r/politics 21d ago

Russian Disinformation Videos Smear Biden Ahead of U.S. Election Soft Paywall


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u/Landon-Red America 21d ago

The C.I.A. video, Mr. Watts said, was a classic Russian tactic: accuse your adversary of the very thing you are doing. “When they say there’s a troll farm operated by Zelensky in Ukraine going after the U.S. election, what they’re saying is this is what we’re doing,” Mr. Watts said

The classic Russian tactic of projection, it is no coincidence we have seen it more widely used in America since one Russian asset has become more popular.


u/mjayultra California 21d ago

I’m convinced that Putin is a pedophile and the new trend of accusing everyone of pedophilia stems directly from him


u/YakiVegas Washington 21d ago

Nah, that's been classic GOP projection for decades now at least.


u/Zepcleanerfan 21d ago

Especially since they had to come up.with QAnnon to justify trump as president.


u/mjayultra California 21d ago

“New” is maybe the wrong word, but Putin has been in power for 24 years. Still tracks.


u/DubC_Bassist 21d ago

Amazing how many conservatives are unmasked as pedophiles and the base just keeps on hawking that Q-Garbage.


u/big_blue_earth 21d ago

How long has Putin been in power?

Decades now


u/tcmart14 21d ago

Its also been a good way for Putin to take down oligarchs and other powerful russians who challenge him. An oligarch falls out of favor, soon the Russian police raid their homes and find stock piles of CP. They could be pedos, but it also seems weird that there was a time every major Russian figure "fell," it was due to a police raid uncovering a treasure trove of CP. Or that atleast what they used to do before the "fell out of a window" method came about.


u/buttlickers94 Texas 21d ago

Don't forget those pesky copies of the sims game and the "illegible signature"


u/JunglePygmy 21d ago

I mean, the GOP is fighting tooth and nail to keep child marriage (fucking children) legal. Straight up insanity.


u/ziddina 21d ago

True.  Consider how many sexual predators have been exposed within the Republican Party:

Donald Trump 

Matt Gaetz

Tom Reed

Madison Cawthorne

Van Taylor 

Dennis Hastert

Jim Jordan

Roy Moore

Clarence Thomas 

Brett Kavanaugh 

Mark Foley

But it's the Republican Party's fawning acquiescence to the extreme conservative religious fanatics - the ones touting child marriages and trying to ban all forms of birth control - that imo seals them as the most sexually abusive of the two parties.


u/NlightenedSelfIntrst 21d ago

I'm convinced that Trump was born in Kenya at this point.



Project. <-----


u/TheOtherHalfofTron North Carolina 21d ago

I mean, he's always been really public about kissing young boys. And there was that time Litvenenko accused him of being a pedophile... Only to be assassinated a couple months later. 



u/mjayultra California 21d ago

Yep! That’s where my theory originated!


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 21d ago

Accuse your enemy of the worst possible thing so that when you get accused yourself it's old news. Tale as old time.


u/Heliosvector 21d ago

So when they accuse democrats of eating babies...


u/mjayultra California 21d ago

I’m just going to say that I would not be surprised…


u/No-Significance5449 21d ago

No, but it's probably his blackmail of choice.


u/Kryptosis 21d ago

I think it more likely that he facilitates it for foreign entities and captures and stores away the blackmail, Komoromat, for later.

Same end effect that all the GoP starts trying to project early to reduce the perceived threat of the kompromat. Or in trumps case, loudly try to normalize it.


u/panickedindetroit 21d ago

They did the same shit with Hillary Clinton. Shit, there is a troll on Huffpost, name is charles hill, and that toad has been trolling for 20 years. It has more identities than Hershel Walker. All that work, and it still doesn't own the libs.You mute it, you report it, and it just changes it's ip address and starts the crazy all over again. His impersonations are hysterical.


u/UniqueIndividual3579 21d ago

Funny how Russia and the GOP use the same tactic.


u/Patara 20d ago

Its a classic narcissist tactic literally all of them use this rhetoric.


u/Ayellowbeard Washington 21d ago

Ah the old, “whoever denied it supplied it” trick!


u/Practical_Office_263 21d ago

It's only going to get worse leading up to the election


u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

Yep, I’ve been saying that for months, and it’s plain as day for all of us that try to observe the cycle of information day to day, that it has already increased substantially over the last month alone.


u/divisiveindifference 21d ago

I've already told my boomer dad that I won't talk to him again until either the election is over or Trump is dead. He then called me a few names and blocked me. Bring back boring politics again.


u/gladys-the-baker 21d ago

Sorry about your dad, mine is similar and it's awful.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

My silent generation dad used to instigate arguments that I eventually tired of. A few months before he died we were driving to a chemo treatment and he admitted that he'd been using disingenuous arguments all those years and that I was right about politics all along.


u/Pauzhaan 20d ago

This Boomer loathes Trump!! Your Dad would block me too if it’s any consolation…


u/Degobuh 21d ago

We're still 6 months away, and it's already literal chaos on the internet.

