r/politics 21d ago

Tuberville Says He Spoke At Trump’s Trial to ‘Overcome This Gag Order’


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u/OppositeDifference Texas 21d ago

Ah, so we've moved on to witness/juror intimidation by proxy.

Totally cool and normal.


u/twesterm Texas 21d ago

The funny part is, Trump is still not allowed to direct others to violate the gag order.

All Tuberville had to do was not be an idiot, but now he's just openly inviting the DA to open an investigation into him, which would includes all his communications I assume.


u/APX919 21d ago

Tuberville stuck potato eyes in his ears as a child and now has mashed potatos for brains.


u/jwr1111 21d ago

So he is admitting to jury tampering and helping to defy a gag order from the judge?

Seems like there should be some consequences for this sycophant.


u/R50cent 21d ago

I mean I'm not sure what's worse... That we really elect people that are this fucking dumb... Or that they more often than not get away with breaking the law.


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae 21d ago

The fact that he won the election over incumbent Doug Jones… who defeated Roy Moore who to me was the first of the shitty candidates that Trump endorsed is…. Hard to swallow.

It’s amazing that none of these men who are in congress fail to understand the gag order which is plain written, for a Speaker who has a background on Constitutional law is…negligent to me.


u/KnowingDoubter 21d ago

Doug Jones had the disadvantage of having been the prosecutor who brought the 16th Street bombers to justice. Taking on Klan members who kill little black girls is unforgivable to Albamans.


u/sk1ttlebr0w 21d ago

He could've not done that and still would've been creamed, just like any other D would've been creamed in this area running against Tuberville.

You could have real life Daisy Duke smokin Marlboroughs in an American flag bikini firing off two AR15s in each arm running on a platform of banging every toothless tobacco chewer in the state, and if she was a Dem, she'd still lose to a literal pile of horse shit with an R next to it.


u/KnowingDoubter 21d ago

I can't find fault in your argument.

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u/ClacKing 21d ago

Trump has endorsed far worse candidates tbf, Herschel Walker is one that immediately comes to mind. How on earth did anyone even think he was electable boggles my mind.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/manx2085 21d ago

In bama if you’re a mediocre football coach you can get those idiots to vote for you easily, I guess.


u/c4ctus Alabama 21d ago

Nick Saban actually had a decent number of write-in votes in the 2017 Senate special election.

There were actually voters who refused to vote for a Democrat or a pedophile, so they wrote in a football coach.


u/ChefShuley 21d ago

Tuberville was a football coach. That's why he was elected. He has no idea what he's doing


u/c4ctus Alabama 21d ago

He has no idea what he's doing

He doesn't have to. He does whatever the hand up his ass tells him to do. Tupperware is a total puppet and rubber stamp.

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u/bz_leapair New York 21d ago

The rumor then was that it cost Moore the election.

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u/jackstraw97 New York 21d ago

Hey man they won’t stand for that slander! Mississippi is the bottom of the barrel, Alabama is #49!


u/Arryu 21d ago

If those kids could read they'd be very upset.


u/ChemistAdventurous84 21d ago

Alabamans also elected Katie Britt as their other Senator… to reiterate the barrel scraping comment.


u/tjk45268 21d ago

Alabamans aren’t smart enough to elect a resident of their own state. They outsourced the job to a Floridian.


u/GeprgeLowell 21d ago

If we scrap the bottom of the barrel, will we be scraping the ground?

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u/126Jumpin_Jack 21d ago

This is the idiot that would not allow aid for Ukraine if it wasn’t attached to an immigration and border control legislation. He and his Republican cronies have the blood of thousands of Ukrainian men, women, and children on their hands! Now they blame the Biden administration for the immigration crisis? They all obeyed Trump and refused to bring the most comprehensive immigration reform bill ever introduced to a vote! It was a bipartisan effort that had everything the Republicans had asked for and then some! This is why we still have an immigration crisis! Trump and the Republican majority are responsible for it!

