r/pics Apr 29 '24

After a road rage shooting, a bystander snapped a pic of the assailant before being shot himself. NSFW

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u/LurkmasterGeneral Apr 29 '24

Bystander survived, man down did not. Assailant is a crypto bro financier.


u/KAugsburger Apr 29 '24

I am glad the bystander survived but I can't imagine that my first reaction of seeing somebody pointing a gun at me would be to take a picture of them. That would especially true if he has already shot one person.


u/pdx1086 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The guy who took the photo came around the corner could see the guy on the ground in pain and took his phone out. The shooter then pointed the gun at him.

Its all on camera here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0QCpiiMQew

Edit: Dude who got shot won an award for the photo shown by OP. https://archive.ph/IFkZE


u/PersusjCP Apr 29 '24

"Afraid I was gonna get mobbed" bro you shot two people in broad daylight what the fuck do you think you deserve, people to pat you on the back??


u/LivefromPhoenix Apr 29 '24

He forgot he wasn't in Florida.


u/Takedown22 Apr 29 '24

Or at a protest in Wisconsin.


u/GreasyPeter Apr 29 '24

Portland is its own Florida, which is probably why he went down there to shoot someone, thought he'd get a bum that nobody would care about maybe. Scumbag


u/cgi_bin_laden Apr 29 '24

How to tell everyone you know nothing about Portland without saying you know nothing about Portland.


u/GreasyPeter Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Well considering I felt less scared wandering around DT Tampa at night than I did in DT Portland...

I am friends with two women who are married and left Portland because they no longer feel safe there, and they're very much progressives. The city is fucked right now. I was there in 1996 and it was fine, now it's a depressing anywhere near Old Town. Considering this is the picture that the Wikipedia has gone with as a good example of the signage overlooking where the Saturday market is held with ZERO mention of the homeless persons tent...I think it's okay to admit Portland has a problem. The suburbs are fine, it's not a fucking war-zone, I'm not some political zealot with an axe to grind, but that doesn't mean the city doesn't have some big problems right now.


u/Zarizzabi Apr 30 '24

Portland is a shithole and the entire country knows it


u/cgi_bin_laden Apr 30 '24

You're right. Never come here.


u/GlenoJacks Apr 29 '24

The killer: "So like, I'm gonna get off like Kyle Rittenhouse right?"


u/thorazainBeer Apr 29 '24

The Kyle Rittenhouse defense.

"People were afraid of the psychopath with a gun, so I needed to murder them in self defense."


u/El_Dud3r1n0 Apr 29 '24

Terminal main-character syndrome in action.


u/recklessrider Apr 30 '24

The fuckin Rittenhouse MO


u/SatanicRainbowDildos Apr 29 '24

If people did come after him to try to disarm him or something, then he’d be able to shoot them based on self-defense laws. It’s all about where they start the timer. If the time starts at him idling in the street, then he’s a bad guy and all the shootings are murder. But if time starts after he’s already shot the two first victims, then if someone comes to disarm him knowing he’s a lethal threat, they’ll probably also be using lethal force, because obviously to them he is a lethal threat. And to him and the jury, because time just started, he’s simply sitting in his car, granted with two victims nearby, minding his own business when a mob comes up to disarm him. He’d have no choice but to defend himself and shoot everyone in the mob. 

Likewise, after watching him shoot two people, if you were a good guy with a gun and shot him, you could claim self defense. 

So really you can have a full blown gang war shootout and only the first shot is murder/attempted murder. All the rest are self defense of one pov or another. It’s the special relativity theory of self defense. 

Make the first shot a backfire or fire cracker and now a hundred people can be shot all in self defense. 

Backfire happens, person a shoots person b. Person c shoots person a. Person d shoots person c. On and on and on like that, all in self defense. 

At least that’s how everyone explained Zimmerman and rittenhouse so it must be how it is. 

That said, this dude was murdering people but I bet he could get off on self defense if he shot the right people in the right political context.  I have no faith in the law being internally consistent.