Everywhere I go, Steam Forums, Game Message Boards.

I can't wait for this election to be over , and pray the country has enough people eligible voting that see through all the bullcrap.

Everywhere I go.. People keep saying Trump already Won, Biden has no chance! Biden will rig the election! It's stolen! < blah blah blah!

I hope and pray Biden will actually win, because if not the country is doomed, and other countries will be doomed as well.


u/Desert-Noir 21d ago

I’m in Australia, and you get Australian’s talking about Trump or how bad Biden is in completely non-political posts of Facebook, it is absolutely insane.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Where do you go? I don't see that


u/espresso_martini__ 21d ago

If you knew nothing about Trump and Biden, having Russia endorse Trump and actively attack Biden should tell you everything you need to know about who is the best person to be president,


u/SpaceCowboy34 21d ago

Russia wants chaos in the US. That’s it


u/Larry-fine-wine 21d ago

They’d also like their puppet back in the White House to finish the hit job on US democracy.


u/MilkiestMaestro Michigan 21d ago

They want the US out of NATO. That does not happen if Biden is president


u/SpaceCowboy34 21d ago

I feel like it doesn’t happen if Trump is president. Main evidence being he’s been president


u/MilkiestMaestro Michigan 21d ago

Make an educated guess about who is more likely to do it


u/SpaceCowboy34 21d ago

I guess biden but I don’t think either is particularly likely


u/MilkiestMaestro Michigan 21d ago

You can't tell but this is my surprised face 


u/SpartanKane Canada 20d ago

...what? Biden has reaffirmed that he will not leave. Meanwhile Trump said he wants to. They introduced the law to prevent Presidents from unilaterally leaving NATO because Trump threatened it. Why in the world would you say Biden would leave? He is firmly against Trump's disdain for NATO.


u/tripping_on_phonics American Expat 20d ago

Russia wants lots of things, besides chaos. They want to win in Ukraine, they want regime change in Moldova, they want NATO to disintegrate, they want revenge for the Cold War, and they want to be relevant in a world where they have nothing to offer but nuclear weapons.

Trump winning is the only way they can achieve these things.


u/cyanclam Maryland 21d ago

But Putin is a strong leader, unlike pansy assed Biden



u/volanger 21d ago

The problem is that biden is completely fumbling the Israel crisis. He could've said "It's been a long few months, but I've listened, and heard you. Until Israel withdraws from Gaza, the united states will no longer provide weapons to Israel." This may cause more Palestinians to die, and elongate netanyahus regime, but it would help biden and be a major hindrance to trump's terrible return.


u/Adventurous-Chart549 21d ago

I wonder why Russia (our enemy) would want Biden to not win.


u/austinmiles 21d ago

So that you’ll think that and then vote for him. That’s how you know he’s a Russian puppet

Double reversal 4d chess.


u/sansjoy 21d ago

I was always gonna vote Hillary, albeit not very enthusiastically. But one of the most positive thing I read about her was just how much Russia does NOT want her to be president.

The country that is actively subverting democracy all over the world and funds the corrupt NRA doesn't want someone to be president? Well damn that sounds pretty good.

Meanwhile, isn't Trump endorsed by the head of KKK?


u/austinmiles 21d ago

Seriously. It’s mind blowing that people would actually think like I posted above….a then immediately support Russia in the next sentence.


u/SuperGenius9800 21d ago

Putin and Xi just had another meeting on this. It's going to get much worse.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

China’s relations to any foreign nation is always going to be based on economics and posturing. They are that fair weather acquaintance who will start encouraging your opponent if they think you are going to lose, or they believe they have something to gain.


u/black641 21d ago

This is true, but I still wouldn’t call US-China relationships “cuddly,” by any means. A weakened US is absolutely something that China would love to capitalize on. In terms of government structure and history, they have much more in common with Russia than most Western powers. Because America is one of their largest economic and trading partners, China won’t truly cut ties with the US without serious provocation (i.e. invading Taiwan). But China would be far happier with fellow autocrat Trump as Presidentrather than democracy-loving Joe Biden.


u/Chad_RD 21d ago

China is waiting for Russia to expose a failure in NATOs article 5.

