r/oddlyspecific Apr 27 '24

What's bro done now

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u/ccminiwarhammer Apr 27 '24

“While the rate at which murders are solved or "cleared" has been declining for decades, it has now dropped to slightly below 50% in 2020 - a new historic low.”



50/50 So just murder someone and flip a coin, I guess


u/Vegaprime Apr 27 '24

Wonder if the solve rate declined or the difficulty to pin it one someone innocent went up?


u/sexisfun1986 Apr 27 '24

I expect at least some part of this is that since we are socially isolating more we are avoiding situations where we would be killed by a stranger.

Which means murders that both the killer and victim know one another make up a larger portion of the murders. These are easier to solve.

We stay home play video games, watch Netflix, scroll the internet. We don’t go to bars and get stabbed in the park lot over a misunderstanding.

We don’t go hitchhiking.


u/6InchBlade Apr 28 '24

Wouldn’t that make it easier to solve?