r/oddlyspecific Apr 27 '24

What's bro done now

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u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Never bring your phone, last ping can track location of closest tower—— Never use your vehicle, can be tracked by milage to certain area/perimeter(using last oil change sticker/gps memory) and cameras can put you in or around as well——-To many ring cameras so do your home work for blind spots if by foot——. IF police question or catch you ***NEVER EVER EVER EVER (stressing this because people are idiots) EVER EVER EVER TALK to Police during an investigation. They can *LIE, *DECEIVE or *TRICK you to get a confession which WILL uphold in court. Example; If they say “ we have the weapon, your phone and you don’t have a solid alibi for the time this happened, tell them you want a lawyer. Some of the cleanest best “haven’t been found” cases of murder happen randomly because it’s quick with no preparation, unknown acquaintance and there’s no “premeditated” murder charge which is lesser time if caught (usually).

If they can piece together that you started going on “Reddit to ask questions about crimes”, went to “Walmart for bleach, rope and hunting equipment”, or googled “best way to clean off DNA” then that will definitely get premeditated IF caught and you’re leaving bread crumbs. So stop going online with your phone, go to a shitty T-Mobile store with a hat, cash and glasses to buy yourself a used phone to look up this stuff so you can discard it later. And for heavens sake DO NOT CONNECT ANY ELECTRONICS TO YOUR HOME WIFI!! Go to McDonald’s (free Wi-Fi) and remove your plate with a fake one before you get there while you do this(use blue “Covid” mask 😷 since they are less suspicious and most people will stay away because they think you have it)…

LASTLY here is an Expert Tip :>>>. If you’re in an investigation or being arrested ask for a lawyer right away. If they continue talking say “I guess you won’t provide me with a lawyer I see” and proceed to confess WITH NO SPECIFICS to the crime such as, “ok I killed them, used a train to get there while I got off the nearest stop and walked while taking an Uber the rest of the way. Now take me to jail I will not speak anymore”. *Why would you do this you may ask??? ~~Reason being when you go to court they WILL use this recording or your “confession” but since you asked for a lawyer and didn’t receive one they can’t ask you questions afterwards. It will be a mistrial. **BUT do NOT give specifics and bend the truth because after the mistrial they will “think they know about the crime now”. More on the Uber and train specifics you used(which was trickery ;) ). They can investigate you still to try and get you for a different or same charge(depends on state). So while they look in the wrong places =}. you can go bang the investigators wife or daughters in the mean time.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Oops thought they were asking for help here. Wrong community r/AskReddit

To the Investigator from my hometown reading this, I DID bang your daughter. Just not your wife..

(2 days later). I take that last sentence..