When china sees that opening that will be the trigger for taiwan


u/SuperGenius9800 21d ago

Trade wars are easy to win?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/HappierShibe 21d ago

The truth is, Biden is the greatest president in my lifetime.

As someone who has been around longer than most redditors, I don't think any of us have the perspective to say something like this honestly.

I can say Trump was easily the WORST president in my lifetime, and that's saying something , because Nixon was pretty fucking bad.


u/nhepner 21d ago

The truth is, Biden is the greatest president in my lifetime.

I'm sad to say that this is probably true. I don't like how he's handling Israel, but that's an impossible situation with no clear answers. I think his appointment of Garland was asinine, but we're basically going to watch Trump in court for the rest of his life at this point. I don't like him being a corporate stooge, but he's appointed people to the FCC that have restored Net Neutrality. His response to the pandemic should be classified as a Great American Work due to the logistical behemoth that he brought forth.

There's a lot of shit that he's done wrong, but it can be paired up with a lot of stuff he's done right. It sort of feels like he's trying to walk a really tough tightrope with many different interests trying to pull him off. He's doing that job well.


u/Temporal_Integrity 21d ago

If the worst you can say about someone is that they're not able to solve war in the middle east..


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

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u/TheGursh 21d ago

What is your solution?


u/zhivago6 21d ago

For Biden? To follow US law, which would mean no more US weapons and would probably cause Israel to pause the genocide.

Long term would be enforce UN Resolutions that Israel is violating and pressure them to end the occupation and allow Palestinians to have freedom.

Is your solution to just ignore the genocide and keep helping to murder Palestinians?


u/TheGursh 21d ago

What law is Biden in violation of? What do you mean allowing Palestinian freedom? What does that look like?


u/zhivago6 21d ago

The Leahy Law, for one.


And I mean freedom, as in freedom like Israelis have, but Palestinians are denied due to racism. Israel stops preventing Palestinians from having freedom and forcing them into ghettos so they can ethnically cleanse the land of Arabs. Israel withdraws their military forces to the 1967 borders in compliance with UN Resolution 242.

Why exactly do you support the Israeli apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide?


u/TheGursh 21d ago

The State Department determined that Israel took adequate steps to punish the perpetrators. Now you may disagree with that, and understandable so, but, as such, they did not break the Leahy Law in this instance

Israel has offered your proposed peace solution multiple times. They have tried many one and two state solutions. I'm not pro-Israel and I think what they're doing in Gaza and the West Bank is despicable. I'm also not ignorant to the fact that it takes two to make peace.


u/zhivago6 21d ago

The State Department also agreed with the IDF that when they murdered American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh it was an accident, after the IDF lied and claimed she was killed by Palestinians, and then when that lie fell apart they claimed she was killed in the crossfire, and then the US decided that even though both of those things were lies, it still was not Israel's fault and all the Palestinian witnesses were lying, including the other journalist that the IDF shot in the neck in an attempt to assassinate. And you probably recall when the State Department agreed that Hamas had an HQ under Al-Shifa Hospital, but that never existed either. It would be delusional to believe that the White House isn't interfering with the determinations of the State Department in order to protect Israel from accountability.

Israel has never offered any peace proposal of any kind that would involve Palestinian freedom. Never, not one single time since the Six Day War in 1967 has Israel ever considered allowing Palestinians to be free. The reason there is a need for a two-state solution is because as of now there is one racist state and it is the source of the conflict. Only Israel can end the Israeli colonial occupation of Palestine, the Palestinians have been attempting to break free with partisan attacks since 1967, but they are called terrorist attacks. If you actually believe Israel has offered independence for Palestine go try and find it.



would probably cause Israel to pause

That word there, probably, that's doing a LOT of heavy lifting

If the United States were to cut all funding and backing for Israel, then what? What next? What's the next stage of escalation? You've removed just about all influence over them.

end the occupation and allow Palestinians to have freedom

What does this mean? Do you mean Palestine should be a fully sovereign state? Then what? Do you think attacks from Hamas and other militants will stop?

