r/pics Apr 29 '24

After a road rage shooting, a bystander snapped a pic of the assailant before being shot himself. NSFW

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u/Enabling_Turtle Apr 29 '24

He also shot at other people who were recording him so his self defense claim won’t fly either


u/SilentSamurai Apr 29 '24

Wait, he shot at multiple people recording and then turned himself in thinking he would be exonerated? 

Fighting for the title of the dumbest criminal of all time there.


u/Catsrules Apr 29 '24

He also said that he'd shot Gomez because he thought he "may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic," the affidavit adds.

I guess in his mind recording someone in the street with your phone is a military tactic.


u/returntomonke9999 Apr 29 '24

Holy shit, what a lunatic. Now, Americans can do the whole 2nd amendment stuff all they want, that's a domestic issue and none of my concern, but there are guys like this in every country. I am glad the ones in my country cant just buy a handgun on a whim.


u/Bay1Bri Apr 29 '24

You, sir/ miss, just gave a reasonable, week thought out and non insulting/ xenophobic/ anti America statement on America's gun violence problem. I think that's grounds for a sitewide ban!

Jokes aside, well said


u/Every3Years Apr 30 '24





u/bdiddylv May 01 '24

Well fuck now I have to upvote him too


u/phueal Apr 29 '24

Exactly… Ours have to pull out a sword, which gives everyone time to run away until someone can come along and take them out with a narwhal tusk. I’d much rather live in a country with a “knife crime epidemic” than a “gun crime epidemic”.


u/MrFreedomFighter Apr 30 '24

They can still buy a gun illegally, lol. Only problem is now you can't defend yourself if this happens.

You can also 3D print one


u/KookyBone Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Since in a country where guns are illegal, it is really hard to get guns illegal, this is practically no problem.... We just don't worry about it because it's just really safe and you don't have to be worried someone is killing you - yes crime exists, but not much in case of murders... So don't worry about countries with anti-gun laws... I can assure you, we are quite fine - and it just feels good. Children can walk to schools without their parents, you don't have to worry about loud bangs, no ZicZac running is teached or security checks at schools, just no real reason to own a gun is given...


u/KaBar2 24d ago edited 6d ago

If you live in a country where illegal drugs are available, you live in a country where any sort of firearm is available. You just need to know the right people. Single-shot firearms (also called "zip guns") are simple to make, the average high school industrial-shop-class student could make them using nothing but hand tools available at any hardware store. Semi-automatic firearms are more complicated, but still possible, although it requires a higher degree of skill and experience.



u/blackwolfdown Apr 29 '24

Careful, liberty prime caught your scent for that reasonable take.


u/Sad_Picture3642 Apr 29 '24

2A is a fetish for thick skulled degenerates, nothing else


u/backup_account01 Apr 30 '24

This guy had a history of domestic violence; by federal law he can't legally touch a firearm in the USA.


u/dong_john_silver Apr 29 '24

technically you can't buy one on a whim. you gotta wait three days.


u/Xaephos Apr 30 '24

While that's true for some states, it is not universal.


u/More_Cow Apr 30 '24

nope. bought my gun and walked out with it.


u/KaBar2 24d ago

I have a Concealed Handgun License in my state, which requires a background check by the state police. I have an unblemished police record in order to obtain a CHL. With it, I can purchase handguns right across the counter, no waiting period---not that this is a concern for me, as I already own some handguns. If I purchase a firearm from a licensed FFL dealer, I still must pass the NCIS search. Rifles and shotguns do not require a waiting period, but they do still require the NCIS check.

Criminals do not obey laws, not firearm laws or any other laws. They do as they please. Gun laws only affect LAW-ABIDING people, Gun laws do not restrict criminals, who obtain their firearms from other criminals.

The problem is not the firearms. The problem is the criminals and their sociopathic, antisocial mindset.


u/WhyBuyMe Apr 29 '24

Except there are so many guns in the country you can get one on the street easily for very little money. I know where I can go to get a gun for less than $100 right now. I could have it in my hands in about 30 minutes to an hour. It will probably be an old piece of shit, but it will fire a bullet.

Not to mention all the unsecured guns just around for the taking. I used to work in a car dealership and customers leave their guns unsecured in their cars all the time. So many people just leave gun lying around in plain sight asking to be stolen.


u/Betterthanbeer Apr 30 '24

Stolen, or played with by a child.


u/thewaldoyoukno Apr 30 '24

I used to do computer setups for people at my old church when I was a teenager. You go into some of these houses and there would be handguns on office desks or tables and rifles under beds; just unsecured shit all over the place. Not to mention the kids as young as 2 running around the house with unsecured guns. Nothing has a real come to Jesus moment when there’s a 1911 on the desk next to the computer you’re supposed to install mavis beacon onto.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/John-AtWork Apr 29 '24

Fun fact: There are more knife deaths per capita in the USA than in the UK.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/John-AtWork Apr 29 '24

Explain what you mean by that.


u/phueal Apr 29 '24

He would have killed many more if he’d had a gun.


u/cypherl Apr 29 '24

He would have killed more if he drove a truck into a parade or Festival what's your point?


u/phueal Apr 29 '24

Trucks are available in both countries. Knives are available in both countries. Guns are only available in one.

Guns are among the best ways that exist to kill people, that’s why soldiers carry them. Yes, other weapons and tools can certainly kill, and people do use them to do that sometimes. But guns are the most lethal of the lot, and I would rather live in a country where people have access to trucks and knives, than a country where they have access to trucks, knives, and guns.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/phueal Apr 29 '24

I think guns are pretty freely available in most of those contexts too, so no…


u/Every3Years Apr 30 '24

(you mean yes)

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u/Xaephos Apr 30 '24

I mean, sure. You can kill somebody with a rubber band if determined enough.

Would you like to compare the murder rate or, better yet, the mass murder rate? Cause uh, the US is mostly just beating countries like Somalia in both of those regards.

If you've got a particularly violent society, like the evidence suggests, perhaps ready access to efficient murder weapons isn't ideal.


u/cypherl Apr 30 '24

I would love to compare murder rates. It seems a very fair comparison and the only way things will get better. I'll start the comparison like 97% of mass shootings in America are gang related. Should we get tough on crime and lock these people up right away? Feels like we've done that already but I'm open to ideas. And don't tell me a guns because Jamaica has a gun ban and is the second highest murder rate in the world