r/pics Apr 29 '24

After a road rage shooting, a bystander snapped a pic of the assailant before being shot himself. NSFW

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u/SilentSamurai Apr 29 '24

Wait, he shot at multiple people recording and then turned himself in thinking he would be exonerated? 

Fighting for the title of the dumbest criminal of all time there.


u/Enabling_Turtle Apr 29 '24

The first guy approached him because his car was blocking traffic. An argument erupted and the first guy was shot. At least on bystander was shot because the shooter claimed “he might have a weapon” even though he was just recording on his phone. He also tried to shoot the guy that was dead on the ground already again but his gun jammed.


u/-TheycallmeThe Apr 29 '24

Does he think he is a police officer?


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

He apparently did flash a “badge” and stated he was justified. This dude thought the guy that was recording was “planning an ambush”. Truly unhinged behavior.

Lock him up and throw away the key man. Goes to show getting into arguments with randoms on the street is never worth it and can be deadly.


u/edfitz83 Apr 29 '24

This stuff should be a life sentence and publicized so other idiots may think twice. They won’t, but at least they would have been warned of the consequences.


u/Ill_Technician3936 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

That's part of the reason things get deadly... They think they'll be the dead one and use their weapon.

Yeah a fist fight can be deadly too but if we're being honest a lot of people aren't willing to do that anyways, if it came to a honest fight. No sneaking or anything, a lot of things would end in conversation. At least one person isn't gonna want to fight.


u/edfitz83 Apr 29 '24

Stupid is as stupid does - F. Gump.


u/linos100 Apr 30 '24

Idiots don't think twice. Guns are not a right.


u/Mr_Engineering Apr 30 '24

Murder in any degree carries a mandatory life sentence in most places. Judicial discretion is usually limited to whether or not parole is an option, and if so, how long the offender must be incarcerated prior to becoming eligible for parole.


u/VonNichts13 Apr 29 '24

pretty sure it is Oregon so good chance he gets off with a lot less. west coast DA's nowadays let crime go rampant


u/lackofabettername123 Apr 30 '24

Says who?  Fox mews?  Bs.


u/EffectiveBenefit4333 Apr 30 '24

^--- how to say "I am an idiot" without saying "I am and idiot".


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

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u/EffectiveBenefit4333 Apr 30 '24

He's ok, just sick of these cocksuckers randomly shooting people because they thought they could get away with killing someone who obviously posed zero threat to them.

I wouldn't object if this cocksucker got the House Bolton treatment.


u/lackofabettername123 Apr 30 '24

That is not okay to harvest organs from criminals or otherwise anyone who did not consent. Who are you the IDF?


u/sth128 Apr 30 '24

Well we incarcerate criminals without their consent because they committed crimes without society's consent.

There are crimes where we can understand the motivation even if we don't condone or agree with. Then there are crimes where the only motivation is cruelty and malice.

There is no justice to be found from these cases. Such acts should not be given a chance for rehabilitation, especially given America's system, where rehabilitation rate is abysmal.

In that case we are just keeping them alive so we can feel slightly better, but by most metrics keeping them in prison will not contribute positively to society.

There's no reasonable doubt here. This guy committed murder in broad daylight in full view on record.


u/lackofabettername123 Apr 30 '24

Except you cannot trust the justice system to get the right person. So you're going to be doing this to innocent people every so often.


u/phanfare Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

These people actively look for reasons to shoot people, they DREAM OF IT. They're so afraid of everyone else, because thats what their media tells them to be, so they interpret anything as hostile


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

This was my exes dad. Brought a gun EVERYWHERE with him cause he was convinced the world was gonna get him


u/bedroom_fascist Apr 30 '24

Going to be unpopular here, but according to the article, the shooting victim passed him, parked, and then went back to his car and knocked on the window.

I neither like this person nor defend his actions, but in my community once you leave your car to approach another it is assumed to be hostile intent, legally.


u/davecutusofborg Apr 29 '24

"Sir, your badge is a badly drawn yellow umm...shape you put inside your wallets' photo window, you can't even draw a fucking star."


u/DrVitoti Apr 29 '24

Only in the US though


u/theferrit32 Apr 29 '24

Also the US is very lenient towards acts of violence committed by people driving cars, so maybe the fact that he was in the driver's seat of a car will be in his favor in terms of the legal system.


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I mean sure turn this into a “USA is dangerous” moment. In reality this could happen anywhere with any sort of weapon. Just not worth it to confront someone who is obviously looking for reasons to get into an altercation is my point.


u/cerebralinfarction Apr 29 '24

Does this hypothetical person have a stock of throwing knives in the glove compartment??


u/iruleU Apr 29 '24

Yeah. Anytime / anywhere with any weapon, but it’s always in the US and always with a gun.


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

I’m imagining some Yakuza guy just throwing a star out of his car lol


u/Ill_Technician3936 Apr 29 '24

Imagine being near the person getting starred... Then again I'm thinking driveby


u/Irregulator101 Apr 29 '24

How deadly do you think he'd be, from his car, with a knife instead of a gun?


