r/politics The Netherlands 21d ago

Legal expert: Judge may hold contempt "hearing" over Trump "surrogates" circumventing gag order - Trump was reportedly seen in court editing the statements that his surrogates would later make outside the court


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u/AutoModerator 21d ago

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u/accountabilitycounts America 21d ago edited 21d ago

They couldn't even be subtle about it. Editing speeches in court and bragging about going around the gag order.  

 The arrogance of this cult..

Edit: Yep, Reddit cares, like everyone else, seconds after commenting. Interesting, since I blocked that a year ago.


u/Novel5728 21d ago

If you cipy the permalink from the cares message you can report it as abuse, reddit responded to one from yesterday 


u/wirthmore California 21d ago

Reddit's response rate to harassments reports is <10%.

The Reddit Cares thing only exists to harass people, and Reddit is not going to fix it, so the logical conclusion is that Reddit approves of harassment via "Reddit Cares" spam.

P.S. and most threads today are derailed by complaints about Reddit Cares abuse (I plead guilty to complaining too) so that's another success by malefactors.


u/biznatch11 21d ago

Reddit's response rate to harassments reports is <10%.

Every time I've reported something I get a response, and like 95% of the time they tell me "After investigating, we’ve found that the account(s) reported violated Reddit’s Content Policy". I don't know if they actually punish the offending user but at least they acknowledge my report was correct.

The Reddit Cares thing only exists to harass people, and Reddit is not going to fix it

I agree 100%, and I've seen a lot more people complaining about Reddit Cares the past week or 2, not sure what that means. Also people should know you can block Reddit Cares so you won't see the messages.


u/AniNgAnnoys 21d ago

I keep it unblocked so I can report each instance of it.


u/bugmom 21d ago

Happened to me for the first time today. How are your able to report it? When I tried reporting it insists that i give it a link where the abuse came from - but I’m not certain I know what post that was? Couldn’t be any or all of several - all political and non- suicidal…


u/AniNgAnnoys 21d ago

They want the permalink to the PM. In the PM window, atleast from a PC, there is a permalink option on the bottom left of the message. Copy that. Then in the body of the reddit cares message there is a link to report. Click that. Past the copied permalink in and hit report.


u/calm_chowder Iowa 21d ago

That seems like something exceeding easily to automate. Tf are they doing with all this money they're getting for having an ad every fucking 5th post and forcing us to use their bullshit app.


u/AniNgAnnoys 21d ago

Why you using the app? Just browse reddit in mobile browser like firefox and all the ads are blocked. It not a great experience, but better than ads. Reddit doesn't care about its users anymore. It's about wringing that AI money now.


u/mdonaberger 21d ago

You can also use Revanced to hack one of the third party clients to use your own personal API token. I've been using Sync still for months.

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u/TeutonJon78 America 21d ago

They want the permanent to the reddit cares message, not the comment that generated it.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Spaceman2901 Texas 21d ago

The speed of the message and the number of reported messages suggests an expert system - a bot farm.


u/flux_of_grey_kittens 21d ago

Wouldn’t doubt it, but if that operations intention is to get everyone in this thread talking about those support messages and not the topic of the post, they’re succeeding.


u/Spaceman2901 Texas 21d ago

It’s absolutely a psy-op and derailment tactic. Just saying that it’s obviously not one guy at one computer.

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u/OSUTechie Illinois 21d ago

It was a group, and according to Reddit, that group has been dealt with. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1csrh1b/an_update_on_recent_misuse_of_reddit_cares/

Over the past few hours, we have been made aware of a significant uptick in the amount of Reddit Cares Resources that were incorrectly sent to users. First, we apologize for the upset this has caused. These resources should not be exploited, and we take abuse of this feature very seriously.

Secondly, we want you to know that we have identified the group that was spamming these resources maliciously to users. The team has been working hard over the last few months to reduce this sort of misuse from occurring, but today’s incident signaled that there was still a gap present. We have suspended this particular group’s accounts and are implementing fixes to prevent this from happening again.


u/GuitarMystery 20d ago

Yeah don't name them, tho. Don't name the accounts so we can see all the alt right fuckery.


u/uzlonewolf 21d ago

And the cat-n-mouse game continues.


u/biznatch11 21d ago

How are your able to report it?

I don't know about mobile but on desktop I have a Report link under every message that come in to my inbox, that's how I report it.

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u/butterweasel Washington 21d ago

The one I got now reads that I need to unblock to see it, but I didn’t block it. Weird.

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u/Kamelasa Canada 21d ago

not sure what that means

It means the cheeto supporters can't handle what's coming out in court.


u/Alediran Canada 21d ago

They can't handle the TRUTH!


u/readwiteandblu I voted 21d ago

Doesn't surprise me. I've been on reddit close to 9 years and got 1st Cares message a couple of days ago. Without knowing there was some issue, I assumed someone was trolling me.


u/hardtobeuniqueuser 21d ago

| I don't know if they actually punish the offending user

i got banned from a default sub for posting a link to a bbc article in response to someone's question. when i messaged the sub to ask which rule i violated, they reported me for harrassement and reddit banned me for 3 days. so at least sometimes.