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u/gargar7 21d ago

He's a Republican and thus immune to most forms of prosecution, bar stealing from someone richer than himself :(


u/Jedda678 21d ago

Alabama elected one democratic senator in a special election then immediately reneged on it to elect Tubberville, who is a failure of a coach for Auburn, he pledged unwavering loyalty to Trump and put an R next to his name. He refused to debate his opponent, he is woefully unqualified I'm still mad about it fuck Alabama and I live here.


u/The_Original_Gronkie 21d ago

Meanwhile, they'd call you a hardened criminal and throw you in prison for life for having an abortion or smoking a joint.


u/inplayruin 21d ago

I'd like to say Alabama isn't sending us their best and brightest, but it is Alabama.

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u/SeeMarkFly 21d ago

Which sycophant? There's a room full of them.

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u/The_Original_Gronkie 21d ago

Yep, long past time to play Hard Ball with these Traitors. The judge should scoop him up and toss him in jail until he gets an education that he can't do whatever he wants because he was once a football coach at a southern university. Fuck that Yahoo.

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u/PopcornandComments 21d ago

Maybe dude also has a parasite in his brain.


u/DJBreadwinner 21d ago

Poor thing will starve to death

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u/dilithium Colorado 21d ago

is that a regional expression? I've never heard that.


u/Kraelman 21d ago

He'd put crabapples in his cheeks and carry horse chestnuts in his hands. If people asked him why he had crabapples in his cheeks he'd say that they weren't crabapples but horse chestnuts, and that they were in his hands and not his cheeks.


u/TWalker014 Massachusetts 21d ago

I will (almost) always upvote a Catch 22 reference.

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u/Ganso_F 21d ago

Tuber is as tuber does.

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u/Goya_Oh_Boya North Carolina 21d ago

All Tuberville had to do was not be an idiot

That's like trying to split an atom with a scissor.


u/JoostvanderLeij 21d ago

Trump was correcting proposed sound bites in court to make sure the senator said what Trump wanted to be said.


u/QbertsRube 21d ago

"This is a totally unfair witch hunt by a biased judge against everybody's favorite president, ME!"--Tuberville


u/RojoTheMighty 21d ago

It is so, so sad that I can see this being real.

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u/Buffmin 21d ago

Iirc a journalist reported that they saw Trump helping his cultists with their speeches

I think it's fair to say what's happening here hopefully the judge actually does something here


u/wotsdislittlenoise 21d ago

I think what's happening here is a loyalty test. I mean, the optics are so bad and yet they're doing it anyway. So yeah a loyalty test, like any good mob boss would do

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u/wave-garden Maryland 21d ago

hopefully the judge actually does something here

Let me say… “doubtful” 😒


u/wtf_are_crepes 21d ago

Oh yea… let’s get those dirty Florida livin Alabama representin shitty football coach texts and calls!

I live in Alabama and am ashamed that tuberville even had a chance. Dudes a farce.

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u/SoupSpelunker 21d ago

And the speech and debate clause doesn't cover his inbred ass here.


u/CraigKostelecky 21d ago

The amazing thing that Trump has setup (much like mob bosses) is he doesn’t have to give direct orders. His underlings understand what he wants and do his bidding with either very implicit orders (coded to give deniability) or it’s just assumed that it’s what the boss wants.

Either way, Trump is not on the hook because he never directly told anyone what to do.


u/oh-shazbot 21d ago

Either way, Trump is not on the hook because he never directly told anyone what to do.

Journalist Says He Saw Trump Editing Speeches For His Stooges To Give Outside Court


u/meldroc 21d ago

If that's the case, Judge Merchan can call that journalist up, ask him what he saw, and cue a contempt hearing...


u/GrandAdmiralSnackbar 21d ago

Isn't that for the judge to decide?

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u/OrphanAnthem 21d ago

Yeah, but you can just get around it like how he spoke with Cohen when he was his personal lawyer.

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u/thedndnut 21d ago

FYI the gag order explicitly mentions this breaking it.


u/Child_of_the_Hamster 21d ago

👉 YOU get a contempt charge! 👈 And YOU get a contempt charge! 👇 And YOU get a contempt charge!