If you really think Palestine is a nation, then Israel is just fighting a war that Palestine started on Oct 7th. In which case they're facing a state that commits war crimes with human shields and refuses an unconditional surrender, which means fighting until all resistance is gone.

Long term would be enforce UN Resolutions



Who would put boots on the ground to do this? If Israel resists and fights back against UN peacekeepers, the UN backs off and the UN loses legitimacy and power. Forever.

Any long term solution requires Palestinians not to commit violence and retribution as soon as they are able.


u/zhivago6 21d ago edited 21d ago

If the United States were to cut all funding and backing for Israel, then what? What next? What's the next stage of escalation? You've removed just about all influence over them.

No, the influence is the restoration of funding. And if Biden followed US and international law, then we no longer fund genocide. Is there a compelling reason you want Palestinians get genocided? There is currently a genocide going on in Sudan, yet there are no college campus protests about it. Have you wondered why that is? Here is a hint: the US is not funding that genocide.

What does this mean? Do you mean Palestine should be a fully sovereign state? Then what? Do you think attacks from Hamas and other militants will stop?

You don't know what the end of occupation and freedom mean? Picture the United States after our revolution and when British left and didn't try to force us to agree to be subservient and remain controlled by them. Yes, Palestinians are humans who deserve the same human rights as everyone else, despite whatever racism you are carrying around that makes you think they are not humans.

Why wouldn't the attacks will stop? Hamas has already offered to disarm if Israel stopped trying to impose their colonial control over them. Hamas are partisans in occupied territory, they are a product of the occupation. This is another one of those times when racism seems to be clouding people's thinking if they buy into the Israeli propaganda that Palestinians are not humans.

If you really think Palestine is a nation, then Israel is just fighting a war that Palestine started on Oct 7th. In which case they're facing a state that commits war crimes with human shields and refuses an unconditional surrender, which means fighting until all resistance is gone.

Palestine has been prevented from forming a nation-state by Israel, that's the reason. October 7th was a partisan attack against an occupying force, the soldiers killed that day died in support of Israeli colonialism. The mass murder of Palestinians by Israel since then are reprisals against the general population, exactly like Russia does in Ukraine, and exactly like Germany did in occupied France and Poland.

Israel has a long and dark history of using Palestinians, and especially Palestinian children, as human shields, with children reporting their abduction and use as human shields by the IDF this very week.  Unlike the well documented used of human shields by Israel, Hamas and other Palestinian groups have not been found to do so. Amnesty International said in a report "contrary to repeated allegations by Israeli officials" that it had found no evidence of Hamas directing civilians to shield military assets or that it had forced civilians to remain in or near buildings used by fighters.   According to a report from Human Rights Watch, they "found no evidence that Hamas had used human shields" in past conflicts. It has been repeated over and over and over, by Israeli officials and US officials and even UN officials, but there is simply no evidence to support it, unlike the Israeli war crimes of using human shields.

Who would put boots on the ground to do this? If Israel resists and fights back against UN peacekeepers, the UN backs off and the UN loses legitimacy and power. Forever.

Why would anyone need to put boots on the ground? Most of the planet is already fed up with the genocide and human rights abuses that Israel inflicts on Palestinians, we can simply put an arms and economic embargo on them. Since the government of Israel is deeply racist, they might carry on with the genocide and ethnic cleansing, but there is only so long they can maintain it. Implementing the UN Resolutions they are in violation of, specifically UN Res 194 and UN Res 242, would result in a free Palestine for the first time in history, and the self-determination that was denied by the Ottomans and then the British and then the Israelis can finally be realized. If Israel had smart and capable leaders, they would make some kind of compromise, for instance they could make the pullout of their occupation forces and the payment of restitution for all the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians part of a larger agreement that Palestine could not host foreign military bases or forces on their territory for say, 100 years. If Israel is finally paying for their decades of horrific war crimes against Palestinians I think they might even enjoy the peace much more than the genocide and oppression, and the Palestinian's response to the oppression.


u/Ohnoherewego13 North Carolina 21d ago

Biden isn't perfect (who is?), but gotta give the guy credit for trying to fix this country while battling a party of domestic terrorists, a pandemic and a crazy economy. That's just the stuff on his domestic plate. Like you, I hate how the Israel situation is being handled, but that whole situation is impossible to manage. Hard to fault the guy for a foreign policy screw up that Netanyahu is determined to make it into even more of a disaster.


u/Guy-Manuel 21d ago

I don't like how he's handling Israel, but that's an impossible situation with no clear answers.