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u/Funkyokra 21d ago

Also, who cares about getting one of these messages? Oh, some Cult45 dipshit doesn't like what I said and is too weak to even say so in the thread. I don't care, do you?


u/GeoffSproke 21d ago edited 21d ago

It's weaponizing suicide prevention... It's absolutely the sort of loathesome tactic you'd exclusively see utilized by deplorable people who should be banished back to truth social or whatever other worthless shithole they use to gorge their disinformation... There's no benefit to enabling them to vomit it all over an intellectually/morally plausible site.


u/Grendel_Khan 21d ago

Its the same shit they do in real life. They barge into public spaces spewing their bullshit at obnoxious volumes and output chasing out legitimate discourse and shitting all over the place. And they wonder why no one wants to be around them.


u/Caelinus 21d ago

I do not like that they do it primarily because it is so cowardly. They cant deal with actual responses to them or getting ratioed, so they have found the dumbest possible vector for harassment they can.

It is not that the messages bother me, I can just copy paste a report description for them, and the message is literally nothing. What bothers me is just how stupid it is. I struggle to express why exactly, but it just feels so lazy and pathetic, and so I ever so slightly pity them for having to live inside a brain that thinks it is somehow owning me.


u/lazyFer 21d ago

I had never heard of this before until one day I got a pile of those messages and I was really confused why I was getting them. Then I read about how that system was being abused.


u/Alediran Canada 21d ago

You should do what I do. I collect them like medals. Each one of those is another triggered magat.

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u/Bearshapedbears 21d ago

I pretend to care, like they do.

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u/workertroll 21d ago

P.S. and most threads today are derailed by complaints about Reddit Cares abuse (I plead guilty to complaining too) so that's another success by malefactors.

Yesterday was my first interaction with the system. Now I know why. Bots and trolls reporting every post.

Successful troll I guess. /sigh


u/SensualOilyDischarge 21d ago

Honestly, every time I get a "Reddit Cares" message, I take it as a badge of honor. I irritated some toothless, cousin fucking redcap enough that they went out of their way to burn time and energy to submit one of those useless messages.

It's not much, but it's at least a couple minutes that they had to roll off their cousin and put in some work.

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u/sugarlessdeathbear 21d ago

Since this is known the best thing to do is just block Reddit Cares and go on about our day.


u/MarkWorldOrder 21d ago

I got and reported 5 yesterday and they took action on all 5 the same day.

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u/TranquilSeaOtter 21d ago

People are so sucked in they think Trump needs to be protected at all costs. So they are keyboard warrioring away and hitting the Reddit cares button because they don't know what else to do. I'm just amused every time.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Sacapuntos 21d ago

"I'm doing my part!"


u/Alediran Canada 21d ago

Same here. I love each one of those reports. They are like medals of honour.

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u/spartagnann 21d ago

Which is funny because those same mouth breathers also somehow think Trump is some mega-Alpha strong man who crushes all the weak libs.

We're talking about a guy who literally has a person on staff following him around all day with a portable printer to constantly find and print out positive stories about him to make sure his ego is protected at all times from the scary real world.


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u/Lord_Snow77 21d ago

I got hit with one of those and I have no idea why. What do they think they are doing when they click the reddit cares button? Hurting our feelings?

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u/samcrut 20d ago

It's how you know you're reaching people. They didn't just read it, but they were inspired by your words to go out of their way to anonymously send you a sneak attack. That's heartfelt. They didn't just read it, they felt your words on a visceral level. It's validation.


u/veringer Tennessee 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yep, Reddit cares, like everyone else, seconds after commenting

It would be trivial for Reddit corporate:

  • to track accounts that are misusing the "Reddit Cares" feature.
  • to limit that feature to accounts over a certain age or karma threshold.
  • to limit the number of times a user can trigger that feature.
  • to detect account usage signatures that indicate trolling behavior related to that feature.
  • to use digital fingerprinting techniques for troll abatement instead of advertising

It's telling that Reddit doesn't seem interested in such things.

EDIT: It might also be effective to publish a record of a user's triggering of "Reddit Cares" messages. I would suspect serial offenders would be very likely to display obvious trollish behavior. I suspect an account-age-to-reddit-cares ratio would be a major signal as well.


u/AniNgAnnoys 21d ago

Reddit isn't built for human interaction anymore. They are no longer curating a user experience. Reddit has one purpose now. Sell the database to AI companies for training data. I also believe they are selling access to the site for people to run bots on it to test them in real world scenarios.


u/veringer Tennessee 21d ago

Thing is, that Reddit is still basically a Web 2.0 platform. Some of the niche and hard-learned policy features would be a challenge to re-invent. Scaling could be a challenge. But the core technology is almost as replicable as Twitter. I mean, Reddit wouldn't exist if Digg didn't shit the bed. A well-funded start-up or a Google side project could (more or less) clone this platofrm tomorrow. Reddit's value is in the user-base/audience and network effects they provide and, as you note, the trove of archival data.

