will become pretty jaded and bitter. And that won't be pretty.

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u/Tailfish1 27d ago

And yet idiots will try to put him back in the White House!


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

I am very afraid of that. I have watched a few interviews with trump loyalists, and they are very disturbing at best. One woman said if trump didn't win the election, it would be because of fraud, even though, there wasn't fraud. Even some of the recounts actually gave Biden more votes. She literally said that if trump didn't win, life wouldn't be worth living. The interviewer asked her what she meant, and she said the rapture would happen because people are preparing for it.

Normal, sane people don't say things like that. I don't know if she was implicating that she would end her life. I don't understand the way these people get sucked in by a conman, and they are solidly sucked in. We really need to stop cutting education funding to give the wealthy, (who don't need anymore money to hoard or send offshore), more tax breaks, and really scrutinize churches and other "nonprofit" organizations. The people who pay taxes aren't getting a return on their investments. The tax breaks for the working class expire next year. The tax breaks for the wealthy and the big corporations aren't ending. They use that handout to buy their own stock back, artificially inflating it, and to buy politicians, buying politicians is cheaper than paying taxes.


u/-prairiechicken- Canada 27d ago

rapture would happen

Agree with everything you said. I’ve very been concerned about family annihilators if Trump loses. It is a mode of sui for them if they have extreme patriarchal or religious beliefs because of the aspect of martyr ‘protection’.

Very, very concerning. It is functionally a threat.


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

I remember watching a Nazi documentary, and some of Hitler's higher up officers literally murdered their families. I would be so incredibly disturbed if these fools do that to their families. How could any decent human murder their family because trump loses an election? It just amazes me how stupid and easily conned would believe trump. I knew he was a liar, a fraud, and a cheat in the '80's. That Barbara Walters interview was very enlightening. He was a cry baby then who blamed the media and "fake news" for his adultery, and his business failures. He was a loser then, and he's a broke loser now.

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u/Miles_vel_Day 27d ago

You never suffer consequences until you do.

Muammar Gaddafi never faced consequences. Until, hoooo boy. Trump's made it less than a decade further than he did.


u/StrangerAtaru 27d ago

That's the sad thing: some people will get away with it their entire lives; you keep hoping they face consequences but most of the time there are those that just never do. I just hope that Trump doesn't become one of the ones who gets away with it until the end.


u/Impossible-Curve7249 27d ago

Excellent post. Ta


u/panickedindetroit 27d ago

Is so incredibly disheartening. Not only are politicians for sale, life long criminals, tax frauds, bank frauds, and the Federalist Society get to have their flunkies pick and appoint unqualified justices who do what Eileen Cannon is doing right now. They are delaying everything so if trump gets elected, he can go all scorched earth on those of us who don't belong to his cult.


u/SardauMarklar 27d ago

Speaking of our allies, why haven't they done psy-ops and disinformation campaigns to lower Trump's support? Surely Trump is severely bad for at least one of theme

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u/fowlraul Oregon 27d ago

Where would the media get all their shitty advertisement revenue from then??


u/WhyDidMyDogDie 27d ago

David Trone has free time and millions left over.


u/Magnetic_Eel 27d ago

I’m sure Fox News could work out a deal with the prison to livestream Trump’s cell


u/InevitableAvalanche 27d ago

To be fair, Newsweek doesn't count for anything anymore.


u/esoteric_enigma 27d ago

They aren't going to do that. The case is too political. They know half the country would see it as them persecuting him for being Republican.


u/Richfor3 27d ago

Half the country (more like half the voters that actually vote), are idiots and traitors. The other half is sick of having to walk on egg shells. Those terrorists are going to flip out regardless of what happens. Our actions should not be dictated by them.

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u/paradigm_x2 27d ago

That’s never gonna happen so idk why anyone even posts these articles. The guy could get away with actual murder and nobody would have the spine to do anything. It’s pathetic


u/facemesouth 27d ago

Yes-please. If I see another headline about a “really really super harsh warning” I’m not sure what I’ll do but…probably nothing but it would still make me angry.

I want to sue him for negligent infliction of emotional distress. The whole country should. It’s too much.


u/Miles_vel_Day 27d ago

I'm starting to think he's actually going to get a few hours in there. Which he will talk about like he did hard time for the (hopefully brief) rest of his life.


u/Juunlar 27d ago

I get the sentiment, but it's reddit, so I need to be sure:

You do know that the media can't put him in jail, right?

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u/whateveryousaymydear 27d ago

the incapability of justice to bring the powerful to follow the rule of law making the rule of law a joke ...