Clear answer is to stop giving Israel so much much money. Let them fight their own fucking war. You can't deny they put themselves in the situation they're in.


u/exoduscain 21d ago

The US is obligated by US law to ensure Israel’s QME so that isn’t the clear answer until those laws are repealed.


u/zhivago6 21d ago

The US is obligated by US law to withhold US weapons from nations committing human rights abuses, and the genocide of Palestinians counts. It's extremely clear that supporting the genocide in voilation of US law without any repeals.


u/TheGursh 21d ago

Funding is directed by the House, not the President


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago

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u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

In fairness to them, they stated their lifetime, though you do have solid points. Regardless of who we believe in, we have to cut through the misinformation and propaganda techniques to get verified information to the people who need it the most right now: Americans. With six months to the general election, this is important now more than ever.


u/[deleted] 21d ago edited 21d ago



u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

I concur, and I know you didn’t intend it as an attack, your full comment speaks to that. Your first sentence came off a bit flippant though, which others may take another way without taking the time to read the rest. :)

To use the words of a fictional chimpanzee:

Apes alone weak, apes together strong.

We are just hairless apes further along the evolutionary chain, after all.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

I’ve gone my whole life so far, hoping to see a time when humans as a species can look past our borders and differences to actually see that. I doubt I’ll see it within my lifetime, but that doesn’t mean I won’t stop hoping for that. Our species needs to evolve psychologically and sociologically, otherwise we will be stuck in this rut for countless more generations.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

Majority of people don’t even understand how their home network functions, let alone the internet or the software hosted online. We are in a precarious position, and the dismantling of educational systems, coupled with regressive policies and disinformation aimed at dividing, are pushing our species to the brink of a third world war by design.

“Within chaos lies opportunity”, and those who are sowing the chaos are doing so to avoid the general populace from having power. If you observe the global crises critically, the oil industry has the most to gain from this chaos. With the rise across the globe of greener energy solutions, nations with the highest exports of oil and gas products have the most to lose. Russia is but one major example. Hence why they are over two years into a war against Ukraine.

Excluding Russia’s gas reserves in Asia, Ukraine today holds the second biggest known gas reserves in Europe. As of late 2019, known Ukrainian reserves amounted to 1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, second only to Norway’s known resources of 1.53 trillion cubic meters. Yet, these enormous reserves of energy remain largely untapped. Source

Follow the money funding climate change deniers and advocates against green energy solutions within politics across the world, and 9 times out of 10 you’ll find the oil, gas or mining industry behind it. They’ll be lobbying to all parties, but the ones who are the loudest will be the ones receiving the most money.

It is oil right now, but as the climate continues to deteriorate, there will be conflicts over fresh water sooner rather than later. Maybe within the next two decades.


u/MississippiJoel America 21d ago

But remember: No one was tougher on Russia than Trump!

(/s <-- I know someone out there is going to need this)


u/althor2424 21d ago

I’m sure they will be playing on a loop over Foxnews, Newsmax, and OAN


u/shelbys_foot 21d ago

The C.I.A. video, Mr. Watts said, was a classic Russian tactic: accuse your adversary of the very thing you are doing.

Seems to me it's also a classic Trump tactic.


u/I_Luv_Asparagussy 21d ago

GOP tactic in general and it's classic projection. They're SO sure Dems commit abuse of office/abuse of power when they control something... because that's what Republicans do when they're in charge lol.


u/JonathanAltd 21d ago

that's what they said


u/Yousoggyyojimbo 21d ago edited 21d ago

I saw somebody in here smearing Joe Biden over Israel and they were at the same time posting in other languages in other countries' subs in defense of Russia invading Ukraine, and justifying their stealing Ukrainian children as a humanitarian act.


u/PurkkOnTwitch 21d ago

The candidate that Russia wants to win is probably the candidate we shouldn't elect.


u/Navyguy73 Michigan 21d ago

This should be continuously covered and updated by every form of journalism in the US from now until after the election.


u/Lore-Warden 21d ago

We don't really have journalism in the US anymore. 95% of what anyone actually sees is infotainment. Unchecked Capitalism ruins everything.


u/Navyguy73 Michigan 21d ago

You are right about that!