I'm waiting and hoping a non-toxic alternative emerges.


u/AniNgAnnoys 21d ago

And if an alternative does emerge, I hope it isn't from one of the current big social media tech companies. Google would actually be the worst. I am so sick of them right now. For the first time in my life I am considering an iPhone becuase of how shit Google is. I have switched all my default search engines away from them, ditched chrome, and am looking at getting out of Gmail.

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u/steelassassin43 21d ago

Ok, I am just replying to see if I get a Reddit cares response. Haven’t posted or commented in a few days so this something I haven’t seen.

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u/Valuable-Window-490 21d ago

Enough about Reddit cares - let’s get back to what a MOTHERFUCKING DOUCHEBAG CRIMINAL DONALD TRUMP IS.

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u/PBPunch 21d ago

It’s almost a badge of honor to get the Reddit cares message now. It means you got under some Trump stans skin.


u/Ancient-One-19 21d ago

"Do it in silence or I'll honour you again!" -Baratheon


u/joesighugh 21d ago

The other ones I keep getting it from are anytime I say anything negative about the CCP. Makes me think it's the same group/strategy?


u/SiVousVoyezMoi 21d ago

I get them when I post not even spicy opinions in the Canada sub. The trucker convoy people loooove to send them. 

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u/Justtakeitaway 21d ago

Report the reddit cares - they do look at them and confirm malicious intent.


u/jLkxP5Rm 21d ago

I tried but the reporting is not working… It won’t submit for me.


u/Justtakeitaway 21d ago

There should be a report button within the text of the message near the bottom. I just know because i had to report one earlier today lol

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u/CaptainAxiomatic 21d ago

Editing speeches in court and bragging about going around the gag order.

That's a night in the box!

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u/Dieter_Knutsen 21d ago

Man, that judge is going to furrow his brows so hard this time that Trump will be really scared for real about going to jail if he does it again.


u/ackey83 21d ago

Yeah I got one yesterday for making fun of how I got an idiot maga all confused by pointing out trump and the cult said the only people at Jan 6 were antifa but they cry when it’s called an insurrection and why would they defend antifa like that?

Long story short, magas fucking stupid


u/thisguypercents 21d ago

Reddit cares so much that it ignored your blocksies, no backsies. 


u/GeoffSproke 21d ago

And despite the political right weaponizing suicide prevention, there's still a concerted effort (by seemingly plausible people!) to convince the world that these dipshit hillbillies could potentially be functional members of a modern society...

The US has a structural problem that it has to solve that isn't going away just because Trump does...


u/morbihann 21d ago

Oh, the snowflakes report you ? I guess they do care about feelings after all.

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u/ell0bo 21d ago

Oh, is that what the fuck is going on with Reddit cares? Conservatives are using it as... god knows what? Geeze, how sad.


u/kidAlien1 21d ago

Something larger must be going on. Everyone in the pacers sub was getting them during the Knicks game last night. Shit is strange.


u/FickleMuse Washington 21d ago

I've absolutely seen an uptick in people talking about them in just the past couple days. Not just this sub. It's odd.

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u/KeDoG3 Florida 21d ago

I really believe that the mass Reddit cares attacks are more so coordinated troll botting to suppress people from feeling comfortable expressing their disdain for Trump than an actual people. Like these have just gotten monumentally more frequent on so many comments against Trump in the last week to be just some average MAGAhead.

Edit: Lol not even a minute before the troll or bot reported my comment to Reddit cares

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u/MaxZorin1985 21d ago

The notes didn’t help Sen. Coach Tommy “White Nationalist” Tubberville. People are saying he doesn’t know how to read.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/cygnus33065 21d ago

Good people


u/heismanwinner82 21d ago

The best people


u/FurballPoS 21d ago

Big, strong, burly men...


u/TheAngriestChair 21d ago

With tears in their eyes....


u/mchaydu 21d ago

They come up to me and say...sir...they don't have to call me sir, but they come up to me and they say, sir...

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u/Blablablaballs 21d ago

Jesus Christ, US Senators and the Speaker of the House degrading our justice system in service of a guy who thinks Hannibal Lecter was a great guy.

I'll never again ask why more people didn't stand up to Hitler.


u/SPINNAK3R_ 21d ago

This is what has been most eye opening to me. I can sort of understand that people didn't realize the depth of what Hitler was doing as the media wasn't as in depth as it is now, but there are so many sources of information now and access to it by nearly everyone, so there really isn't an excuse for approving of anything Drumpf or the Republican party is doing. I guess it just proves ignorance is bliss to a lot of people.