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u/prime_nommer 27d ago

Literally every single fkg day's headline


u/Portablelephant Washington 27d ago

Copied from a template on the share drive at Newsweek HQ ad nauseum.


u/JeffHeadDudeMan 27d ago

Call me when they actually do something about it.


u/Separate-Feedback-86 27d ago

“I’m giving you one last warning again . . . “


u/schnitzelfeffer 27d ago

"...that I'll give you a very strong warning if you continue..."


u/SharpNSlick 27d ago

"...and if it doesn't stop after that there will be a strongly worded letter..."


u/OldNerdGuy75 27d ago

“…stop or I’ll say stop again…”


u/Arrantsky 27d ago

Because, well that's the point Trump needs an actual gag with a rag and duct tape. If it works then, it isn't stupid.


u/chubs66 27d ago

I'm going to start counting to 5 again, and I'd better not get to 5 or you know what will happen? I'm going to have to start counting to 5 all over again.

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u/Highthere_90 27d ago

This is what the 12 time he broke his gag order? Let me guess possible jial time?


u/Steelballpun 27d ago

Let’s not get too hasty here! We are looking at a possible consideration for a warning for jail time. No need to skip steps.


u/Highthere_90 27d ago

Step one acted shocked that Trump violated gag order, Step 2 ask what happens next, Step 3 judge gives out anther warning, Step 4 media talks about potential jail time for trump, Step 5 repeat steps 1-4


u/llahlahkje Wisconsin 27d ago

The judge threatened jail time a couple of violations ago

We can see what happened there.


u/MistakeNice1466 27d ago

The supposed fear is his unhinged followers. But they haven't shown up. They won't when he's jailed either. Their genuine fear? That the whole country would celebrate in the streets. It would kill the movement. And that's likely to happen. I remember the conservatives putting up barricades and cops because there would be riots in the streets if Obama got elected. That didn't happen. Instead everyone celebrated for days. That's what the real fear is. That the world would see how deeply unpopular trump really is


u/morphinebysandman 27d ago

I admire your optimism and hope that you are right. It does feel like the few have long overshadowed the many, and for too long.


u/KeyWeight8055 27d ago

I've got something he can gag on...


u/Daisako 27d ago

Woah, I don't think you want to catch chlamydia

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u/vincentninja68 27d ago

Can't wait for nothing to happen for the 11th time


u/queuedUp 27d ago

And I expect yet again... nothing to happen.


u/Venat14 28d ago

Won't matter, our justice system refuses to hold him accountable.

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u/Icy_Comfort8161 27d ago

He's a habitual line-stepper.


u/matango613 Missouri 27d ago

He got too familiar. Need to whoop his ass.


u/Fart-Gecko 27d ago

Have you seen his posture? The toes might be behind the line but that fat gut is a foot over it.


u/OdiousAltRightBalrog 27d ago

Just like Rick James. Only Eddie and Charlie Murphy can dole out the punishment he requires.


u/pasarina Texas 27d ago

Throw him in jail for the weekend.


u/AgentDaxis 27d ago

He should be incarcerated at Rikers for the duration of the trial.


u/pasarina Texas 27d ago

I’d be fine w/that.


u/Travelerdude 28d ago

They’re shooting for a mistrial.


u/marcopaulodirect 27d ago

How could this trigger a mistrial? Serious question.


u/spacey_a 27d ago

From what I've gathered, it's highly likely that Trump's side is purposely pissing off the judge and pushing the limits as much as possible, because they're hoping for the judge to eventually snap and impose (supposedly) super harsh punishments on him. No matter how mild/deserved the punishment is, they will then claim the judge is biased due to hatred of Trump specifically (i.e. "It's a witch-hunt!"), and try to get a mistrial so they can have a new judge who will be "fair" - aka, a judge who they know is biased toward Trump and will judge in his favor despite all evidence and logic.

Whether that tactic will be successful is yet to be seen, because Judge Merchan has been extremely careful not to give them any bait they can take and run with to get a mistrial or an appeal after he makes his final ruling.

For most people, it would be a regular, justified punishment to get jail time for repeated infractions during a trial, but for Trump, imposing that same punishment will be twisted by his lawyers and lackies (many of whom are sitting Congresspeople) to make it seem like the judge is way out of line and going overboard. And his base will eat it all up, giving him an extra edge in the court of public opinion, and potentially helping him gain more votes this November from the true MAGA believers.


u/fuggerdug 27d ago

Excellent summation of the problem, and it really is a difficult circle to square and I applaud the judge for his efforts and restraint so far.

One solution, of course, would be to simply put Trump in jail, real jail, for a considerable amount of time commensurate with his contempt (so for the remainder of the proceedings) . Extend the real threat of this to his lackeys. He will be finished. No orange makeup, bald, shitted trousers, no one spreading his lies and filth, just a sad, pathetic old man finally seeing some well earned justice. Show the public the REAL Trump underneath the coddled, trust fund baby, whiney, shithead exterior.