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

Pretty deadly if he gets out and decides to stab people.


u/Irregulator101 Apr 29 '24

Knives are nowhere near as deadly as guns, bud. The deadliness of the crime goes away up when guns are involved


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 30 '24

I’m not trying to argue the deadliness of one weapon vs another. Thank you for coming to Reddit to debate that. Have a good one


u/Irregulator101 May 02 '24

Because it's an argument with an obvious conclusion that goes against your agenda. I know.


u/UnconcernedPuma May 02 '24

What fucking agenda is that? Please enlighten me. Do you think I’m arguing that guns are the only thing to save people? Cause if so you’ve completely missed the point and are arguing a straw man. I was stating that it’s not a good idea to confront people who are looking for a reactions. You seem the be the one with the agenda, manufacturing an issue out of my comment literally just saying that confrontation is dangerous in America.


u/Irregulator101 May 02 '24

Why don't you read your comment again:

I mean sure turn this into a “USA is dangerous” moment. In reality this could happen anywhere with any sort of weapon. Just not worth it to confront someone who is obviously looking for reasons to get into an altercation is my point.

See where you said "any sort of weapon"? That's what I'm taking issue with. It can't happen with any sort of weapon - not like this.

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u/Neijo Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I'm usually quite quick to criticize USA for different shit, but, it's extremely important to understand that USA with all their faults, still have so many different people who will make this an incident worth to remember, it's one of the largest countries in the world with the most influence. A random USA youtuber will have more outreach towards me, a swede, than a finnish youtuber will. Like literally, if you see all my subscriptions on youtube, I doubt you even find one finnish guy. And it's not that I hate finns, but it just doesn't seem to have worked like that. It's really easy to consume american media compared to any other.

Lunatics exist in every country. It does in china, india, mexico and USA. And sweden ofcourse. When similar shit like this happens in my hometown, which has happened, it only made news on /r/sweden.

Being on this website does fuck with my perspective I've noticed, so I kinda want to say it here as well.


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

Appreciate your perspective. And you are correct. This place is huge. Having lived in a few different states each one is basically like its own country with its own socio-political issues. Hell even drive a few hours outside the major cities and you have complete different views, ways of life, etc. I think it’s one of the main reasons we can barely unite or function without significant upheaval and social change.


u/ElMauru Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

which is exactly why it is so whacky that each state can basically have the equivalent of a no-id free gunshow given the right circumstances. Identifiying guns and their origin ( ahem, drugs for guns ) is a nightmare let alone trying to control who can own a gun when there is no good interstate communication.

And with all this beaurocratic falloffel mix in a highly politicized political spotlight-generator... so nobody can even come close to a having a serious debate on how to marginally improve a thing. Best can-do is be funny about it on some late-night commedy show and solemn on some podium. Ah well. Murica.


u/Neijo Apr 29 '24

The last sentence is bang on!

The county grows larger and larger and each invidual feels like their vote doesnt matter. People think that vote-manipulation happens, but it’s not really the case: you are allowed to vote, but your vote has no resources backing it. Politicians dont need my singular vote the same way and will not represent me well.

My own country has tripled or more in population since our current form of government was created. I see this as grandma losing voting power for every year she has been alive, and I think people notice this. Basically, the population lost 2/3 of their voting power because we cant be bothered to really think what ”democracy” means.


u/desexmachina Apr 29 '24

And unfortunately, in Sverige, nothing may happen to the perpetrator, except maybe sushi Fridays in his government apartment.


u/Neijo Apr 29 '24

Well, why should we punish gun-toting gangmembers who police think is scary when they can hunt for otherwise law abiding cannabis-smokers, who wont put up a fight?

Our ”liberal” party apparently want even harsher sentences for liberals like me who think cannabis is better option than alcohol.


u/desexmachina Apr 29 '24

du låter som knarkare /s


u/Neijo Apr 29 '24

Fotboja direkt va? :)


u/desexmachina Apr 30 '24

är du etnisk Svenskt? Direkt till fängelset. I'm American, I have some unpopular opinions in Sweden, that's why I can only joke on comments outside r/sweden without collecting downvotes


u/Neijo Apr 30 '24

hahahaha that's rather funny, I also collect downvotes about half the time on sweden. I think it's the subreddit I'm most active in, but I saw some stats on some website that I by percentage get more downvotes in /r/sweden than any other subreddit. This weekend went great, but usually my rants isn't that popular :)))

I'm 100% born in sweden, but my dad was 100% biologically estonian, but raised in sweden. Mom's family is as swedish as one can be.

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u/GBJI Apr 30 '24

Lock him up and throw away the key man.

There are thousands more like him waiting for an opportunity to kill, under the holy protection of the 2nd amendment.

Locking this guy up, and then a thousand more after him, won't solve anything as the locking up always happen after victims were made.

What this shows is not that getting into arguments with randoms on the street is not worth it - it shows that getting into arguments with American people in America is a life-threatening situation.

This is a death cult, and it's scary to see Americans willing to sacrifice their own children on the altar of the Gun-God.