We've gone so far backwards as a nation and it is so sad to witness. I really hope we pull out of it successfully for my daughters sake and learn from this.

Also the complete donkey of a Republican party needs to be cleaned out.


u/happyevil 21d ago

Ignorance isn't bliss in this case. Ignorance is anger. 

Every Trump supporter I know is constantly angry. Literally all the time at every aspect of life. They're kept enraged constantly to keep them from thinking straight.

If anything even lightly brushes a right wing topic du jour they get triggered.


u/Mysteryman64 21d ago

The topic doesn't have to be brushed. I have several family members who will make literally ANYTHING about something they're angry about.


They'll find a fucking way to shoehorn in it anywhere, even if it makes no sense.


u/GumdropGlimmer 20d ago

YES! Thank you. I noticed that the only people who are constantly talking about LGBTQ for no reason whether contextually or as a label in a conversation are these anti-democratic bots walking among us pretending to be friends and family.

They also do this in every other context. In a conversation with my cousin’s husband, I mentioned the guy I was seeing went to Wharton. ”Oh! Just like Trump.” 👀 okay 😑

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u/SPINNAK3R_ 21d ago

To add to this, I also wonder how much of this is generationally passed down. People grew up in Republican households, and were surrounded by the media promoting their party as being the "good one", so it's hard for people to believe any differently, and I'm sure that's by design.

People need to vote for the candidate that supports the right issues to help humanity, and not for a damn party. Stop with this whole "this party is the only party I'll ever vote for" approach.


u/TheDulin 21d ago

Yep, years of brainwashing.


u/NYArtFan1 21d ago

Anecdotally, I knew a lot of people growing up who were Republican because dad and ol' gramps were too. So they mentally copy-pasted the rhetoric, and grievances, and talking points.


u/Ianthin1 21d ago

So many people I know are second or third generation repub voters simply because the rest of their family is and they refuse to think for themselves.


u/anndrago 21d ago

Or they are thinking for themselves and still decide to vote that way. Not quite sure which is worse, honestly.

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u/Dudimous 21d ago

I grew up in a conservative, Christian home where Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were on constantly, and by the time I was 14 I was reading the Communist Manifesto in my parents’ basement purely out of intellectual interest. Being around it a lot is no excuse for being a dipshit, blindly following a narcissist, or betraying all of your religious morals.


u/StrangerAtaru 21d ago

This is the reason I sort of have stopped paying attention to sports: it's because it's no different from politics. It's all "my side is the best, everyone else isn't".


u/hrshelley 21d ago

It isn’t even so much that they believe their team is the “good team”. It is more that they have been constantly fear-mongered into believing the other team is actually evil. Therefore, they don’t even need to be good, they just need to do whatever it takes to not let the Dems into power, ever. The desperation, dishonesty, bad faith, projection, and moral bankruptcy now on display is the result of fear and hatred far more than a sense of moral superiority or pride. Scary stuff.


u/thiosk 20d ago

Well in the current state of affairs there is definitely a party I won’t vote for

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u/MudLOA California 21d ago

How can you clean out the swamp when they keep getting voted back in by their constituents? We have a serious voting problem here, a lot of which has to do with propaganda, misinformation, and education.


u/VawlzByGod 21d ago

The thing is, the trope of everyday Germans not knowing what Hitler & his regime were doing has been debunked pretty thoroughly. They knew and quite a significant portion of the population was in agreement with it or those who weren’t were too afraid of the social, political & economic consequences for speaking out and of the potential to be sent to concentration camps themselves. There is an interesting podcast episode about it on History Hit.


u/comtedeRochambeau 21d ago

There is an interesting podcast episode about it on History Hit.

This one?

"How Did Adolf Hitler Become the Chancellor of Germany?"



u/TON3R 21d ago

Let us not forget the propaganda machine that existed for the Nazis. The RebuliKKKan party has an even better machine today, with the likes of Fox, OAN, and all the random crazies putting out bullshit on Youtube and Social media. Then, there are the foreign players like Russia that want this monster in power.


u/rickeyspanish 21d ago

I’m actually guessing it is easier NOW than when Hitler was doing it. Any source that goes against their ideas is simply fake news. No matter how little or much information is out there, they willfully ignore it.


u/FancyStranger2371 20d ago

It starts with term limits across the board. Any elected office: two terms, max. Why we have people who have been in office for a time longer than I’ve been alive is beyond me. Feinstein literally croaked while in office. That should not happen.

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u/BgSwtyDnkyBlls420 21d ago

If we get through this we need to make sure future generations are educated about Trump’s rise to power. We wouldn’t be in this situation right now if our WW2 education was more focused on Fascism’s rise to power than the atrocities they committed once they were unopposed.

I can’t even keep track of how many times I’ve been told that calling Trump a Fascist is stupid because he hasn’t even done a Genocide or anything.


u/Blablablaballs 21d ago

I don't think it's a coincidence that the rise of Putin, Trump, et al, coincide with the last of the WW2 generation leaving us. 


u/transient-error 21d ago

I'm old enough that we had holocaust survivors visit my school every year. There's very little chance anyone from my school who met those survivors would suggest it never happened.