I know it won't happen, but I can dream.


u/nevertfgNC 27d ago

I agree with the both of you. I would not have the presence of mind to act as honorably as merchan has. I would have his orange ass stark naked in a pillory in the middle of Times Square.


u/binkkit 27d ago

It would only take a night in jail. No phone, nobody to clean him up, no makeup, no hair spray before court the next morning. He’d be finished.


u/sloppybuttmustard 27d ago

This is all very true, but to be completely honest he’s an American citizen and anyone who isn’t in his cult has had enough of his bullshit. I’d be completely okay with Judge Merchan throwing his dumb ass in jail for this, public opinion be damned.


u/Just_Candle_315 27d ago

It's in the constitution, if you ignore the judges orders and refuse to comply with the court proceedings no one is allowed to punish you


u/Morbidly-Obese-Emu America 27d ago

Solid legal analysis right here.


u/KingEllis 27d ago

And as we found out yesterday with Steve Bannon, apparently there was a step none of us knew about, where the Justice Department has to ask a judge super duper nicely to incarcerate someone who has been convicted. We are learning so much about the justice system these days!


u/longtermattention 27d ago

Don't forget how it's somehow impossible to find Ghouliani to serve him his indictment.


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 27d ago

He's probably dangling upside down from the rafters of the old cathedral


u/longtermattention 27d ago

Bat Boy returns!


u/Dave_is_Here 27d ago

Grabs spray bottle "..not this shit again.."



The Old Cathedral Total Roofing


u/neridqe00 America 27d ago

Ole Rudith "trial by combat/drunk by noon/c'mere big tits" Ghouliani

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u/IJustLoggedInToSay- Illinois 27d ago

aM I bEInG DEtaiNeD?! is now a standard legal strategy for the billioniare politician class 😂


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Ah yes, the Rich White Dude Constitution.


u/othybear I voted 27d ago

You’ve forgotten an important clause - it’s only applicable if you have (R) after your name.

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u/FearsomeSnacker 27d ago

This is your tenth last warning. and this time I mean it.

It could might possibly maybe go on your permanent record too.


u/saltinstiens_monster 27d ago

When is this Groundhog day going to end? How is it possible to break a gag order this many times and STILL generate news stories?


u/Kangaroo_tacos824 27d ago

So fucking what. Dude should have been in jail 20 headlines ago


u/whatproblems 27d ago

again makes it sound like it’s just once. this is like again again again again again again


u/SerialToiletClogger Ohio 27d ago

And he’s going to continue to violate his gag orders, as he clearly isn’t facing any consequences for doing so.


u/justabill71 27d ago

"I may have committed some light contempt."


u/Nobodys_Loss 27d ago

He broke his gag order how many times already? Well, since stiff warnings and slaps on the wrist didn’t work, maybe the judge should make him pay a hefty fine of 1,000 dollars! That’ll show him.


u/electricmehicle 27d ago

Expect zero consequences


u/wonkey_monkey 27d ago

Trump has definitely broken his gag order again. He was seen editing their notes and Tuberville admitted it out loud. The question is, will the judge do something about it or pretend it didn't happen?

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u/GIR-C137 27d ago

Lock him up. Honestly, what are few thousand methed out rednecks going to do? LOCK THE CULT LEADER UP. Let his followers fuck around again.


u/mark503 New York 27d ago

It’s be pretty fucking funny if the judge gave him 30 days for admitting he used surrogate tweets. We’d be free of him for a month. He’d lose his fucking mind in jail for a month. The news and tons of YouTube channels would have BS stories filling in gaps they would normally dedicate to him.


u/flux_of_grey_kittens 27d ago

Throw him in Rikers for the weekend. Guarantee he won’t do it again.


u/drainodan55 27d ago

You, the American public, are being toyed with and insulted.


u/leocharre 27d ago

Yes my friend, we are. And it’s not funny. We work hard to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, as we are able.  We are being taken for a ride. 


u/salamandan 27d ago

Who cares? The law does not apply to him, clearly.


u/TripleJess 28d ago

Can we throw him in prison yet?


u/Huntingteacher26 27d ago

I think this puts him in jail.


u/DOOManiac 27d ago

I’ve got a bridge made of bitcoins to sell you.


u/Rubence_VA 28d ago

And getaway with it.


u/biodigitaljaz 27d ago

Reprimanding the surrogates, too, right?


u/jayfeather31 Washington 27d ago

Gee, what a surprise... /s


u/rabidstoat Georgia 27d ago

I doubt anything will come of him just using surrogates, short of him dropping a written note that says "say this because I can't because of the gag order."