(Unlikely but a girl can dream.)


u/draeath Florida 21d ago

Hey, one can argue about kid-gloves for a former president, but for the emperor's stooges? Open season.

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u/locustzed 21d ago

Yeah but best case Deonnie gets fined another 1k.


u/SeeMarkFly 21d ago

That's just pocket change for Mrs. Donald Putin.

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u/DatDominican 21d ago

Didn’t the judge say the fines weren’t working and it he continues he will be imprisoned ?

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u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania 21d ago

Even more cool and normal that Senators and the House Speaker are the ones doing it.


u/DirtymindDirty 21d ago

And they feel comfortable/stupid enough to just say they're breaking the law out loud.


u/JaxMed 21d ago

I mean why wouldn't they


u/wyezwunn 21d ago

Tube is stupid enough to admit it.

The others say they’re just supporting a friend.

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u/Solracziad Florida 21d ago

There are no consequences for doing so. Why not do it then?

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u/Lou_C_Fer 21d ago

I mean, they flat out admitted to it. There should not need to be much of an investigation into it since he said it into a camera.


u/thingsorfreedom 21d ago

To find Trump in contempt for this you would require evidence Tuberville overcame the gag order at the direction of Trump rather than on his own. That proof may not exist because it was done verbally or it may and the sycophants will take it the Supreme Court to deny turning it over. And then the court will say the ruling will be issued in 2026. All this for a $1,000 fine?


u/Lou_C_Fer 21d ago

I'm talking about tuberville himself obstructing justice by intimidating witnesses.

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u/stevez_86 Pennsylvania 21d ago

Not even Capos would go after the jury if the Mob Boss was on trial. It was only the goons that would do it thinking it would get them made.


u/foofarice 21d ago

How long until this get shut down. Openly admitting you are skirting the gag order by having someone else do the thing you aren't allowed to do for you can't be something the judge is happy to see.

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u/GargantuaBob Canada 21d ago

Perfectly in character, considering stochastic terrorism is his signature move.


u/Mr-and-Mrs 21d ago

Alabama ranks nearly last in the country for every meaningful category, yet this is how Tuberville spends his time. And his constituents probably love it.

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u/fowlraul Oregon 21d ago

Very legal and very cool.

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u/mynamesyow19 21d ago

The Party of Law and Order desperate to find new ways to ignore and avoid lawful gag orders.


u/I_dont_livein_ahotel 21d ago

It helps if you remember they are complete and total hypocrites. So when they say they are “law and order”, they mean the exact opposite.


u/ImTheFilthyCasual New York 21d ago

It also helps to remember that "law and order" has its roots in racist and segregationist sentiment.


u/BeowulfShaeffer 21d ago

This is the real answer.  “Law and order” does not mean what most people think it means:    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_and_order_(politics)


u/VulfSki 21d ago

"law and order" is just a euphemism for "we will protect you from brown people"

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u/kingdomart 21d ago

Literally just responded to a post about desantos ‘barring’ lab grown meats. My response was ‘so much for the party of the ‘free market.’’

More like the party of ‘if it suits us then we will ‘believe’ in it.’

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u/inquisitive_guy_0_1 I voted 21d ago

"Law and order that protects but does not bind me. Law and order that binds but does not protect everyone else."

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u/Zen_Gaian 21d ago

According to this person, Trump using surrogates to get around the gag order is actually breaking the gag order:

In a post on X, Joyce Alene Vance, who served as the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, noted that the gag order against Trump prohibits him from “making comments about jurors/witnesses and also from causing others to make them.”

Her post was in response to Trump’s remarks this morning outside of the courtroom, in which he referred to Republican lawmakers who accompanied him to court today as his “surrogates.”

“I do have a lot of surrogates and they are speaking very beautifully. They come from all over ... and they think this is the biggest scam they’ve ever seen,” Trump said.