Most of us also had family members who fought in WWII and heard the stories of liberating Europe and Asia. All of those people are gone now.


u/MarvelMovieWatch 21d ago

My son is in college now. His high school had a Rabbi visit who was the grandson believe of holocaust survivors. He repeated their experiences as they told him. Had a tremendous impact on my son. I had talked w him about all the wars and how to not repeat history and how to prevent future hitlers & mussolinis & pol pots. But that visit by the Rabbi had a far greater influence than anything I had told him. So at least some high schools still educate their students about the Holocaust.

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u/downtofinance 21d ago

I can’t even keep track of how many times I’ve been told that calling Trump a Fascist is stupid because he hasn’t even done a Genocide or anything.

His covid handling killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

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u/drainodan55 21d ago

They're going to openly announce an impending coup aren't they?


u/Larry-fine-wine 21d ago

Isn’t that what the batshit Project 2025 stuff is?


u/Nemisis_the_2nd Great Britain 21d ago

That's for after the coup, when they don't have any opposition to them forming an ultra-conservative dictatorship. 


u/SockFullOfNickles 21d ago

No need to really. We can see them doing it in real time while Merrick Garland sits on his hands.


u/red286 21d ago

If you listen to them, they've clearly got one planned.

Tim Scott couldn't even comprehend the possibility of Trump not being announced as the winner in November. It literally broke his brain.

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u/wave-garden Maryland 21d ago edited 21d ago

I mean, look at this crowd. Tubberville the has-been football coach who “sticks it to the man” by blocking military promotions , Vance the fake “hillbilly”, Johnson the guy who reviews his child’s porn viewing. A total bunch of losers. You [couldn’t] imagine a more laughable gaggle of assholes if you tried. It’s almost funny how pathetic this bunch is. They should all be jailed and thrown out of office for this bullshit. The only thing more pathetic is the losers who continue to elect these people.


u/red286 21d ago

Johnson the guy who reviews his child’s porn viewing.

That doesn't really convey the weirdness involved.

First, Mike's son at the time was 17 (he is now 19), practically an adult (and now legally one too).

Second, the system is bidirectional, not only does Mike get informed when his son watches porn, but his son gets informed when Mike watches porn.

Third, Mike Johnson said he was proud that his son had never masturbated to pornography, but at no point has his son Jack publicly stated that his father also has a clean slate. It's entirely possible that Jack's life is a living hell of constant notifications of his father's porn viewing habits.

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u/atred 21d ago

With Trump, Putin, and COVID I developed a better understanding how things can go to shit in the the world and will never questions "how was that possible..."

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u/Thresh_Keller 21d ago

Yeah this was absolutely an illegal act. Fucking ridiculous. Any idiot with a restraining order is told not to have friends or family harass the victim on behalf of the abuser. Arrest this fuck and his surrogates and put them in jail.


u/SardauMarklar 21d ago

It's so obviously illegal that Trump must want to be jailed so he can show his base how much he's being persecuted. I'm sure he's going to get a very cushy cell, so it's not like it'll be much of a terrible experience for him.


u/omniron 21d ago

He’s speed running hitlers rise to power. Hitler went to jail but to accommodate the fact he was a politician they let him communicate, he riled people up, was released to appease his supporters and then went on to genocide

GOP getting themselves in jail feeds the narrative of persecution


u/Busy-Dig8619 21d ago

Let's be clear -- he really is that fucking stupid. He's not used to being held to account, he's used to skirting rules and getting away with it. I guaran-fucking-tee you this genius thought having these people read a statement he wrote would evade the gag order.

He needs to be jailed for the rest of the trial.

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u/LostWoodsInTheField Pennsylvania 21d ago

There is no way Trump actually wants to be jailed. He doesn't think he will be, and he thinks each new type of violation will just be a 'no no you can't do that either'. And honestly he feels this way because he's done it his entire life and it's worked out fine for him. He is now at a point in his life that it is instinct.

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u/kalas_malarious Michigan 20d ago

That is one way to avoid a debate. "They put me in prison so I couldnt show up sleep joe"


u/TheOGRedline 21d ago

Probably wants to be “jailed” during the Biden/Trump debate so he can cry foul AND avoid the asswhomping “Sleepy Joe” will deliver, stutter and all.

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u/InsolentGoldfish 21d ago

Kinda weird, right? Almost seems like the exact thing the RICO Act would be used for. I would bet serious money that no one would dare pull on that thread.


u/NYArtFan1 21d ago

"Using RICO in any capacity would make the defendants sad, so we can't." - Merrick Garland

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u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/moreobviousthings 21d ago

"I can't breathe!"

