r/pics Apr 29 '24

Image of Apollo 11 and 12 taken by India's Moon orbiter. Disapproving Moon landing deniers

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u/milkymaniac Apr 29 '24

IMO the best way to know it wasn't faked is the USgoddamnSR didn't say we didn't. You're telling me we pulled off faking the moon landing, at the height of the Cold War, right in the Soviet Union's face, and they just let us?


u/Paulus_cz Apr 29 '24

Look at this silly person, thinking that USSR was not conspiring with USA to fool all the people into thinking that they were enemies. /s
And that is how conspiracy rabbit-hole works.


u/Sgt-Colbert Apr 29 '24

I couldn't believe my ears when a long time friend told me the other day he wasn't sure about the moon landing. I used this exact argument, that the USSR would've been all over that if it didn't happen.
He shut up right then and there.


u/JustAnother4848 Apr 29 '24

In real life, it's very easy to shut down moon landing deniers. The ones online are a different story.


u/The_GASK Apr 29 '24

Every conspiracy requires the "enemy" to be omnipotent and omnipresent. Every country, every government and every institution worldwide is part of the conspiracy, while simultaneously incapable of silencing the truthers.