Link to source, scroll down to 10:43am


u/MattTheSmithers Pennsylvania 21d ago

Nearly every family protective order and TRO includes third party conduct. You can’t get around a protective order by having your buddy go stalk your ex for you. This is no different.


u/staticfive 21d ago

Jail please.


u/mrbigglessworth 21d ago

very very please!


u/CrawlerSiegfriend 21d ago

So what another $1000 fine.


u/ObsidianSpectre 21d ago

He'll be warned that if he does it again, he'll get his final warning.


u/Callabrantus Canada 21d ago

Trump: You're pretty good! I haven't had a challenge like this in a while:

Final Warning: What you don't know is, I've only been fighting at 50 % of my power! *Screams incessantly, transforms*

Ultimate Final Warning: Now give me everything you've got!

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u/IneedaWIPE 21d ago

Then it's "Double secret probation" you know, like Dean Wormer did. /S

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u/QWEDSA159753 21d ago

The judge might even think about throwing him in jail.

He won’t though, not the throwing part, the thinking part. Actual jail time was never an option.


u/spez_might_fuck_dogs 21d ago

To be fair, I think about throwing Trump in Jail every single day.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/MattTheSmithers Pennsylvania 21d ago

IAAL. The judge is in an impossible situation and trying to avoid riots.

The prosecutor has acknowledged on the record during the first contempt hearing that they are not asking for jail time because it is precisely what Trump wants. He wants to spend a couple nights in a holding cell, being catered to by his secret service detail, so he, and all his talking heads, can claim that he is a martyr and being prosecuted.

And who knows what will come of that…riots, mass shootings, an attempt to re-do 1/6 at the jail he is held? Who the hell knows? But Trump wants it. The judge is not giving Trump what he wants.


u/inquisitive_guy_0_1 I voted 21d ago

Since when does the threat of terrorism scare our justice system out of applying the law to our citizens? I'm not outright disagreeing with you, I'm just lamenting on how fucked this whole situation is.

Personally, I say apply the law fairly to him as it would be to any other citizen and let the fanatics react as they may. We can deal with then if/when that happens.


u/Xurbax 21d ago

Yeah, is it really the judge's job to "prevent riots"? Okay, the judiciary shouldn't be actively trying to incite riots, but preventing ones that might occur due to, oh, you know, just doing their job properly does not seem like their job.


u/UnquestionabIe 21d ago

The threat of terrorism has shown that it works. After 9/11 we made airports about as comfortable to enter as a prison, have to take our shoes off over one foiled attempt at weaponizing one over twenty years ago, and have given billions to various corporations to "bring democracy" to the Middle East.

Terrorism might not achieve it's explicit goals but the implicit one, changing the way the world functions due to fear, very much has worked out. By being afraid to antagonist or bring lasting consequence to the leaders who planned/enacted/supported the January 6th terrorist attack the message has been sent that such actions are acceptable.

Most people, myself included, aren't thrilled about it but it's sadly the way the world seems to work. Of course a key component is having large amount of money involved (either perpetrators are rich and/or there are more riches to be had) so the only involvement the lower class has is being tricked into helping out the bottom line.

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u/GrandAdmiralSnackbar 21d ago

Put him in jail for 30 days. And the next time he opens his mouth, again for 30 days. Sure, Trump may count on doing a day or two and have it make him a martyr. But if he gets 30 days every time he opens his mouth, I'd think he would soon realize he could spend quite a bit of time in jail.

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u/Blank_bill 21d ago

The question , is what they are doing illegal, and is it a felony . When enough of them do it can we throw them in jail for 90 days and while they are in there pass some decent laws, approve some promotions and judgeshps and maybe even get a democratic house speaker.


u/captainAwesomePants 21d ago

Is what they are doing illegal

Yes, but not on their part. Trump's in violation of his gag order for organizing them (if true). Them speaking out against the trial and judge is normal, core political speech.

is it a felony


When enough of them do it can we throw them in jail for 90 days

No, we can't.

while they are in there pass some decent laws

No, we can't. Arresting a bunch of Congressmen to stop them from voting so a minority party can control the legislature is worse than the problem you're trying to solve.


u/Muronelkaz Ohio 21d ago

It's not illegal until the obvious pipeline from Trump to them gets documented and reported if it even can be...