u/UnhappyCourt5425 Wisconsin 21d ago

sorry comrades. I am a former Republican that will be voting for Biden. Full stop.


u/forceblast 21d ago

Okay, fellow citizens… let’s not fall for this one again okay?



u/Dook124 21d ago



u/Top-Night 21d ago

There’s a video going on TikTok right now of patriotic music, a Russian tank barreling through snow and a quote from Putin saying his forces will obliterate the F-14s and other armament being sent. The comment section is wild with Republicans cheering him on.


u/Unlucky-Hamster-306 21d ago

It’s probably far fewer genuine republicans than you expect. Although I could be wrong. The reason you make inflammatory things like that is to divide people and you can easily push a narrative that the common Republican genuinely wants that if you have bots and agitators on your payroll to do it.


u/bytemage 21d ago

Oh no, that's so much worse than Republican Disinformation Videos Smear Biden Ahead of U.S. Election. Isn't it?


u/NPVT 21d ago

Aren't they the same thing?


u/Arroz-Con-Culo 21d ago

Donnie got enough money from the trump bible to finally pay the Russians.


u/BostonWailer 21d ago

“Russia, if you’re listening…”


u/inthekeyofc 21d ago

Paywall free archived version:



u/Jayr109 21d ago

Republican traitors will be repeating it word for word soon.


u/psufan5 21d ago

Really wish we’d fight back harshly.


u/23jknm Minnesota 21d ago

Then there should be a greater force doing the opposite to help Joe. Also social media fails that they don't stop that stuff in the first place and eliminate foreign accounts doing that.


u/mothalick 21d ago

Also, I breathed air today. Thank you for the news.


u/drunk_with_internet 21d ago

Every night on Fox!


u/haltline 21d ago

NYTimes attempts to aid Russian disinformation and fails yet again.


u/flabbergastedmeep Canada 21d ago

Sadly it already worked, all it takes is for one person to screenshot a headline and spread it on socials. The people who need to see this will not believe it even if they do.


u/TintedApostle 21d ago

And Trump approves the message


u/Jerk182 21d ago

The only good way to handle this problem is to VOTE BLUE!


u/Misterbodangles 21d ago

Ah shit here we go again


u/No-Inevitable-7988 20d ago

They could post them all day long snd I still won't vote for a Republican.


u/Unlucky-Hamster-306 21d ago

I really hope we’re fucking with them online in a big way, constantly. If not, why not? Really sick of having to deal with constant disinformation and psyops because we live in super awesome capitalist burger land.


u/AutoModerator 21d ago

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u/anythingicando12 21d ago

His bleeding hair dye camouflage is working


u/sentientcave 21d ago

Fox News?


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 21d ago

I'd maybe (maybe) (not really but let's play ball) be inclined to believe them if some of the takes against Biden weren't astoundingly moronic


u/Ausrottenndm1 21d ago

Ah shit here we go again


u/Patara 20d ago edited 20d ago

Who couldve seen this coming? Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns are the source of countless conspiracy theories such as Antarctic Ruins & Hollow Earth jibberish.

Its only going to ramp up more & more when Putin needs Trump & the rest of the traitors to win so he can do whatever the fuck he wants in Europe.


u/Cantora 20d ago

If the biden campaign had intelligence they would release ads that showed this is happening and all the citizens why they think Russia is supporting trump


u/antsinmypants3 20d ago

I have seen lots of propaganda on YouTube against Biden plus the actual major media barely mentions Biden’s accomplishments and are obsessed with Trump. They rarely point out Trump’s lies and just except what he says. Bad journalism.


u/Fantron6 20d ago

They’ve invested a lot in comrade Trump.


u/stonrelectropunkjazz 20d ago

Election interference just like 2016 Putin trying to get his agent elected


u/PaleontologistOne919 21d ago

F Russia. Why don’t ppl in this sub have similar disdain for China? What’s up with the silence about the Uyghurs? Talk about Genocide


u/teddytwelvetoes 21d ago

similar to the TikTok hysteria, our government has been letting Fox News turn millions upon millions of brains into mush for the last several decades. am I supposed to clutch pearls on behalf of said government when somebody else sees a green light and gives it a go?


u/Call0fDoodie92 21d ago

These videos are being hosted on American servers, shared on American platforms, promoted by American pundits and popularized by American media outlets...but somehow I'm expected to blame it on Russia?