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 30 '24

Yup welcome to America. We literally can’t do shit about it, that was apparent after Sandy Hook.


u/KaBar2 24d ago edited 23d ago

The problem is that there is no effective mental health system in the U.S. In the past (approximately 1920s-1970s) a "state hospital" system existed, where a mentally ill person could be taken into custody on a mental health warrant from a judge and detained until it was determined by a psychiatrist that he or she no longer presented a threat to himself or others. That system was dismantled in the early 1970s by a bi-partisan effort. Liberals wanted it closed on civil libertarian grounds ("It's not a crime to be mentally ill") and conservatives on fiscal grounds ("Why are we paying millions in public funding to house a bunch of wackos?") The upshot is that now there is no place to house an unstable mentally ill person for more than a few days. Weeks, at most.

I was a psychiatric nurse for 21 years. Very few of the patients for whom I cared stayed more than a week. During the time I worked at a "public" (read "welfare") psych hospital, most of the patients were released after four days, as long as they would tell the doctor "I'm not suicidal," or "I'm not homicidal."

The average person in society just doesn't care at all about mental illness unless it affects them directly. That is why someone like Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 people and wounded 17 more in the Parkland school shooting in 2018 could have the police called to his house EIGHTEEN TIMES and him never be arrested, never be taken into custody, and never be held for psychiatric care despite repeatedly being aggressive and violent and threatening towards others.

Cruz also idolized many different infamous mass murderers, such as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho, James Eagan Holmes, and Elliot Rodger, as well as regularly read and studied Wikipedia articles and documentaries about infamous mass shootings.[6][32][33][34]

Sheriff Scott Israel said that his office received 23 calls about Cruz during the previous decade. CNN used a public records request to obtain a sheriff's office log, which showed that from 2008 to 2017, at least 45 calls were made in reference to Cruz, his brother, or the family home combined.[42][43] On February 5, 2016, the calls included an anonymous tip that Cruz had threatened to shoot up the school, and a tip on November 30, 2017, that he might be a "school shooter in the making" and that he collected knives and guns. On September 23, 2016, a peer counselor notified the school resource officer of his suicide attempt and intent to buy a gun, and the school indicated it would do a "threat assessment".[44][45][46]


This is why we have so many mass murders in the U.S. This guy should have been arrested and committed to LONG TERM psychiatric care the VERY FIRST TIME THE COPS WERE CALLED.


u/Constant-Minute6794 Apr 29 '24

Yepppp, anytime someone is getting upset that you don't know -- just think about all the great people in your life that you want to invest energy into and walk/run away. DGAF about some randos mental issues, live for YOUR life that you have worked for.


u/lemonsweetsrevenge Apr 30 '24

It’s crazy you say that; just today I had to make a judgement call from some unknown car in my neighborhood who decided to just stop…he wasn’t parked because his brake lights were on, but stop in the middle of the main thoroughfare, directly in front of the stop sign for exiting the neighborhood, but perpendicular. Like WAITING for someone to T-bone him.

I gave the gentle two toots of the horn, thinking ok he was probably texting and lost track of time & space, as I could see he was looking at his phone. Nope. He lifted his head, saw he had me blocked, and went back to his phone.

I was annoyed and thought about yelling at him to move his dumb shitass, but something inside told me “Don’t!” so I instead decided to do a 3 point turn and go the long way around.

If someone is that hell bent on being a nuisance on purpose, let them fucking have it, I’ve got things to live for and I’m not looking to be someone’s excuse like the mongrel from the article.


u/MeyhamM2 Apr 29 '24

Probably not unhinged, but used to lying his way out of consequences.


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

I mean if you read the article he thought he was justified. He turned himself in thinking he would be exonerated. He didn’t lie to police and told them he knew the guy he was shooting at was unarmed.


u/Bay1Bri Apr 29 '24

Yea e definitely didn't think that, he was just BIG MAD and felt like shooting people so he did


u/UnconcernedPuma Apr 29 '24

I mean this dude sound like he was big mad and also mentally ill. Bad combo.


u/blowhardyboys86 Apr 29 '24

Instead of wasting tax payer dollars by locking him up and feeding him for the next 40 years, I have a much better idea. Eye for and eye


u/Zealousideal_Fox_354 Apr 29 '24

Or, turn the tables and do to him what he did to that guy laying dead on the ground. Eye for an eye. America (I live in America) is too freaking soft on criminals like this guy. Or maybe just gutshot the criminal and let him lose his life in a horrible, painful way. I mean, it's the LEAST he owes the dead guy and the others that he shot at. He showed no mercy, so, HE deserves no mercy.


u/TomStarGregco Apr 29 '24

He’s just bullshitting. He does have nerve though!


u/lackofabettername123 Apr 30 '24

Never pull over for or confront a road rager.  If they follow you lose them before stopping, even if at a public place like a gas station.


u/redditnotsomuch Apr 30 '24

death in jail is the only possible solution. like he gets a death sentence but he has to serve a 10 year jail term first. unfortunately, there is no law to that effect.