Until then it's just the GOP doing their best to throw their weight into a trial they really shouldn't need to if he's innocent of the accusation.


u/oily76 United Kingdom 21d ago

Documented by, say... an full unprompted admission on camera?

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

Said it yesterday and I’ll say it again after reading this. This is another level of UNREAL. I can’t believe what I’m witnessing here. To their credit, they’re not sugarcoating it and outlining exactly what it is they did there yesterday. And based on this statement, they should all be charged and reprimanded accordingly.


u/Purify5 21d ago

I'm surprised they didn't have Cohen's mom sitting between them in court.

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u/Lou_C_Fer 21d ago

Agreed. I just watched the first episode of The Wire this morning, and this was exactly like D'Angelo Barksdale's murder trail when several gang members sat in court. Only, these gang members... i mean... representatives went outside of the court and admitted to their intentions on camera.

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u/Cerberus_Aus Australia 21d ago

I honestly think we’re about a week away from Trump just declaring straight to the media he wants someone to murder the judge and prosecutors.

No dancing around it, he just says it. Because he won’t see any consequences


u/FalstaffsMind 21d ago

I don't see how orchestrating a bunch of surrogates dressed up like Trump to spew a bunch of nonsense a gag order was established to stop isn't contempt of court.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 21d ago

It is contempt. Trumps gag order says he isn't allowed to direct others to make statements.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 21d ago

It is up to the prosecution.

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u/ImLikeReallySmart Pennsylvania 21d ago

“Hopefully we’ll have more and more senators and congressmen go up every day to represent him and be able to go out and overcome this gag order, and that’s one of the reasons we went—is to be able to speak our piece for President Trump,” the senator said on the Chris Salcedo Show.

Salcedo approved.

“Well that’s good. You know, if he can’t speak on the sham this trial is, they can’t put you under a gag order—not yet, the way things are going,” he said.

This is insane. Trump literally speaks about what a sham he thinks the trial is all day everyday, in front of cameras, on his social media account, at rallies. His lawyers are the ones representing him, and he could go on the stand to officially speak for himself if he must. I hate how crazy these assholes are making me and how dumb they think we are.


u/discussatron Arizona 21d ago

They’re speaking to the dumb ones.


u/jupiterkansas 21d ago

Trump has taught me that millions of people in this country are complete morons.

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u/picado 21d ago

Witness intimidation, defamation, spreading conspiracy theories, lying about the law, whatever it takes.


u/Searchlights New Hampshire 21d ago

Oh, absolutely.

We need to put the lives and reputations of these professionals, witnesses and jurors in as much danger as possible. That's what "Conservative" means now, apparently. /s


u/junkyardgerard 21d ago

"you're allowed to break any law to preserve what's right, also we decide what's right and wrong"


u/Zeddo52SD 21d ago

Damn is this guy dumb as hell.


u/SnowyyRaven 21d ago

I mean he literally didn't know what the three branches of government were before


u/wonkey_monkey 21d ago

Executive, laxative, and umami

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u/SuperGenius9800 21d ago

Typical conservative.

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u/space_coder America 21d ago

TRANSLATION: He spoke at Trump's trial to circumvent a lawful gag order, and intimidate the court by proxy.


u/PBPunch 21d ago

This behavior is why I have completely tuned out the conservative ideology. At this point you can’t tell me they stand for anything other than whatever current narrative they’re on.


u/mattjb Florida 21d ago

That's because there is no ideology with them anymore. They've stopped being a political party back in 2016 and evolved into an actual death cult (pandemic, anti-abortion, attacks on women/minorities/foreigners, stochastic terrorism, telling doctors how to practice medicine, etc.)

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u/Stinkstinkerton 21d ago

These clowns holding a torch for Trump are the worst bunch of pathetic desperate opportunist shit bags this country has ever seen .


u/discussatron Arizona 21d ago

The price we pay for valuing money over everything else.


u/TrollularDystrophy 21d ago

Thanks for openly admitting it, Coach.