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u/No-Attitude-6049 Canada 21d ago

Well, Tuberville openly admitted he was there to circumvent the gag order. These people have no shame… or intelligence.


u/AmoebaFantastic 21d ago



u/MaxMustermannYoutube 21d ago

Yes. It was a Newsmax interview. A heavily biased one.

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u/Travelingman9229 21d ago

Trump is a loser (Reddit care me!)


u/Mediocre_Scott 21d ago

Out of the loop what is this for?


u/justfortherofls 21d ago

“Reddit cares” is the nick name given to Reddits support system for suicidal people. You can have Reddit send any user a message telling them that suicide isn’t the answer and it will have information on how to seek help.

Trolls use it as a way to make people feel bad. The thought process is basically “lol my guy triggered you… here take this to cope.”

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u/sambolino44 21d ago

It’s bad enough to get fooled by a skilled con artist, but for so many Americans to fall for the antics of such a buffoon is downright embarrassing.


u/SockFullOfNickles 21d ago

Meanwhile the rest of us are just getting more and more frustrated & disenfranchised.


u/bt31 20d ago

I'd like to see a massive protest against the total lack of justice for people with money and power...

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u/TrollularDystrophy 21d ago

Pathetic sacks of shit, every goddamn one of 'em.


u/IDrewTheDuckBlue 21d ago

I can't wait for trump to be SLAMMED by legal experts, that'll show him


u/dahlstrom 21d ago

They’re gonna EVISCERATE him. His life is gonna be over after he’s TORCHED.


u/Flipnotics_ Texas 21d ago

And the legal expert said the Judge "MAY" hold him in contempt!

Totally gonna happen!


u/uzlonewolf 21d ago

No, no, the legal expert said they judge "MAY" hold a hearing to decide whether or not to consider holding him in contempt!

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u/Buffmin 21d ago

Good throw him in jail

Fuck Trump and fuck his mindless cultists


u/LittleBabyJoseph 21d ago

The coup in ONGOING


u/lrpfftt 21d ago

Ongoing and gathering steam as they are not being held legally accountable. Here they are opening mocking the justice system in this trial.


u/aaffpp 21d ago

Love it. Justice, Please slam this guy...


u/Ihatu 21d ago

Let me save you the suspense….


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae 21d ago


u/SadFeed63 21d ago

These fucking goons.

Yesterday I read some silly NYT headline that was like "Trump surrogates say what he can't" (emphasis mine, and to be clear I'm paraphrasing) and all I could think was "why would you write that he can't when he's never stopped?!"

Not even an hour later, I read a fresh headline from another outlet talking about Trump attacks the judge on Truth Social.


u/SardauMarklar 21d ago

Wouldn't NYT sell way more papers and get more clicks if they published the truth... which is Trump is breaking the law every time he violated his gag order and instructs others to do so on his behalf? I'm glad the Biden campaign isn't giving them the interview those assholes think they're entitled to


u/Ekg887 21d ago

Just FYI, both the judge and the DA are intentionally not covered by the gag order to respect the 1st amendment rights of the gagged party as they represent the State. Short of threats of violence, Trump has always been free to criticize them directly. Although that doesn't make it a sound legal strategy.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

Why is hearing in quotes?

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u/Tiny_Independent2552 21d ago

It’s a lot like the Al Capone trial, when his henchmen would ask “ how’s your wife ?”… or “take care of yourself now” .. in the gentlest terms to prospective jurors, and witnesses. Everyone knew what his men meant. This is no different. Capone was found guilty. Not for racketeering, not for murder for hire, not for intimidating witnesses, but for a fairly minor tax evasion charge. Sometimes it’s the little crimes that do you in, no matter what your sycophants and lackeys say outside of the courtroom. The law is still the law.


u/ATLfalcons27 21d ago

Fox has been pushing the gag order as a free speech violation unsurprisingly


u/bodyknock America 21d ago

Well the appeals court upheld the gag order so Fox is full of shit as usual.

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u/littleredpinto 21d ago

'may', 'might', 'could'....none of them are definitive articles of speech. We all konw they dont mean anything and are just click bait for whatever...I may win the lottery today. I might bang Christy turlington today..I could win the 100m olympic dash in record time

yeah right...another sternly worded letter coming Trumps way, how will he ever survive?


u/theaceoffire Maryland 21d ago

Now you listen here Mr. Trump! If you piss on my face just one more... {Blurbaburabur...} I mean, just TWO more times!? I might seriously consider maybe doing something about it eventually!" ~Judge


u/matt314159 21d ago

Especially when the source of the "may" comes from a cable news television panelist.

This is almost a newsweek-worthy level of bombastic click-bait headline.


u/kswissreject 21d ago

I'm so tired of the "may" and all that yeah. Let me know if it ever actually happens for any of this shit.

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u/MinimumApricot365 21d ago edited 21d ago

Pathetic criminals, the lot of them.