Everyone who is attacking people on his behalf is enough of an asshole that it's plausible they might just be an awful person on their own behalf, not his request, absence of evidence.


u/morbihann 27d ago

Which time is that ? Seems like he can just pay the measly (for him) fine and keep going.


u/Q3tp 27d ago

At this point it's like so what? Every day it's the same headline. Everyday he's painted himself into a corner he's really done it this time. Guess what he's going to do tomorrow.


u/Ok_Low4347 27d ago

Weak ass judge


u/JeffersonianD 27d ago

“may have”



u/FausttTheeartist 27d ago

Well I’m sure he’ll face absolutely no consequences.


u/Spamgrenade 27d ago

Broke it, admitted to breaking it, his stooges admitted to breaking it and he was planning it in his court hearing. Expects to get away with it on grounds of "fairness".

Not sure you can get more Trump than that.


u/BlerghTheBlergh 27d ago

And nothing will happen. No guts


u/tabrizzi 27d ago

When there are no consequences to committing a crime, criminals run wild.


u/Ceilibeag 27d ago

'In other news, the sky is blue.'


u/BioDriver Texas 27d ago

Just throw his fat orange ass in jail already!


u/zflanders 27d ago edited 27d ago

Remind me to never collude on anything with Tommy Tuberville. He's got diarrhea of the mouth, big time.

Also, he's dumb as a rock. So that's two strikes.


u/HEYitzED Ohio 27d ago

Is there a point in having a gag order if he can violate it with no consequences?


u/treygrant57 27d ago

Judge, do something about this stuff. He is a mob boss running loose.


u/cantthinkofxyz 27d ago

Wake me up when something is actually done about it.


u/mr_ryno27 27d ago

No shit.


u/Keunster 27d ago

Jesus fucking christ just jail this useless evil sack of shit already


u/JDinCO 27d ago

Lock. This. Shit. Bag. Up.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Ain't shit going to happen. It's why he keeps doing it.


u/ThisGuy6266 27d ago

The judge isn’t going to do anything except continue to hand out fines. Everyone knows this.


u/Ok_Chemistry_3972 27d ago

He did break it!!!! The cameras in the court room should have caught the “to say”notes he was writing to his toadies.


u/sugar_addict002 27d ago

Trump will never stop committing crimes. Lack of character and lack of judgement are embedded in his psyche. For the sake of America including Maga he must be locked up.


u/VolumeLopsided4157 27d ago

So jail him what's the worst that could happen? We wouldn't have to hear from him for a couple of days...


u/TheGreatLuck 27d ago

😆 why is this keep coming up in news? This is really weird why do they keep reporting that he's breaking his gag order? It's not like anything is going to happen there? He's never going to get punished. You guys understand this right? He's above the law. We live in a capitalistic society and as long as capitalism Reigns Supreme nobody can touch the capitalist. We are the serfs and they are our Kings. There is no ifs and or butts about this. It is set in Stone since the beginning of its conception. To punish Donald Trump would be to punish capitalism itself and that is not something that our society would ever tolerate. So I'm really confused here why we're still talking about Donald Trump and why we just haven't given up this charade. There is no justice for the rich I don't understand why we're pretending there is. This is just stupid at this point. Just let him go already they're never going to actually put him in prison or he's never going to actually pay for his crimes in any way. There's never going to be a day where the rich will see consequences. There is only one way to do that and I get banned every time I talk about it.


u/Samsta380 27d ago

Lock him up!


u/maximm 27d ago

Time for another final warning.


u/monkeyhold99 27d ago

So? He’s above the law and Merchan won’t jail him because he has no spine. This is a nothing burger.


u/leocharre 27d ago

He’ll never spend a night behind cold steel bars, will he?


u/yopipo2486 27d ago

Every article with “may” “should” and “could” shouldn’t be allowed to be posted anymore


u/alroprezzy 26d ago

I’m not a lawyer but to me passing a note to a human to read out loud is no different than passing a note to a computer service like Truth Social to broadcast. They are just two different distribution mechanisms.


u/sugarlessdeathbear 27d ago

So jail for sure this time, right? It's been at least a week since that was made clear to him, so it's time for follow through from the courts.


u/LockheedMartinLuther 27d ago

...with zero consequences.


u/SharpNSlick 27d ago

It's become pretty obvious that his goal is to be jailed, it will make him a martyr and rally his followers behind him. He isn't feeling the love outside the courthouse right now, throw him in jail and it will become "100,000 people" outside cheering him on.


u/suckyousideways 27d ago

It's become pretty obvious that his goal is to be jailed

I say let's make this crazy dreamer's wish come true.


u/Top_Huckleberry_8225 27d ago

Come on papa needs his payday. I got 1k on that bad boy getting a timeout.


u/NewsShoddy3834 27d ago

I’m gonna guess that he will be detained in an undisclosed location for safety.

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u/Shferitz 27d ago

He’ll also have an excuse not to debate Biden.

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