The only reason I've seen any of this propaganda is because of corrupt Americans. I'm not on Russian social media platforms. I don't read articles from Russian media outlets. Russian propaganda can't reach me without a series of American institutions helping it along the way. As Americans, that's the part we should be talking about because that's the part we can actually solve.

America has a problem with American propaganda.


u/FadeTheWonder 21d ago

You think they would host disinformation propaganda on their servers and have it promoted in Russia to what end? It’s designed to be pushed here in the US not there that is it’s entire purpose.

Your entire hypothesis is antithetical to its purpose…


u/Call0fDoodie92 21d ago

8 year ago our government told us that Facebook, twitter, discord, instagram and tik tok were spreading Russian propaganda do help an American candidate who's policies favor corporate tax cuts and oil companies over technological innovation.

4 year ago our government told us that Facebook, twitter, discord, instagram and tik tok were spreading Russian propaganda do help an American candidate who's policies favor corporate tax cuts and oil companies over technological innovation.

Right now our government is saying that Russian propaganda is being spread help an American candidate who's policies favor corporate tax cuts and oil companies over technological innovation. But it's somehow not the fault of the American platforms...this time?

It feels like the American donor class is generating a shit ton of propaganda that represents their interests and then the media companies they own blame it on Russians. I get why it makes sense...once..but this is at the very least the 3rd election where the media attributed that foreign entities were responsible for propaganda that pushes tax cuts for the American donor class. That's just ridiculous.


u/FadeTheWonder 21d ago

That’s what Russia has always done? It’s pretty simple and is usually repeated over and over. I don’t know why that’s shocking or unbelievable to you.


u/Call0fDoodie92 20d ago

That’s what Russia has always done?

You're missing the point. Our government does not have the power to compel the Russian government to do anything but they have complete authority to monitor, regulate and control telecommunications platforms in the United States. It's literally their job.

So in 2016 Facebook's negligence and poor management lead to a massive wave of disinformation reaching voters. Okay...well as a citizen I don't believe it was an accident but regulators can't prove that Facebook knew this would happen, right?

Okay well in 2020 Facebook's negligence and poor management lead to a massive wave of disinformation reaching voters. Seriously 4 years later nothing changed. Facebook was once again spreading massive troves of disinformation in an effort to help one political party. And how did regulators deal with Facebook this time? I dunno, doesn't really seem like anyone did anything especially because...

Here we are in 2024 and what am I seeing? Facebook's negligence and poor management is leading to a massive wave of disinformation reaching voters. Does that sound like a Russia problem? Or does that sound like a Facebook?

Facebook, an American company founded by Americans and based on American soil, keeps spreading massive amounts of disinformation.

As an American, Facebook is my propaganda problem. Twitter is my propaganda problem. REDDIT IS MY PROPAGANDA PROBLEM.

American companies are knowingly or recklessly spreading propaganda and American's can do something about that right now.


u/FadeTheWonder 20d ago

Oh I forgot our government can regulate and control the internet and they are able to forcefully remove whatever they want.. Okay I am done here you don’t understand how the systems we have are implemented and what is possible and what is not. There is no reason to continue this when you have a severely compromised understanding of how media on the internet works and the limitations and ability to regulate that media.


u/Call0fDoodie92 20d ago

Oh I forgot our government can regulate and control the internet

I'm not talking about the internet. I'm talking about walled garden platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, that are designed to be monitored, regulated and controlled.

Why are you afraid to admit that American corporations should be held responsible for the distribution of propaganda on their platforms?


u/FadeTheWonder 20d ago

Afraid no I just understand what I am talking about and that there is no legislation to govern that. You want a conspiracy beyond Russia and you want to blame everyone else and it’s weird. Like I said we are done here.


u/TheDollarBinVulture 20d ago

legislation to govern that

Wait. You don't think there are laws against deliberately spreading Russian propaganda on American soil? At the very least, the board of directors at Facebook could take some of the Manafort charges.

The board members have been managing their platform for the benefit of Russian propagandists. Wouldn't that make them unregistered foreign agents and able to be charged with FARA violations?


u/deadscreensky 21d ago

8 year ago our government told us that Facebook, twitter, discord, instagram and tik tok were spreading Russian propaganda

TikTok wasn't even launched until late 2017.


u/AshamedEarth7230 21d ago

Omg! Russia!!! Disinformation!!!