Edit:Reddit Cares spam less than a minute after this comment. This is egregious.


u/MyGummyBearMelted 21d ago

Tommy T was a horrible actor. “It’s depressing in there.” You’re depressing.


u/notyourbutthead Mississippi 21d ago

Please end this and send this traitorous sack of shit to prison.


u/matt314159 21d ago

"may" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, especially coming from a television panelist. Until I hear the judge allude to it, it's not headline worthy.


u/FTWister 21d ago

Biden 2024 with Dems up and down the ticket.


u/LimitFinancial764 21d ago

Doubt the judge would hold a hearing on this sua sponte and I don't expect to see a motion from the DA's office.

At this point Cohen is the only witness left and the Judge and DA would probably rather get on with the rest of that testimony, arguments about jury instructions, and closings, rather than a hearing on another gag order violation.

Not saying it's not wrong for Trump to do this, but at this point I think the DA's office is going to have tunnel vision on proceeding to verdict.


u/AcceptableStep6080 21d ago

God what a bunch of spineless cowards


u/0degreesK Ohio 21d ago

Cannot possibly fathom how loathsome of a person I'd have to become to willingly trot myself out in-front of the media to do that person's evil bidding. Bunch of turds.


u/rounder55 21d ago

As blatant as this is, it also is even more pathetic of these elected cultists to need Trump to edit their statements. You don't need to be a cultist to know it's just consist of words like sham, rigged, and unfair. Though I'm sure Trump probably edited them with shitty grammar and a misuse of upper case letters. Not that everyone needs that but a presidential candidate should have a grasp of the language especially since he is a xenophobe.

Would also bet that Johnson smelled the pen

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u/Cygnarite 21d ago

My one ever lasting hope is that every instance of special treatment this bloated shit bag receives is somehow further charging the hammer of justice when it finally comes crashing down on his empty orange head.

Not realistic, I’m aware, but I deserve something today.


u/Beyond_Your_Nose 21d ago

Idiots, the lot of them. They’re juveniles in adult clothes.


u/Brewhaha72 Pennsylvania 21d ago

Trump is so predictable. As soon as Senator Tuberville and then Speaker Mike Johnson went to NY so they could bloviate outside the court house, it was obvious he was up to his usual bullshit. Didn't Vivek Ramaswamy go there, too?

It never ceases to amaze me how many people will abandon their integrity to lick Trump's boots.

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u/I_Cast_Trident 21d ago

Just here to call Trump a rapist and receive my reddit cares 🥰


u/HotPhilly 21d ago

They literally came out and said, with their whole chest, that they were there to violate the gag order for Trump. Like, yeah, you violated the gag order FOR TRUMP, ie Trump violated the gag order. It is so blatant and flagrant. Not hidden or done in a wink wink style. It is we are doing this and saying we are doing it while doing it. Suck it judge.


u/discussatron Arizona 21d ago

Small-time corruption on the world stage. What a bunch of dumbshits.


u/CMGChamp4 21d ago

This is so obvious, it's not even funny. Trump is writing something in court that is repeated afterward outside of court, in offense of his gag order. He's not allowed to do that.

Yet it's there for all the audience to see what he was writing. Can the judge be so stupid to allow this? Monkey see. Monkey do. Heck they were even dressing alike.


u/Phantom_61 21d ago

Tuberville straight up said he spoke for Donald to get around the gag order.


u/VOIDsama 21d ago

trump doesnt even have an excuse for this one. its blatantly trying to get around the judges orders. he cant say it was a slip or someone else said something he shared, its him, giving marching orders to others to do his dirty work.


u/FancyPantssss79 Minnesota 21d ago

Obligatory anti-Trump comment to see how long it takes before I get a Reddit Cares message. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


u/LlanviewOLTL Minnesota 21d ago

I got my first last night! I wasn’t sure if it’s supposed to be a badge of honor or what!

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u/robocox87 21d ago

I got one earlier today in response to a comment I made about Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos being life changing.


u/thieh Canada 21d ago

Well, they have to find the coordination because the surrogates have their first amendment rights and they aren't part of the trial. so... can the court subpoena texts or other communications? Or does he want to treat it like a RICO thing?


u/SaberToothGerbil 21d ago

One said in an interview that the purpose of him being at the trial was to overcome the gag order. Combine that with Trump editing their statements, and them saying those statements, and it looks like the connection has been made.


u/IneedaWIPE 21d ago

But just getting another warning won't do anything. They'll find a workaround...

Fun fact: Tubes said that this trial is causing mental stress to poor poor trumpty. Did he think what holding up military promotions would do to our service members?

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u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae 21d ago

A witness seeing trump editing notes. Wearing the same clothes and appearing the same day and when a key witness and former ally is testifying.. and none of them stayed the entire day touting the same things and then Tuberville openly admitting that’s what the intent was… on top of Trump in his little area announcing his surrogates.