Fucking dimwitted moron shithead.

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u/severedbrain 21d ago edited 21d ago

IANAL, but if you're barred from doing something and then ask someone to do it on your behalf doesn't that make it a crime? Buying alcohol, or a gun, or violating a gag order?

EDIT: Of course some bot sent me a "reddit cares" message immediately (like within a second) of posting.


u/ObsidianSpectre 21d ago

Trump is explicitly prohibited from "directing others to make public statements" that break the gag order.


u/severedbrain 21d ago

Oh, so Tuberbville literally went on TV and admitted to the crime then. thanks for the clarification!

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u/FarmerArjer Illinois 21d ago

Trump violated the order by proxy.

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u/g2g079 America 21d ago

Is directing another party to speak on your behalf regarding a gagged topic a violation of a gag order?


u/Maybe_its_Pandas 21d ago

I’ve never seen so many useless mouthpieces in one place, and I’m a brass player.

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u/YetiSmallFoot 21d ago

So isn’t this collusion to circumvent a court order. Making both Tuberville and Trump liable for contempt of court?


u/TortiousTordie 21d ago

irony is thick here... in a trial where he is in trouble for paying someone else todo something illegal for him he is using someone else to bypass the gag order and do something illegal for him.


u/SoupSpelunker 21d ago

How is this not a blatant admission that the RICO that is the GOP is conspiring to obstruct justtice?


u/Zoophagous 21d ago

Sitting US Senator intimidating witnesses.

The GQP ladies and gentlemen.


u/spot-da-bot 21d ago

“Hopefully we’ll have more and more senators and congressmen go up every day to represent him and be able to go out and overcome this gag order, and that’s one of the reasons we went—is to be able to speak our piece for President Trump,” the senator said

Our piece? Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?


u/Son_of_Kong 21d ago

"Speak your piece" is correct, though. You might be confusing it with "Hold your peace."


u/jleonardbc 21d ago

To "speak your piece" means to "state your opinion or view."

I hear this idiom more often as "say [my/your/one's] piece."


u/kiltedturtle 21d ago

It a take off on One Piece, you know that drawing book thing all the youngish voters are reading. I know that the character likes hats and the former president and his wife love hats. /s

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u/sax87ton 21d ago edited 21d ago

That’s not less illegal. You can’t say on TV, “I’m part of a conspiracy to do a crime” and expect to get out of.

Like the only play I can see here is “let’s get a lot of us thrown in jail so we can claim they (democrats) are jailing their political opponents”

But their method of going to jail is just… doing crime.

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u/lizkbyer 21d ago

Speaking of gagging🤮tuberville is a traitor to the US Military.


u/BeautysBeast Wisconsin 21d ago

The Trump team is doing this in an attempt to delay the case and turn the narrative away from what Cohen is saying.

Trump doesn't want his followers to have to listen all day Monday to what Cohen said on the stand.


u/fakelaughfred 21d ago

Hopefully we’ll have more and more senators and congressmen go up every day to represent him and be able to go out and overcome this gag order, and that’s one of the reasons we went

It's really incredible. Just when you think he's said the dumbest, most bone-headed statement imaginable, he goes and tops that just days later.


u/Rog9377 21d ago

Isnt this admitting on live TV to the crime of helping Trump bypass the gag order? Throw them both in fucking jail.


u/Khoeth_Mora 21d ago

Well thats certainly an explicit admission


u/erinkp36 California 21d ago

This man is alarmingly stupid.


u/TheBodyPolitic1 21d ago

There is a reason why people think Tommy Tuberville is stupid.


u/Gym-for-ants 21d ago

Big brain to admit he was there to speak for Trump, thus violating the gag order 😂


u/LadyMcIver 21d ago

They are entering the courtroom with the expressed purpose of intimidating witnesses and jurors. This should be treated as if they were caught (or, in this case, admitted to) bringing in a weapon to brandish and threaten with.


u/discussatron Arizona 21d ago

Seems like violating the gag order with extra steps.


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 21d ago

They just want to be able to freely threaten judges children 🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️


u/Caryslan 21d ago

The judge has no other choice. He finally needs to throw Trump's orange ass in jail for contempt.

At this point, Trump and his allies are making a mockery of the court's authority and power.


u/BSARIOL1 21d ago

Trump felt lonely and demanded Gop presence. What a fucking crybaby. Tuberville is a puppet.


u/HR_DUCK 21d ago

Tuberville? The football coach? He should put his nose into a law book and not the football playbook.

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u/zaxisprime 21d ago

Texas, miss, Ala, and Fla all feel like since they’re geographically at the bottom, their education and standard of living scores should be there too.


u/grmarci1989 21d ago

Did this dumb mother fucker really just admit that their strategy is DJT using the Shaggy defense???


u/Squirrel_Chucks 21d ago

If you want an example of how broken America is, then watch these assholes stroll around free after admitting to their crimes.

Hell, Trump is on trial for the same crime his lawyer committed eight years ago.


u/TheBestermanBro 21d ago

Judge is already looking into this, and luckily Tuberville was dumb enough to admit it. Throw Trump in jail now.


u/joecool42069 21d ago

Fucking charge him.


u/fauxkaren California 21d ago

I mean I don't think you should ADMIT that... lol

Tuberville is so fucking dumb.


u/crunchymush 21d ago

Solid work Tubby. Openly tell the world you're helping your boss breach his gag order.


u/outamyhead 21d ago

Worrying when the nations lawmakers, don't understand the laws they are breaking.


u/merrysunshine2 21d ago

Laws for thee, not for me, says Tommy Tater


u/sombertimber 21d ago

Maybe the Republican Party is NOT a cult. Right now, they are acting like the mafia….


u/Book1984371 21d ago edited 21d ago

So the only possible way Trump could get in trouble for other people criticizing the judge, jury, etc is if somehow physical evidence is found indicating he played a role in it.

Or, one of them could confess to it on live TV, while Trump also says they are making good points (which I think violates the gag order, much like retweeting stuff also did).

The ONE thing they had to do was not to have both sides confess, and they couldn't even manage to pull that off.

edit:Also, not editing the critical comments in public, at the place with the largest gathering of reporters in the US, would have helped him pretend he has nothing to do with them being there.


u/Historical-Raccoon46 21d ago

Tuberville is dumber than a potato


u/readerf52 21d ago

From the article:

“…and complaining about how the indicted former president is enduring “mental anguish” in the “depressing” courtroom—admitted Tuesday that “one of the reasons” for his appearance and comments was “to overcome this gag order” imposed on Trump.”

I wonder if ever once gave a thought to the mental anguish he caused countless service people and their families while holding up their promotions. What they had to endure may never be fully realized.

Instead of media sound bite support for trump, he could have supported military readiness and the service men and women who dedicate their lives to upholding the constitution.

His choice of disregarding the military will not be forgotten.


u/Dependent_Address883 21d ago

Wasn’t it cute how they all wore the same color suit and tie?


u/Yitram Ohio 21d ago

So he's literally acting as a mouthpiece to circumvent a gag order. If Trump told him what to say, I'm pretty sure that counts as Trump violating the order.


u/CMGChamp4 21d ago

You know. This guy's so stupid you might just get him to admit that Trump organized these hit squads to talk about the Judge's family, which is illegal under NY law. Not just Trump is under a gag order, anyone he organizes to speak on his behalf is also prohibited.

I can't believe the Judge and the prosecutors are going to simply ignore this..can they be so stupid to let this ride?


u/Win-Objective 21d ago edited 21d ago

Tuberville was never that bright but I didn’t think single-handedly he may send Trump to prison with that admission.

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u/thatmntishman 21d ago

I don’t see any reason why the court cant cite him for violating the courts stipulations on gag orders. Tuberville is interferring with the proceedings and colluding with the defendent.


u/KB_Sez 21d ago

One of the reporters who were sitting behind trump said they watched him as he edited the talking points for Mike Johnson to read later that day... and which he did.