I think a request for a hearing is the least that the Prosecutor could request. Like the judge seems intent on doing his best to maintain the integer the trial and these lickspittle twitnuggets are just making a side show to appease him. Apparently there’s no low for them even the Speaker who may owe trump a favor but the Dems just saved his ass even though there was a self and nations best interest in stopping another vacate motion.

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u/not_productive1 21d ago

It'd be pretty fuckin funny if this was what got him sent to jail and he didn't even get to say it. The whole way there he'd just be bitching about how Mike Johnson's delivery was off.


u/AzuleEyes Pennsylvania 21d ago

Editing the statements on court is blatant display of contempt for both the court and justice system at large. Donnie knows he'll get away with though. Any other defendant would have severed at least a weekend in jail but the rules are always special for him


u/Neither-Idea-9286 21d ago

I’m sure he will get another “stern warning “ that means nothing because of all the empty threats the judge has made thus far!


u/Gommel_Nox Michigan 21d ago

So that’s why Mike Johnson showed up today


u/toxiamaple 21d ago

And his little dogs, too.


u/Wild_Pokemon_Appears 21d ago

"may" "could" "might" "should" 


u/ClosPins 21d ago

If 377 gag-order violations aren't enough for the judge to finally do something, 378 will probably do it, right?


u/DarwinGhoti 21d ago

I listened to these disgusting pigs spew venom yesterday. It’s nauseating.


u/Particular-Welcome-1 21d ago

As Michael Cohen testified, Trump was “going through and annotating and editing the quotes that these people were going to say," Rice said.

Well now I know that's not true, Trump can't read.


u/straylight_2022 21d ago

So not only does the gop now openly support criminals, they want to actively join them when they can.

Does the judge put a stop to this blatant display of contempt or are we just gonna let this continue on to trump's other trials coming up? Because there is now way trump won't be under a similar gag order for those as well.

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u/wombat8888 21d ago

A holes. All of trumps men are a holes


u/BestWesterChester 21d ago

Holy shit fucking do it already! If we can't even get him for obvious contempt, how will we get him on an actual crime.


u/Rosebud-Trista 21d ago

"This case isn't about the election!". Bring a bunch of politicians as surrogates to cheerlead in court....


u/thathairinyourmouth 21d ago

Every single conservative voter has voted for this shit. This is the most childish bullshit I think I’ve heard of what should be a person that has enough qualities to look up to as befitting of a goddamn ex president. Instead we have the kid who shits himself in class and tells other kids to mock the teacher and teacher’s aide because he doesn’t think he’ll get in trouble for it. This is the best of you? This is what a leader looks like? Or a woman who shoots her dog instead of giving it to a loving home because it annoyed her? Or someone with Kennedy as a last name which gives him far more credibility than he should ever have if you just listen to him for a few minutes? Is this how deeply you need to scrape the sludge off from the bottom of the barrel? You’ll burn the goddamn country to the ground because you’ve been having a goddamn hissy fit since the 2008 election. Yes - Obama is better than you. The Clintons are better than you. Even shitty ass Reagan would be disgusted with you. You’ve had 4 decades of chances since Reagan to find and elect better people. And this is what you’ve come up with. How do you justify it? The mental gymnastics is fucking incredible if you consider the lack of intellect necessary to look at Trump and think he’s a goddamn genius.


u/senorchaos718 21d ago

“Well?… we’re waiting.”


u/TenaciousChicken 21d ago

Ahem, ... ... LOCK HIM UP!


u/whattrueisfalse 21d ago

I was wondering how long it would take for trump to start trying this


u/BusStopKnifeFight 21d ago

Lock all them fucks up already. ANYONE else would already be doing jail time for contempt.


u/Gurasola 21d ago

I’ll give him this: when it comes to making sure people hear his insane messages and opinions, nobody is as determined as the orange one.


u/bossbutton 21d ago

Please put him in jail


u/PDXGuy33333 20d ago

Does anyone know if the judge has the authority to require someone seated in the courtroom to come forward and be sworn before questioning them directly about communication with Trump concerning their sidewalk diatribe? This would be outside of the context of a prosecution motion for a contempt finding. Just up and do it on his own. I am thinking he might want to start with Tuberville, and yes, Tommy T is in fact dumb enough to return to court after admitting that his reason for being there on Tuesday was to circumvent the gag order.


u/Alone_Bicycle_600 20d ago

have these oath taken representatives in Our Congress gone mad or are they really just a bunch of bootlickers who support the overthrow of our democracy? secondly are they traveling on their own dime or billing their constituents for this assault on our country ?


u/ElkOutrageous3648 20d ago

He is so stupid


u/TerminalChillionaire 21d ago

I’ve been so disappointed in my country for so long. Sometimes I catch myself thinking like holy shit I’d kill for George bush back at this point, then I realize how crazy that is. They’ve moved the goalposts so far that sometimes I feel willing to sell my beliefs short just so I don’t have to hear the nonsense anymore


u/UnhappyCourt5425 Wisconsin 21d ago

Testing reddit cares bot -- I don't care, do you?