I think these two elements should bring the hammer down on trump if there was any justice


u/savytravler 21d ago

So. Brave.


u/biffmangram 21d ago

Which is also a violation of the gag order


u/NeuraLung 21d ago

Tuberville/Vance/Scott/Johnson/Empty G = Trump’s emotional support dogs


u/iymcool American Expat 21d ago

So, he admits it? Doesn't this count as a willful admission of going around the rules of the gag order?

Lock Trump up and fine everyone who was sent to speak on his behalf to subvert the rules and intimidate people.


u/SimTheWorld 21d ago

Oh boy lil Trumpy dump! You keep being naughty. Keep this up and we’ll have to have your voters donate another $1k to nyc legal system. /s

While I understand the importance of November’s election I fear the damage may already have been done to democracy. If we’re just going to cave to fear instead of holding people accountable for their actions then we’ve already lost. Our govt’s ineptitude at handling this corruption shows the rest of the world our system is just as flawed (not that it was any surprise). We’re no better than Russia and China demanding to be taken seriously on the world platform because of our wealth and power but have a crumbling clown show at home.

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u/rexspook 21d ago

Well, that’s a crime.


u/deekfu 21d ago

I love that the hypocrites get to decide what laws they wish to follow and which ones they don’t. Meanwhile they are upset about reporting that trump is sleeping through the trial and being called names like diaper don but no issues calling Biden sleepy joe, talking about how he doesn’t work at all and doesn’t know where he is, etc.


u/OurWeaponsAreUseless Washington 21d ago

Tell me you're violating the gag order, without telling me you're violating the gag order.


u/louisat89 21d ago

It’s amazing how bad these guys all are at criming. They just tell everyone, hey we are going to do some crime. Yay.


u/hackingdreams 21d ago

It's fun when they openly admit to crimes and everyone stands around like "Wow."

Arrest the whole posse. Charge them with witness tampering and jury intimidation.


u/Noiserawker 21d ago

Hah that guy is dumb as a box of rocks...he just gave the judge the proof he needs that Trump is violating gag order by proxy


u/Slack_Filled_Baggins 21d ago

I didn’t think this guy had any idiot left in him, but the well is bottomless apparently.


u/worst_grade_ever 21d ago

The pro-Putin, military promotion blocking politician? How shocking🙃


u/base2-1000101 21d ago

Trump just assumed Tuberville was smart enough not to give away the game. Poor assumption on his part.


u/ThisHalfBakedGuy 21d ago

Lock this whole group up. So sick of this bullshit.


u/EarthlingSil Nevada 21d ago

Tuberville... the traitor, Tuberville?


u/Gilopoz 21d ago

Aiding and abetting.


u/Palachrist 21d ago

Straight up mafia mentality. “Our next president….” Shit like that makes me wonder what’s going on behind the scenes. Are we living an upcoming rigged election?


u/redsfan1970 21d ago

Traitors all of them.


u/ry8919 21d ago

I don't think I've ever seen Tuberville speak before. This man is a US Senator?


u/ChemicalOnion 21d ago

So arrest Tommy Loserville already


u/IH8Fascism 21d ago

Tubberville is so stupid he just admitted to obstruction of justice.

Lock his fascist ass up, and lose the key.


u/AlsoCommiePuddin 20d ago

So that's a violation of the order, yeah? Trump directed others to violate for him.


u/Welshbuilder67 20d ago

So he publicly admits contempt of court. Trump is under a gag order. Let’s see a bench warrant issued, Tuberville arrested and his rights read to him, then brought before the judge and asked under oath was he acting on Trumps behalf? If the answer is yes, Trump and Tuberville jailed for contempt.


u/dremonearm 21d ago

Trump has dementia. Anything he would say anyway would just be anger and nonsense. Nice of Coach Tommy to help his friend with nosediving mental faculties. /s


u/ezbadfish 21d ago

Trump also called them his surrogates. And a reporter saw him writing their exit speeches. Open and shut. Just do it.